Internship and thesis proposals

Criteria for selection
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Number of proposals
From QCD Lagrangian to the description of nucleon interactions in the vacuum and nuclear medium through the Functional Renormalization Group
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This project proposes a novel approach to bridge the gap between quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and nuclear physics by employing the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG). The innovative aspect of this project lies in extending dynamical bosonization techniques to include baryonization, which would generate nucleons directly from quarks. Beyond its conceptual significance, the developed interaction is expected to contribute to a more reliable description of finite nuclei and nuclear matter, with potential applications ranging from fundamental nuclear physics to astrophysical modeling.

Jean-Paul EBRAN
Laboratory : LMCE -
Team : CEA
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ice stupa formation and melting
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Ice stupas are artificial glaciers defined by their inventors (the Ice Stupa Project) as “economical reservoirs of water for desert lands”. Their structure resembles a huge pyramid of ice (typically 40 m high and 20 m large), obtained by freezing small droplets of water. Their design allows a slow melting during spring and summer, ensuring a sustained water supply for agricultural purposes. During the internship, the first objective will be to produce experimental meter-size ice stupas in the cold chamber of the lab by spraying water droplets vertically onto a cold substrate in a cold atmosphere. The shapes obtained will be monitored over time, and the effect of various parameters such as flow rate, temperature, and size of droplets will be studied. A phase diagram of the observed ice structures will be constructed, and the processes by which these ice structures form will be studied theoretically. By alternating cold and warmer periods, certain melting patterns at the centimetre scale will be reproduced and studied. In the second stage, the optimal shape for delaying the melting of an ice object will be investigated. The melting time and the successive shapes of an initial object will be explored both experimentally and theoretically, taking into account thermal convection, diffusion, and radiations.

Caroline Cohen
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum electrodynamics of high finesse cavities with relativistic electrons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Understanding the interactions between relativistic electrons, matter, and optical fields is an exciting field of research. The development of microscopes capable of focusing electrons traveling at half the speed of light onto sub-nanometer areas has unlocked new possibilities in nano-optics, enabling the study of optical phenomena at unprecedented spatial scales. Our group has explored these interactions at deep spatial resolution, achieving results such as mapping phonon modes on nanoparticles or demonstrating strong plasmon-phonon coupling. These studies are described within a classical framework. Recently, injecting laser radiation into nanostructures has enabled new coupling regimes between electromagnetic fields, relativistic electrons, and matter. This has opened up a new research field where quantum optics experiments can be conducted with free electrons rather than bound ones. We have recently studied high-coherence cavities with fast electrons and shown that photonic bandgap materials with ultra-high finesse cavities couple efficiently to free electrons. This internship will focus on studying the quantum properties of these cavities under laser illumination, contributing to a deeper understanding of nonlinear effects and quantum interactions. The project will take place in the Solid State Physics Laboratory at the University of Paris-Saclay, within the STEM group, which offers cutting-edge electron spectromicroscopy facilities.

Mathieu Kociak
Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : STEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electrical resistivity of doped Mott insulators
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The electrical resistivity is one of the most fundamental probes in condensed matter physics. Yet, computing the resistivity in systems of strongly correlated electrons remains a formidable challenge. This project deals with the resistivity of doped Mott insulators. Motivated by recent cold-atom simulations, we try to understand the bad-metal behavior at high temperatures and compute the resistivity in dynamical mean-field theory with vertex corrections. We offer internships and fully funded PhD theses at the University of Cologne. Its Institute for Theoretical Physics enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. Plus, Cologne offers a very high quality of life and is only 3.5h by train from Paris.

Fabian Kugler
Laboratory : THP Cologne -
Team : Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Internship at University of Califonia, Santa Barbara
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
We are looking for motivated students who are interested in soft matter and complex systems. Our group combines Theory, table top Experiments, and numerical Simulation to Test ideas and gain insights into the evolution of patterns in in soft matter and fluids mechanics. Also, we use machine learning methods to learn the underlying physical laws of these complex systems. Both experimentalists and theoreticians are welcome to apply to the group. Current topics of research include: pattern formation in vegetation, statistical mechanics of filaments, instability in thin films, fluids-solids, interaction, impact on soft interfaces.

Ousmane Kodio
Laboratory : TESTLAB -
Team : Santa Barbara - Soft Matter and Complex Systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Applications des méthodes Monte-Carlo de la physique des particules aux neurosciences
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
High energy physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Les neurosciences et la physique présentent d’intéressantes similarités qui ne sont que très peu exploitées dans le cadre de la recherche. Lors de ce stage, nous aborderons la question des diagnostics des troubles du neurodéveloppement à l’aide de méthodes Monte Carlo inspirées de la physique des particules. Nous nous intéresserons à un modèle simplifié à trois observables continues (quotient attentionnel, quotient autistique, quotient intellectuel) et simulerons des distributions d’échantillons statistiques que nous comparerons aux distributions observées. Ces comparaisons, similaires à celles utilisées dans la recherche de Nouvelle Physique, seront ensuite utilisées pour modéliser et caractériser les biais, les corrélations et permettre l’extension du modèle d’origine à des modèles plus réalistes prenant en compte par exemple l’environnement des individus. Nous étudierons aussi l’effet des « critères de sélection » utilisées aujourd’hui pour les diagnostics, par analogie avec les « triggers » et « cuts » utilisées pour sélectionner les évènements en physique des particules. Cette approche interdisciplinaire innovante est susceptible d’être continuée lors d’une thèse, qui consistera à étudier les analogies entre les effets microscopiques et macroscopiques en physique (par exemple physique statistique / thermodynamique) et en neurosciences.

Alexandre Arbey
Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team : Théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Feynman's classical-path argument in quantum walks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The idea is to evaluate whether Feynman’s argument for the classical path, within the path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics, applies to the discrete-spacetime systems that (discrete-time) quantum walks are. These quantum walks have been shown to be particularly adapted to the discretization of fundamental field-theory equations (Dirac equation, with Abelian and non-Abelian couplings), and to their implementation with quantum circuits to be run on quantum computers. The study will be essentially numerical (Python code), with the possibility to explore certain analytical arguments if time allows it and the student has the taste for it.

Pablo Arnault

Laboratory : Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF) - UMR 9021
Team : INRIA team QuaCS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanotechnologies pour la santé : Production de vésicules extracellulaires chargées en médicament anti-paludique innovant
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Le stage combinera des méthodes de production d’EV (vésicules extracellulaires de membrane) et d’encapsulation au service de nouvelles molécules antipaludiques. Il s’agit d’induire la formation d’EV par différents types cellulaires en culture (lignées, cellules sanguines), soumises à diverses conditions pour les charger en molécule. Le stagiaire comparera les EVs produites grâce à des techniques de pointe comme la microfluidique A4F, la cytométrie en flux nFCM, la microscopie électronique etc. Ces approches aboutiront à l’identification d’un protocole optimal pour charger des EV avec des propriétés structurelles et phénotypiques définies. Le stagiaire accompagnera aussi l’analyse moléculaire des EV chargées en drogue, afin de fixer une méthode efficace de production d’EV thérapeutiques anti-paludiques. Le stage est une première étape dans un projet d’envergure qui explorera ensuite les propriétés fonctionnelles du médicament encapsulé et son ciblage dans des modèles in vitro et in vivo.

Laboratory : MSC - 7057
Team : MSC-med futur Nabi
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Three-dimensional active fluids and solids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The goal of our work will be to elucidate the phase behaviour of the first realisation of three dimensional synthetic active fluids and solids. Active-matter physics emerged from the endeavor to describe the collective dynamics of interacting biological entities, ranging from cell colonies to bird flocks. The captivating dynamics of these systems prompted physicists to create materials composed of man-made active units, driven independently far from equilibrium. This pursuit ignited a surge in experiments, simulations, and theories during the 2010s, and within less than a decade, all the essential components of the soft matter toolbox became effectively motorized. However, up until this point, all realizations of synthetic active matter have been limited to two-dimensional model systems. `Our objective is to elevate the status of synthetic active matter from aesthetic 2D model experiments to genuine 3D solid and liquid materials capable of emergent flows and deformations. We will characterize and explain the spatiotemporal structure of active crystals and liquids. We will then investigate the transition between these two states of matter, where the macroscopic structure is intricately linked to the motorization of microscopic active units. To gain a better idea of our research approach and of the concepts and tools we employ, you can review our recent work on colloidal active matter at

Denis Bartolo
Laboratory : LPENSL - 5672
Team : LPENSL: BartoloLab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
One of our primary goals is to uncover the collective dynamics of interacting humans and animals using principles of physics. In essence, we aim to describe large groups of animals and human crowds as active continua. While computer algorithms can generate stunning visual impressions of bird flocks, fish schools, and human crowds, understanding and predicting their collective dynamics involves more than visual resemblance. To date, predicting how large groups respond to physical, social, or biological stimuli remains a significant scientific challenge. We address this challenge by acquiring and analyzing unprecedented datasets on fish schools and bee colonies. Our primary objective is to explain their spontaneous fluctuations and their responses to predators. For an introduction to the type of questions we could address during your project, and the type of of concepts and tools we would use, you can view our initial study of human crowds as active fluids here. PhD candidates are deeply involved at every stage of our investigations, from gathering data and imaging large-scale natural systems, to performing statistical analyses and developing predictive mathematical models. Master’s interns typically focus on analyzing data and contribute to the development of quantitative theories. We’d be delighted to discuss potential projects with you, either via Zoom or in Lyon.

Denis Bartolo
Laboratory : LPENSL - 5672
Team : LPENSL: BartoloLab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental Molecular Dynamics - Watching individual liquid molecules moving at interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
What if we could directly watch how single liquid molecules move close to a solid surfaces? While molecular-scale dynamics at interfaces play a key role in a variety of processes in soft matter (from wetting, tribology, down to confined flow in nanofluidic devices), direct access to these interfacial transport processes at the molecular scale has remained a distant experimental goal. We propose in this internship to bridge this gap by exploring the used of state-of-the-art single-molecule and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy technique, to directly visualize and track molecular motion in dense polymeric liquid melts at the nanoscale, an ability which has been so far exclusive to molecular dynamic simulations!

Jean Comtet
01 40 79 47 59

Laboratory : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - UMR7615
Team : SIMM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
A mean-field game approach for balancing intermittent power generation and consumption in electrical networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Le système de production (et de consommation) d'énergie électrique est en pleine mutation, sous l'effet de deux facteurs dont l'impact va s'accroître significativement dans les décennies à venir. D'une part, la part croissante des sources intermittentes (solaire, éolien) dans le mix énergétique et, d'autre part, les avancées technologiques qui permettront de plus en plus de contrôler l'utilisation des appareils électriques dans les ménages. L'adaptation de cette production intermittente à la consommation sera l'un des principaux défis de la transition énergétique dans les prochaines décennies. L'objectif du stage proposé sera d'aborder ce problème dans un cadre simplifié où les « agents » sont à la fois producteurs et consommateurs d'électricité et d'étudier la coordination entre les agents dans le cadre d'une approche par la théorie des jeux.

Denis Ullmo
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
From micro to macroscale in anticipative active matter: merging agent-based and Mean Field Game descriptions of crowd dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
A detailed understanding of crowd dynamics is a societal necessity, both for safety reasons (evacuation, panic movements in large gatherings) and for the design of public spaces (train stations, shopping malls). For physicists, this raises the question of active matter in interaction, with the added complexity of the pedestrian's ability to anticipate the future movements of other pedestrians. The goal of this internship is to design and study a model of pedestrian motion which couples the microscopic/operational level of the motion with the necessity of optimization/anticipation required at a larger scale. This will involve relating the agent-based models to some equivalent kinetic and hydrodynamic models, and developing the corresponding mean-field game.

Denis Ullmo
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergence of directed cell migration on ratchet-like asymmetric cues
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
A cell monolayer cultured on an anisotropic substrate may undergo a flocking transition in which cells migrate collectively in wide, bidirectional, “lanes”. If the substrate is not only anisotropic but also locally asymmetric, thanks to a ratchet-like shape of the guiding cue, a new mode of collective migration perpendicular to the lines develops. The present project aims at understanding this rectification by massive tracking of the cells using machine-learning-based strategies.

Pascal Silberzan

Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Biology-inspired Physics at MesoScales
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Direct measurement of cell-cell friction
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
In situations of collective migration, the dynamical response of the monolayer depends upon cell-substrate and cell-cell friction, both parameters being difficult to measure directly. Here, we propose a new methodology for a direct measurement of cell-cell friction based on directed collective motion of cell via microstructures.

Pascal Silberzan

Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Biology-inspired Physics at MesoScales
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Kinetically locked-in cell transport on micro-patterned substrates
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
The dynamical behavior of cells in vivo is largely conditioned by their microenvironment. After a wound, an epithelial monolayer migrates collectively perpendicular to its front edge. But its displacements are also guided by the oriented textures of the underlying substrate. In the present project, we study situations where these two directional cues impose conflicting orientations impacting the dynamical behavior of the monolayer

Pascal Silberzan

Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Biology-inspired Physics at MesoScales
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Crisscross bilayering
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Biological tissues may undergo a transition from a monolayer to a 3D dense structure. This is the case for instance in physiological embryonic morphogenesis or in pathological situations such as tumor formation. Here, we use microstructures to initiate and control initial events of 2D to 3D transition and we focus on the particular situation where the first stacked layers are perpendicularly oriented (crisscross multilayering).

Pascal Silberzan

Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Biology-inspired Physics at MesoScales
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spreading of bacterial colonies on gels
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
At the scale of bacteria moving across surfaces, capillary forces are enormous, many times their flagellar propulsion force. During the internship we will investigate how bacteria collectively overcome this dominating constraint. To start with, we will study the spreading of drops on hydrogels, and study the flows induced by chemical gradients. A just acquired confocal chromatic probe, coupled to stuctured light profilometry, will be used to characterise the non-dispersive swelling front that precedes the bacterial spreading. If time permits we will compare the observations to experiments involving bacteria. The wider aim of the proposed PhD thesis is to quantify the forces at play during mass swarming of Bacillus subtilis, notably by controlling the dominant capillary forces. Our improved understanding of microscopic interactions will then be used, in collaboration with specialists in active matter, to develop coarse-grained statistical models for the colony morphogenesis.

Adrian Daerr

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master internship: Exploring the Key Links in Trophic Networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In the context of the current biodiversity crisis, it is crucial to complement field studies with theoretical research to better understand the interdependencies between species. In this framework, a recent study [1], conducted jointly by the theoretical physics group at the Institut UTINAM and a researcher from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv, Leipzig), proposes a method to quantify the importance of species (nodes in the network) within a trophic network (prey-predator network). This internship aims to extend this method to quantify the importance of trophic links within the network. Intern’s responsibilities: • Understand the foundational algorithm: Acquire a solid understanding of the algorithm used to quantify the importance of links in a network. This algorithm is based on the use of a Markov chain and produces an eigenvector centrality. • Develop a sensitivity algorithm: Implement, in a compiled language (Fortran/C++) and/or an interpreted language (Python), an algorithm to measure the influence of a link modification on the network nodes. • Explore prey-predator dynamics (optional, depending on progress): Study the dynamic aspects of trophic relation- ships, particularly the stability of fixed points in the dynamics. Reference: [1] Identifying important species in meta-communities G. Rollin, S. Kortsch, J. Lages, B. Gauzens, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15, 1601-1703 (2024)

José Lages
Laboratory : UTINAM - UMR 6213
Team : ΦTh group - Theoretical Physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Stage - Ingénieur en Hyperintrication Quantique pour les Communications Quantiques par Satellites - F/H
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Sur le site de Thales Alenia Space Toulouse, vous intégrerez le Département Business Line Telecom. Vous serez intégré à une équipe jeune et dynamique d’environ 10 personnes. En nous rejoignant, vos principales missions seront : Se familiariser avec différents concepts généraux concernant l'optique quantique, l’intrication, l’hyperintrication, les technologies quantiques, la propagation atmosphérique, l'orbitographie et les principales caractéristiques des systèmes de communication quantique par satellite; Comprendre les différentes façons de générer et d’analyser l’intrication en polarisation, énergie-temps, time-bin, etc. Evaluation l’impact du canal atmosphérique sur l’hyperintrication pour une application spatiale du type Internet Quantique ou cryptographie quantique; Se positionner sur l’intérêt d’utiliser l’hyperintrication pour les communications quantiques par satellites Au fil du développement de vos compétences, vous serez amené à prendre en charge la formation de l’équipe sur les sujets des communications quantiques par satellites. Ce stage sera l’opportunité pour vous de travailler au sein d’une entreprise innovante, de valoriser les acquis et développer de nouvelles compétences. Tous nos stages sont conventionnés et soumis à une gratification (~1500 euros/mois pour un Master 2).

Laurent De forges de parny

Laboratory : Thales Alenia Space Toulouse -
Team : Quantum Team Thales Alenia Space
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Predict the fracture toughness of advanced glass-ceramics using computer simulation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Controlled crystallization of certain glasses leads to structured materials, designated glass-ceramics (GC), which consist of nano or microcrystals dispersed in a residual glass matrix. GC take advantage of beneficial ceramic and glass properties and have numerous applications to our daily lives, e.g., cookware, bone and dental implants, architecture, cell phone displays, etc. However, the ageing of these materials, namely how their properties evolve and potentially degrade in time is not understood. Ageing can severely restrict GC´s uses due to slow crack propagation leading to the failure of the GC under (apparently) harmless stresses. We aim to predict the fracture properties of GC of two common GC compositions in research today with potential applications ranging from dental works to transparent GC for various structural applications. Atomic level simulations are extremely valuable as they are able to quantify and qualify different phenomena in the wake of a crack front (including local structural rearrangements); however, they are limited due to system sizes and boundary conditions, which cause complications with pure mode I fracture. Recently, we have developed and tested protocols to implement these techniques via the CAPRICCIO method. Based on this tool, we will attempt to predict the evolution of the mechanical properties of GCs under mechanical loading.

Maxime Vassaux
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Mécanique et Verres
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
PhD and Master internship positions on Quantum Information Theory
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In the frame of the QuanTEdu-France project, the Theoretical Physics group at UTINAM, University of Franche-Comté, France, is seeking for brilliant and motivated Master and PhD student. What are you going to do? This is a full-time position to work on “Quantum information, decoherence, dissipation, and interacting qubits.” As crucial as Huygens' discovery in 1665 of clock synchronization was for military and maritime navigation, understanding the phenomenon of quantum synchronization of superconducting qubits should potentially open the way to important novel applications in quantum technology. What do we offer? The position has a three-year fixed term and will start around October 2025. It leads to a PhD with a final defense. The net salary (after taxes) will be around 2100€ depending on housing help eligibility and possible, but not mandatory, teaching duties. You will benefit from multidisciplinary courses taught at the UFC doctoral school. An annual budget for attending conferences and workshops is also planned. For candidates who could join us a few months earlier this Spring 2025, a Master internship (pre-PhD internship) is also available which can begin as soon as possible. The Master internship can be of two to six-month duration with gratification of about 640€ per month (no tax, with possible housing at the Besançon

José Lages
Laboratory : UTINAM - UMR 6213
Team : ΦTh group - Theoretical Physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-equilibrium dynamics in strongly entangled systems described with quantum computers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
High energy physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Non-equilibrium dynamics in strongly entangled systems pose major computational challenges, as classical methods struggle to handle large particle numbers and high entanglement. This PhD project aims to harness recent advances in quantum computing to simulate such systems. At IJCLab/Paris Saclay University, prior work has focused on static properties of interacting particles, but this research will extend to time-dependent, non-equilibrium phenomena, which are more computationally demanding. The project's goals are threefold: (1) to deepen the understanding of quantum information theory, particularly in quantifying entanglement, (2) to master quantum simulation techniques for systems of interacting particles, and (3) to apply and potentially enhance existing quantum algorithms for simulating non-equilibrium dynamics. These simulations will be performed using IBM’s Qiskit quantum computing platform, with a focus on systems where interaction strength can be controlled. This research holds potential for significant breakthroughs in fields like nuclear physics, neutrino oscillations, and condensed matter, where strongly entangled particles and non-equilibrium dynamics are critical. By expanding the capabilities of quantum simulations, the project could contribute to both the development of new quantum algorithms and a deeper understanding of fundamental physics.

Denis Lacroix
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : IJCLab : Pôle théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction onde-courant avec application à la Gravitation Analogue
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Fields theory/String theory
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Suite aux stages du LABEX Interactifs de Poitiers (Rita Nohra (2020 : montage de l’expérience) ; Axel Marzin (2022 : mesure de surface libre par stéréo-réfraction) et Thibault Mergault (2023 : mesure de surface libre par scanner)) sur l’interaction d’ondes de surface avec un ressaut circulaire comme modèle de fontaine blanche analogue, nous souhaitons comparer la figure de diffraction-interférence due à la diffusion d’onde de la fontaine blanche avec celle de son renversé temporel à savoir un trou noir hydraulique. Celui-ci sera modélisé par un siphon avec ou sans rotation spontanée via l’étirement de la vorticité dans l’écoulement. Dans les deux cas de figures, le travail du stagiaire de M2 sera de nature expérimental et numérique avec l’existence d’une expérience de coin de table avec une pompe et un aquarium permettant de créer des écoulements axi-symétriques et d’un code de calcul de la trajectoire des rayons et des fronts d’ondes (Matlab/Python). Les mesures de surface libres combineront stéréo-réfraction et/ou scanner selon les régimes dynamiques ou statique avec le passage à de la glygérine cette année pour limiter la turbulence et les instabilités observées dans l’eau dans la phase de développement des méthodes optiques de mesure de surface libre lors de 3 précédents stages.

Germain Rousseaux

Laboratory : Pprime - UPR 3346
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Memory-driven active matter instabilities & gastruloids modelling
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This Master's 2 + PhD focuses on the collective behavior of active agents interacting with their own trail, with applications to understanding stem cell differentiation in organoids. Preliminary data uncovers a feedback loop between differentiation and migration, as differentiating cells deposit a chemical trail that serves as a guiding track for subsequent differentiating cells. We will adapt a recently proposed theoretical framework to describe a phase separation process, by coupling several fields – the fraction of stem versus differentiated cells and associated fluxes, and the local nematic order in guiding filaments – in terms of the distinct time scales for cells to differentiate, migrate over the system size, and remodel the guiding matrix. We expect that the phase separation between stem and differentiated cells to be maintained by a difference in their motilities. Self-propelled objects exhibit a tendency to accumulate in areas where their motility is lower. Such decreased motility could be caused by a higher particle density, resulting in the celebrated motility-induced phase separation. In our model, matrix deposition could compete with density, resulting in counter-intuitive results. This PhD is an opportunity to gain joint expertise in active matter modeling and/or advanced image analysis methods. The modeling will guide new experiments in which the applicant might be involved according to their taste.

Jean-François Rupprecht

Laboratory : Centre de Physique Théorique - UMR 7332
Team : Rupprecht Jean-François
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantitative modeling of transcription dynamics
 in the context of DNA topology regulation
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This internship focuses on developing quantitative models to investigate the interplay between RNA polymerase and topoisomerases, two key molecular machines involved in gene expression. RNA polymerase generates torsional stress while transcribing DNA, which is relaxed by topoisomerases that modify DNA topology. Using analytical and simulation tools from statistical mechanics, the project aims to extend an existing model to both explain unresolved experimental observations and predict novel molecular behaviors.

Ivan Junier
Laboratory : TIMC (Grenoble) - UMR5525
Team : CompBio@TrEE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Synthesis and functionalization of high-quality nanodiamond particles for the development of a new generation of quantum nanotechnologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This internship and subsequent doctoral contract are part of an ambitious international project aimed at developing new quantum technologies that break with the previous ones. The multidisciplinary approach ranges from condensed matter physics to quantum physics and optics. Diamond nanosensors find direct application in high pressure sciences, for example in the study of superconduction at high temperatures. If you are an ambitious and diligent student, do not hesitate to read the offer attached and apply by 10th december 2024.

Mary De Feudis
Laboratory : IRCP - UMR8247
Team : CQSD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Efficient sampling in spiking neural networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
To adapt and thrive in uncertain environments, animals rely on their brains to estimate uncertainty across sensory and motor timescales. Sampling-based inference offers a robust theoretical framework for understanding probabilistic computation in neural circuits, but it remains unclear how spiking neural networks can implement these algorithms in a biologically plausible and computationally efficient way. Recent studies highlight the critical role of population geometry in enabling fast and accurate sampling. Moreover, novel non-reversible approaches, inspired by Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes (PDMP) could further enhance efficiency and offer a biologically realistic path to scalable sampling. Exploring these ideas could provide new insights into neural computation and inspire advances in neuromorphic systems. The project is embedded in a interdisciplinary research collaboration bridging mathematics and computational neuroscience between Paul Masset (Mc Gill Uni), Manon Michel (Université Clermont-Auvergne) and Jacob Zavatone-Veth (Harvard Uni). The internship can be principally located either in Canada or France. This opportunity is open to Master’s students, including first-year students (Master 1). For Master 2 students, the internship will aim at laying the groundwork for an interdisciplinary PhD project centered on a quantitative analytical and numerical study of biologically-plausible sampling algorithms in spiking neural networks.

Manon Michel
Laboratory : LMBP - UMR 6620
Team : LMBP
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Stage M2 LSPM - Saint-Gobain Research Paris, SGR Paris - In situ characterization of thin films cracking
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
A fully funded master (M2) thesis is proposed in the framework of a University-Industry cooperation between the Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (LSPM/CNRS) and Saint-Gobain Research Paris (SGR Paris) on the topic of mechanical properties of thin films on glass substrate. The objective of this internship is to investigate cracking and delamination phenomena of thin films on glass substrates during mechanical and thermal loading, identifying the mechanisms which influence crack formation and delamination. This requires the use of cutting-edge experimental tools aimed to probe the mechanical properties on different loading configurations and temperatures, while observing in situ crack formation and delamination process. Specifically, nanoindentation and tensile tests will be carried out In situ Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to visualize cracks formation mechanisms during heating and cooling, while assessing the mechanical behavior. This thesis will be inserted in the new established group of "Thin Films & Micromechanics" at Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (LSPM, lead by Dr. Matteo Ghidelli). The project will leverage state-of-the-art micromechanical instrumentation and is conducted in a close collaboration with Saint-Gobain Research Paris (SGR Paris), under the guidance of Dr. Alessandro Benedetto.

Matteo Ghidelli
Laboratory : LSPM - UPR3407
Team : Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective motion in crowded active matter with non-reciprocal interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of this thesis is to understand the individual and combined impact of non-reciprocal interactions and activity in collective phenomena emerging when density is high keeping in mind real-world systems like dense human crowds. Building on our existing understanding of active systems, the first objective is to confirm or rule out the emergence of comparable behaviour from non-reciprocity. This requires the identification of appropriate models and the targeted exploration of well-chosen parameter ranges. The goal is then to combine non-reciprocity with activity to quantify the possible impact when non-reciprocity is ignored in active models. While keeping the focus on comparison with real-world systems, fundamental questions will be natural stepping stones as for example on the existence of phase transitions in one dimension and two dimensions (equilibrium theorems do not apply). The project will take place at Gulliver (ESPCI UMR 7083 CNRS) and be supervised by L. Berthier (DR, CNRS). The lab has developed well-known expertise for the study of disordered and non-equilibrium materials, and has a large experience regarding the numerical simulations of these systems [4]. The work will also be performed in close collaboration with J. Klamser (L2C, CNRS, Montpellier).

