Internship and thesis proposals
Quantum simulation of XY spin models using Rydberg atom arrays

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Over the past few years, our group has developed a versatile experimental platform for the quantum simulation of spin models, based on arrays of single atoms trapped in optical tweezers and interacting strongly with each other when excited to Rydberg levels. We generate defect-free arrays of up to 200 atoms (see figure below), with almost complete control of the geometry in one, two and three dimensions. Interactions between Rydberg atoms allow us to implement spin Hamiltonians such as the Ising, XY, and more recently XXZ models. We use this platform to explore experimentally, in close collaboration with theoretical colleagues, fundamental problems in many-body quantum physics, such as the ground-state properties and dynamics of quantum magnets, or the realization of topological phases of matter such as Dirac spin liquids or long-range XY magnets. The internship (and the subsequent PhD work) will involve (1) upgrading the experimental set-up to improve its performance in terms of number of atoms, fidelity of quantum operations and diagnostic tools to characterize entanglement, and (2) using it for the studies mentioned above, in particular the study of exotic phases of matter (spin liquids, topological matter, etc.).
Thierry Lahaye
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Quantum optics - atoms
Team Website
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