Ludovic Berthier
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Numerical study of the equilibrium Kauzmann transition between a liquid and a disordered glass
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Most liquids gradually solidify at low temperature via a physical process called the glass transition towards a non-equilibrium disordered state of matter. This process is well-known experimentally at the macroscopic scale. At the fundamental level, however, the statistical mechanics description of the phenomenon is much less advanced, as it took several decades of difficult analytic work to `only' derive a solid mean-field transition of the liquid-glass transition. Considerable progress was also made to develop simple yet realistic atomistic models for glass transition studies, as well as numerical methods to more efficiently sample the configuration space which is known to be highly complex. Demonstrating the existence of the transition and studying the associated properties (universality, exponents, characteristic lengthscales) has not been possible so far. We wish to solve this difficult problem. In this thesis, we will develop and combine numerical approaches to systematically investigate the statistical mechanics nature of the transition between liquid and glass states in equilibrium conditions. Ultimately, this work will provide a definitive answer to a mystery that has haunted the field of disordered systems for more than fifty years by demonstrating whether a glass state of matter can truly be defined in three-dimensional glass-forming liquids.

Ludovic Berthier
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Aggregation dynamics of dense suspensions of paramecia and chemotaxis
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Alexis Prevost
01 44 27 77 72

Laboratory : LJP - UMR 8237
Team : Mécanique des systèmes biologiques intégrés et artificiels (MEBS)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Swimming behavior of Paramecium in crowded environments: mechanosensitivity and memory
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Alexis Prevost
01 44 27 77 72

Laboratory : LJP - UMR 8237
Team : Mécanique des systèmes biologiques intégrés et artificiels (MEBS)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Generative models by Hamiltonian and non-reversible stochastic flows
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Generative modeling aims to capture and sample complex high-dimensional data distributions, playing a central role in machine learning, Bayesian inference and computational physics. Among generative methods, Normalizing Flows (NF) have gained prominence by training neural networks to map a simple prior distribution onto the desired target distribution through a sequence of invertible transformations. However, traditional NF approaches often face significant computational bottlenecks, particularly in high dimensions, where calculating Jacobian determinants can be costly. Normalizing Hamiltonian Flows (NHFs) have emerged as a promising alternative, leveraging symplectic integration for volume-preserving transformations and enabling flexible neural network architectures. The internship project aims at further improving the flexibility of these methods but also investigating an alternative based on non-reversible flow implementations. This opportunity is open to Master’s students, including first-year students (Master 1), who are eager to explore advanced topics in generative modeling. For Master 2 students, the internship will aim to lay the foundation for a PhD project focused on the development and analysis of Hamiltonian and stochastic flow-based generative models through quantitative analytical and numerical approaches.

Manon Michel
Laboratory : LMBP - UMR 6620
Team : LMBP
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Towards Efficient Reinforcement Learning by Non-Reversible Exploration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Animals explore their environments through embodied interactions, creating intrinsically correlated sequences of experiences. These correlations reflect the constraints imposed by their bodies, senses, and the continuous nature of space and time. In neuroscience, understanding how biological systems navigate and learn from such correlated trajectories is key to unraveling mechanisms of motor control and decision-making. Similarly, in robotics and machine learning, correlated experiences pose challenges for efficient exploration and learning, as traditional reinforcement learning frameworks often rely on independent and identically distributed data. This interdisciplinary internship will focus on developing and analyzing non-reversible stochastic processes as a framework for efficient exploration and learning in high-dimensional action spaces. This work will integrate numerical simulations of embodied systems with analytical approaches to study quantitative aspects of these processes, such as convergence rates and exploration efficiency. The intern will join an interdisciplinary research collaboration bridging computational neuroscience and mathematics. Supervised by Alexander Mathis (EPFL, Switzerland) and Manon Michel (UCA, France), the internship can be primarily based at either EPFL or UCA.

Manon Michel
Laboratory : LMBP - UMR 6620
Team : LMBP
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Sound velocity measurements in methane under extreme pressure and temperature conditions: validity of Birch's law for planetary interiors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Methane (CH₄) is a major component of the ice layers present in giant planets such as Uranus and Neptune. Understanding its behavior under extreme pressure and temperature conditions is crucial for refining models of the interiors of these planets. Specifically, the equation of state (P, V, T) of methane is key information. However, current data is limited and does not cover the pressure and temperature ranges representative of planetary interiors. The goal of this internship is to explore the phase diagram of fluid methane using Brillouin and Raman spectroscopy techniques. We will determine the stability domain of the CH₄ molecule and the conditions under which it dissociates into carbon (graphite or diamond) and hydrogen. Furthermore, it has been shown that at 300 K, the speed of sound in methane varies linearly with density, in accordance with Birch’s law. The internship aims to extend these measurements to high temperatures in order to track the evolution of methane’s thermodynamic properties in the fluid phase. The data obtained will contribute to refining the planetary interior models of Uranus and Neptune and are expected to be published in an international scientific journal.

Gunnar Weck
Laboratory : Laboratoire Matière en Conditions Extrêmes (LMCE) - ...
Team : Hautes pressions statiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Microfluidic Plant on a Chip
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
In the past decades, microfluidics emerged as a tool to study fluid flows at small scale with an exquisite control. We recently developed in the lab a tool to integrate hydrogel membranes in situ in microfluidic channel. The internship proposal consists in using these technique to realize microfluidic systems mimicking sap transport in vascular plants, exploiting purely passive, physico-chemical mechanisms, namely evapotranspiration to pump water in a channel, and osmotically driven flows to distibute sugars loaded in an adjacent channel, coupled to the first one by a semi-permeable membrane. The project offers both applied challenges (membrane formulation and integration, control of fluid flows possibly in metastable states at negative pressure, modelling of sap transport in plants and application for digital agriculture) and fundamental perspectives (fundamentals of osmotic transport and osmotically-driven flows, linear transport theory). The internship is funded. No funding for a PhD thesis is granted at this time, but applications to ministerial fundings is possible as the project is inserted in a long-term development perspective in the lab.

Pierre Lidon
Laboratory : LoF - UMR 5258
Team : UMR Laboratoire du Futur
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model and semileptonic decays of B mesons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Despite its tremendous success, the limits of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics are well known, and it is now commonly accepted that going beyond the SM is a necessity. The search for physics beyond the SM began in the 1970s, but no new physics signals have emerged to date. Recently, deviations from the SM predictions have been observed in flavour physics. These deviations in the decays of B mesons, known as 'flavour anomalies', have increased with time in terms of statistical significance. The project consists of studying these deviations, in particular the calculations of these decays in the Standard Model, and studying the theoretical models that can contribute to and modify the decay rates and be responsible for the deviations observed.

Nazila Mahmoudi
Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team : Theorie IP2I Lyon
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanothermal study of Mott materials for the realization of neuromorphic components
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Pascale Diener

Laboratory : IEMN - UMR8520
Team : IEMN : Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamic structure factor of a monoatomic crystal with vacancies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Inelastic scattering experiments probe the spectral functions of solids, revealing information about the speeds and damping of propagating modes like acoustic waves. These properties are linked to transport coefficients such as thermal conductivity and viscosity. To extract this information from the experiments, a theoretical framework is needed to relate the spectral functions to the material's properties. The dynamical structure factor, derived from hydrodynamic equations, characterizes mass density fluctuations. In monoatomic crystals, eight hydrodynamic modes exist, splitting into six acoustic modes and two diffusive modes (heat and vacancy conduction). Recent theoretical advancements have enabled the analytical and numerical calculation of the dynamic structure factor for perfect crystals. This internship aims to extend these calculations to crystals with vacancies. First, the dynamical structure factor will be computed analytically using hydrodynamic equations. Subsequently, a molecular dynamics simulation will be employed to obtain a numerical result, in order to validate the theoretical results.

Joël Mabillard
Laboratory : MSC - 7057
Team : MSC Théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
1D Superfluidity in Optical Ring Traps for Ultracold Quantum Gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Low dimension physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Superfluidity is a striking collective behavior of quantum fluids, characterized by a vanishing viscosity and frictionless flow, leading to features such as persistent currents, quantized vortices, and critical velocities for flow stability. In low dimensions however, and particularly in one-dimensional (1D) geometries, quantum fluctuations have an enhanced role, leading to significant differences compared to higher-dimensional ones, such as the predictions of a non-zero quantum friction force existing any flow velocity. The competition between this quantum friction force and the quasi long-range order in the system at low temperatures question the ‘standard’ definitions of superfluidity. The M2 internship project is based on a potassium BEC experiment, and the goal is the development and implementation of optical traps designed to confine Bose-Einstein condensates in tightly focused ring-shaped potentials. These traps are obtained by conveniently shaping the phase profile of laser beams using ‘spatial modulator devices’. Ultimately, these developments will allow the investigation of the fate of 1D superfluidity beyond the mean-field framework, validate analytical predictions and guide future theoretical directions beyond the current state-of-the-art.

Radu Chicireanu

Laboratory : PhLAM - UMR 8523
Team : Systèmes Quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Microscopic theory of the stress fluctuations in materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The aim of this intership in the study of stress fluctuations in materials for comprehending their elastic and transport properties. It focuses on the Hebraud-Lequeux (HL) model, a phenomenological approach that describes the rheological behavior of soft glassy materials. The HL model relies on a distribution function that evolves over time due to external stress, incorporating both elastic and viscous forces, as well as thermal fluctuations. A fundamental issue is the deduction of macroscopic phenomena from microscopic dynamics. The internship's objective is to formulate a microscopic theory describing stress fluctuations in materials, starting with a simplified system of Brownian particles. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the microscopic processes that give rise to macroscopic stress fluctuations, which can then be applied to investigate the viscoelastic and transport properties of complex materials.

Joël Mabillard
Laboratory : MSC - 7057
Team : MSC Théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Molecular motor mediated flows of an actin-membrane composite
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Dynamic networks of myosin motors and actin polymers attached to the plasma membrane of cells enable the cells to control their shape precisely in space and time. Cells reply on actin-membrane linkers to couple the membrane and the actin cytoskeleton. In this project, we aim to reveal how an active actin-membrane linker, type I myosin motors, can modulate the re-organization of a nematic actin structure, leading to membrane reshaping. We will develop reconstituted systems composed of model membranes and purified proteins. We will monitor actin organization and dynamics using super-resolution imaging and single filament tracking. Our results will guide the theoretical description of myo1-driven actin reorganization in collaboration with Carles Blanch Mercader and Jean-Francois Joanny (Curie Institute).

Feng-Ching Tsai
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Membrane et Fonctions Cellulaires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Universal dynamic scaling in non-equilibrium quantum gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The aim of this M2 internship is to develop a quantum kinetic treatment of Bose gases quenched across their BEC transition, focusing on the non-perturbative regime where the gas's strongly correlated nature cannot be ignored. This scenario, recently realized experimentally, gives rise to a remarkable phenomenon of universal dynamic scaling, characterized by time-dependent scaling laws and dynamic exponents whose quantitative description remains to establish. This is the task that will be accomplished during this internship, using methods such as non-equilibrium quantum field theory and quantum kinetic equations. More generally, the internship will be an opportunity to delve into the modern research fields of non-equilibrium quantum physics and ultracold Bose gases.

Nicolas Cherroret

Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : Théorie Quantique, Atomes et Champs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum algorithms for lattice-based modelling of fluid flows
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

We aim at exploring the requirements and limitations of variational quantum algorithms running on NISQ devices to simulate the lattice Boltzman model, a mesoscopic model for fluid dynamics.

Daniel Huerga
Laboratory : ONERA QTECH -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tensor-networks based preconditioners for discretization methods
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Low dimension physics
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

We aim at exploring the potential of tensor-networks, a numerical approach common to many-body strongly correlated quantum systems, in discretization methods of partial differential equations (PDE), commonly appearing in e.g. fluid dynamics simulations.

Daniel Huerga
Laboratory : ONERA QTECH -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Geometry for a Superconductor-Insulator Transition in superconducting materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Most applications are based on granular superconducting materials. The grains are surrounded by an oxide layer, the site of dissipation. They are coupled together by the Josephson effect, forming a network of Josephson junctions. In these disordered superconductors, disorder, superconductivity and electron localisation coexist. Depending on various parameters including thickness, disorder or magnetic field, a superconducting thin film can undergo a superconducting to insulating transition (SIT), which allows to extract the most relevant characteristic scales of the system. During this internship, we will investigate the effect of strength of inter-grain coupling affects dissipation mechanisms. We will characterize samples of different thicknesses through electrical transport measurements at zero and finite frequencies, in a resonant microwave circuit, under magnetic fields, and in cryogenic conditions. We will study the effect of disorder on the intrinsic characteristic scales of superconducting fluids and extract the effect of inter coupling on the dissipation mechanism. Moreover, we will study the effect of controlled disorder geometry, namely quantum geometry, on the SIT. This strategy will allow us to demonstrate the pair localisation effect in a disordered geometry configuration on the order of the superconducting scales leading to the superconducting to insulating transition.

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR8213
Team : CMQED
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Transfer Learning Approaches Leveraging Nuclear Ab Initio Reaction Models
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This PhD project aims to enhance the predictive accuracy of nuclear models by integrating machine learning with ab initio methods for nuclear reactions. The project focuses on developing Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to predict nuclear cross-sections, using pseudo-scattering data generated from toy-model Hamiltonians. The pretrained ANNs will be fine-tuned using transfer learning, adapting to experimental data or ab initio reaction calculations, to extend their applicability to complex nuclear collisions beyond few-body systems. The goal is to provide systematic evaluations of nuclear reactions, incorporating multiple reaction channels, and addressing data limitations in nuclear astrophysics. The project will also explore advanced many-body techniques like Configuration Interaction (CI), Resonating Group Method (RGM), and No-Core Shell Model with Continuum (NCSMC) to improve calculation accuracy, with potential applications in nuclear, hadronic, and atomic physics.

Guillaume Hupin
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : IJCLab : Pôle théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of CO2 capture by algae laden soap films
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this internship, we propose a study of the dynamics of CO2 transfer and capture through a single film. The approach will be essentially experimental, while theoretical development could also be considered through advection-diffusion models for transport. The study configuration envisaged is as follows: a single soap film, potentially seeded with algae, will be produced in a microfluidic chip. Mixtures of CO2 and air will be injected on both side of the film. The liquid phase may be renewed by imposing a flow between two of its extremities, as would be the case in a foam through the action of gravity-induced drainage or injection of fresh liquid by the operators. Several quantities will be monitored over time: the CO2 content on each side of the film, the quantity of trapped algae, their organization, their flow, and the CO2 concentration in the liquid phase. These experiments will be carried out for different gas proportions, liquid flows, and types and concentrations of algae. The biological aspects will be dealt with in collaboration with the Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory (LPCV), that is hosted in CEA Grenoble

Elise Lorenceau
Laboratory : LIPhy, Grenoble - UMR 5588
Team : MODI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Anderson localization of light in three dimensions with cold atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Raphaël Saint-Jalm
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR 7010
Team : Atomes froids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory of quantum devices in the ultra-strong light-matter coupling regime
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Yanko Todorov

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR8213
Team : CMQED
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum devices in the ultra-strong light-matter coupling regime
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Yanko Todorov

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR8213
Team : CMQED
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ferroelectric nitrides for ultralow power spintronics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Manuel Bibes
Laboratory : Laboratoire Albert Fert - UMR137
Team : Oxitronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deciphering Apoptosis Mechanical Signature using nanoparticle tracking and optical tweezers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
This project proposes to characterize intracellular rheology of epithelial cells under compressive stress. The aim is to understand the link between rheological properties, cellular activity and energy production in cells, and how these intracellular physical parameters are modified under compressive stresses, both in vitro and in integrated models (living tissues). The long-term goal is to uncover how mechanical compression could promote cell apoptosis through a modulation of intracellular rheological properties, both in vitro and in physiological integrated models. This project relies on the characterization of cellular crowding signature using particle tracking in living cells submitted to controlled compressive stress.

Wylie Ahmed
Laboratory : LPT - 5152
Team : SLAMLab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Bioproduction par Turbulence Hydrodynamique
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Le sujet de ce stage de M2 qui pourrait être poursuivi en doctorat (avec un financement acquis dans le cadre de l’ANR ProveBact 2024) est de développer et de caractériser une nouvelle méthode de bioproduction induite par le fort cisaillement de la turbulence hydrodynamique tridimensionnelle. Le principe de cette nouvelle méthode consiste en un tube contenant le liquide biologique ; tube avec parois internes qui est mis en rotation rapide et dont le sens de rotation change périodiquement. La vitesse de rotation du tube, son volume et sa fréquence d’inversion de direction peuvent être variés dans une large gamme, avec un nombre de Reynolds turbulent attendu jusqu’à 10^5. Le but du stage sera de caractériser en laboratoire le champ de vitesse du fluide turbulent au moyen de mesures optiques spatio-temporelle par PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) et locale par LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry), afin d’identifier les différents régimes d’écoulement, et d’optimiser les géométries internes du tube (par design et impression 3D) pour atteindre un régime de turbulence suffisant pour déclencher la vésiculation à petites échelles du fluide biologique considéré. Le contexte de cette nouvelle méthode concerne la production à haut débits de vésicules extracellulaires à partir de bactéries, ou de vecteurs viraux, avec des possibilités à la fois pour des vaccins, comme pour des thérapies anticancéreuses.

Eric Falcon
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
3D single molecule localization microscopy for biology
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
In order to overcome the diffraction limit, new approaches in fluorescence microscopy have been developed in recent years. In particular, single molecule localization microscopy consists of forcing fluorescent molecules to emit in a spatially and temporally shifted manner in order to determine their position with nanometric precision. This approach combining photophysics, optical development and new AI based processing allows us to open new field of applications in biology. Within the internship (potentially followed by a ERC funded PhD), a new concept of localization will be developed, based on a new optical implementation. This will permit to further push not only the spatial resolution but also open the detection of new functional parameter at the nanoscale (lifetime, spectrum), and to test on biological applications on cell migration

Laboratory : ISMO - UMR8214
Team : NanoBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mixing of a stable strati cation by a planetary collision
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago by high-energy collisions between planetary embryos. Each Earth-forming impact induced shock waves that melted the colliding embryos, bringing these events into the realm of fluid mechanics (Landeau et al. 2021, Maller et al. 2024). The student will use laboratory experiments (figure 1) to investigate the dynamics of these giant planetary collisions. Current models of planetary accretion suggest that the core and the mantle of the Earth were stratified in composition after their formation. Whether the last impact that formed the Earth and its Moon mixed and homogenized this stratification remains debated. This question is critical for the origin of the primordial heterogeneities in Earth's mantle that are inferred from geochemical observations. The successful candidate will conduct experiments on the impact of a liquid volume into a pool of a linearly stratified liquid (figure 2). They will record the flow on a high-speed camera and characterize the turbulent mixing using laser-induced fluorescence and conductivity probes. Using scripts in Python, the student will estimate the mixing efficiency as a function of the ratio of the stratification strength to the impact speed. These results will provide key constraints on the primordial stratification of Earth's mantle.

Maylis Landeau
Laboratory : IPGP - 7154
Team : Dynamique des Fluides Géologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magnetotactic Bacteria in Porous Media & Active Matter Anderson Localization
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Magnetotactic bacteria are microorganisms that orient and navigate along the Earth's magnetic field lines, using chains of magnetic nanoparticles embedded in their membranes. These bacteria play an important role in marine ecology and have potential applications in targeted drug delivery. However, their motility and transport in complex porous environments, such as soils or the human vascular network, remain poorly understood. Magnetotactic bacteria have been shown to move collectively as a soliton, i.e., a freely propagating density wave. Yet, these bacteria mostly occupy the seabed, a densely confined and disordered porous medium. Within such disordered media, we expect the onset of arrested phase, similar to Anderson's localization, whereby the disorder leads to a spatial confinement of waves. In the M2 and PhD, we aim to understand the critical level of disorder that triggers a localization transition, using tools from active matter & statistical physics, including an active phase field model. Please also note that: (1) We will work in close collaboration with the group of N. Waisbord, an physicist who is also expert in theoretical modelling. (2) We do not require any previous experience in biology. (3) We are based on the Marseille Luminy, which is arguably the most beautiful campus in the world, located right in the middle of the Calanques National Park.

Jean-François Rupprecht

Laboratory : Centre de Physique Théorique - UMR 7332
Team : Rupprecht Jean-François
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory of active phase separation in cell assemblies; analysis & modelling
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Embryonic development is a complex hydrodynamic problem. Global flows stem from individual cell-cell rearrangements, which can either resist or drive embryonic flows. Tracking their location and orientation is crucial to understanding morphogenesis, yet it remains a computationally challenging task. Here, in this M1/M2 internship, we propose to adapt a method that we have proven works for detecting cell divisions. This will be the starting point for a theoretical PhD. Indeed, preliminary results in our group support that modulation in the rates of cell-cell rearrangements triggers phase separation between cell types, but we seek to develop simplified analytical models to account for this effect. Please also note that: (1) We have M2 and PhD internship openings in our group to explore this subject, but we could also recruit a motivated M1 student. (2) We will work in close collaboration with the groups of Sham Tlili, Virgile Viasnoff, Pierre-François Leone & Thomas Lecuit. (3) We do not require any previous experience in deep learning nor in biology ; this subject will be an opportunity to learn tools such as CNN or GAN, and I have an experience in supervising physics students on these subjects; the project is interdisciplinary, but addresses physics questions; (4) Marseille Luminy is arguably the most beautiful campus in the world, right in the middle of the Calanques National Parc.

Jean-François Rupprecht

Laboratory : Centre de Physique Théorique - UMR 7332
Team : Rupprecht Jean-François
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamique d’enduction et de séchage de fluide complexe sur fibres
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Dans le procédé de fabrication de nombreux produits de Saint-Gobain - composites, isolants, textiles - une solution est appliquée sur des fibres. Dans le cas des fibres utilisées comme renforts mécaniques pour les matériaux composites, un revêtement est appliqué par voie liquide sur les fibres. Ce fluide est généralement une émulsion hautement diluée, appelée ensimage, et joue un rôle clé pour assurer les propriétés du fil obtenu (protection du fil, cohésion entre filaments, tenue mécanique aux tensions et abrasions lors du tissage). Lors de la mise en forme du composite, l’ensimage constitue également une interphase servant de lien entre la matrice polymère et le renfort inorganique. Le rôle de l’ensimage est donc critique pour l’utilisation des fibres, et une meilleure compréhension du lien entre sa physico-chimie, le procédé de dépôt et les caractéristiques du film permettrait d’optimiser la performance des produits industriels.

François Boulogne

Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique des Solides -
Team : MMOI : Matière molle aux interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Entanglement distribution in the Paris quantum testbed
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Central to the development of long-distance quantum communications is the concept of quantum repeater. It consists in dividing a long communication channel into various shorter segments over which entanglement can be faithfully distributed. Adjacent segments are then connected by entanglement swapping operations. To be scalable, this approach requires quantum memories, which enable quantum states to be stored at each intermediate node. In this context, the LKB team has been developing non-degenerate sources of entangled photon pairs compatible with both telecom networks, and an atomic quantum memory. This quantum memory based on a cold atomic ensemble in the group enables qubit storage with an overall efficiency close to 90% mark for entanglement storage between two memories. The work is now focusing on two directions. A first one is to improve the figures of merit, including the efficiency, and to interface it with an atomic quantum memory. A second one is the implementation of quantum networking protocols, from photonic teleportation on a dedicated fiber network on the Jussieu campus, to the demonstration of a 50-km telecom quantum repeater link relying on two distant quantum memories and frequency non-degenerate photon pair sources. Part of the work will be led in collaboration with the startup company Welinq.

Alban Urvoy
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Quantum Networks
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Waveguide-QED - combining cold atoms and nanophotonics (2 internships)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Controlling light-matter interaction at the single-quantum level is a long-standing goal in optical physics, with applications to quantum optics and quantum information science. However, single photons usually do not interact with each other and the interaction needs to be mediated by an atomic system. Enhancing this coupling has been the driving force for a large community over the past two decades. In contrast to the cavity-QED approach where the interaction is enhanced by a cavity around the atoms, strong transverse confinement in single-pass nanoscale waveguides recently triggered various investigations for coupling guided light and cold atoms. Specifically, a subwavelength waveguide can provide a large evanescent field that can interact with atoms trapped in the vicinity. An atom close to the surface can absorb a fraction of the guided light as the effective mode area is comparable with the atom cross-section. This emerging field known as waveguide-QED promises unique applications to quantum networks, quantum non-linear optics and quantum simulation. Recently, the LKB team pushed the field for the first time into the quantum regime by creating an entangled state of an array of atoms coupled to such a waveguide. Two experiments are dedicated to this waveguide-QED effort and internships/PhD projects are proposed on both of them.

Alban Urvoy
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Quantum Networks
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
M2 internship and potential PhD in Le Mans - Nonlinear waves in reconfigurable structures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Context. Recent advances in additive manufacturing have enabled the rapid development of flexible mechanical metamaterials. Exotic properties, programmed on the scale of the unit cell, have been demonstrated in the linear regime, opening up potential applications in the fields of waveguides, energy absorbers and insulators. The exploration of nonlinear regimes have also begun, with a particular interest for structures composed of bistable unit cells [1]. A strong impact on such a system provokes the switching of the first cell via a snap-through instability, which triggers its neighbour and so on, such that this transition wave reconfigures the whole structure [2,3]. Objectives. The objective of this internship is to design architected structures capable of global or local reconfiguration. To this end, we will use strongly nonlinear waves propagating in carefully designed structures constituted of bistable buckled beams. The goal is to tailor the nonlinearities of the unit cell to allow the propagation of target nonlinear waves. In this context, the dynamical behaviour of the unit cell is crucial. An important part of the work will be devoted to the study of dynamical mechanical instabilities, with a particular interest for snap-through [5], to find new means of controlling the instability. The approach will mix experimental and theoretical work.

Hadrien Bense
Laboratory : LAUM - UMR6613
Team : Elastic waves in complex media
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
M2 intership with potential PhD in Le Mans - Wave propagation in active elastic structures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Context. The emergence of collective behavior in systems, such as animal groups [2-3] or mechanical models [4], has become a crucial area of study in recent years. This phenomenon relies on two key components: active individuals and the ways they interact. Typically, a change at the individual level—like a fish sensing a threat— can trigger a rapid collective response, akin to a wave in a stadium. While much research has focused on aspects like the transition to global order and spatial scales [5], the specific mechanics of how these waves propagate remain less understood. This project aims to fill that gap by using simple mechanical models made of active units connected by flexible beams. This work will serve as a foundation for further investigation at the PhD level, delving deeper into the dynamics of active elastic systems. Objectives. This internship will provide an opportunity to explore the dynamics and the propagation of waves in active elastic structures. We aim to elucidate the role of activity and highlight how the system's spatial structure influences its final state. We will rely on very simple model systems, inspired by recent studies [6], involving flexible strings, beams, and plates. These structures will incorporate active elements, such as robots, for instance.

Hadrien Bense
Laboratory : LAUM - UMR6613
Team : Elastic waves in complex media
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Elastography and ultrasonic imaging in soft granular materials
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Understanding the microscopic origin of behavior in particulate and particle-fluid systems such as granular materials, foams, and emulsions is of both practical and fundamental importance. In this internship project, we will investigate the mechanical behavior of an assembly of immersed gel beads (isodense) by ultrasound imaging (transient elastography) and rheology. Studying such a soft granular material or suspension is of interest not only for biomedical applications (muscles and tissues) and for geophysical implications (landslides), but is also relevant to the physics of complex systems where the transition from a liquid state to a solid state remains a highly topical issue. In this work, we will first use an ultrafast ultrasound scanner to monitor the low-frequency shear wave within an optically opaque dense gel bead packing generated by an oscillating plate. We are particularly interested in nonlinear response such as shear elastic softening and fracture dynamics as a function of shear amplitude, and monitor the structure change due to plastic rearrangements of particles by ultrasonic imaging.

Xiaoping Jia
Laboratory : Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images - UMR7587
Team : Materials, Resonances, Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum simulation with photons in nonlinear waveguide arrays
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Combining the generation and manipulation of complex quantum states of light on a single chip is a crucial step toward practical quantum information technologies. In this internship/PhD project, we will address this challenge by merging two fundamental concepts —nonlinear optics and quantum walks— to realize a compact and versatile source of spatially entangled states of light, and harness them for quantum simulation and quantum state engineering tasks. For this we will tune the coupling between waveguides to implement various lattice geometries, allowing to implement the quantum Fourier transforms of entangled states, Anderson localization in a quasi-periodic potential, or the topological protection of quantum states of light in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. This opens up the stimulating perspective to simulate with photons physical problems that are otherwise difficult to access in condensed matter systems.

Florent BABOUX
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Air film dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Air film dynamics - Context: Gas transfer at the ocean surface has a critical importance for climate, as it captures around 30% of the CO2 released into the atmosphere, and for marine biological activity, as it provides the necessary O2. This transfer can be promoted by the entrapment of bubbles, produced through impacting rain drops or breaking waves. The shape and dynamics of the bubbles are important to model these transfers. Goals: We propose in this project to study the contraction dynamics of an air film into a fluid. We will systematically vary the gas and fluid properties in different geometries to understand their contraction velocity and rupture mechanisms. This project will combine numerical simulations (using the open-source code Basilisk) with theoretical analysis to uncover the physical processes involved in the gas transfer into the ocean. Profile: Candidates should have a good training in Fluid Mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Environment: The project will take place in the laboratory of Prof. Marie-Jean THORAVAL at LadHyX in École Polytechnique, in the South of Paris.


Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Impact of compound drops: Bouncing or Sticky?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Impact of compound drops: Bouncing or Sticky? - Context: The impact of a drop onto a solid or liquid surface has a wide range of applications including combustion, 3D printing, biological microarrays, pharmaceutics and the food industry. While most of them rely on single fluid drops, the emergence of new additive manufacturing techniques promises to revolutionize these industries by combining multiple fluids into compound drops. One of the critical challenges in these applications is to control the deposition process of the impacting drop and therefore its spreading, potential rebound and splashing. Goals: We propose in this project to control the rebound of the water core by varying the viscosity and thickness of the outer oil layer. We will combine high-speed imaging experiments with high resolution numerical simulations (using the open-source code Basilisk) to investigate these complex dynamics, and uncover the physical processes involved in the deposition of compound drops. Profile: Candidates should have a good training in Fluid Mechanics. The project can either be focused on experimental observations and/or numerical simulations depending on the applicant. Environment: The project will take place in the laboratory of Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL at LadHyX in École Polytechnique, in the South of Paris.


Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Drop impact on a pool of immiscible liquid
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Drop impact on a pool of immiscible liquid Context: The impact of a liquid drop onto a liquid surface is a commonly observed phenomenon in nature and throughout daily life, and is important for many industrial processes such as spray painting, inkjet printing and spreading of pesticides. It has been demonstrated recently that this process could be used for the mass production of particles with complex shapes and cell encapsulation [1]. The geometry of the resulting particles strongly depends on the impact dynamics and the deformation of the interfaces. Goals: In this project, we propose to investigate the formation of complex encapsulations formed by the impact of a liquid drop on a pool of immiscible liquid. We will systematically study the impact of water drops on a pool of an immiscible liquid such as silicone oil. We will combine high-speed imaging experiments with high resolution numerical simulations (using the open-source code Basilisk) to investigate these complex dynamics, and uncover the physical processes involved. Profile: Candidates should have a good training in Fluid Mechanics. The project can either be focused on experimental observations and/or numerical simulations depending on the applicant. Environment: The project will take place in the laboratory of Prof. Marie-Jean THORAVAL at LadHyX in École Polytechnique, in the South of Paris.


Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental many-body physics with quantum emitters in a photonic lattice
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The coupling of one or several quantum emitters to the optical modes of a photonic lattice opens up new opportunities to engineer exotic sources of quantum light and to develop novel types of quantum simulators with long range interactions. It would allow studying strongly correlated phases of light in a lattice. The main goal of this internship is to develop one of the first experimental systems for lattice quantum electrodynamics using molecular quantum emitters. We are currently fabricating an open cavity system with embedded nanocrystals, each with a single quantum emitter. The open cavity is made of two mirrors brought in close proximity (about 1 micron apart) with the use of dedicated piezo actuators. One of the mirrors has been etched using focus ion beam technology to engineer lattices of hemispheric cavities, which define a photonic lattice. The coupling of the quantum emitters to the photonic lattice modes is expected to result in the emergence of non-classical states of light with spread entanglement. The internship will consist in the alignment and characterization of the open cavity with quantum emitters and the study of the temporal dynamics and quantum properties of the light emitted by the emitters in the lattice. We will use a fully developed experimental set-up with a streak camera and photon counters.

Alberto Amo
Laboratory : PhLAM - UMR8523
Team : PhLAM: Dysco
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Predicting thermodynamic properties of defects in medium-entropy alloys from the atomic scale through statistical learning
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Accurately predicting the properties of materials at high temperatures remains a challenge. Direct measurements of these properties are limited by experimental instrumentation, and atomic-scale simulations based on empirical force fields are often unreliable due to a lack of precision. This problem can be solved using statistical learning techniques, which have recently seen their use explode in materials science. Force fields constructed by statistical learning reach the level of accuracy of ab initio calculations ; however, their implementation in sampling methods is limited by high computational costs, generally several orders of magnitude higher than those of traditional force fields. To overcome this limitation, the student will focus on the descriptor of the local atomic environment and the regression model. They will then implement a fast and robust Bayesian sampling scheme to estimate the free energy, an essential thermodynamic quantity that allows us to understand the effects of temperature in crystalline solids and that provides, among other things, access to the thermodynamic properties of point defects. The aim here will be to estimate the free energies of formation and migration of vacancy defects, which allow the estimation of atomic diffusion coefficients in complex alloys. Specifically, we will use a Bayesian sampling algorithm to explore the relevant basins of phase space. The study will focus on a complex alloy containing the elements W, Ti, V, Mo and Ta.

Manuel Athènes

Laboratory : SRMP - 202124055K
Team : SRMP: Milady
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Continuous superradiant laser with a laser-cooled atomic beam
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Recently, a new type of clock has been proposed: the active clock using superradiant lasing. Instead of shining a very stable laser onto ultracold atoms to probe the atom resonance frequency (and thus measure time), the clock would operate by letting the atoms themselves emit light. The light coherence will be set by a collective synchronization of the atomic dipoles with each other - a process called superradiance. Thus, in addition to its significance as a new clock architecture, this system is interesting from a fundamental point of view: it is an example of an open-dissipative system in which correlations of quantum nature may naturally arise. We have built a prototype for such a cold-atom-based superradiant laser. We want to tackle the unresolved issue of sustaining continuously a superradiant emission. The construction of the apparatus is completed. Throughout the PhD project, we will investigate the light properties to understand how the emitters synchronize their oscillations, and how the light coherence is related to correlations between all atomic emitters. Our experiment will have the unique capability to explore several distinct superradiant emission regimes, that will be identified through the spectral and correlation properties of the light and of the atoms. In collaboration with metrology experts, we will contribute to assessing the metrological interest (i.e., “performance” criteria to act as a clock) of atomic-beam continuous superradiant lasers.

Martin Robert de Saint Vincent
Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Gaz Quantiques Magnétiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spin manipulations in a degenerate Fermi gas of strontium atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Statistical physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
We propose an internship and PhD on degenerate Fermi gases of strontium 87 atoms. This is an exotic fermionic system, in that its spin-9/2 degree of freedom encompasses a large number (10) of Zeeman sublevels. The objective is to explore novel many-body effects (exotic antiferromagnets driven by generalized Fermi-Hubbard model, and "dissipatively stabilized" ferromagnets), and to demonstrate the “technological” opportunity of these quantum objects as a resource for quantum simulation, computation, or sensing. The idea of a dissipative control is counter-intuitive: dissipation, typically destroying the manifestations of quantum physics, will here actually stabilize quantum states with many-body correlations. This means that quantum phenomena may be harvested for quantum simulation or quantum sensing (clocks, atom interferometers) in a more robust manner than formerly thought. Our experiments rely on the original spectroscopic properties of strontium: narrow optical lines, relevant to atomic clocks, and that in our case we use to engineer highly selective spin manipulations. We will in the short term use the combined effect of a photo-association laser and of the Pauli principle, to pump the atomic ensemble towards spin-symmetric entangled states. Our objectives will be to characterize these states, test their interest for metrology (e.g. optical clocks desensitized to interaction shifts), and explore new schemes to manipulate the symmetries of the collective spin state.

Martin Robert de Saint Vincent
Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Gaz Quantiques Magnétiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing THz metamaterials with a quantum Rydberg-atom sensor
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
The SAI group has developed spectroscopic techniques for probing excited atoms near dielectric planar surfaces and metamaterials. Metamaterial technology is particularly important for the realization of high-performance devices in the THz (~300µm wavelength) range. However, the characterization of THz metamaterials is carried out in the far field and is limited by diffraction. For this reason, the development of near-field imaging with sub-wavelength resolution has recently become an important area of study. The SAI group is setting up a new project to probe the near-field of THz micro-resonators using a gas of Rydberg atoms as a quantum sensor. The detection of far-field THz waves has already been demonstrated using Rydberg atoms inside an atomic vapor cell that convert absorbed THz radiation into visible photons. The same technique can provide near-field information, if the atomic vapor is brought into contact with metamaterials. Additionally, this experiment can also be used to demonstrate control the Casimir-Polder Rydberg-metamaterial interaction. We are therefore proposing a Master’s internship to set up this new experiment. The student will be involved in the construction of a new atomic vapor cell with THz micro-resonators and will perform Rydberg-atom spectroscopy in the vicinity (near-field) of the resonators. This is a collaborative project, with J-M Manceau's group at C2N, specialists in THz devices.

Athanasios Laliotis
Laboratory : LPL - UMR7538
Team : Spectroscopie Atomique aux Interfaces (SAI)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Precision spectroscopy of Casimir-Polder molecule-surface interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The SAI group of the LPL has developed selective reflection and nanocell spectroscopy as two major methods for probing Casimir-Polder interactions with excited state atoms. Using these techniques, the group has pioneered atom-surface interaction studies [A. Laliotis et al., Nature Communications, 5, 4364 (2014), J. C de Aquino Carvalho et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 143801, (2023)]. The group has now turned its attention to performing the first precision CP measurements with molecules. Molecule-surface interactions are of fundamental interest allowing us to study the chirality of quantum vacuum and Casimir-Polder anisotropy. The SAI group has probed molecular gases close to dielectric surfaces via selective reflection [J. Lukusa Mudiayi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 043201 (2021)] or nanocell spectroscopy [G. Garcia-Arellano et al. Nature Communications, 15, 1862 (2024)]. These results allow the study of sub-wavelength confined molecules but have not yet provided a CP measurement. We are now offering an internship on a new project that aims at probing an HF gas confined inside a nanocell. Our theoretical calculations have revealed HF to be the ideal molecule for CP measurements due to its linear geometry, simplicity and strong transitions at 2,5µm. We are looking for a motivated student to participate in the building of the experiment, detect the first spectroscopic signals and probe Casimir-Polder interactions of HF molecules confined in the nanometric regime.

Athanasios Laliotis
Laboratory : LPL - UMR7538
Team : Spectroscopie Atomique aux Interfaces (SAI)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultrafast dynamics and emerging quantum phenomena in 2D materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
The search for novel collective quantum effects in electronic materials presents novel and unprecedented opportunities with the development of 2D materials and their heterostructures, where individual layers interact by weak van der Waals forces. These materials present unique optoelectronic properties that are very promising for their use as quantum photon emitters, essentially related to the confinement of electrons in two dimensions. When 2D materials are stacked, their lattice mismatch and relative angular misorientation (twist angle) may results in the formation of a moiré pattern, and can be at the heart of exciting emergent quantum phenomena ranging from strong correlations to superconductivity. Manipulating the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of these systems with ultrafast laser pulses offers the possibility of creating new, transient phases of matter, intrinsically different from the equilibrium state. In particular, the quantum transport of excitons is controlled by their many-body inter-layer and intra-layer interactions, which can be studied and controlled with the ultrafast excitation. All these effects can be directly observed thanks to new developments in various spectroscopies (photoemission, luminescence) employing ultrafast lasers and synchrotron radiation, providing the necessary comprehensive view of the reciprocal space for the study of excited states and topological properties of out-of-equilibrium 2D monolayers and junctions.


Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Hydrogen storage in clay materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Quantum gases
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Pascale Launois

Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique des Solides - UMR8502
Team : Matière et Rayonnement
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active turbulence on curved surfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Multi-cell monolayers can behave as "active nematics": ordered fluids that are intrinsically out of equilibrium. Topological defects in the order dictate global properties and are linked to biological function. There are two type of defects: the comet-like +1/2 and the trefoil-like -1/2. +1/2 defects in a active fluid behave as self-propelled particles. In a multi-defect system this underlies much of what is called "active turbulence", studied up to now in 2d on a flat substrate. In biological and engineered systems turbulence is typically undesirable, and there has been intense study into how to control it, such as by confinement, which provides a length scale. Yet, in vivo, cell monolayers, such as epithelia, are generally curved. It is not known how curvature affects active defect turbulence. As a first step, your internship project will be to study how substrate curvature modifies +1/2 defect self-propulsion. You will consider a corrugated (wavy) substrate, mimicking tissue folding. During the PhD, we will study many-defect behavior on curved substrates, with the aim of discovering how curvature influences active turbulence. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with an experimental team across the street from me who studies cell monolayer dynamics on microfabricated curved substrates. Furthermore there will be collaboration with experts in Germany in solving partial differential equations in curved space.

Andrew Callan-Jones
Laboratory : MSC - 7057
Team : MSC Théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum simulation with Strontium circular Rydberg atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
The purpose of the proposed PhD work is to join our ongoing efforts to build a new experimental platform for manipulating arrays of circular strontium atoms in a cryogenic environment. Our team has recently succeeded in trapping individual ground-state strontium atoms in optical tweezers. The next steps are to transfer strontium atoms into the circular state and recapture them using tweezers tuned close to the optical transition of the ionic core. We will then demonstrate that it is possible to measure the state of the Rydberg atom using selective fluorescence of the second valence electron. During their master’s internship, the student will participate the integration of the setup in a new cryogenic environment and set up a new laser system to improve the fidelity of the preparation of the circular state.

Sébastien Gleyzes
Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Rydberg atoms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental exploration of out of equilibrium Bose Einstein condensates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A fascinating property of bosons, quantum particles with integer spin, is their ability to massively occupy a single quantum state. In this regime, the cloud of bosons behave as a macroscopic coherent ensemble with non-linear properties emerging from interactions. So far most experiments have focused on the physics of closed systems such as isolated clouds of cold atoms. The phase diagram of closed BEC has been explored and shown very rich physics with universal statistical properties and scaling laws. Recently a novel class of BEC has been considered, where the system is open and constantly loses particles via dissipative process. To reach a steady state, dissipation needs to be compensated via pumping so that the condensate shows out of equilibrium dynamics. Interestingly the openness of the system fundamentally changes the physics of the BEC and many open questions need to be addressed both theoretically and experimentally: what are the statistical properties of open BECs? What universal scaling laws can be identified? How is the coherence affected by drive and dissipation? In this project, we propose to explore this physics using BECs made of photons in optical cavities.

Jacqueline Bloch

Laboratory : C2N - UMR9001
Team : Quantum polaritonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Local THz photons for coherent light-matter interaction
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship is focused on the realization of a frequency converter utilizing the inherent non-linearities of thin film superconductors. In the long term, this on-chip frequency converter will allow the development of a platform for THz spectroscopy at the mesoscopic scale. The goal of the thesis will be to study collective excitations such as magnons in graphene.

Alexis Jouan
Laboratory : LPEM - UMR8213
Team : Condensed Matter Quantum Electrodynamics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring Exotic Electronic States in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Two dimensional (2D) materials have emerged as a fascinating field of research due to their unique properties that often differ significantly from their bulk counterparts. In the large familly of 2D materials, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) ave garnered particular interest as they host a large variety of exotic electronic ground states such as superconductiviy, mott insulator and charge density wave (CDW). CDW is an electronic phase characterized by a spatial modulation of the electron density present in some metallic materials. While CDWs are well-understood in one-dimensional systems their origin in 2D materials remains less clear. The coupling between CDWs in heterostructures and their interactions with local perturbation is even more enigmatic. The primary goal of this internship is to shed light on the interactions between CDWs and their surrounding environment. We will investigate the coupling between two TMD materials exhibiting different CDWs and the coupling with atomic-scale defects, such as strong or weak pinning centers. To achieve this, we will use scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) to probe the electronic properties at the atomic scale in single-layer TMDs and TMD heterostructures.

Jérôme Lagoute

Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team : Auto-organisation de nanostructures et STM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nuclear mechanics and cancer cell invasion
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
When cancer cells migrate to form metastases, they must deform and pass through a confined environment formed by other cells and the extracellular matrix. The nucleus, the cell's largest and stiffest organelle, may play a critical role in this process. The nuclear stiffness is determined by both chromatin and lamins, intermediate filament proteins present in the nuclear envelope. Within the nucleus, chromatin adopts specific positions relative to the nuclear periphery, with a dense layer of rigid heterochromatin located beneath the nuclear lamina, characterized by low gene density and enrichments in repressive histone modifications. Our collaborators have developed an epithelial lung cancer cell model with controlled levels of histone modification. The first objective of the project is to measure the mechanical properties of the nucleus following such modulation of histone modification, using an experimental device based on optical tweezers. We will seek to establish a correlation between the rigidity of the nucleus and the level and spatial organization of histone modification. The second objective of the project is to quantitatively characterize the in vitro migration capacity of the cells. We will quantify the motility of cells migrating in different confined environments, including 3D or quasi-2D viscoelastic gels mimicking the extracellular matrix. We will look for a correlation between cell migration capacity and nuclear rigidity.

Sylvie Hénon
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mapping the tower of nuclear effective field theory
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Nuclear data repositories already contain a wealth of scattering observables that probe various degrees of freedom across a wide range of momentum scales of the incoming hadron beam. These datasets have been meticulously analyzed by evaluators for decades, and accurate interpretations using the R-matrix formalism (or plentiful of others) for non-overlapping resonant scattering have flourished. However, very little is known about the systematic application of EFT postulates to scattering systems across the full range of available data. The advantage of this approach is that it allows for the clear identification of the relevant fields of the problem and the construction of a systematically improvable Lagrangian. If the theory reaches the limits of its validity, it will collapse in a controlled manner, signaling the emergence of a new degree of freedom. The goal of this internship is to address the current gap in the systematic interpretation of low-energy nuclear data using EFT in its simplest form, which involves a cluster-neutron (or other impinging hadron) interaction. Practically, this means solving the scattering problem with an effective two-body Hamiltonian and extracting, through a fit to global data, the systematic evolution of the theory’s low-energy constants across the nuclear chart.

Guillaume Hupin
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : IJCLab : Pôle théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Properties of electrolytes at the nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Hélène Berthoumieux
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : IndySoft
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Systèmes hybrides quantiques
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Croissance et Magnéto-transport de matériaux quantiques
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Croissance et étude de la structure de bande électronique des matériaux quantiques
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Intégration à grande échelle de matériaux 2D pour des applications quantiques et optoélectroniques
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Development of Single-photon detectors based on high-Tc superconductors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Théorie des circuits quantiques supraconducteurs
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Stacking photonic graphene sheets: towards 3D polaritonics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The aim of this project is to study the physics of “synthetic photonic materials”, which consist of synthetic platforms designed in the lab in order to make photons behave like matter particles. In our lab, we use photons trapped in micron-size semiconductor cavity as a building block to realize such materials. For example, by arranging an ensemble of microcavities in the form of a honeycomb lattice, it is possible to create “photonic graphene” structures, which are similar in every respect to the electronic band structure of real graphene. In this project, we will build upon recent developments in the field of multilayer graphene, to investigate how these concepts transfer to photonic graphene. In particular, how is the band structure of photonic graphene modified when several vertically coupled cavities are stacked? In the presence of a torsion angle between the two layers, what is the impact of the Moiré effect caused by this superposition? Finally, what advantages can be derived from the additional degrees of freedom offered by the photonic platform, for example when the degeneracy between the different polarization states of light is lifted (effective spin-orbit coupling) or when light is coupled to electronic excitations of the semiconductor material?

Sylvain Ravets

Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : Quantum polaritonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum optics in lattices of microcavities
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
When shining classical light onto a non-linear medium, intriguing quantum states of light can be generated. In this project, we propose to use lattices of highly non-linear resonators to engineer spatial and temporal entanglement between photons. The work promises to realize a versatile solid-sate platform for implementing and studying quantum many-body phases made out of optical photons.

Sylvain Ravets

Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : Quantum polaritonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active-gel theory of confined collective cell migration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The behavior of multicellular tissues arises from the coordinated actions of their individual cells. In living organisms, these cell populations interact with their surrounding microenvironment, which includes both physical and biochemical signals from the extracellular matrix and neighboring tissues. An experimental team at PCC studies how collective cell migration is affected by different multiscale guiding cues in vitro. When plated on an adhesive surface, the cells' intrinsic activity generates spontaneous, large-scale collective flows. By designing various well-defined microfabricated surfaces, the team studies how subcellular and supracellular guiding cues control the properties of collective migration. The theory group at PCC has expertise in using active-gel theory—a particular branch of active-matter theory—to describe out-of-equilibrium biological active matter. The aim of this internship will be to study migration patterns in populations of cells using the general framework of active-gel theory.

Thomas Risler
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Approches physiques de problématiques biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum dot fluorescence and optomechanical coupling
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The emission of colloidal quantum dots is highly dependent on their environment. Placed between two layers of gold, and excited in UV light, their emission couples with surface plasmons and its dynamics is accelerated. The smaller the gap between the two gold layers, the more the emission is modified. We propose to actively modify the spacing between the two layers in order to modify quantum dot emission. We will use the transient grating method, which involves exciting the sample with two infrared laser beams (exc =1064nm; 30ps pulse duration) to produce interference bangs with a period . Through photoelasticity, the standing waves thus created cause the sample to vibrate, modulating its thickness. The aim of the internship will be to study how the acoustic wave thus created modifies the properties of the light emitted. The first step will be to produce the samples. After depositing an optically thick layer of gold on a glass subtrate, a solution of CdSe/CdS quantum dots will be deposited. This emitter layer is then covered by a thin layer of gold. Secondly, this layer will be optically characterized under a microscope, both to characterize its thickness in white light and the fluorescence of the quantum dots under UV illumination. Finally, we'll use the transient grating method to change the thickness of the sample. Both thickness and quantum dot fluorescence will be studied.

Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Temperature-controlled plasmonic nano-antennas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Already around 15 years ago, it has been shown that liquid crystal topological defects can be used to confine and organize nanoparticles. In particular, oriented chains of nanospheres or of tip-to-tip nanorods have been formed in unidimensional smectic defects, dislocations and disclinations (Fig.1) [1]. The liquid crystal phase transitions occurring at low temperature, liquid crystals can provide temperature-activated assemblies of nanoparticles [2]. In this context, we propose to use oriented unidimensional smectic defects in order to build plasmonic nanoantennas based on strictly facing gold nanorods in close contact. We will study the evolution of the light absorption of the nanoantennas when temperature is increased in relation with the disappearing of the liquid crystal defects driven by the liquid crystal phase transition. This study will pave the way for an activation of the coupling strength between nanoparticles actively tuned by the temperature. This would be a first step towards future optical devices based on visual appearance controlled by varying temperature. [1] S.P. Do et al. Nano Letters 20 (2020) 1598, [2] H. Jeridi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123 (2023) 203101

Emmanuelle Lacaze

Laboratory : Institut des NanoSciences de Paris - UMR 7588
Team : Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electro-mechanical activity in neural crest cell migration: from fundamentals to pathology.
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Neural crest cells (NCCs) are a population of totipotent, highly migratory cells common to all vertebrates. They colonize developing embryonic tissues to form a wide range of derivatives: the adrenal gland, bones (ear, jaw), Schwann cells (myelin) of the peripheral nervous system, melanocytes (skin pigments), and the enteric nervous system (intrinsic innervation of the intestine). Migration defects give rise to more than 20 different syndromes known as neurocristopathies, that lead to severe intestinal, cranio-facial, nervous, cardiac or skin impairements. At MSC, we have discovered that spontaneous electrical calcium activity underpins neural crest cell migration. This internship aims at deciphering the link between this spontaneous electrical activity and cellular force generation that drives cell migration, by performing traction force microscopy, cell membrane tension, and galvanotaxis experiments.

Nicolas Chevalier

Laboratory : MSC - UMR7057
Team : Morphogenèse et Dynamique des Systèmes Auto-Organisés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Understanding the causes of uterine hypercontractility in endometriosis
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Endometriosis is a pathology affecting 6-10% of the female population, characterized by the implantation of uterine endometrial nodules either in the body of the uterus (known as adenomyosis) or ectopically, on various organs in contact with the peritoneal cavity such as the bladder, intestines, Fallopian tubes etc. This pathology results in severe pain during menstruation and can lead to infertility. Endometriosis and adenomyosis are associated with hypercontractility of the myometrium, the uterine smooth muscle. The cause of hypercontractility in endometriosis is currently not known, and could be a major player in disease pathogenesis, treatment and prevention. The goal of our project is to understand whether hypercontractility can result from a structural alteration of the architecture of the uterine wall, for example of the smooth muscle, of its innervation, or its hormone receptor distribution. This internship focuses on the quantitative analysis of histological images of the uterine muscle by machine learning techniques.

Nicolas Chevalier

Laboratory : MSC - UMR7057
Team : Morphogenèse et Dynamique des Systèmes Auto-Organisés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Thermal avalanches and depinning transition of a contact line
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Thermal avalanches serve as a unifying mechanism for heterogeneous flows in disordered materials and glassy systems. The dynamical heterogeneities in these materials, which reflect the interplay between endogenous mechanical noise and exogenous thermal noise, have primarily been studied theoretically in the context of creep flows of pinned elastic manifolds and in simulations of super-cooled liquids, with the notable exception of the logarithmic aging of crumpled sheets. The aim of the internship and the PhD thesis is to investigate the effect of finite temperature on the depinning transition of a contact line, utilizing a combination of controlled laboratory experiments, theoretical analysis, and numerical simulations.

Kristina Davitt
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Mécanique, Matière Molle, Morphogénèse
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum information theory internship at Quandela
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

We are excited to offer internships at Quandela, where you'll work on cutting-edge quantum computing projects with top scientists. We have internship topics ranging from quantum error correction, benchmarking of quantum device, error mitigation of photonic quantum computers to quantum algorithms. Open to students in Physics, Math, Computer Science, and related fields, this 4-6 month internship offers hands-on experience in photonic quantum computing. Apply until November 24th for a chance to join our team! Apply here:

Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau
Laboratory : Quandela -
Team : Theory team
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optomechanical nanoscale quantum sensing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Optomechanics, the interaction between light and mechanical oscillators, is a burgeoning field of research at the interface of quantum optics, mesoscopic physics and mechanical micro/nano systems. Using light, it has recently been possible to control and read-out the quantum states of mesoscopic mechanical resonators. This has been notably achieved with nano-optomechanical disk resonators (see image below) fabricated in our team, where the simultaneous confinement of light and mechanical motion in a sub-micron volume enables strong optomechanical interaction. The implications of such developments in the field of quantum sensing remain now to be explored. This PhD project aims to bring mechanical scanning probes into the experimental quantum domain using optomechanics. Quantum theory postulates indeed that energy exchanges between physical systems take place with a certain granularity, in quantities that are multiples of an energy quantum. This quantum regime of interactions has never been illustrated by local mechanical measurements, such as those made with an atomic force microscope (AFM). Detecting the exchange of a single quantum of energy between a physical system and mechanical force probe represents the ultimate level of sensitivity allowed by microscopic laws, and is therefore a considerable scientific and technological stake for sensing applications of optomechanics.

Adrien Borne
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : LiMe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum states of motion of a mechanical resonator
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Similarly to single atoms, the motion of massive, mesoscopic-scale mechanical resonators can behave quantum mechanically when cooled down to ultra-low temperatures. The study of quantum states of motion of such systems has both fundamental and practical interests: for testing quantum mechanics in systems beyond the few-particle ensembles, its interplay with gravitation; also in force sensing, or as a light-matter interface for the development of quantum communication networks, in particular for storing and transducing the quantum information. In this context, this internship/PhD project aims at generating targeted quantum states of the motion of an optomechanical resonator such as the microdisk pictured above and developed in our group. Fock and coherent superposition states will be considered, chosen arbitrarily in the low phonon number regime. This mechanical quantum information can be encoded in the device through its interaction with light, and then characterized through optical tomographic reconstruction. This work will also consider increasing the dimensionality by including several optomechanical resonators, thereby involving entanglement of massive objects.

Adrien Borne
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : LiMe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Creating a crease - Collective instabilities in fibrous systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A fibre is an elongated object: compressed along its axis, it can bend suddenly, an instability known as buckling. Intriguingly, a collection of fibres can also become unstable when compressed: they form a crease. Creases are well-known in soft incompressible materials like natural tissues or elastomers – but why do they form in such an apparently different system? To answer the question, we need to understand how fibre assemblies deform. Collaboration : Saint-Gobain Research Paris (Aubervilliers) - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY, USA).

Etienne Barthel
Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Stochastic Exploration of Fragile Heterogeneous Media
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Low dimension physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The internship focuses on stochastic processes, more precisely on stochastic algorithms for the exploration of low dimensional spaces, with a view to optimizing the study of samples from cultural patrimony (archaeological artefacts, works of art, ...). Incorporating stochastic parts within exploration processes is common practice, be it to model natural or physical search phenomena or to design numerical methods of extrema approximation. We aim at designing stochastic algorithms for the analysis of patrimonial samples using Raman spectroscopy -- under the constraint of minimizing alteration risks and analysis costs. Thanks to a collaboration with an experimental team, we will also be able to test our algorithms on real samples.

Julien Randon-Furling
Laboratory : Centre Borelli - UMR 9010
Team : Centre Borelli
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optical lattice clock with Laguerre-Gauß profiles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Optical lattice clocks are now the best frequency standards, with uncertainties in the 10^-18 range, and are well positioned to replace the Cs atom for the next definition of the SI second. The aim of this internship is to perform the clock spectroscopy of ultra-cold strontium atoms trapped in an optical lattice with Laguerre-Gauß shaped profiles, in order to improve our understanding of the main systematic effects limiting the accuracy of the clock.

Jérôme Lodewyck
01 40 51 22 24

Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR 8630
Team : Métrologie des fréquences optiques (FOP)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cloud patterns, convective self-aggregation and global warming
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The aim of the internship and the PhD thesis is to investigate the effect of entrainment, preconditioning and convective self-aggregation on cloud patterns, in connection to global warming issues, using a combination of field analysis, controlled laboratory experiments, theory and numerical simulations. Objectives — To address the organization of convection and the formation of cloud patterns, the proposal starts with two central questions. How does convection self-organize when an unstable turbulent layer is capped by a stably stratified layer? What controls the survival time against evaporation and the buoyant ascent dynamics of active clouds? The second problem requires a detailed understanding of the heterogeneities of turbulent mixing around the fractal edges of clouds in the ascending phase, i.e., the entrainment of the external fluid and thus humidity, cold, and nuclei. The environment of the clouds plays a key role in their ascending dynamics generated by the latent heat released during the nucleation of droplets. Its structure arises from two concurrent processes: long-term pre-conditioning, linked to radiative effects and overturning circulation, and the modification of thermofluidic fields by active clouds that stop their ascent and evaporate, releasing their thermal energy, nuclei, and humidity. We thus hypothesize that this local memory of previous clouds plays a key role in understanding cloud patterns as an effective spatio-temporal interaction.

Bruno Andreotti
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Mécanique, Matière Molle, Morphogénèse
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Time- and space-resolved detection of GHz magnetization dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
In computers magnetism intervenes in the data storage components, with information coded by the magnetization direction of submicronic magnetic domains. The calculations are instead done using semiconducting materials, with transistors performing logical operations (“NOT”, “AND” etc.). A whole new paradigm proposes to use magnetic materials to perform these operations, by encoding the information on the amplitude and phase of so-called “spin-waves”, magnetic excitations. They can be excited by RF antennas, or more recently by surface acoustic waves, thanks to magneto-elasticity (an effect coupling magnetization and strain ). Foreseen advantages are a higher integrability, a higher tunability and even a lower consumption of devices for our increasingly energy-greedy digital world. Most groups detect these spin waves electrically, after propagation along a wave-guide, or a delay line. While these measurements are ideal for a commercial device, they do not provide information about the physics at play between the excitation and detection of the waves. The aim of this internship will therefore be to improve an existing set-up capable of synchronizing an RF excitation with short laser pulses probing the magnetization dynamics induced by the resulting GHz RF field or strain wave. The challenge will be to improve the signal to noise ratio, and increase the maximum (minimum) spin wave detectable frequency (wave-length).

Laura Thevenard

Laboratory : INSP - 7588
Team : NQMAG
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM/STS) of two-dimensional topological and correlated van der Waals heterostructures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures formed by graphene and/or transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), have become a captivating platform for exploring the interplay between strong electronic correlations and non-trivial band topology[1]. The recent discovery of fractional quantum anomalous Hall insulators at zero magnetic field, in a moiré heterostructure of rhombohedral pentalayer graphene aligned with hBN[2], is of intense interest as its non-Abelian anyonic excitations could be used for decoherence-free quantum computation. The project aims to study, by STM in ultra-high vacuum and low temperature (4.2 K), bilayer graphene (AB-G) and rhombohedral graphene (ABCA-G) heterostructures aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and in proximity to TMDCs like WSe2. The research will focus on understanding the emergence of topological band structures in these materials. In addition to STM, the student will have the possibility to participate to the microfabrication of the heterostructures supervised by R. Ribeiro in the PHYNANO group, learn to work in a clear room environment and perform transport measurements.

Hervé Aubin

Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : C2N-Phynano-STM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum magnetism of spin chains studied by Electron-Spin-Resonance using spin-polarized Scanning Tunneling
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Recent advances in Electron Spin Resonance – Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (ESR-STM) are now making possible the study of electron spin resonance on single adatoms or molecules. At C2N, we developed an ESR-STM instrument that will be used for continuous-wave and pulsed ESR-STM. Pulsed ESR-STM allows measurements of Rabi oscillations, Cf. Fig., to characterize quantum coherence at atomic scale[1,2]. The project of the master/PhD is to fabricate spin-chains from magnetic molecules and to characterize the quantum coherence properties of the chain with atomic resolution. Such studies are of fundamental interest for the field of quantum magnetism with topologically non-trivial excitations, such as Haldane spin-chains, expected to have long quantum coherence time.

Hervé Aubin

Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : C2N-Phynano-STM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interactions atomes-photons avec un guide d’onde à modes lents à dispersion contrôlée : propriétés collectives et applications à la waveguide QED
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
See pdf attached :)

Nikos Fayard
Laboratory : LuMIn - UMR9024
Team : LuMIn
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Controlling Fractional Quantum Hall Systems through Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We have recently demonstrated the significant influence that interactions between cavity quantum electromagnetic fields and topological quantum materials—such as quantum Hall systems and 2D moiré materials—can have on their quantum transport and topological properties. In this theoretical internship, the Master's student will gain expertise in and apply advanced theoretical techniques from quantum many-body physics and cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). This internship, which may lead to a subsequent PhD, will focus on exploring non-trivial topological phases in fractional quantum Hall systems and fractional Chern insulators. These are crucial strongly correlated quantum materials for both fundamental physics and applications in topological quantum information.

Cristiano Ciuti
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Developing charge-tunable coupled quantum dot devices for quantum computation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
In this internship we will fabricate coupled quantum dots, where the two dots are close enough that carriers can tunnel coherently between them. We will do this using molecular beam epitaxy, a thin-film growth technique, which allows precise control of layer thicknesses and composition. These dots will be embedded in diode structures allowing a field to applied across the dots, bringing their energy levels into resonance to create delocalised electronic states. The student will have the opportunity to participate in all the stages of development of a new quantum device: from device design, thin film growth and device fabrication to the low temperature photoluminescence measurements of quantum confinement effects.

Paola Atkinson

Laboratory : INSP - 7588
Team : NQMAG
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
The crucial role played by proteins in life as we know it is due to their ability to fold in water. Ions and organic cosolvents are known to interact with proteins and affects their folding. We have recently published (to appear in International Journal of Fracture) a proof of concept of a method to decipher the protein/environment interaction close to a slowly moving crack tip in a protein gel, namely gelatin where cross linking is due to the partial renaturation of the native collagen. Close to a growing crack the collagen-like crosslinks are on the verge of unfolding and the growth rate is very sensitive to solvent changes. We propose to investigate the role of ions on the network stability and to compare it to the empirical ordering of ions in « the Hofmeister series », part of the know-how of biochemists, according to their ability to precipitate proteins or protect them again unfolding. This experimental projects lies where fracture mechanics meets polymer physico-chemistry.

Tristan Baumberger
Laboratory : MSC -
Team : Dynammique et organisation de la matière molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tuning the properties of a 2D superconductor by epitaxial growth
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
During this internship we will study the molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) growth of the superconducting transition metal dichalcogenide NbSe2. One of the challenges in MBE growth of layered materials is the lack of direct bonding between the substrate and the growing layer. This leads to variablity in the in-plane alignment of the islands that form in the initial stages of growth, resulting in a polycrystalline thin film after island coalescence and a disordered layer stacking in multi-layer films. Here we will use both X-ray diffraction and low-temperature transport measurements to study the effect of different heterostructure designs on the crystalline and superconducting properties of NbSe2 thin films.

Paola Atkinson

Laboratory : INSP - 7588
Team : NQMAG
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Syneresis is a a generic term designing the spontaneous flow of solvent out of a hydrogel matrix during the self-assembly of colloids or polymers. Although it is a long-known phenomenon in food industry (diary product processing into cheese, yoghurts, …) the mechanisms coupling microscopic structural events and macroscopic flow remain elusive. We have recently shown (Baumberger et al. Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 1720) that calcium-alginate gels, one of the most used biomaterials in tissue engineering and drug delivery, exhibit syneresis with a robust behavior when prepared in the strongly entangled regime of these semi-flexible, highly charged polyelectrolytes. We have been able to account for the surprising dynamical features by an unusual closed-loop aging mechanism, coupling network collapse events and the global flow. This prompt us to revisit the non-linear and time-dependent mechanical properties of calcium-alginate gels. We will investigate the parameters affecting the network rigidity (entanglements, electrostatic interactions…). We will investigate how a mechanical stress can affect the kinetics of syneresis.

Tristan Baumberger
Laboratory : MSC -
Team : Dynammique et organisation de la matière molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Isolated resonances in few body systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum gases
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This internship concerns universal properties of near threshold bound states or quasi bound sates of non relativistic particles, that can be deduced by means of singularities in the wave function corresponding thus to a zero range potential model of the interactions. In this modeling, valid when one considers length scales larger than the range of the interactions, the problem can be mapped onto a 2D effective Schrödinger equation with a pure inverse square law potential. At the unitary limit (i.e. for an arbitrarily large value of the two-body scattering length), in some systems (as for instance for three identical bosons), this potential is attractive leading to the Efimov effect with an infinite number of bound states and a geometric spectrum. This phenomenon has been studied in details since its observation in ultracold atoms in 2006. The other class of systems where this potential is repulsive received less attention although applying to various situations where the bound states correspond to isolated (or accidental) resonances. The internship is in the continuity of recent works on this subject by considering specific three-body problems and possibly the link with finite range models where the resonance comes from an attractive character of the interaction at small distance.

Ludovic Pricoupenko
Laboratory : LPTMC - UMR7600
Team : États quantiques de la matière
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-Reciprocal Quantum Matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In classical or quantum systems in thermal equilibrium the interactions between degrees of freedom are fundamentally symmetric or reciprocal, a statement dictated by Newton’s third law and that in the quantum domain comes hand in hand with unitarity. Far from equilibrium however non-reciprocal interactions happen to be more the rule than the exception. Examples include optics, active matter, ecology and recently quantum systems. Non-reciprocity emerges naturally within non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, such as in the celebrated Hatano-Nelson model of particles hopping across a lattice with hopping different rates along opposite directions, and lead to a plethora of exotic topological and non equilibrium phenomena. The goal of this project is to explore the consequences of non-reciprocity on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems. Examples include the study of transport entanglement and phase transitions in presence of non-reciprocal couplings, in paradigmatic models of quantum many-body systems such as quantum spin chains or strongly correlated quantum impurity models.

Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Flat band superconductors: what is the length scale?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Recent experimental studies on twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) and other twisted materials have revealed unexpectedly complex phase diagrams with exotic phases of quantum matter. Among them, they revealed highly unconventional superconducting phases with ultra-flat bands, which cannot be described by the conventional BCS theory. Due to their very low Fermi velocity, the superconducting coherence length xi, predicted by BCS theory (which is proportional to the Fermi velocity) is more than 20 times shorter than the measured values. Recent theoretical developments show that the coherence length is instead governed by the quantum metric of the Bloch states. When a magnetic impurity is embedded in a superconductor, its local moment acts as a Cooper pair breaker, creating intra-gap bound state excitations whose spatial extent can be extremely large and is governed by xi. In this internship, we would like to analyze the problem of a magnetic impurity in a flat-band superconductor and decipher if and how the quantum metric shows up in the bound state equations. In the longer term, our understanding of hybrid systems involving such flat-band superconductors needs to be completely revised: this includes all the quantum engineering that has been developed with mesoscopic superconductors.

Pascal SIMON

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Rogue waves learning with physics informed neural networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Low dimension physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
L'objet du stage est d'étudier dans quelle mesure on peut informer un réseau de neurones sur la symétrie d'échelle. Le système physique considéré est l'équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire dans un régime où des singularité à temps fini (sorte de vagues scélérates) apparaissent, et dont on cherche à "apprendre" les solutions à l'aide de "physics informed neural networks".

Cyril Furtlehner
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of boson polarization in vector boson scattering at the LHC and developments for the level-1 trigger of the CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

High energy physics

Type of internship
Jean-Baptiste Sauvan
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Predicting the band gap of a non-toxic metal halide perovskite for solar cell applications
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Inorganic metal halide perovskites are promising materials for future efficient and low-cost solar cells. The band gap of these materials depends on the composition and one of the most interesting candidates is cesium lead iodide that combines good electronic properties (e.g. band gap of 1.7 eV) with improved stability. The drawback is that lead is toxic, and, hence, it is desirable to replace it with an element like tin. In this project, we will investigate the influence of this substitution on the electronic structure. The band gap is expected to reduce, and, similarly to the lead-based materials, various phase transitions occur as a function of temperature. While experiments show a weak variation of the band gap across the phase transitions, ab initio calculations predict a gap variation as large as 0.5 eV. The difference is expected to originate from thermal fluctuations (not taken into account in standard band gap calculations), but a complete understanding is missing. Taking into account many-body effects and spin-orbit coupling we will determine the band structure of the high- and low-temperature phases and analyse the origin of the discrepancies. We will also investigate whether it is possible to induce a topological transition by applying hydrostatic pressure.

Maria Hellgren
Laboratory : IMPMC - 7590
Team : TQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigating the Mott metal insulator transition with the self-consistent random phase approximation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project we will evaluate the performance of new many-electron approximations based on the Green’s function, starting from the so-called random phase approximation (RPA). The RPA has shown to combine high accuracy with reasonable computational cost, making it a good starting point for further refinements. We will start by looking at the hydrogen dimer, a simple system where the degree of correlation varies with the interatomic separation. Approximations will be studied self-consistently and compared to exact results. The same techniques will then be applied to study realistic antiferromagnetic insulators, such as NiO, that exhibit a Mott insulator-metal transition at finite pressure.

Maria Hellgren
Laboratory : IMPMC - 7590
Team : TQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Étude expérimentale de la turbulence astrophysique dans les fluides conducteurs d’électricité
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Christophe Gissinger
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Non-linear physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How Strange Metals defy conventional physics and lead to High-Temperature Superconductivity?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
The project will address the origin of strange metals and their link to high-temperature superconductivity. By taking advantage of École Polytechnique's unique electron canon, the student's experiments under extreme temperatures and magnetic fields will play a pivotal role in this hot research topic.

Gaël Grissonnanche

Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Nouveaux États Électroniques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Adhesive interactions between bubbles due to ionic correlations in thin liquid films
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Applications ranging from food production to the treatment of wastewater polluted by PFAS chemicals that are not decomposed naturally use bubble or droplet dispersions1,3. When two immersed bubbles touch, they experience a repulsive interaction, as if they were elastic objects. Depending on the composition and physico-chemistry of the surrounding solution, they can also stick to each other. It has been proposed that ionic correlations at the nanometer scale in the thin liquid films separating bubbles can produce such an adhesion4. Immersed bubbles can thus behave as elastic as well as adhesive objects, but the laws relating the interaction force to the displacement are qualitatively different from those for adhesive soft solid spheres (Hertz law, JKR model). This is because the potential energy of a deformed bubble is stored in its interfaces, in contrast to a solid sphere where it is stored in the bulk material. The interaction law for adhesive bubbles is not yet well known or predicted theoretically. The aim of the internship is to provide experimental evidence helping to answer this open question, using microfluidics, videomicroscopy and a dedicated experimental device constructed in the Laboratory INSP.

Reinhard Hohler
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : Physuf -OCN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Improving stochastic simulations of complex chemical systems with bitwise arithmetic
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The Gillespie algorithm is a powerful computational tool to simulate the dynamics of a system of interacting chemical species in regimes where particle numbers are small, and stochastic fluctuations are large. This well-known algorithm becomes computationally demanding when one attempts to sample a large number of configurations, e.g. looking for rare samples in the dynamics, or simulating a large number of species or reactions. We propose to develop a new method to increase the computational yield of the algorithm, by leveraging the boolean representation of particle numbers as they are stored in a computer. Different applications of the algorithm will be explored in the context of simulating complex chemical systems, which are typically non-well mixed and contains a large number of species and reactions. The student will be tasked with the numerical implementation of this parallel Gillespie algorithm, and with its application to a few representative models of interacting chemical species. The student will acquire valuable interdisciplinary skills, such as proficiency in C++, and getting familiar with models of chemical-reaction networks.

Michele Castellana
Laboratory : PCC, Institut Curie - UMR168
Team : Dynamic Control of Signaling and Gene Expression
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Looking for potential variations of the proton-to-electron mass ratio and other tests of fundamental physics via precision measurements with molecules
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
The master student will participate in cutting-edge experiments aimed at ultra-precise measurements of rovibrational molecular transitions and dedicated to measuring/constraining the potential time variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio (µ), a fundamental constant of the standard model (SM). Such variations, if detected, would be a signature of physics beyond the SM, providing insights into the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The idea here is to compare molecular spectra of cosmic objects with corresponding laboratory data. The experimental setup is based on quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) locked to optical frequency combs, with traceability to primary frequency standards, a breakthrough technology at the forefront of frequenccy metrology developed at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL), allowing unprecedented spectroscopic precision in the mid-infrared range.

Benoît Darquié
01 49 40 33 92

Laboratory : LPL - UMR7538
Team : Métrologie, Molécules et Tests Fondamentaux (MMTF)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cryptographie quantique avec des variables continues
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Eleni Diamanti
Laboratory : LIP6 - UMR7606
Team : QI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
We have developed a state-of-the-art cold atom gravimeter with free-falling 87Rb atoms, which experience a sequence of Raman pulses driven by counter-propagating vertical lasers. The atom interferometer phase shift is proportional to g, that we measure with better performances than conventional state of the art gravimeters. Limits have been identified and several improvements will be made to reach the 10-10 range both in term of accuracy and stability. We will implement a crossed dipole trap with a 50W laser at 1.1μm to freeze atom source to nK range to tackle the wavefront aberration bias. A new rotatable retro-reflexion mirror for the Raman lasers will be installed. This will improve our control of the laser alignment and allow to compensate Coriolis acceleration. In order to improve our control on the initial position of the atoms, new MOT collimators will be installed, as well as an innovative fiber splitter system for the control of the powers in each MOT beam. We will optimize the evaporation sequence, by increasing the capture volume of the trap using modulation techniques. Yet, a drawback when using dense samples of ultracold atoms, eventually Bose-Einstein condensed, instead of a more dilute laser cooled source, arises from the effect of interatomic interactions, which we will also investigate. The obtained uncertainty budget and sensitivity performances will finally be tested during comparisons with absolute and superconducting gravimeters.

Sébastien Merlet
01 40 51 23 93

Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR8630
Team : IACI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Manipulating specificity in biological sequences with representation learning
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
A biological sequence (DNA, RNA, protein) is a string of contiguous covalently attached amino acids or nucleotides. A central paradigm of biology is that the sequence determines the function of the molecule in the organism. However, this mapping is complex and context dependent. Generative models trained on sequence data can be used to sample novel functional sequences. But generated sequences merely reproduce statistics of the training data, combining various features found in the natural sequences in an uncontrolled manner. In this internship we will explore how generative models (such as RBM, VAE, Diffusion, …) can be modified to extract disentangled representations of biological sequences, where interesting properties are mapped to independent latent coordinates. Such latent variables can then be modified during sampling to control properties of designed sequences.

Laboratory : IPhT -
Team : Statistical and condensed matter physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The aim of this project is to create nanostructured infrared plasmonic antennas based on the repetition of a single sub-wavelength metal pattern (sub-lambda) forming the basic building block of an NxN matrix structure. We will design reconfigurable infrared sources by addressing a subset of the sub-lambda patterns making up the matrix antenna with visible laser heating forming specific patterns, in particular to control the polarization and spectral position of resonances with a view to creating smart reconfigurable infrared surfaces. We will describe the coupling between sub-lambda patterns using simulations based on the quasi-normal mode method. The use of a spatial light modulator will enable us to modify the spatial configuration of this laser heating on the antenna array. The result will be a reconfigurable light converter from visible to infrared. The experimental methods will combine infrared spatial modulation spectroscopy [Li2018,Abou_Hamdan2021], thermal radiation scanning tunneling microscopy [DeWilde2006] and TRSTM spectroscopy which has revealed non-planckian effects [Babuty2013].

Yannick DE WILDE
01 80 96 30 84

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images - UMR7587
Team : Materials, Resonances, Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Two solid bodies at different temperatures separated by vacuum exchange heat in the form of thermal photons. This exchange of energy is limited in the far field by Stefan-Boltzmann’s law which is a direct consequence of Planck's law. In the near field (when the separation distance is smaller than the thermal wavelength) the flux can overcome this limit by several orders of magnitude due to tunneling of photons making this transfer prominent at nanoscale. Until recently, only the radiative exchange between two objects has been considered in this non-planckian near-field regime. In this project, we propose to develop the very first setup to experimentally investigate the near-field radiative heat exchanges by thermal photons in many-body systems. We will specifically address the case of micrometer-size objects for which the appropriate multipolar theoretical formalism will be developed by our collaborators (P. Ben-Abdallah and R. Messina, Labo. Charles Fabry – IOGS), to go beyond the dipole approximation suited for objects much smaller than the thermal radiation wavelength. To this end, we will: • Install additional probes in the experimental set-up developed by the previous PhD student (from Master ICFP). • Measure the near-field heat exchanges in simple many-body systems by means of multiple interacting SThM probes. In parallel, a general formalism and/or numerical simulations will be developed to study the mutual radiative heat exchanges in many-body systems.

Yannick DE WILDE
01 80 96 30 84

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images - UMR7587
Team : Materials, Resonances, Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental study of the solidification of a capillary bridge
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The aim of the internship is to study the dynamics of the solidification of a capillar bridge between two solid surfaces. During the internship a setup will be built in order to obtain a temperature gradient between two solid surfaces leading to the displacement of a frozen front in a capillary bridge and an imaging bench will be design to study the dynamics of the front.

Axelle Amon
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effect of controlled losses on a one-dimensional bose gas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
In cold atom experiments, it is possible to realize one-dimensional (1D) gases by freezing out the transverse degrees of freedom. The effective 1D interactions between atoms are well modeled by contact interactions. We thus realize the Lieb-Liniger model which describes 1D Bosons with contact interactions. This paradigmatic model of N-body physics belongs to the class of integrable models. As a consequence the system supports quasi-particles of infinite lifetime, labeled by their velocity called rapidity. Owing to their infinite lifetime, the distribution of rapidities is constant over time. Thus the system, if prepared with a non-thermal rapidity distribution, will never relax to a thermal state. This is in contrast to ergodic systems which relaxe, with respect to local observables, towards a thermal state. Preparing an integrable system in a non-thermal state and characterizing the latter will be a major advance. We aim to achieve non-thermal states of 1D Bose gas in the LCF atom chip experiment by implementing losses, since, accroding to theoretical studies, losses should produce non-thermal states. The characterization of the system will be done using the measurement protocol of the rapidity distribution recently implemented on our experiment. During this internship, the student will will install the device which allows losses to be achieved by microwave coupling to a non-trapped state and he/she will participate to the implementation on the atoms.

Isabelle Bouchoule
Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory of Josephson junction lasers in superconducting circuit QED
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Superconducting circuits are a promising platform for quantum engineering. They have many applications ranging from amplifiers and detectors to quantum computers and quantum metrological standards. Superconducting circuits are also used in fundamental science, as they can simulate paradigmatic models of quantum many-body physics and quantum electrodynamics. One example of fundamental effects is lasing that has been observed for a small nonlinear driven quantum system (a voltage-biased Josephson junction) coupled to a microwave photonic bath (a multi-mode superconducting resonator). Another experiment showed that a similar system could also end up in a thermal rather than coherent state. The task now is to develop a theory which could describe the transition between coherent and thermal states of the resonator. On the semiclassical level, we have to describe a transition between regular and chaotic motion of a complex dynamical system. On the quantum level, we face the problem of thermalization or its absence in a driven-dissipative quantum many-body system. The first step, which is the subject of this internship, will be to construct a classical coherent lasing solution for a lambda/4 resonator. This work will involve analytical and numerical calculations.

Denis Basko
Laboratory : LPMMC - UMR 5493
Team : LPMMC, Grenoble
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Shear phonons in graphite and their coupling to electronic excitations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The graphite crystal represents a stack of rigid graphene monolayers bound by Van der Waals forces. The shear phonon mode corresponds to the neighboring layers oscillating in the opposite directions. Phonons are typically probed by Raman spectroscopy, and the observed spectrum of the shear phonon mode has a peculiar Fano shape which arises due to quantum interference when a discrete mode is coupled to a continuum of excitations. In the case of graphite, the continuum was suggested to originate from electronic excitations. A recent experiment has shown that the shape of the shear phonon peak strongly changes with the magnetic field. The preliminary explanation of this result is that the magnetic field quantizes the electronic bands of graphite into Landau levels, so the structure of the electronic excitation continuum is modified. To put this explanation on a firm ground, we have to construct a quantitative theory of this effect. The goal of the internship is to calculate the coupling of the shear mode phonons to the electronic excitations in a magnetic field using the tight-binding model of Slonczewski, Weiss, and McClure. When the coupling is found, we can proceed to the calculation of the Raman spectrum.

Denis Basko
Laboratory : LPMMC - UMR 5493
Team : LPMMC, Grenoble
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring planetary interiors with shock-compression experiments
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Physics of liquids
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
At LULI we can use laser-based shock compression techniques to study physical properties of material relevant for planetary science. In particular we are interested equations of state (EOS), chemical and transport properties of iron-bearing silicates and planetary ices (i.e. H2O/CH4/NH3 systems). These data will contribute to improve interior models of terrestrial-like planets, including super- Earths, as well as icy giants, such as Uranus and Neptune and the numerous Neptune-like exoplanets recently discovered. The internship offers the possibility to learn the foundations of the experiments on large laser facilities. Upon availability, you will have the possibility to participate to new experiments. At the same time, you will learn and actively participate to the data analysis of recent experiments. You will be in charge of the analysis of the optical data, such as velocity interferometry and self- emission for pressure and temperature estimation. The analysis also includes some auxiliary experiments for the measurement of ancillary quantities, such as the refractive index under pressure. During the internship, you will have the opportunity to discuss the results you will obtain in the context of international collaborations, including experts in planetary modeling and ab initio calculations.

Mandy Bethkenhagen
01 69 33 53 00

Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring the interiors of ice giant planets with atomistic simulations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The interiors of ice giant planets such as Uranus and Neptune are dominated by water-rich molecular mixtures at high temperatures and pressures. Current interior models aiming at modeling the planets’ composition in agreement with observations assume a three-layer structure and simplify the complex mixture by using water as surrogate. The internship offers the possibility to learn the foundations of the atomistic simulation technique we apply in our research – density functional theory molecular dynamics. We will compute thermodynamic, structural, and transport properties of C-H-O mixtures using high-performance computing clusters. At the same time, you will gain some insights on planetary modeling and high-pressure experiments (e.g. at LULI 2000).

Mandy Bethkenhagen
01 69 33 53 00

Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental Molecular Dynamics - Watching individual liquid molecules moving at interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
What if we could directly watch how single liquid molecules move close to a solid surfaces? While molecular-scale dynamics at interfaces play a key role in a variety of processes in soft matter (from wetting, tribology, down to confined flow in nanofluidic devices), direct access to these interfacial transport processes at the molecular scale has remained a distant experimental goal. We propose in this internship to bridge this gap by exploring the used of state-of-the-art single-molecule and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy technique, to directly visualize and track molecular motion in dense polymeric liquid melts at the nanoscale, an ability which has been so far exclusive to molecular dynamic simulations!

Jean Comtet
01 40 79 47 59

Laboratory : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - UMR7615
Team : SIMM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Watching interfacial charge dynamics following liquid and solid triboelectrification
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Triboelectric charging - the process by which dielectric surfaces can acquire a net charge when rubbed together - represents a fundamentally misunderstood process in physics, with both fundamental and mundane consequences. The idea of this internship is to focus on the particular case of liquid triboelectrification, whereby water drops sliding on hydrophobic surfaces leads to a macroscopic separation of charges. In particular, we will employ recently developped surface charge mapping strategies to probe the peculiar dynamics of the ions trapped at the solid/gaz interface following liquid tribocharging.

Jean Comtet
01 40 79 47 59

Laboratory : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - UMR7615
Team : SIMM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Optics with Exciton-Polariton Neural Networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
To fully characterize a quantum state of light, repeated measurements involving a phase reference, eg. homodyne detection, are required. The Quantum Fluids of Light team has recently begun an ambitious project to realize a quantum reservoir processor capable of fully characterizing quantum states of light from intensity measurements only, eliminating the need for a phase reference. To achieve this goal, we have begun implementing a quantum neural network of (exciton-)polaritons - strongly interacting quasiparticles which are part-light, part-matter. Polaritons are ideal for a reservoir computing architecture, as not only do they exhibit rich dynamics governed by the Gross-Pitaevski equation (a phase transition, bistability, and famously, superfluidity), they are themselves quantum objects. The intern will work in close collaboration with a post-doctoral researcher to study the response of the polariton network to excitation by different optical states, while simultaneously beginning to implement a squeezed source resonant with the polaritons, with the prospective to join the team as a PhD student in Fall of 2025. As the work will take place within the context of a European project, the student will have the opportunity to work in a fast-moving, exciting, and international collaboration, whose stated goal is to realize a disruptive quantum technology.

Alberto Bramati
Laboratory : LKB - 8552
Team : Quantum Fluids of Light
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Perturbative QCD & Quarkonia: radiative corrections
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of the internship will be to understand techniques and concepts of Next-To-Leading Order (NLO) calculations, which involves computing both virtual 1-loop and real radiation diagrams. Individual contributions will exhibit different type of singularities in the dimensional regulator. The student will learn these concepts and also aspects related to renormalisation and factorisation in the framework of quarkonium production. Charmonium and bottomonium production, bound states consisting of a heavy quark and its anti-quark, cc and bb pairs respectively, provide interesting opportunities to study the interplay between the perturbative and non-perturbative regimes of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) which is at the heart of formation of hadrons such as the proton. See for more details the description in the PDF file and references therein.

Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : IJCLab : Pôle théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Rare-earth doped oxide thin films for on-chip optical quantum technologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
We search for a motivated master student to work on rare earth ion doped thin films for quantum technologies at the Crystals and Quantum State Dynamics Team. We have developed a hybrid thin film fabrication approach combining MBE and CVD deposition techniques to obtain quantum-grade epitaxial rare-earth oxide thin films on silicon . This internship will have two main objectives: (i) the optimisation of the thin-film deposition conditions towards the reproducible obtention of smooth epitaxial Y2O3 thin films doped with REI. (ii) the fabrication of Y2O3 membranes by both dry and wet chemical etching techniques. The deposited thin films, and membranes quality and eligibility for quantum technology applications will be assessed by the candidate using different morphological and optical characterisations. We search for candidates aiming at continuing this research in the framework of a PhD project.

Laboratory : IRCP - UMR8247
Team : CQSD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multiscale mid-infrared femtosecond spectroscopy in proteins
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Physics of living systems
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
The purpose of the proposed project is to apply multiscale pump-probe spectroscopy to monitor the motion of a carbon-monoxide ligand inside hemoglobin over the entire biologically-relevant timescale, in order to understand the key role of the protein structure in its functions. The project will benefit from unique methods we recently developed, including high-resolution mid-infrared femtosecond spectroscopy and the ability to control the pump-probe delay up to milliseconds.

Manuel Joffre

Laboratory : LOB - UMR 7645
Team : Internal dynamics of biomolecules
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Acoustoelasticity of membranes
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
This internship centers on investigating "membrane materials" for creating easily fabricated metamaterials with applications in acoustic and vibration damping, and potentially in mechanobiology. Metamaterials typically have unique properties but can be challenging to fabricate, so this project explores using simpler structures like foams as an alternative. The intern will study the dynamics of liquid and elastic membranes, which differ in behavior due to factors like surface tension and material elasticity. Through experiments and modeling, the goal is to create a unified framework for understanding these membranes and their interactions with fluids. This research is part of the ANR MEMBRANE project and aims to drive innovations in acoustics.

Fabrice Lemoult
Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : MRI: Matériaux, résonances et interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tissue compaction and shape emergence during chicken axial morphogenesis
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
We are looking for a motivated student willing to join our team to work on an experimental biophysics project where we study the physics of morphogenesis during embryonic body axis development. We investigate the role of mechanics and the cross talk between mechanics and biochemistry in embryonic tissue patterning and emergence of shapes in the context of Active Soft Matter Physics. To understand the minimal physical elements necessary for shape emergence in embryonic tissues, we will setup an in vitro approach mimicking the living conditions and combine micromanipulation techniques, microscopy and image analysis for quantifying the tissue behaviour in various mechanical and chemical conditions. Please see the pdf file for more detail.

Karine Guevorkian
Laboratory : CCF, Institut Curie -
Team : Dynamic Control of Signaling and Gene Expression
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Excitonic and spin properties of halide perovskites
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
In recent years, halide perovskites have demonstrated exceptional optoelectronic properties. This new class of semiconductor materials has proved an extraordinary potential for the production of low-cost solar cells and light-emitting devices. Perovskite solar cells have made lightning progress, and now boast efficiencies over 26%, on par with the best silicon-based solar cells. This success leads to significant research effort to understand the physical origins of their performance. Halide perovskites are also promising for spintronic applications. They present a strong spin-orbit coupling, a relatively long spin relaxation times, and optical accessibly for spin generation and defection. Room temperature coherent optical manipulation of spins has been recently achieved.High spin injection efficiency has been demonstrated at room temperature at a chiral perovskite/III-V interface. The objective of the Master thesis, which could be followed by a PhD thesis, is to explore the exciton and spin properties of halide perovskites.

Damien Garrot

Laboratory : GEMaC - UMR 8635
Team : Quantum nanophotonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electron Electric Dipole Moment using Cs in cryogenic matrix
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
High energy physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of electrons, neutrons or nuclei are sensitive probes for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. In the present project we propose to measure the electron EDM using embedded particles in a cryogenic solid matrix of rare gas or hydrogen. Matrices offer unprecedented sample sizes while maintaining many characteristics of an atomic physics experiment, such as manipulation by lasers. An EDM experiment on atoms and molecules in inert gas matrices has the potential to reach a statistical sensitivity in the order of; a value several orders of magnitude beyond that of any other proposed technique. In a strong collaboration between experimental (LAC, ISMO,LPL) and theoretical (CIMAP) groups, we seek to perform a detailed investigation of all limiting effects (trapping site dependence of optical pumping and coherence times mainly) using metal atoms (Cs typically) in argon and parahydrogen matrices in view of a first proof of principle EDM measurement. This will pave the way toward unprecedented sensitivity. During this internship (that can continue in a PhD) we propose to setup the cryostat with argon and make the first test of RF spin dynamics and hyperfine structure study of cesium embedded in an argon matrix. Collaboration with US colleague at Reno University will also start at the same time.

Daniel Comparat
+33 679768619

Laboratory : LAC - UMR 9025
Team : LAC: Matière Froide Corrélée
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Noise modeling and applications of a small-scale superconducting processor
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Superconducting qubits are among the most advanced qubits. Within its partnership with Finnish startup IQM, Eviden has access to a superconducting processor through its Qaptiva platform. The goal of this internship is to characterize the noise model of this processor (using e.g tomography methods) and use this characterization to improve experimental runs in several application domains using e.g error mitigation techniques.

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Advanced quantum circuit emulation with tree tensor networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

The classical emulation of quantum circuits is an essential part of quantum computing research, as it is the only way to evaluate realistically the potential of candidate quantum algorithms on quantum chips that are too large or too accurate to build today. Tensor network are important tools for realizing such emulations with reasonable classical resources. In this internship we will study how to build the best tree tensor network for emulating a given quantum circuit, and how to realize the emulation in the most efficient way as possible. We will produce software, potentially as a part of Qaptiva, to realize this in a black-box fashion.

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Realistic emulation of a trapped-ion quantum chip with tensor networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Trapped ions is one of the most important technologies explored for building a quantum computer. Their technical specificities give them particular error and noise sources, which must be taken into account when emulating their operation on classical hardware. In this internship, we aim at emulating a trapped ions experiment in collaboration with an experimental team based in Innsbruck (Austria). A precise noise model will be built. The emulation will use tensor network techniques that may have to be adapted to trapped ions, implying code development of cutting edge tensor network algorithms, such as the Time-Dependent Variational Principle (TDVP) method, potentially as a part of Qaptiva.

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Can quantum computers give a leg up to classical quantum Monte Carlo algorithms?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Quantum many-body problems are exponentially hard to tackle with classical computers. Since decades, very sophisticated codes have been developed to tame this exponential wall. Among them, quantum Monte-Carlo codes stand out as very powerful tools that have been used to gain insights into the physics of strongly-correlated systems such as condensed-matter problems or quantum chemical problems. Despite their sophistication, these codes often run into numerical hurdles often called the Monte-Carlo sign problem. Recently, hybrid quantum approaches have suggested that quantum processors could help alleviate this sign problem. In this internship, you will explore some of these approaches using the Qaptiva framework and test their robustness to realistic conditions. Reference:

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
High-precision numerical assessment of quantum error correction performance
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Quantum error correction (QEC) is the holy grail of quantum computing because it allows to counter the deleterious influence of decoherence. Yet, it comes at a price: hardware noise must be under a given threshold for QEC to deliver improved performance. The most widespread way of estimating the QEC threshold involves making several assumptions as to the hardware noise and the decoding process. These assumptions allow for an efficient numerical simulation of the QEC process, but yield only approximate thresholds. The goal of this internship is to compute more realistic QEC thresholds by removing the simplifying assumptions. This leads to much more complex numerical simulations, yet also much more useful predictions that could be used to tailor QEC codes to a given hardware. The internship will greatly benefit from the HPC Qaptiva emulators. Reference:

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Building a black-box solution for improved quantum adiabatic algorithms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Quantum adiabatic algorithms allow to prepare interesting quantum states, with a potential for quantum materials, chemistry, or even combinatorial optimization problems. In their basic formulation however, they require very long quantum computation time, and therefore qubits of unreachable quality as of now. Solutions exists to accelerate them, using e.g. counterdiabatic terms, fastforward or dynamical invariant methods. The goal of the internship is to study these acceleration techniques and to produce a code, potentially as a part of Qaptiva, for the layman to accelerate their own adiabatic algorithm given their constraints.

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Classical emulation of noisy quantum circuits with positive tensor networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Quantum algorithms run on current quantum computers are subjected to errors and noise caused by hardware imperfections and coupling to the environment. To know exactly how much this affects the result, a noisy circuit must be emulated on classical CPUs. This is a very tall order as in principle, a noisy quantum state must be represented with a density matrix, or by sampling over trajectories. A promising alternative is the use of tensor networks, a compressed representation of the state, to represent noisy states in an economical fashion. Positive tensor networks, also called Matrix Product Density Operators (MPDO), are promising tools to get high accuracy emulations with limited resources. They however come with their own technical constraints. The goal of this internship is to construct a complete emulation code with this type of tensor network and overcome the aforementioned difficulties, with the goal of making this simulation tool a part of Eviden’s Qaptiva, and to compare its performance with other tensor network techniques available in Qaptiva. Reference:

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
From qubit noise to dissipative baths of electrons: how to take advantage of imperfect hardware
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Noise in quantum computers is usually considered negatively as it destroys quantum information exponentially fast and therefore poses huge constraints on the duration or depth of quantum algorithm. However, noise is also a source of dissipation, which is a fundamental aspect in condensed matter physics: for instance, dissipation is often instrumental in driving physical systems to equilibrium or at least to a steady state. It turns out that noise can possibly be used to one’s advantage by using advanced algorithms. In this internship, we will explore how to take advantage of qubit noise to build quantum algorithms for the study of systems of interacting fermions coupled to dissipative baths.

Thomas Ayral
Laboratory : Eviden Quantum Lab -
Team : Eviden Quantum Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mechanical response and Waves in Active Solids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Active matter describes systems in which the elementary constituents consume energy to produce work. In the past three years we have tailored an artificial system that combines activity and elastic architecture and demonstrated that selective and collective actuation is a hallmark of active solids These results open a brand-new avenue of research, from further experimental and numerical investigations to theoretical analysis. Examples of open questions are: - What is the fate of collective actuation in the thermodynamics limit? - Is there a transition controlled by noise and of what type? - How does the sound propagate in such active solids? - What is the mechanical response of such materials? Depending on you, the internship can take a more experimental, more numerical or more theoretical direction.

Olivier Dauchot
Laboratory : Gulliver - 7083
Team : Active Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exactly solvable quantum and stochastic models
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The exactly solvable models of statistical mechanics play an essential role in our understanding of the emergence of macroscopic laws from microscopic ones, for instance in the study of phase transitions [1]. The field of exactly solvable, or quantum integrable models, has deep algebraic ramifications, and applications range from two-dimensional statistical models of various kinds (percolation, polymers, classical magnetism...) to many-body quantum systems or stochastic models in 1+1 dimensions. The goal of this internship is to get acquainted with the usual tools of integrability (Yang- Baxter equations, transfer matrices) through the study of the Rule 54 cellular automaton, a model of deterministic classical evolution which, despite its simplicity, allows to study a great deal of interesting physics (transport properties,etc...) [2]. While this model has attracted a lot of attention over the last 10 years, the underlying integrable structure is poorly understood. We will try to bridge this gap by relating the Rule 54 model to a very well-studied integrable model, the six-vertex model. The expected results include direct applications to concrete problems of transport in quantum or stochastic models. [1] R. J. Baxter, Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics Academic Press (1982). [2] Prosen & Meja-Monasterio J Phys A 49, 2017

Eric Vernier
Laboratory : LPSM - UMR 8001
Team : Structures et Modèles Aléatoires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Excitonic whispering gallery mode laser in high pumping regime
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In nanophotonics and quantum technologies, photon sources are a ressource which can be integrated into a chip. Cylindrical dielectric microdisks make excellent resonators in which optical gallery modes can propagate at the air/dielectric interface. Using optical lithography, we have fabricated gallery-mode resonators on which we have deposited fluorescent nano-emitters, colloidal quantum dots. These are CdS/CdSe/CdS semiconductors in a spherical core/shell/shell configuration. Of nanometric dimensions, their fluorescence wavelength depends on their size. They can emit single photons, are resistant to photobleaching and are bright under strong excitation. We have deposited these quantum dots in high concentration on microdisks, and excited them with a green laser. The excitons thus created enabled us to achieve a significant gain. We were therefore able to create gallery modes excitonic microlasers. [1]. The aim of this internship will be to study these gallery-mode lasers, and to understand their characteristics as a function of their size, of the excitation when it is close to the laser threshold or more higher... [1] C. Kersuzan et al, ACS Photonics, 11(4), 1715-1723 (2024)

Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Impact of Dynamically Screened Coulomb Interaction in Correlated Electronic Systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Evgeny Stepanov
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Condensed Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Layer skyrmions in topological bands and anomalous Hall crystal
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Recent breakthrough experiments have identified fractional Chern insulator phases in two-dimensional platforms. Despite the absence of an external magnetic field, these phases break time-reversal symmetry and exhibit strong similarities to the celebrated fractional quantum Hall effect. They suggest a broad analogy between topological flat bands and Landau levels. For a specific class of experimentally relevant bands, a mapping has even been established between these bands and conventional Landau levels. This mapping is generally linked to an orbital winding of the band, called a skyrmion, in analogy with non-trivial spin texture in magnetic systems. The aim of this internship is to investigate the formation of orbital skyrmions in topological flat bands. By solving continuum models with superlattice (moiré) potentials, the robustness of the topological orbital skyrmions will be studied for generic bands beyond the ideal case. One objective is to explore how the Landau level duality between real-space and momentum topology extends to genuinely topological bands. Additionally, electrons interactions may stabilize a Wigner crystalline structure with topological properties. Using a Hartree-Fock approach, the orbital skyrmion texture of this symmetry-broken state will be then investigated. Typical examples will include simple models of twisted bilayer graphene, twisted transition metal dichalcogenides, and rhombohedral multilayer graphene.

Christophe Mora
01 57 27 62 44

Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum communications at 10 µm wavelength
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Quantum communication exploits the fundamental laws of quantum physics to protect data with applications in bank transactions, financial trading and sensitive communications. The objective of this project is the realization of systems that assemble unipolar quantum optoelectronic devices (metamaterial photodetectors and phase modulators) with local oscillators to demonstrate quantum communications in the mid-infrared. This ambitious goal will be achieved by exploiting low-noise and high-sensitivity multiheterodyne detection systems.

Baptiste Chomet

Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : QUAD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cell automaton-based simulation of tissue migration in early embryonic development
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This is a new multidisciplinary collaboration between two internationally renown teams: one in biophysics (Paris) and one in cell developmental biology (Montpellier). Embryonic development involves large scale auto-organised tissue remodelling. Gastrulation is the process during which a sphere-like embryo acquires a multi-layered structure with a distinction between an “inside” and an “outside”. This a major event, highly conserved across evolution. This internship focuses on the stage where the mesoderm tissues enter inside the embryo and prepare the head-trunk organisation of the future animal. Our model is here an amphibian, for which the Fagotto team measures experimentally all physical properties (stiffness, adhesiveness, tensions, motility) that control the individual or collective cell activity. We aim at integrating experiment-driven information into a robust numerical simulation of collective movements emerging at tissue scale. This internship will focus on the onset of gastrulation. The intern will exploit an open-source software based on the “cellular Potts model” in the Graner team. The aim is to propose predictions which the Fagotto team will experimentally test.

François Graner
01 57 27 71 01

Laboratory : MSC - UMR7057
Team : Morphogenèse et Dynamique des Systèmes Auto-Organisés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Trapping mechanisms in vibrated granular matter
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Giuseppe Foffi
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Generating nonclassical states of light using waveguide quantum electrodynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship offer is for a Master’s student interested in quantum optics, specifically in generating nonclassical states of light using waveguide quantum electrodynamics. The project, based at LKB, Jussieu campus, involves theoretical modeling and simulation of photon interactions with quantum emitters to create quantum states and understand their formation. The intern will perform theoretical calculations, develop computational models, and collaborate with the research team. Applicants should have knowledge in quantum mechanics or optics, and experience with Python is advantageous.

Hanna Le Jeannic

Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Nanophotonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nano-laser arrays for quantum sensing in the mid infrared (wavelength ~ 10µm)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum Machines
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The objective of the PhD research project is to realise an array of quantum cascade (QC) nano-lasers by conceiving a photonic structure that merges concepts from microwave and optics. Indeed, concepts from the microwave range based on antenna theory could be implemented at much higher frequencies to spark new hybrid devices merging optics and electronics, dielectric and metals. Metallic antennae will be used to realise microcavities to enhance light-matter interaction and produce light emission. In particular patch-antennae will be adapted to produce an array of QC lasers that contribute to produce a coherent collective mode with substantially new performances in terms of wavelength engineering, spatial beam properties and low energy consumption. The properties of this photonic structure will be a mean to explore the quantum properties of the emitted light.

Carlo Sirtori
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : QUAD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Poor man's Majorana bound states coupled to photons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The Kitaev chain is the canonical model for the appearance of Majorana bound states (MBS). In a two-site Kitaev chain "poor man's MBS" emerge when the parameters are fine-tuned to a sweet spot, such that the chemical potential is tuned to zero and the hopping equals the superconducting pairing. In its simplest form, the coherent single particle tunneling is externally controlled by the gate voltages between dots, while the tunneling of Cooper pairs happens via virtual states in the superconductor, when electrons or holes are simultaneously created or annihilated in pairs. On the experimental side, a minimal Kitaev chain of two-sites has been realized in a platform based on quantum dots. In our work, we show that coupling a two-site interacting Kitaev chain to cavity photons offers a new and largely tunable platform to control poor man's MBS. The goal of this internship is to study how to use photon coupling to realize good quality poor man’s Majorana bound states in three-sites (and longer) interacting Kitaev chains. This project relies on state-of-the-art analytical and numerical techniques of quantum many-body physics to solve the electron-photon Hamiltonian. After successful completion of the internship there is a possibility to go on with a PhD and work on the ERC Project “Q-Light-Topo”.

Olesia Dmytruk
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Condensed Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Flows and shapes of membrane with a protein inclusion
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Many cellular functions rely on the ability of cells to alter their shape. At the cell-membrane level, shape changes are driven by forces which, regulated by specific proteins, alter the membrane curvature through structural alterations. We will study theoretically the fluid mechanics of a cell membrane—modelled as a two-dimensional fluid layer—including a trans-membrane protein. In the absence of flows, the membrane shape is determined by a balance between Laplace pressure and bending rigidity. The presence of flows in the membrane fluid alters this picture: viscous forces stemming from the flow alter the membrane shape. This intertwinement between flows and shape may reveal novel, physical features, which we plan to study. The strong points of this internship are: Scientific publications will be aimed at the best scientific journals The student will acquire valuable skills, such as proficiency in Python, learning and mastering of the finite-element method, and others, which will be highly beneficial for his/her future scientific career. - The cross-disciplinary character of this internship, bridging between theoretical physics, differential geometry, experimental physics and biology, will offer numerous directions for future developments of the project. See for more details.

Michele Castellana
Laboratory : PCC, Institut Curie - UMR168
Team : Dynamic Control of Signaling and Gene Expression
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-assembly of rod-shaped nanoparticles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
A fascinating way of creating new materials is via the spontaneous self-assembly of nanoparticles. When suspended in a solvent, these particles perform Brownian motion, allowing them to explore phase space and form different phases, similar to atoms and molecules. In the presence of attractions, or at high enough densities, this can lead to intricate crystal structures, dependent on the shape of the nanoparticles and the interactions between them. Even more complex structures can be formed by confining the nanoparticles in microscopic cavities, leading to a complex interplay between the thermodynamic bulk phase that the particles ``want’’ to form, and the constraints imposed by the boundaries of the volume available to them [1]. This project explores the self-assembly of nanoparticles in confinement, in close collaboration with experimental work in the group of Cyrille Hamon (LPS). In particular, you will explore how the aspect ratio of nanorods impacts the structures they form in confinement. [1] W. Chaâbani, J. Lyu, J. Marcone, C. Goldmann, E. J. M. ten Veen, C. Dumesnil, T. Bizien, F. Smallenburg, M. Impéror-Clerc, D. Constantin, and C. Hamon, ACS Nano 18, 9566 (2024).

Frank Smallenburg
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploiting many-body properties for advanced quantum devices
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The optical properties of highly doped semiconductor quantum wells are a paradigmatic manifestation of P. Anderson’s “More is different”. Indeed, for high electronic densities, there are no more optical transitions between electronic states and the absorption spectrum of the system shows a unique resonance associated with a collective mode of the system: the quantum plasmon. In this project, we plan to exploit the superradiant properties of quantum plasmons to create efficient cold sources, operating as mid-infrared light-emitting diodes.

Angela Vasanelli
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : QUAD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Phase modulators for quantum optics in the mid-infrared
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum optics

Type of internship
The aim of this project is the realization of phase modulators in the mid-infrared. Such devices will be implemented in a waveguide geometry, and they will be exploited to realize a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Combined with a sensitive mid-infrared detector, such interferometer would be the first building block for a fully integrated heterodyne detection platform, opening the path towards extending the realm of quantum optics towards the mid-infrared domain.

Angela Vasanelli
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : QUAD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Causal decompositions of unitary processes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The conjecture of causal decompositions proposes that there is an equivalence between two fundamental structures of quantum theory: causal structure and compositional structure. It would provide a dramatic connection between an empirical, operationally accessible notion (causal structure) and a powerful mathematical structure (compositional structure). This conjecture has recently been proven in the case of 1D Quantum Cellular Automata (QCAs), (which can be seen as representing lightcone-abiding dynamics in a discretised (1+1)D Minkowski spacetime), using novel and powerful mathematical techniques that employ C* algebras. The proof is however limited to a finite number of spatial sites, because the techniques have only been developed for finite-dimensional C* algebras. The project is for the students to generalise this proof to the infinite case, by investigating the extension of these techniques to the case of C* algebras of infinite dimension. This project is expected to require a significant deal of mathematics and abstraction, but the tools to be developed hold deep physical significance and promise to find application in other fields. The internship could continue into a PhD.

Augustin Vanrietvelde
Laboratory : LTCI -
Team : Quriosity
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Inducing Exotic Electronic Phases of Quantum Matter by Tuning Crystal Symmetries
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
The aim of this internship (to be followed by a funded PhD thesis) is to develop and perform new experiments to probe 2D quantum materials under biaxial tensile stress to induce or tune electronic phase transitions such as charge density waves and superconductivity. X-ray diffraction, transport measurements, and ARPES will be performed both at Laboratoire de Physique des Solides and in synchrotron sources.

Vincent Jacques
Laboratory : LPS -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Stability of Thin liquid films: silicone coatings for glass
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Coatings of liquids on surfaces such as glass are commonly used in manufacturing processes. The stability and homogeneity of these liquid films is of course crucial to these applications. In the case of silicone oils coating glass, a rough estimate of the long-range interactions such as Van der Waals’ shows that such films should bear a uniform thickness at equilibrium: repulsive interactions should tend to a flat thick film. However, in practical situation, initially heterogeneous films never get uniform in thickness in a timely manner. As examples, defects on glass substrates lead to thickness heterogeneities that grow over time rather than heal. When starting from a collection of droplets sprayed onto a flat substrate, a nanometer-thick film first spreads around the droplets, and delays the spreading and coalescence of the droplets. The goal is to gain insights into the behavior of silicone oil on glass and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the time evolution of such coatings. To do so, model systems will be used (plane glass or chemically-modified silicon wafers, well-characterized silicone oils), and imaging techniques such as ellipsometry or profilometry will be used, in order to measure and model the time variation of silicone oil coatings. Two cases will be particularly studied. - Time evolution of oil spread onto substrates decorated will well-controlled defects - Spreading dynamics of several droplets deposited on smooth substrates.

Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Drainage of thin liquid films and lifetimes of foams (experimental and theoretical)
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Coalescence has been widely studied in surfactant solutions. Nevertheless, a quantitative prediction of the lifetimes of liquid films stabilised by surfactants is still lacking due to intricate couplings between the flow and concentration fields as well as the disjoining pressure. Complexity arises from the timescales of surface and bulk transfers of surfactants. >Hence, the situation for surfactant solutions is so intricate that predicting the lifetime of a soap film remains a challenge. We have identified a very simple system in which it is possible to describe quantitatively the stability of liquid films. These are liquid mixtures, miscible in all proportions, for which: (i) disjoining pressure is always attractive and independent of local composition, (ii) surface/volume transfers are only controlled by diffusion, (iii) film lifetimes vary from 1ms to 10 s by changing the composition. Consequently, the question of coalescence and its consequences on diphasic flows is well posed in these systems. The purpose of the internship is to describe the physical mechanisms acting to stabilize foams of two mixed liquids. We will perform experiments on suspended liquid films thanks to a specially designed cell. We will explore the effects of the curvature which sets the capillary pressure gradients and the drainage time. These experiments will be analyzed and compared to on-going numerical simulations to improve our understanding of the stabilizing mechanisms in oil foams.

Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Towards photoelectric detection of single microwave photons using a super-inductance circuit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Developing efficient and fast single microwave photon detectors holds immense promise in advancing quantum computing, communication and sensing. Historically, the technology used by optical photon detection is based on semiconductor materials whose gap appropriately matches the frequency domain of interest. Transferring this technology to microwave photons fails due to the natural mismatch between semiconducting gap and microwave frequency photons. We have recently overcome this problem by realizing a quasi-ideal microwave photon to electron converter in which a superconducting tunnel junction acts as a voltage tuneable quantum absorber through the photon-assisted tunneling of quasiparticles. The achieved quantum efficiency approaches unity. We are now seeking for an enthusiastic student to work on the development of detection techniques to measure the single charge associated to the absorption of a single microwave photon. The goal will be to develop charge detection using superconducting circuits made out of granular aluminum, a disordered superconductor, realized in a nanofabrication clean room by electron beam lithography and metal evaporation. Measurements will then be carried in a new dilution refrigerator with base temperature of 20 mK and high precision electronics. The student will also get involved into numerical simulations of the quantum master equation governing the dynamics of the system.

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Revealing topological helical edge states in the topological insulator Bi4Br4
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This project aims to probe a new type of conductor, topological insulators, using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and quantum transport measurement to reveal edge conduction without dissipation.

Richard Deblock
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : MESO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fluctuations of supercurrent carried by topological insulator edge states
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Discovery of topological matter has triggered an intense research work motivated by the emergence of promising features among which the existence of helical ballistic edge states. For 2D systems or 3D high order topological insulators, they form one dimensional conducting channels on the edges with two time-reversed spin-momentum-locked states which do not backscatter. Using our newly developped ultrasensitive GMR-based (Giant Magnetoresistance) magnetic field sensor, we plan to detect the supercurrent carried by the helical edge states as well as its fluctuations at equilibrium, which are predicted to contain clear signature of the relaxation mechanism and topological protection.

Meydi Ferrier
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : MESO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Limits of Quantum Correlations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The probabilistic nature of quantum theory has deep consequences both on our understanding of the theory and on the potential applications that can be built with it. In fact, quantum statistics play a key role throughout quantum information theory. Yet, quantum correlations remain poorly understood. While some methods have been proposed to approach these statistics, they are generally either partial or implicit. The aim of this internship is to identify some explicit regions of the quantum boundary analytically. By providing new ways of testing whether some statistics admit a quantum explanation or not, this work will help to characterize both the power and the limitations of quantum predictions. It may also lead to applications in self-testing and the certification of quantum technology devices, as well as in the study of quantum networks.

Jean-Daniel Bancal
Laboratory : IPhT -
Team : Quantum Information Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Monitored Quantum Many-Body Systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Unitarity is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics which underlies the dynamics of closed quantum many-body systems, the concept of thermalisation and the emergence of statistical mechanics. A different paradigm for quantum dynamics arises in presence of an external environment, which can represent for example dissipation due to a bath or an external monitoring apparatus[1,2]. Other sources of non-unitarity can arise for example in presence of non-Hermiticity due to post-selection of measurement outcomes [3]. The goal of this project is to explore the consequences of non-unitarity on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems, in particular for what concerns the dynamics of quantum information. Examples include: the study of entanglement dynamics in presence of quantum measurements or continuous monitoring, the use of measurements and active feedback to steer and prepare quantum many-body states.

Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spin-orbit coupling tuning in two-dimensional systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Next generation spintronics efficiently targets ultra-low power memories for green electronics and on a longer term full-spin information processing. The spin-orbit coupling (SOC) plays a fundamental role in spintronics as it allows controlling the spin in the conduction channels through an electrostatic manipulation. SOC is greatly enhanced at reduced dimensions since the inversion symmetry is broken at surfaces or interfaces, and the resultant electric field couples to the spin of itinerant electrons, a phenomenon known as Rashba effect. Spin-orbit coupling is being intensively studied in two dimensional systems as in transition metal dichalcogenides, hybrid perovskites or in molecular layers on ferromagnetic substrates. In this internship, we will tune the SOC in 2D materials by structural modification, for instance by introducing defects in the structure (vacancies or impurities) or by introducing strain in the lattice. The effect of the induced structural modification will be studied by electron diffraction and the impact on the electronic bands will be determined by angle-resolved photoemission (occupied states) and by spin- and angle-resolved inverse photoemission (unoccupied states).

Antonio Tejeda
Laboratory : LPS -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of competing orders in Floquet driven quantum materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Time-dependent periodic perturbations can dynamically change the state of a system, a celebrated textbook example is the Kaptiza pendulum, whose unstable equilibrium position becomes dynamically stable under periodic drive. Similar ideas are currently being actively explored in condensed matter physics and ultra cold atoms to “Floquet” engineer through periodic driving novel phases of matter which are not stable in thermal equilibrium. One promising direction is to consider systems which display competing quantum orders in their equilibrium phase diagram and use periodic drive to manipulate and control this competition. The goal of this internship is to study the non-equilibrium dynamics of electrons in presence of charge density wave (CDW) and superconducting (SC) instabilities. These types of competing orders appear ubiquitously in the phase diagram of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) such as NbSe2 and NbS2, which offer an ideal playground to explore novel exotic states of matter. We will study models for TMD under periodic driving and discuss the possibilities of Floquet engineering of the mutual coupling between CDW and SC.
(Internship in collaboration with I. Paul, MPQ Paris-Cite’)

Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-linear circuit elements with voltage-biased superconductors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The aim of this project is to probe the electric-field-induced breakdown of superconductivity in films of the alloy NbSi, which can have different types of ground states depending upon the composition and level of disorder. Voltage-biasing superconductors leads to non-monotonic current-voltage relations, along with the observation of bistability. We will study the fundamental nature of the ground states of the NbSi system by conducting such experiments. We will also explore the possibility of using the features of bistability in current-voltage characteristics to design switching devices with two or more distinct states. Such devices are promising as building blocks for non-linear electrical networks which can be integrated into computation technologies based on superconducting electronics.

Shamashis SENGUPTA
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : ASSD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Swimming in stratified environments
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Oceans and lakes are typically inhomogeneous in temperature and salinity, and host a significant part of their biomass in the form of microscopic organisms. Their individual and collective dynamics are affected by the resulting gradients in viscosity and density. The purpose of this internship is to model and analyse the effects of such spatial variations on the swimmer's trajectory and reciprocally, the effect of the swimming motion on the swimming dynamics. The project can be continued onto a PhD where the focus will be extended to the interactions of swimmers and how these are affected by the environment's inhomogeneities.

Sebastien Michelin
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Symmetry, Spin, and Topology in Crystalline Insulators and Superconductors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Over the past 10 years, members of our team have shown that most 3D solid-state materials exhibit topological features in their electronic spectrum. In the simplest models, these features may be linked to well-understood, robust phases of matter such as quantum Hall states. However, real semiconductors exhibit more complicated symmetries, boundary terminations, chemistry, disorder, and electronic correlations than the tight-binding toy models frequently used to study topological states. It remains a significant and open question how to unify the current classification of topological crystalline materials with universal and industry-relevant experimental observables in longer-wavelength response theories, especially in the presence of interactions, disorder, and superconductivity (SC). Our team has made rapid, recent advances in this direction by leveraging hidden information in the electronic spin degree of freedom in semiconductors, and by introducing new variants of symmetry group theory in interacting and SC materials. Funded by our recently awarded ERC Grant TopoRosetta, this internship will provide students an opportunity to perform theoretical and numerical investigations of the interplay of electromagnetic response, topological field theory, and group theory to unravel the classification of and best real-material platforms for topological order and SCs. We also have opportunities for DFT calculations and experimental collaboration, see PDF for full details.

Benjamin Wieder
Laboratory : IPhT -
Team : Statistical and condensed matter physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ab initio theory of magnetic order in rare-earth intermetallics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Magnetic intermetallics containing rare-earth elements play an important role in modern industry and sustainable energy production. In particular, rare-earth-based magnetocaloric materials for cryogenic magnetic refrigeration have attracted recently a lot of attention. These materials exhibit magnetic orders due to 4f quasi-atomic shells of rare-earth coupled by inter-site exchange (IE). The rare-earth 4f shells are also impacted by crystal electric field (CEF) induced by crystalline environment. These coupling constants - various IE processes and CEF - typically have comparable magnitudes; their subtle interplay results in complex magnetic orders of rare-earth intermetallics. Current understanding of the relative importance of various coupling mechanisms and the ability to predict the actual magnetic orders in these systems are still rather limited. The goal of this internship will be to carry out ab initio analysis of a selected set of rare-earth compounds with the aim of establishing the role and relative importance of various coupling mechanisms and CEF in their magnetic orders. The project will be based on methodologies developed in the CPHT Condensed matter theory group for calculating CEF potentials and IE interactions.

Leonid Poyurovskiy
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Condensed Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Microscopic and macroscopic integrability of non-equilibrium systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The statistical properties of large scale fluctuations far from equilibrium can be investigated through the exact solutions of interacting particle systems, both at microscopic and at macroscopic scales. The methods used are either quantum integrability (Bethe Ansatz, Yang Baxter equations) or classical integrability (Inverse Scattering, Lax pairs). The object of this internship will be to reach a more precise understanding of the precise connections between these different scales of description and the various forms of integrability.


Laboratory : IPhT -
Team : Statistical and condensed matter physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Disorder and charge dynamics in nitride semiconductor heterostructures: new experimental tools for more efficient devices
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
We propose an internship, and subsequent thesis, aimed at studying the opto-electronic consequences of nanoscale disorder in nitride semiconductor heterostructures used in lighting applications. To do so, the candidate may use novel experiment tools developed at Ecole polytechnique, including scanning tunnelling luminescence microscopy which combines the spatial resolution of STM with the spectral resolution of optical spectroscopy, low energy photo-emission and high resolution photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. These tools are unique in that they are used to study fundamental physical processes affecting electron dynamics in operational devices, including commercial light-emitting diodes. As such, our goal is to provide physical insights that will help to design the high efficiency light emitters of tomorrow.

Alistair Rowe
06 85 65 97 05

Laboratory : LPMC - UMR7643
Team : Electrons-Photons-Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Shining light on superconducting 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have recently attracted significant interest because they allow the exploration of novel quantum phenomena down to the 2D limit. Of particular interest for the present project are metallic TMD like NbSe2 which displays various quantum phases like Superconductivity (SC) and charge density wave (CDW) states [Xi16]. The possibility of fabricating these 2D crystals into vertical “van der Waals” (VdW) heterostructures make them ideal candidate for the integration into cavities to enhance light-matter interaction and achieve cavity control of quantum phases. In addition, the formation of Moiré patterns due to the lattice mismatch and crystalline misalignment between vertically stacked layers is another unique aspect of the VdW layered structures, offering opportunities for quantum engineering of material properties [Cao18]. During the internship, the student will participate in the first steps of this ambitious project. He/she will study TMD-based VdW heterostructures displaying SC properties using exfoliation techniques. Going beyond traditional transport measurements, an originality of the project will be the use of low temperataure spectroscopic techniques with micron-size spatial resolution like Raman scattering to probe the SC state [Grasset2018,Grasset2019]. In the longer term these optical techniques will be implemented in out-of-equilibrium pump-probe schemes and in equilibrium on cavity-integrated samples.

Yann Gallais

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Toward 2D electron gases with strong spin-orbit coupling in crystalline metal- semiconductor heterostructures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
The aim of this intership project and the following PhD thesis is to develop a strategy to preserve the strong Rashba effect in 2D heavy metallic layers on semiconducting surfaces and make use of these systems for spintronic applications. We will grow a dielectric capping material on the desired heavy metal in ultra-high vacuum environement, study the band structure of the heterostructures by ARPES and perform charge-spin conversion measurements by magneto-transport techniques.

Sergio Vlaic
Laboratory : LPEM - UMR8213
Team : QuantumSpecs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of 2D antimonene via doping with magnetic impurities
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
In this intership project we propose to study the electronic properties of antimonene, a 2D allotrope of antimony, grown on topological insulators, by angle resolved photoemission electron spectroscopy (ARPES). The antimonene layer will be doped with magnetic impurities to induce ferromagnetism. This intership project, and the follow up PhD thesis will be carried out in collaboration with the EPFL in Switzerland.

Sergio Vlaic
Laboratory : LPEM - UMR8213
Team : QuantumSpecs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Novel electronic states and exotic phase transitions in correlated electron systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
According to the Bloch theory, considered the “Standard Model” for the quantum description of solids, metal or insulator are mutually exclusive states of matter. The very existence of a metal-to-insulator transition observed in some materials shakes the foundations of such a well-tested model! Such a transition is one of the most fundamental puzzles of modern Physics. During this internship you will use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), a technique that directly images the electronic energies of a solid, to explore the changes in electronic structure and induced broken symmetries across the metal-to-insulator transition in V2O3. The experiments will be performed at several synchrotrons around Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, among others), and possibly Japan and China. You will also participate to the assembly and operation of a laboratory-based high-resolution ARPES system, aimed at exploring the MIT and other exotic states in correlated materials.

Andrés Felipe Santander-Syro
01 69 15 75 11

Laboratory : ISMO - UMR8214
Team : SIM2D
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
A laser-cooled trapped ion cloud for heavy particle detection
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
One of the experimental set-up of the CIML group in Marseille aims at the experimental investigation of the energy exchange between charged particles, sending a projectile onto a target. There, the target is a cold and dense trapped ion cloud which can be considered as a very non-conventional plasma, a one-component plasma. The projectile is a very heavy molecular ion and the perturbation that it induces in crossing the cloud of trapped ions can be used for its non-destructive detection, to demonstrate a prototype for mass spectrometer detector without mass limitation. Objectives : We propose to a master student to join this project to observe and study the energy exchange between charged heavy ions and laser cooled Ca+ trapped ion cloud. It implies to develop a protocol to control the size and temperature of the trapped ions, the trajectory of the projectile and a diagnostic of the energy transferred to the ion cloud. The internship relies on an operational experimental set-up, where the detection will take place. It can also rely on a molecular dynamics simulation code that can be used to test the detection efficiency regarding the projectile characteristics, the trap and the laser-cooling parameters. The acquired skills concern charged particle trapping and guiding, atom-laser interaction and laser cooling, data acquisition and processing.

Caroline Champenois
Laboratory : PIIM - UMR7345
Team : Confinement d'ions et manipulation laser
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Blue slave laser for quantum microwave sensing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
This internship aims at implementing a new slave laser, to be used in the consecutive PhD thesis in experiments on microwave field measurement using cold Rydberg atoms of ytterbium.


Laboratory : LAC - UMR 9025
Team : LAC: Matière Froide Corrélée
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tunable dynamic behavior of kirigami in fluid flow
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In engineering, flexible components are increasingly favored over rigid ones for devices operating in fluid flow. Their ability to deform enhances resilience to changing conditions, and can improve aerodynamic performance, or support a range of operational modes. However, controlling their complex deformations under fluid loading presents significant design challenges, requiring innovative approaches. Recent work in LadHyX has shown the potential of kirigami—where cut patterns are introduced into flat materials—to create tunable poroelastic structures, providing effective control for passive shape adaptation in fluid environments. While past studies have mainly explored static shape changes, this internship seeks to broaden the focus to include the dynamic response of kirigami structures in fluid flow.

Sophie Ramananarivo
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Local investigation of a magnetic topological kagome metal by NMR
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Metallic compounds with a kagome lattice, made of corner-sharing triangles, are gaining increasing interest in condensed matter. This is due first to their unique non-trivial band structure, which encompasses Dirac crossing points, a flat band and Van-Hove singularities even at the simplest nearest-neighbor tight-binding approximation. Beyond electronic states with potentially non trivial topology, the recently discovered materials often also show signs of strong electronic correlations with magnetic ground states or even superconductivity. Thus, kagome metals provide a rare opportunity to combine strong correlations and topology to generate new quantum states.

Fabrice Bert

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : SQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics in ultracold plasmas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Laser-cooled atomic samples provide highly controllable and versatile platforms to study complex phenomena. The ion trapping group in Marseilles studies laser-cooled calcium ions Ca+ trapped in linear radio-frequency (rf) traps. At temperatures lower than 1 K the trapped ions form a regular structure, called a Coulomb crystal, minimizing the total energy, as shown on the figure, which displays the fluorescence of the ions imaged by a camera. By playing with the lasers addressing the ions it is possible to shelve part of the cloud in a “dark state”, triggering a phase separation between bright and dark ions. By studying this process one can measure experimentally the self-diffusion coefficients in a one-component strongly correlated plasma, which is the topic of this internship offer.

Romain Dubessy
Laboratory : PIIM - UMR7345
Team : Confinement d'ions et manipulation laser
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Prebiotic chemistry/origins of life studies from computational ab initio and machine learning methods
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Building on our recent breakthroughs in computational prebiotic chemistry, achieved thanks to state-of-the-art ab initio free-energy methods, we are strengthening our approaches through the in-house ongoing development of quantum accuracy-level machine learning potentials, capable to address challenges in the study of transformation in more and more complex and realistic environments.

Marco Saitta

Laboratory : IMPMC - UMR 7590
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Unconventional superconducting mechanisms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Superconductivity, the dissipation-less flow of charge, is one of the most fascinating macroscopic manifestations of an exotic quantum state of matter. Over the last decades more and more materials presenting unconventional superconductivity have been discovered that elude our current understanding framed within the stand theory of superconductivity. This project aims to introduce the student into the problematics of unconventional superconductivity by employing a state of the art methods based on Dynamical Mean Field Theory.

Marcello Civelli

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective phototaxis of colonial swimming microorganisms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Using the microorganism Volvox we recently observed quite interesting behaviors: at an individual level Volvox exhibits directional phototaxis towards the light source, where the phototaxis mechanism can be explained by the orchestral coordination of the many cilia on its surface. At the collective level where the density of Volvox in the fluid is high, we observed that a population of Volvox exhibits distinct collective dynamics compared to individual behavior in response to light stimuli, where hundreds of Volvox cells form a stable, rotating two-dimensional layer of active crystal (aggregate) suspended in a three- dimensional fluid chamber. In this project, we aim to establish a novel mechanistic framework that integrates experiments, theoretical analysis, and simulations to capture quantitatively the hydrodynamic interactions governing both individual and collective behaviors of microorganisms.

Blaise Delmotte

Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effective rheology of reactive suspensions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Reactive particles are interesting synthetic alternatives to biological swimmers in their simplicity and their ability to convert chemical energy into fluid motion and interact with inhomogeneous physico-chemical fields (e.g. a solute concentration). In practice, the surface coating of a phoretic particle can be designed to encode a given hydro-chemical response. This provides a route for controlling their behavior at the collective level and the effective physical properties of a whole suspension (e.g. rheology). The main objective of this project will be to analyse the effective rheology and dynamic response of suspensions of reactive particles to mechanical forcing (e.g. shear flow). The intern will study in detail the evolution of the suspension's rheology with particle density, shape and surface properties, as well as its response to chemical signaling.

Blaise Delmotte

Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective sedimentation of flexible fibers in structured media
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The sedimentation of small flexible and rigid fibers in structured media embedded with obstacles finds many occurrences in natural and industrial processes, such as the motion textile fibers in wastewater treatment units, wood pulp fibers in the papermaking process or the sinking of microplastics and plankton in the ocean. The aim of this project is to investigate the collective sedimentation of rigid and flexible fibers in structured media embedded with obstacles using numerical simulations. The intern will use the numerical tools developed by the supervisors’ groups. She/he will first study the collective sedimentation of flexible fibers in clear fluids to understand the effect of flexibility on the instability and the formation of clusters. She/he will then add obstacles to see how this instability is affected by their presence.

Blaise Delmotte

Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Periodic and chaotic fiber deformation in porous media
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The separation of elongated and/or deformable particles, such as microplastic fibers or pathogens, using structured media, such as pillar arrays, is essential for many processes such as pollution control, environmental assessments, diagnosis or biological analysis. However, it remains a highly challenging task due to the extensive range of morphologies fibers can adopt when interacting with flows and obstacles. Predicting and controlling the trajectory of elongated elastic structures in a flow embedded with obstacles is essential to understand the physics of biological and industrial systems but also to design efficient separation techniques. The aim of this project is to investigate the migration of flexible fibers due to pressure-driven flows in structured media embedded with obstacles using theoretical models and numerical simulations. The intern will use theoretical analysis and numerical tools developed by the group of Blaise Delmotte at LadHyX, and will collaborate closely with the groups of Olivia du Roure and Anke Lindner at PMMH, where experiments are performed.

Blaise Delmotte

Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Superfluid Bose-Einstein condensates in bubble traps
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum gases

Type of internship
The Bose-Einstein Condensate group at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers studies superfluid dynamics of a degenerate bosonic gas confined at the surface of a bubble. We have evidenced in the bubble the formation of a vortex lattice when the gas is set into rotation, and observed the thermal melting of the lattice at large rotation frequency. In the internship, we propose to develop a new imaging system at a shorter wavelength to improve the imaging resolution, with the final goal of imaging the vortices directly inside the trapped gas.

Hélène Perrin

Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Condensats de Bose-Einstein
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
From micro to macroscale in anticipative active matter: merging agent-based and Mean Field Game descriptions of crowd dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
A detailed understanding of crowd dynamics is a societal necessity, both for safety reasons (evacuation, panic movements in large gatherings) and for the design of public spaces (train stations, shopping malls). For physicists, this raises the question of active matter in interaction, with the added complexity of the pedestrian’s ability to anticipate the future movements of other pedestrians. The goal of this internship is to design and study a model of pedestrian motion which couples the microscopic/operational level of the motion with the necessity of optimization/anticipation required at a larger scale. This will involve relating the agent-based models to some equivalent kinetic and hydrodynamic models, and developing the corresponding mean-field game.

Denis Ullmo
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Elastic turbulence in von Karman swirling flow
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Elastic turbulence occurs at flow rates where inertial effects are negligible and are driven by elastic forces. The main goal of the project is to explore the flow structure in the purely elastic limit using benchmark viscoelastic solutions and to compare with the inertio-elastic regime.

Sandra Lerouge
Laboratory : MSC -
Team : Dynammique et organisation de la matière molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tracer dispersion at fine scales in the global ocean
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ocean eddies on the mesoscale (O(100) km) contain most of the kinetic energy and play an essential role in ocean dynamics on climatic scales. The submesoscales (below O(10) km) are associated with smaller, faster eddies, as well as filaments and temperature fronts, and are crucial due to both the intense vertical transport (of heat and nutrients) they induce and to their role in energy transfers. It is possible to understand the horizontal dispersion of Lagrangian drifters observed at mesoscales using predictions from turbulence theory. At submesoscales, deviations from these predictions can provide information on the interaction between fast processes (frontal dynamics, tidal waves) and slower (geostrophic) processes, in order to better understand energy transport and transfer properties at fine scales. The aim of the internship is to explore the statistical properties of Lagrangian particle transport at the ocean surface using state-of-the-art realistic numerical simulations. Particular attention will put on particle clustering (due to submesoscales), whose mechanisms are not fully understood. The methodology will rely on the analysis of statistical indicators of particle aggregation and other tools from turbulence theory. This will help to propose modifications of existing theory to include fast dynamical processes.

Stefano Berti
Laboratory : UML - ULR 7512
Team : Mécanique des fluides complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Towards a quantum interface between ionic qubits and entangled photons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Recent advances in quantum physics have given rise to cutting-edge fields such as quantum computing, quantum simulation, and quantum communication—driving the rapid development of quantum technologies. Over the past few years, our research team has developed two experimental components using complementary quantum platforms: laser-cooled trapped ions and semiconductor sources of correlated photons. This internship proposal is at the intersection of these two areas, with the goal of developing a hybrid quantum platform. The project focuses on addressing one of the key challenges in quantum communication networks: creating a seamless connection between static qubits (trapped ions) and flying qubits (single photons).

Valentin Cambier

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Making droplets swim using microorganisms
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Active (self-propelled) particles hold significant promise in the development of innovative active and smart materials that can move directionally, deform, and adapt to crowded environments. We have recently designed a new kind of microscopic active particle: a droplet propelled by a swimming microalga, which is encapsulated in the droplet. As the enclosed microalga swims, the droplet is propelled. We want to better understand the physics of how the droplet swims, and see how the droplet can be directed in complex environments such as model porous media. The internship is experimental and will involve quantitative image and data analysis.

Gabriel Amselem
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
New avenues in axion searches through hadron decays
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The indirect search for fundamental interactions, governing matter at the smallest scales, complements the direct search of new particles. Historically, direct discoveries have often been anticipated by “indirect” evidence, namely predicted effects in precision measurements. Many rare meson and baryon decays fall in this category and probe scales far beyond those accessible at the energy frontier. The thesis focuses on devising measurable decays that probe interactions with light spinless particles known as axions. Axions, while hypothetical, are highly plausible particles that address several conceptual and observational problems, such as the absence of CP violation in strong interactions and the nature of Dark Matter. Axions may be produced in decays of beauty mesons or hyperons. We plan to devise new search channels using decays with well-controlled backgrounds or reliably reconstructed decay products. These decays will be calculated within QCD at low energies (the “theory of pions”), augmented with an axion via the Noether procedure. This research will be a collaboration between LAPTh Annecy (FR) on theory, and the University of Cagliari (UniCa, IT) on experiment. The Annecy-UniCa collaboration is a long-standing one, with former students who are now CNRS staff or accomplished postdoctoral researchers. The thesis involves both theoretical and experimental work to train an all-round phenomenologist, and is funded by the IT/FR “Vinci” program.

Diego Guadagnoli
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Manipulating the Quantum Photon-Avalanche Process with Plasmonic Nano-Antennas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Phenomena such as earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, species extinctions, stock market crashes, and wars are all examples of self-organized criticality in nature, exhibiting avalanche-like behavior. In optics, a similar behavior is observed in the photon emission from certain rare-earth-doped nanoparticles, specifically those doped with thulium ions (Tm³⁺). This highly nonlinear phenomenon is known as the photon avalanche (PA). The emission from these Avalanching Nanoparticles (ANPs) exhibits a nonlinear response to the excitation source (see Figure 1), making them promising probes for applications such as super-resolution biological imaging. Building on our team's expertise in manipulating electric and magnetic light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, we propose to study the influence of plasmonic nano-antennas (see Figure 2) on the internal physical mechanisms of the photon avalanche. As part of this fundamental research project, we will employ experimental techniques such as Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM), power-dependent measurements, and spectroscopic analysis to characterize the exotic behavior of ANPs. Collaborating with the University of California, Berkeley, and Columbia University, this experimental project is at the forefront of a new field of research with high potential for significant scientific publications and technological applications.

Mathieu Mivelle

Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
A mean-field game approach for balancing intermittent power generation and consumption in electrical networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The system for producing (and consuming) electrical energy is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by two factors whose impact will increase significantly in the coming decades. On the one hand, the growing share of intermittent sources (solar, wind) in the energy mix and, on the other hand, technological advances that will make it increasingly possible to control the use of electrical appliances in households. Adapting this intermittent production to consumption will be one of the main challenges of the energy transition in the coming decades. The aim of the two internships proposed will be to address this problem in a simplified setting where ``agents'' are both electricity producers and consumers and to study the coordination between the agents within a game theoretic approach. This will imply two tasks, each the subject of an internship: i) the construction and study of a Mean Field Game describing the behavior of the agents, and ii) to take the point of view of the ``central authority'', leading to a problem of ``game design'' .

Denis Ullmo
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
La microfluidique sur un fil…
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Microstreaming for acoustically excited micro-swimmers
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Oscillations of a micro hydraulic jump
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamique extraordinaires d’interface liquides couvertes de microparticules
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L’ajout de microparticules sur une interface liquide-air peut drastiquement modifier les propriété mécaniques et physique de cette interface et conduire à des comportement surprenants, comme des bulles non-sphérique stables (par exemple cylindriques), des « bulles d’air éternelles» résistant au drainage et à l’évaporation et pouvant ainsi conserver leur intégrité pendant plus d’un an ou encore l’inversion de l’instabilité de Saffman-Taylor. A l’heure actuelle, le comportement dynamique de ces interfaces reste encore largement inexploré. Au cours de ce projet de master, nous étudierons expérimentalement et théoriquement des aspects originaux de la réponse dynamique de ces interfaces et en particulier leur propriétés mécaniques/physiques pour différents objets et différentes compositions d’interface.

Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Impact d’un jet sur une surface chaude
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L’étude de l’impact d’un jet liquide vertical revêt une importance capitale dans de nombreuses applications comme le nettoyage et le refroidissement. Il s’agit, en effet, d’un processus bien connu dans de nombreux secteurs industriels. L’impact d’un jet sur une plaque chaude a donc fait l’objet d’une abondante littérature mais la question n’a jusqu’ici été abordé que d’un point de vue thermique. Dans des travaux récents, notre équipe a étudié les aspects hydrodynamiques du problème. Nous avons constaté la transition entre deux régimes distincts : l'un où une goutte s'élargit à son point d'impact, et l'autre où elle se fragmente en un spray. Dans ce second régime, le liquide s'étale sur la surface en formant une couche qui finit par se détacher et se fragmenter en gouttelettes sous l'effet de l'évaporation. L'objectif de ce stage est de poursuivre l'exploration de l'impact d'un jet liquide sur une plaque chaude, en approfondissant plusieurs aspects supplémentaires. Nous examinerons notamment la configuration d'un jet incliné, ainsi que les conditions menant à l'apparition d'un rebond du jet, tel qu'observé expérimentalement. L'effet d'un jet préchauffé sur le comportement global du système sera également étudié. Enfin, l'influence d'une surface rugueuse, texturée ou hydrophobe sur le processus de fragmentation du jet sera explorée.

Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction médiée par la déformation d’un film de savon
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Fields theory/String theory
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Lorsque l’on dépose un petit objet sur un film de savon horizontal, la masse de l’objet déforme le film. Cette déformation du film crée un potentiel qui attire tout autre objet présent sur le film. La présence de cette interaction a permis d’observer dans notre laboratoire que deux gouttes posées avec une vitesse initiale sur un film de savon orbitent l’une autour de l’autre, selon des trajectoires analogues à celles observées pour de grandes structures cosmologiques. Pour aller plus loin, il est nécessaire de modéliser la force d’interaction entre objets, médiée par la déformation du film de savon sous l’effet de leur propre masse. Le but de ce projet de master, est de mesurer expérimentalement, et modéliser théoriquement la force d’interaction entre deux objets posés sur un film de savon. Nous caractériserons d’abord le lien entre déformation locale du film et force d’interaction puis utiliserons cette modélisation pour décrire finement les trajectoires d’objets en interactions, déjà observées au laboratoire.

Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Properties of chiral molecule / metallic interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Molecular spintronics combines the use the electron spin for transport and storage with the use of molecular materials. Chiral molecules are present in the form of two non-superimposable enantiomers due to the absence of inversion center what makes them promising candidates. Indeed, they offer the unique possibility of being able to create spin selectivity at the interface with a metal known as CISS (chiral induced spin-selectivity) effect. To enhance the spin selectivity at the interface, it is mandatory to control the molecule/metal interface. The internship, that can be followed by a thesis, will focus on model interfaces between chiral molecules and metallic or ferromagnetic substrates in order to understand their structural, electronic and magnetic properties at the molecular level.

Amandine Bellec
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team : Auto-organisation de nanostructures et STM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spontaneous emission and quantum memory within a 1D atomic lattice
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Cold atoms are one promising platform to realize quantum memories with high efficiency. In our experiment we propose to use cold atoms trapped in a 1D lattice. The density modulation of the atoms creates a band gap and a Bragg reflection. Adding this to a standard quantum-memory protocol, we want to study how the increased density of state at the band edges can enhance the efficiency of the quantum memory, and how the Bragg reflection can be exploited to create two output ports for reading the stored light.

William Guerin
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR 7010
Team : Atomes froids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Are there leaders in active systems?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Do active systems posses leaders – units that influence the system more than how they are influenced by them? The answer obviously depends on the specific system at hand and it is of primary importance in biology. Understanding this is indeed akin to ask what are the causal relations between different agents, or between each agent and macroscopic properties of the system. In this internship, we will study the application of recently developed techniques for causal inference to assess whether leaders can be reliably identified in active systems. The work will have analytical and numerical components.

Cesare Nardini
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Braiding between a Bogolubov quasiparticle and a superconducting vortex
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This theoretical internship is in the field of conventional superconductivity. The aim is to study the idea of Hansson et al. that the proper way to describe conventional superconductivity is in terms of topological order of the X.-G. Wen type (rather than in terms of spontaneous symmetry breaking of a gauge symmetry and the existence of a local order parameter). In this perspective, the excitations of a superconductor (the Cooper pair condensate, the Bogolubov quasiparticle and the superconducting vortex) are re-interpreted as being fractionalized topological quasiparticles known as “anyons” of the toric code: the Cooper pair condensate is the trivial or vacuum anyon, the Bogolubov quasiparticle is the ε-anyon, the superconducting vortex is the m-anyon and the bound-state of a Bogolubov quasiparticle and a superconducting vortex is the e-anyon. The concrete project is to study an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer for Bogolubov quasiparticles encircling a superconducting vortex. The relevant Bogolubov quasiparticles are those near the band edge (i.e. those at lowest energy) which are charge neutral (equal weight superposition of an electron and a hole) spin ½ fermions. The prediction is that the interferences in the AB loop are destructive for an odd number of vortices and constructive for an even number.

Jean-Noël Fuchs

Laboratory : LPTMC - UMR7600
Team : États quantiques de la matière
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of strongly correlated fermions via stochastic evaluation of Feynman diagrams
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Strongly correlated fermions are ubiquitous in various contexts: electrons in solids or molecules, nucleons in nuclei or neutron stars, quarks in QCD. Our understanding of such systems is limited by the difficulty to compute their properties in a reliable and unbiased way. For conventional quantum Monte Carlo methods, the computational time generically grows exponentially with the number of fermions (due to the “fermion sign problem”). The situation is fundamentally different with connected Feynman diagrams, which can be computed directly for infinite volume. In contrast to usual diagrammatic calculations, we control the series-truncation error by going to high orders. To this end we develop Monte Carlo algorithms to efficiently sample diagrammatic series. In the cases where the series diverges, we study its the large-order asymptotic behavior, and use it to construct a resummation method capable of transforming the divergent series into a result that converges towards the exact physical value (in the limit of infinite truncation-order). The internship/PhD project involves the development of diagrammatic Monte Carlo for the unitary Fermi gas model and/or impurity models (that accurately describe experiments on ultracold atomic gases conducted in several labs, e.g. LKB, MIT, Hamburg, Technion, Yale…).

Kris Van Houcke
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Systèmes Classiques ou Quantiques en Interaction
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Orbital Imaging in Correlated Fermions Materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
This internship proposal focuses on investigating quantum materials that exhibit complex physical phenomena such as unconventional superconductivity, quantum spin liquids, metal-insulator transitions, and exotic magnetism. These materials are typically composed of transition-metal, rare-earth, or actinide elements, where the behavior of their d or f orbitals plays a crucial role. The project aims to understand these orbitals' behavior by employing a novel technique—non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS), also known as X-ray Raman Scattering (XRS)—which can directly image atomic orbitals from spectroscopic measurements.

Victor Balédent

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Manipulation of quantum gases with oscillating magnetic fields
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
The aim of this internship is to set up controllable radiofrequency and microwave sources to manipulate sodium quantum gases with oscillating magnetic fields. These new tools will extend the capacity of the experimental set-up for the study of one-dimensional Bose gases. After the internship, a funded PhD thesis may be proposed on this subject.

Aurélien Perrin

Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Condensats de Bose-Einstein
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Curvature-growth interplay in the morphogenesis of the sea urchin skeleton microstructure
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Self-organisation draws much attention in biotic systems as it can produce complexity at reduced developmental cost. We address this topic in the context of the microstructure of the sea urchin skeleton. This 3D structure, called stereom, is a porous meshwork made of calcite, whose surface is saddle-shaped and bears a peculiar curvature signature. Many studies have addressed the morphogenesis of the stereom, in different species and skeletal parts, showing that it forms via biomineralisation through a rich dynamics of branching and reconnection episodes. Yet, a global, mechanistic comprehension of how skeletonising cells control preferential mineral deposition is still lacking. In this project we will focus on the regeneration of adult sea urchin spines. Our main hypothesis is that skeletonising cells are entangled with the stereom local geometry and that this interaction is mediated by the cytoskeleton. The internship aims to experimentally characterise how the evolution of the stereom affect the cytoskeleton organisation and vice versa, using confocal microscopy. In parallel we want to build a numerical model to test if local cell-structure interaction can reproduce the final complexity.

Giulio Facchini
Laboratory : MSC - UMR7057
Team : Morphogenèse et Dynamique des Systèmes Auto-Organisés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Gravitational waves signatures of first order phase transitions in flavour gauge models
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Mounting evidence suggests that planned and present gravitational-wave detectors may be sensitive to signatures from first-order phase transitions in the early universe. These events, potentially present in the primordial universe, create a broad spectrum of GWs, the stochastic remnants of which could then be observed in the various next-generation experiments. The aim of this internship is to explore the presence, strength, and finally possible GW signatures of first order transitions in new physics models with supplementary gauge groups motivated by the Standard Model flavour problems – so-called horizontal gauge groups. The calculation of the finite temperature effective potential of the flavour model will be performed using the effective Lagrangian reduction method implemented in the code DRalgo and further used to study and model the phase transition as well as modelling GW behaviour in the wake of a first-order phase transition. For interested candidates with experience in coding, programming-intensive directions could also include further developing a relativistic hydrodynamics of the dynamics of a phase transition and the Bayesian analysis of subsequent emission of GWs. Interactions with the experimental GWs group at IP2I is expected. This internship may be continued by a PhD project pending to obtaining a PhD funding from the Doctoral School.

Aldo Deandrea

Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team : Theorie IP2I Lyon
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Silicon nanowire solar cells on flexible substrates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Fabrication of highly flexible solar cells is crucial for applications where rigidity or weight can be an issue, such as solar energy collection on buildings or in space. Nanowire-based devices have increased flexibility due to the reduced nanowire contact area with stress relaxation along the nanowire direction. We are actively developing the growth of highly dense nanowires in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactor with diameters from quantum sized (less than 10 nm) to a few tens of nanometers. Fabricated devices on the flexible substrates have to be characterized using opto-electric and scanning electron microscope techniques to relate their performance with nanowire density. Our expectation is that the fabricated flexible solar cells can serve also as water-splitting photoelectrodes in a liquid environment using suitable catalysts in the future. We would like the candidate to fabricate flexible solar cells and develop a model relating nanowire density with the growth speed and the device performance when measured on a flat or a bent flexible substrate, respectively.

Martin Foldyna
01 69 33 43 11

Laboratory : -
Team : LPICM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Towards Real-Time Brain Surgery: Polarimetric Assessment of the Partial Mueller Matrix Macroscope
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Precise delineation of brain tumor during neurosurgery remains difficult with current surgical microscopes. We address this challenge by focusing on visualizing the brain's microarchitecture with wide-field imaging Mueller polarimetry, and assuming that absence of brain fibers is a marker of cancer. Our studies demonstrated that polarimetric maps provide valuable information for fiber tracking. Current system requires 16 sequential intensity measurements followed by complex data processing. However, a simplified partial Mueller polarimeter can provide the same diagnostic information at video rate, thus, opening an avenue for translation of this modality to clinical settings. This project aims to integrate and evaluate a new partial polarimetric imaging system for real-time data acquisition. You will focus on calibration and optimization of polarimetric instrument using various methods, and testing the system with calibration samples and brain phantoms. A major challenge consists of defining robust performance assessment metrics. This project offers hands-on experience in optical physics, image processing, and understanding real-world medical applications. As part of a large multidisciplinary team, you will collaborate with the experts in various fields. Applicant profile: Master’s student with a focus on physics/photonics/biomedical engineering. Required skills: Basic hands-on knowledge in optics, image processing and programming. Interest in biomedical applications.

Tatiana Novikova

Laboratory : -
Team : LPICM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring the physics of correlated metallic kagome networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
We propose the study of systems containing kagome planes of transition metals (Fe, Co, Rh…), which intrinsically bring together strong electronic correlations and topologically non-trivial band structures. The kagome network features corner sharing triangles and hexagons. A simple tight-binding model of a kagome plane leads to a very intriguing electronic structure, featuring Dirac points and flat bands due to quantum interferences. Many real bulk materials contain metallic kagome planes, but whether their electronic structure corresponds well to this model still and which electronic properties may emerge still has to be explored. We propose to synthesize and characterize in the laboratory such compounds (e.g. Fe1-xCoxSn or Co3Sn2S2) and apply to them various perturbations (doping, strain…) to modify their properties. We will then perform angle resolved photoemission experiments at the SOLEIL synchrotron near our laboratory to study its electronic band structure and check for the presence of topological and/or correlated properties.

Véronique Brouet

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : SQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Microbial Bioplastic Degradation
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
This multidisciplinary project focuses on the biodegradability of biosourced plastics, with the aim of combating marine plastic poulltion. The project aims to characterize how bacteria invade and erode a semi-crystalline / amorphous polymeric surface and how different the degradation is from an abiotic medium which just contains soluble extracted depolymerases.

Eric Raspaud
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : TICE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring nonequilibrium activity and enhanced diffusion in living cells using experiment, theory, and machine learning
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This is for a PhD opportunity starting October 2025. Context: This PhD is part of a project that aims to uncover how energy-driven processes at the molecular scale influence the organization of living matter. By focusing on how molecular activity affects cellular properties, the project will explore how these processes scale up to impact tissues. Using a combination of experiments, physical modeling, and machine learning, this research seeks to deepen our understanding of how nonequilibrium activity drives organization in biological systems. The Project: The PhD project will focus on understanding how nonequilibrium molecular activity, such as enhanced diffusion, impacts cellular properties and organization. The student will combine experimental approaches with physical modeling. This interdisciplinary approach will bridge data-driven analysis (variational autoencoders), experimental measurements (optical tweezers and microscopy), and theoretical models (stochastic thermodynamics) to elucidate the role of nonthermal fluctuations in shaping cellular behaviors. Profile: The ideal candidate should have a Masters degree in physics (or equivalent), with experience in experiments, data analysis, and programming. Knowledge of machine learning or computational modeling is a plus. A collaborative mindset and willingness to work across disciplines will be key.

Wylie Ahmed
Laboratory : LPT - 5152
Team : SLAMLab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topology and geometry in correlated matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Topological band theory and quantum geometry, despite large recent developments, are still understood in the theoretical framework of Bloch wave-functions. Many-body effects, such as the influence of electronic correlations, or of temperature, cannot therefore be taken into account. This internship aims to deepen our understanding of the interplay between many-body physics and topological quantities by studying the topology and geometry of many-body Green's functions, either with an analytical approach, or an ab-initio approach.

Corentin Morice
Laboratory : LPS -
Team : THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electron-phonon coupling in exotic density waves
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The coupling between electrons and phonons is central in condensed matter, being at the root of some of the most exotic phases of matter, including superconductivity. It is however often crudely approximated to be a single constant in theories of quantum states of matter, neglecting its momentum dependence which is known to be large and crucial for even a qualitative understanding of quantum phases in real materials. A new phase of matter, named pair density wave, was discovered recently and is fundamentally based on the momentum dependence of the electron-phonon coupling. This internship, aims to study the momentum dependence of the electron-phonon coupling and how it can give birth to new phases of matter, using both ab-initio (DFT or GW) and analytical methods.

Corentin Morice
Laboratory : LPS -
Team : THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultrafast light-control of electronic orders in van der Waals materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Understanding and controlling emergent phases in low-dimensional systems is a key challenge in condensed matter physics. Van der Waals (vdW) materials, composed of atomically thin layers, provide an ideal platform for addressing this challenge. In this internship, which is expected to lead to a PhD thesis, the student will use laser-based techniques to induce phase transitions in the least dissipative and fastest ways. This will be achieved by using a novel ultrafast Raman scattering set-up capable of “probing” how the electronic ground state is modified by a “pump” pulse with sub-picosecond time resolution. During the internship the technique will be applied to 2D vdW transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) like TaS2 and NbSe2 displaying CDW order coexisting with either chiral or superconducting order.

Yann Gallais

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Impact et solidification de grandes gouttes sur solides et liquides
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Les processus de solidification sont utilisés dans une large gamme d’applications, y compris la métallurgie, le refroidissement par pulvérisation, l’impression 3D, ou encore les problèmes de givrage des aéronefs. Les motifs gelés qui en résultent sont influencés par l’interaction détaillée entre la solidification et la capillarité, conduisant à diverses formes, allant de gouttes de glace sphériques à des éclaboussures plates. En effet, la production d’objets non sphériques a été étudiée via la microfluidique et les processus d’auto-assemblage, qui nécessitent tous deux un équipement très spécifique. Il est donc tentant d’explorer comment la solidification pourrait influencer et contrôler la formation d’objets solides. Parmi les différents processus, la solidification lors de l’impact de gouttes liquides a récemment suscité un intérêt croissant, en raison de sa simplicité et de son importance pour les applications aéronautiques dans des conditions de gel

François Boulogne

Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique des Solides -
Team : MMOI : Matière molle aux interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Clustering of particles floating on a vibrated liquid surface
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
When several particles float on the surface of a liquid, they tend to cluster together. This phenomenon results from capillary attraction, sometimes called "Cheerios effect". In this project, we aim to study what happens to a cluster of floating particles in the presence of capillary waves in the Faraday geometry (thin liquid layer subjected to vertical vibration). The vertical oscillation can trigger standing waves on the surface, known as Faraday waves, which will interact with the particles. The first goal of the project is to experimentally explore the behavior of a large number of spheres under capillary interaction and for varying vibration amplitudes. Depending on the surface density of the spheres and the vibration amplitude, we expect collective behavior similar to that of gas (dilute medium with disordered movements), liquid (denser medium with highly correlated movements), or solid (very dense medium with crystalline order and defects). The existence of these different phases is very common for interacting particles. The question is whether Faraday waves play a role similar to temperature. In a second phase, the floating spheres will be replaced with particles of more complex shapes, such as elongated particles that may exhibit local alignment properties, in order to study the influence of this local order on aggregation properties.

Frederic Moisy
Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Instabilités, Ondes et Turbulence
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of granular rafts in surface gravity waves
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The dynamics of a floating object in surface gravity waves is a fluid-structure interaction problem of great practical importance, for example in the stability of ships or the drift of ice floes. On a smaller scale, this problem also applies to the drift and dispersion of pollutants (microplastics) in the ocean. Here we are interested in the behavior of "granular rafts" in a surface gravity wave. A granular raft is an assembly of floating particles held together by capillary attraction. We expect that the the competition between the deformation induced by the wave and the capillary cohesion can lead to rich phenomena of reorganization, breakup, or even the emergence of equilibrium shapes. The goal will be to develop and analyze experiments to track the position and shape of granular rafts in surface waves and propose a physical model to describe their behavior. The experiments will take place in a wave tank available at the FAST laboratory, able of generating waves in both the linear and nonlinear regimes (breaking waves, solitons). The geometry of the granular rafts will be investigated through image processing (particle tracking, shape recognition). A detailed characterization of the flow near the floaters can also be obtained via Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Free-Surface Synthetic Schlieren. Finally, a numerical model may be developed to describe the wave-floater coupling and provide a comparison with experimental data.

Frederic Moisy
Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Instabilités, Ondes et Turbulence
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How salt-infused nanosponges respond to humidity changes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
We are interested in fundamental physics problems that are relevant in various important societal and engineering contexts. In particular, we study how evaporation and condensation of salty water happens in complex systems, triggered by variations in external humidity. These phenomena are crucial for e.g. water harvesting in dry climates, cloud formation in the atmosphere, new strategies for energy production/conversion, smart optical/mechanical metamaterials, sustainable architecture and heritage conservation, etc. but raise basic, unexplored question with rich physics. Recently, we have successfully characterized and described how the interaction between condensation/evaporation and capillary/osmotic phenomena dictate the equilibrium states of salt solutions confined in single nanopores. Now we are investigating larger scale phenomena in extended systems formed of many interacting pores (formation of arrays of microdroplets, stochastic nucleation patterns) and are trying to understand how they emerge from the behavior in single nanopores.

Olivier Vincent
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Bubble fronts in tree-like structures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
When plant tissues are subjected to dry conditions, bubbles can spontaneously form in the complex vascular network of trees (xylem) conducting water, resulting in the embolism of these tissues (Fig. a-b). With climate change, it is thought that such events will occur more frequently and threaten the survival of forests and crops. However, the physics of the appearance, growth, and propagation of the bubbles in xylem (which combines microscale vessels, variations in wettability, and random, nanoscale membranes) is still poorly understood. With a combination of numerical simulations and experiments, we aim at establishing the general features of bubble propagation in xylem-like structures, and how the nonlinear coupling between several mechanisms (stochastic bubble nucleation, diffusion-limited growth, capillary breakthrough, poroelastic relaxations, osmotic phenomena, etc.) dictate the dynamics and patterns of gas invasion in disordered structures.

Olivier Vincent
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Humidity-controlled micro/nano-fluidics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The interaction between water in materials and external humidity dictates a wide range or natural and technological processes (e.g. plant physiology, water harvesting/purification strategies, energy transport/storage, construction materials, soil science, etc.). We are interested in synthetic micro/nano-fluidic systems where the water content and transport dynamics are controlled by external changes in humidity. One way to obtain spontaneous filling/emptying of water is to combine confinement and solute-induced effects. The internship aims at characterizing the filling/emptying response of micro and nanochannels containing salt solutions to humidity changes, and to characterize how the competition between various effects (capillarity, osmosis, phase change: evaporation, condensation, crystallization, deliquescence, etc.) dictate the phase diagram of filling state as a function of humidity, and the dynamics of these processes. Interestingly, the results of these fundamental investigations can be directly transferred in an ongoing European project aiming at harvesting electrical energy from natural from natural or industrial humidity cycles.

Olivier Vincent
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modelling turbulence in oceans and atmospheres
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Turbulence is one of the most common physical phenomena occurring in nature. It is responsible for transferring energy from the large scale to the small scale. When the forcing and dissipation scales are well separated, the emerging physical phenomenon is universal. In geophysical systems, such as oceans and atmospheres, in addition to hydrodynamic turbulence, other ingredients add up. Planets are rotating, which creates inertial waves due to the Coriolis force. Oceans are stratified, leading to the propagation of internal waves due to buoyancy. Inertial and internal waves are unlike common waves: they propagate and disperse in orthogonal directions, interact nonlinearly, and are highly anisotropic. Understanding the role of internal and inertial waves in turbulent oceans and atmospheres is one of the main challenges and sources of incertitudes in the large-scale modelling of climate.  Scale separation in such geophysical systems is so huge that one needs to make drastic assumptions in their modelling. In this internship we propose to use a novel and rich approach to model turbulent flows based on a Log-Lattice description of fluid equations. Such models allow for the use of a laptop computer to simulate turbulent flows with enormous scale separations. The internship will address how internal and inertial waves interact within this model, how they modify energy transfers, and provide hints on their relevance for mixing in the ocean.

Giorgio Krstulovic
Laboratory : Laboratoire J.L. Lagrange - UM37293
Team : Equipe Turbulence Fluide et Plasma
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Vortex dynamics in classical and quantum fluids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Vortices are highly rotating regions of a fluid and can be can be localised on thin filaments. The most common example in nature is tornadoes,. Vortices also appear in quantum fluids, also known as superfluids. Superfluidity is a fascinating and exotic state of matter that originates due to quantum effects at very low temperatures. A superfluid is a liquid distinguished from a classical fluid by the absence of molecular viscosity. The main consequence is that an object that moves through it at low velocity does not experience any drag. Moreover, vortex filaments in superfluids are topological defects and their circulation is quantised. Examples of superfluids are low-temperature 3He and 4He and Bose-Einstein condensates. In a perfect vortex filament, waves propagate along them, producing helical oscillations. Such waves are solutions to the incompressible Euler equation discovered by Lord Kelvin in the late 19th century and have become an essential object in low-temperature superfluids. Indeed, they are responsible for transferring energy towards the smallest scales of superfluids. Although Kevin waves have a classical origin, they have not been well studied in classical fluids until recently.  This internship proposes to study the dynamics of Kelvin waves in classical fluids by performing simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. We will study their propagation and nonlinear interactions, which could lead to the propagation of solitons and wave turbulence cascades.

Giorgio Krstulovic
Laboratory : Laboratoire J.L. Lagrange - UM37293
Team : Equipe Turbulence Fluide et Plasma
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How do tubular stalactites form?
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Tubular, or ``soda straw'' speleothems are often observed in limestone caves, thanks to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in a natural environment. However, the very long timescales involved often make their study impractical (typical growth velocity 100 mum/yr !). A much faster analogue system of stalactite formation has been designed and investigated in the lab. It uses instead a saturated solution of liquid strontium hydroxyde, dripping in an atmosphere containing gaseous CO2, and forming centimeter-scale pendant elastic shells with a tubular shape within a few hours by precipitation of solid strontium carbonate at the interface with the atmosphere. The goal of this internship is to understand quantitatively the growth of in-lab tubular stalactites, using a combination of data analysis, analytical and numerical tools. Two broad research questions may be considered, depending on the intern's interests and preferences: (i) what determines the shape of the pendant elastic shells? (ii) what determines their growth velocity? as a function of relevant physical parameters: injection flow, injection needle diameter, CO2 concentration, CO2 diffusion constant, strontium hydroxyde viscosity, strontium carbonate stiffness, etc.

Philippe Marcq
Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring and optimizing the limits of nano-optomechanical coupling using quantum information-driven wavefront shaping
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Statistical physics
Quantum optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Optomechanics investigates the reciprocal interactions between light and mechanical motion. The field has recently completed major advance, including breaking into the quantum regime of the optomechanical interaction, with the demonstration of the preparation and detection of quantum macroscopic motional states. The premises of these milestones are to be found in the breakthrough of nano-optomechanical systems in the early 2010, which have demonstrated the ability to harness large light-matter interactions at the nanoscale for ultra-high sensitivity optomechanical purposes. So far, the sensitivity limits of these systems has been treated along an approach similar to that developed for their macroscopic counterparts, assuming both Gauss conditions and unitarity. These hypotheses, however, must be revised with nano- optomechanical systems, which may presently be operated orders of magnitude away from their sensitivity potential. Indeed, theoretical considerations for the Cramér-Rao bound, which defines the ultimate limit of precision for parameter estimation, suggest that these systems are far from reaching their optimal performance. This internship is part of a project aiming at addressing the fundamental limits of nano-optomechanical coupling using quantum information theory-driven wavefront shaping.

Loïc Rondin
Laboratory : LuMIn - UMR9024
Team : LuMIn
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optomechanical response of rare earth ion doped hybrid systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum hybrid mechanical systems investigate the interactions between a quantum degree of freedom (a qubit) and macroscopic mechanical motion. The main idea behind this concept is to create an interface between the quantum and the classical domains, with the general perspective to experimentally extend quantum foundational principles at the macroscopic scale. Since its emergence 20 years ago, quantum hybrid optomechanical science has witnessed remarkable progress, in the microwave regime. Concurrently, only a few approaches have successfully addressed hybrid mechanical coupling in the optical domain yet with coupling strengths remaining far below the conditions for coherent quantum-mechanical interaction. This is mainly because of the very short lifetime of the optical emitters used so far, imposing coupling rates which presently appear out of reach. Our project tackles this very issue, by relying on the unique coherence properties of the strain-induced optomechanical coupling in rare-earth ion doped crystals (see Fig. 1(a – b)). With optical decoherence rates in the kHz range, we notably expect strain coupling to operate deep into the strong coupling regime, provided large enough zero-point motion levels, which we will achieve by engineering micro and nanomechanical structures.

Loïc Rondin
Laboratory : LuMIn - UMR9024
Team : LuMIn
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultra sensitive force sensing with levitated particle
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Statistical physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
The development of increasingly sensitive force probes is essential both from an application perspective (smartphones’ accelerometers, gravimeters for monitoring Earth's climate [1], etc.) and from a fundamental perspective (measuring forces beyond the Standard Model [2]). To address these questions, it is necessary to have a force sensors that is simple, robust, and highly sensitive. A promising approach is the levitation of particles in a vacuum, which allows for very high sensitivities due to the weak coupling between the particle and its environment. Levitation relies on an optical trap, which uses the forces associated with a laser beam to trap a nanoparticle at the focal point of a objective (see figure). The particle then behaves like a mechanical oscillator with a very high-quality factor, making it highly sensitive to applying an external force. In this context, this project aims to develop a force sensor based on optical levitation and demonstrate its sensitivity, particularly in the measurement of gravity. Depending on their interests, the student involved in the project may choose to focus either on developing a prototype of an integrated and portable accelerometer or on pushing the force measurement sensitivity to fundamental classical and quantum limits, in order to measure gravitational forces beyond currently accessible sensitivities.

Loïc Rondin
Laboratory : LuMIn - UMR9024
Team : LuMIn
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optical levitation of particles’ array: toward nanothermodynamics and quantum interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Optical levitation of particles in vacuum, offering excellent isolation from the environment, is a unique platform for the study of fundamental interactions [1], thermodynamics of nano-systems [2], or quantum physics at macro scales [3]. In that context, the opportunity to scale this system is particularly attractive to extend the capability of the system, by providing a unique opportunity to observe quantum entanglement between massive particles, to study anomalous energy flux at the nanoscale, or extend the sensibility of weakly interacting particles (WIMPS) detectors. The proposed internship aimed at developing a system to optically levitate multiple particles. This system will be based on the optical tweezer setup we developed in the lab over the last few years. The objective of the internship will then be to trap two particles and characterize their interactions, both optical and electrostatics. These interactions will then be used to study energy exchange between the coupled particles. The developed setup will serve as a basis to study anomalous energy flux at the nanoscale and quantum interaction between levitated massive particles. The candidate should have a strong interest in experimental physics and know at least one of the topics: nano-optics and photonics, atomic physics, stochastic physics. An interest in instrumentation is a plus.

Loïc Rondin
Laboratory : LuMIn - UMR9024
Team : LuMIn
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spectroscopy of Quantum Spin Liquids in Frustrated Magnets
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Quantum spin liquids are fascinating new states of matter, where quantum fluctuations are so strong that the spins combine to form singlet states. The quantum superposition of these individual singlets forms a highly entangled state with emergent excitations that can be tracked down with high resolution spectroscopic experiments. The M2 student will focus on the investigation of a new quantum spin liquid material with frustrated magnetic lattice using a combination of experimental techniques (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, inelastic neutron scattering, heat capacity) at low temperatures. The internship can be pursued with a funded PhD.

Edwin Kermarrec
Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : SQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing (pseudo-)relativistic effects in Dirac matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The internship deals with a theoretical understanding of the Schwinger effect in Dirac matter (graphene and other 2D crystals). Its original high-energy version consists of the spontaneous creation of electron-positron pairs in the presence of a strong static electric field. While the effect has never been observed with true electron-positron pairs as a consequence of their large mass gap, recent experiments on mesoscopic quantum transport have unveiled the analogous effect with electron-hole pairs in graphene, within a collaboration led by the LPENS mesoscopic physics group and the theory group at LPS, Orsay. The present Master project aims at a deeper theoretical understanding of the effect, namely if an AC voltage is added to the constant one that creates the strong electric field. Indeed, one expects then a frequency-assisted version of the effect and eventually a crossover to yet another relativistic quantum effect that is the Compton effect. The theoretical approach to these phenomena is mainly analytical.

Mark Oliver Goerbig
06 32 96 10 52

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interplay of diffusion and sedimentation for small particles: Towards understanding pollutant transfer in soils
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Understanding and predicting the transfer of pollutants in soil, such as metal particles all the way to the now infamous microplastics, is a pressing environmental question. Transcribed to a scientific question, we deal with the movement of nm-μm particles, of various densities, inside an opaque porous matrix filled with water. In the bulk, depending on the particle size and mass, a combination of diffusion (stochastic motion) and sedimentation (directional motion) takes place and this balance is neatly represented by the so-called gravitational Peclet number. Under confinement (which entails also interactions with the matrix) the situation is of course much more complex. In this M2 project we want to investigate the particle motion at different gravitational Peclet numbers using dynamic light scattering (DLS), both in a bulk liquid and inside a well-known porous matrix filled with a liquid (e.g. controlled porous glasses). DLS measures the particle motion via a time-correlation function, g2(t). For purely diffusive monodisperse particles, the diffusion coefficient can easily be extracted by fitting g2(t) with an exponential. However, its shape becomes complex when two types of motion are superimposed and/or in the presence of confinement. This M2 project is a preparative study for a PhD position opening in autumn 2025 (funding already available!).

Natalie Malikova

Laboratory : PHENIX - UMR8234
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Vortex nucleation in quantum fluids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
A superfluid is a liquid distinguished from a classical fluid by the absence of molecular viscosity. Such a peculiar and surprising property originates in quantum mechanics and manifests at very low temperatures. The most common examples of superfluids are helium at temperatures below 2.17K and Bose-Einstein condensates.  When an object moves at a low velocity in a superfluid, it experiences no drag, making the superfluid akin to a perfect fluid. However, superfluidity breaks down if the object exceeds a critical velocity, and the object will perturb the fluid, creating excitations, such as quantum vortices. Such vortices are like atomic tornados, with quantised circulation, and behave as hydrodynamic vortices, reconnecting and rearranging their topology. Their existence is the most manifest quantum effect in superfluids.  Quantum vortices can be nucleated behind sufficiently fast-moving objects. When the geometry of the object is non-trivial or when the object is accelerated, they create very complex quantum vortex structures in its wake. This master project aims to study how vortices are nucleated in the wake of complex and accelerated objects and determine the wake's properties. In the long term, for a thesis project, we will study how vortex nucleation close to a wall could lead to turbulence.

Giorgio Krstulovic
Laboratory : Laboratoire J.L. Lagrange - UM37293
Team : Equipe Turbulence Fluide et Plasma
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Flow of adhesive liquid foams
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Liquid foams play a crucial role in the ecological and energy transition. Among many, they have applications, such as cleaning and decontaminating surfaces or confined spaces, capturing and controlling dust on construction sites or industrial areas, wastewater remediation, or separating finely divided materials for extracting precious metals from recycled electronic devices (urban mining). Liquid foams are multifunctional materials referred to as "complex" because they consist of an assembly of bubbles in varying concentrations within a liquid. We are exploring a com-pletely new type of liquid foam, in which the bubbles adhere to each other when they come into contact, remaining attached until a sufficient force is applied to separate them. Recent work revealed that bubble adhesion can considera-bly strengthen foam separation functionalities. This internship proposal will focus on the fundamental flow properties of adhesive foams and the underlying shear-induced bubble dynamics.

Laboratory : Institut des NanoSciences de Paris - UMR 7588
Team : Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coarsening of liquid foams made from solid particles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Liquid foams play a crucial role in the ecological and energy transition. With their excellent thermal insu-lation properties, they enhance the energy efficiency of buildings and infrastructures, and with their high surface/volume structure they are used in many separation processes to retrieve finely divided materials, in contaminated soils for instance. Additionally, new processes are emerging, leveraging the properties of foams for extracting precious metal particles from recycled electronic devices (urban mining), thus promoting a more sustainable management of resources and urban waste. The presence of solid particles within liquid foams, possibly in high concentration, raises several fundamental questions, the most general one being: can a liquid foam be stabilized using the particles it contains? Indeed, it is well known that simple liquid foam ages through various processes, with coarsening being particularly difficult to counteract: can this be achieved by incorporating particles of a specific concentration and size? This fundamental question forms the main focus of the internship we are offering.

Laboratory : Institut des NanoSciences de Paris - UMR 7588
Team : Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum optics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Thanks to a semi classical model, we recently succeeded in providing a comprehensive solution to vacuum electromagnetic friction on rotating atoms at any distance and temperature. The same model is also shown to retrieve known results on interatomic conservative forces due to quantum fluctuations (London, Casimir-Polder). The goal of the internship, and follow-on PhD contract, is to include interaction with virtual pairs of particle-antiparticle among the fluctuations sources. During the internsip, one will loof for a first route towards including this effect in the semi-classical model, and give a first estimate of the order of magnitude of friction forces.

06 17 91 24 79

Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The development of energy transmission and distribution networks is often a blind spot in forecasts of the energy transition, even though they are recognized as central to the use of low-carbon energies. We propose to explore the historical case of the development of the railway network in the 19th century, in terms of the consumption of material and energy resources for its construction, maintenance and use. Our ambition is to understand the link between the dynamics of transport development and economic growth based on coal, both the raw material of the network and the beneficiary of its development. We will make use of the results already obtained by graph theory applied to these spatial networks, and will draw on a similar approach underway for electricity networks. The aim of the internship will be to gather documentary resources, define the geographical study area in line with available data, and present an initial network development model.

06 17 91 24 79

Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing the mesoscale dynamics of polyectrolytes solutions by NMR relaxation: From fundamentals to applications
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Polymers exhibit a wide range of behaviors for their dynamics depending on the scale of observation. Lot of efforts has been devoted to this study of several time- and length scales. A particularly suited technique to address this question is NMR relaxation dispersion since probing the dependence of NMR relaxation with Larmor frequency gives access to the molecular dynamics on the corresponding time scale. With specific instruments and methods at least three orders of magnitude can be probed and with the interplay of temperature all the polymer dynamical behaviors can be captured. However so far little has been done with this method to study the behavior of charged polymers, polyelectrolytes, yet they are ubiquitous systems in biological, food or environmental applications, to say the least. We propose here to apply a panel of NMR relaxation methods to investigate changes in polyelectrolyte solutions. We have recently used this approach successfully to understand multiscale water dynamics in the vicinity of proteins or the change of ion transport mechanisms in ionic liquids. For polyelectrolyte solutions, preliminary results obtained in the framework of an international collaboration are promising and show a significant change of the relaxation with the modification of the charge with pH or its screening with salt. The first aim of this project is to assess this phenomenon on a simple system in order to identify the governing parameters for a relevant modeling.

Guillaume Mériguet
Laboratory : PHENIX - UMR8234
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum dynamics and solitons at the edge of a topological quantum many-body system
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
n this stage we will study solitons appearing at the edges of 2D quantum materials. Our focus will be specifically on the fractional quantum Hall effect, a paradigmatic topological system composed of strongly correlated electrons confined in a two-dimensional plane and in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. In recent years, we have contributed to the understanding of the fact that such theory is the quantum version of the Korteweg De-Vries equation. The question is natural: will this theory support quantum solitons? The master student selected for this internship will try to find the answer using analytical and numerical approaches.

Leonardo MAZZA
Laboratory : LPTMS -
Team : LPTMS, Team: Quantum systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergent computational abilities of chemical reaction networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We propose to study strategies to control chemical reaction networks, in order to use them to perform computations, with certain similarities to the computations by biological or artificial neural networks. In these systems, certain properties can be emergent when they arise from the interactions of a large number of components. We are particularly interested in the ability to perform some form of computation. Computation should be understood here as the ability of the chemical network to dynamically reach a certain final composition given an initial composition as illustrated in the figure. We are interested in robust computations in the sense small perturbations in the kinetics of chemical reactions should not affect the final composition.

Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Team Lacoste
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
399 nm moving molasses of cold Yb for a transportable optical lattice clock
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Optical lattice clocks have reached such a resolution that they can now be controlled at the 18 digits level. This makes them able to detect a change of height of 1 cm, via a general relativity effect called gravitational time dilation. At SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, we are building a transportable Ytterbium lattice clock, targeting ultrahigh stability, in order to participate to the cartography of the geopotential in the future. The M2 student will work on the construction of a new 399 nm laser source and the design of a moving optical molasses at this wavelength, in order to reach ultrafast trapping of ytterbium 171 atoms.

Rodolphe Le Targat

Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR 8630
Team : Métrologie des fréquences optiques (FOP)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
On the pressure exerted by an active multicellular system
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Confluent biological tissues can be thought of as active multicellular systems: they consume energy (ATP) to generate motion or change their conformation. This activity affects the pressure that a tissue exerts on a wall in a sophisticated way. Biological cells are much more complex than synthetic colloidal particles: they can deform, fluctuate, adapt, communicate, in ways that are inaccessible to synthetic units. In this internship, we want to explore numerically how the activity affects the pressure exerted by an active cellular system on a wall. Different models of active cells will be proposed and compared. A one-dimensional theoretical approach can also be envisaged. This study will also address the question of how to measure non-perturbatively the pressure in a tissue. In recent years, deformable particles have been used as probes for measuring stress within confluent biological tissues. However, it is known that the pressure is generally not a state function for active fluids, implying that the force exerted by an active fluid on a wall may depend on their specific interaction.

Marc Durand
Laboratory : MSC - UMR7057
Team : Morphogenèse et Dynamique des Systèmes Auto-Organisés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Training of superconducting analog quantum neural networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Our team has recently demonstrated that a quantum reservoir neural network implemented on a circuit QED system composed of a transmon qubit coupled to a superconducting cavity can learn to classify input classical data. In this pilot experiment, neural outputs were obtained by measuring probability occupations of different Fock states of a single quantum oscillator and training was performed on a classical computer after the measurement. In order to perform harder learning tasks and increase the expressivity of the neural network, training should be done in the quantum system as well. For this, we are developing new training algorithms, specific to analog quantum systems. The goal of the internship and subsequent PhD thesis is to simulate and implement layers of parametrized operations that will be applied on the quantum systems and whose parameters will be trained using physics aware learning methods.

Danijela Markovic
Laboratory : Laboratoire Albert Fert - UMR137
Team : LAF: Neuromorphic
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Three-body interactions in molecular Bose-Einstein condensates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
More than 25 years after the formation of ultracold molecules at Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (LAC) in Orsay, the first molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) was created this year in 2024 in the USA. To achieve this, the experimental team used a microwave shielding technique between two molecules, technique that we proposed and investigated back in 2018 during a previous Master 2 internship. As in atomic BECs (see the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics), collisions between three particles are also important to understand. This Master 2 internship will consist of theoretical and numerical investigations on three-body interactions of the molecules in the presence of the microwave. We will determine the conditions under which three-body protection can be efficient.

Goulven Quéméner
Laboratory : LAC - UMR 9025
Team : Théomol
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Anomalous shear localization in a granular soap film
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Particle-laden interfaces are ubiquitous in natural environment and industries (e.g. stabilizing foams or emulsions, filtration processes, armored drops used as microreactors or prevent sloshing. Due to their countless applications numerous studies have been devoted to understanding the mechanical behavior of particle laden interfaces. This peculiar material belongs to the global class of attractive granular material. As for free granular material their rheology is non-local and when submitted to shear, a shear band develops separating an inertial zone from a quasi-static one. Preliminary experiments conduct at FAST on granular soap films have shown that, in oscillatory shear, contrary to free granular material, the localization of the shear band in the cell depends on the oscillation frequency. This observation suggests an elastic origine of the position of the shear localization. The goal of the internship is to study the different flow regime and the shear localization for different soap film elastic properties and surface viscosities.

01 69 15 80 41

Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Fast : Granulaires et Suspensions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Applications of gauge/gravity duality to quantum criticality and strange metals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Strange metals are a fascinating family of quantum materials, where charge transport differs considerably from Fermi liquid theory, the theory of conventional metals. Their resistivity scales linearly with temperature, while their frequency-dependent, ac conductivity shows frequency over temperature scaling. These are signatures of quantum criticality. At a quantum critical point, temperature is the only scale, which is why physical observables are scaling. This is not quite what is observed in strange metals: indeed, their linear in temperature resistivity is in fact not compatible with the simplest version of quantum criticality, and strong electronic interactions are thought to be responsible. On the other hand, gauge/gravity duality is a first-principle framework to capture the dynamics of strongly-coupled states of matter. It originates from string theory and maps gauge theory to Einstein gravity coupled to a number of matter fields. Thus, by solving the gravity equations, we can access the correlation functions of the dual field theory. In this doctoral project, we will study linear and nonlinear response of strongly-correlated metals using gauge/gravity duality.

Blaise Goutéraux
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR 7644
Team : String Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
From Boltzmann transport to hydrodynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Fields theory/String theory
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this doctoral project, we will study strongly-correlated Condensed Matter systems (such as are found in high Tc superconductors, in particular the strange metallic phase) and the effective theories describing their low-energy dynamics. The Boltzmann equation is a semi-classical framework often employed to describe the transport properties (resistivity, thermoelectric transport, magnetoresistance) of Fermi liquids, which display long-lived quasiparticles. It is then surprising that it also captures some overdoped cuprate strange metals with some measure of success, given that there quasiparticles are short-lived. On the other hand, hydrodynamics is an effective theory of the late times, long wavelength dynamics of conserved quantities of any interacting systems, whether it features long-lived quasiparticles or not. Our goal is to understand which type of hydrodynamic theories arise from the Boltzmann equation dependending on the geometry of the Fermi surface and the Ansatz for the quasiparticle relaxation time. We will seek to disentangle which predictions of Boltzmann transport are intrinsic to a quasiparticle picture, and which are simply prediction of the universal low-energy hydrodynamic regime. This will help to illuminate the reason behind the successes of Boltzmann transport in strange metallic phases.

Blaise Goutéraux
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR 7644
Team : String Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
3D nematic-like tissues : Mechanical and electrical constraints to orchestrate muscle cell differentiation.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Development is driven by robust processes across scales and functions. Physics of liquid crystals reveals as fruithfull in describing the evolution of spindle-shaped cells such as myoblasts. We focus on muscle precursors to create multicellular capillary bridges and to apply forces on these nematic-like micro-tissues in 3D. This mechancal constraints allows to obtain multilayererd actin structure mostly aligned. The internship aims to explore how competiting electrical cues mimicking motoneurons stimulation can interfere in this architecture. The project involves monitoring actin filament dynamics using 2-photon microscopy, and identify applying optogenetic stimulation.

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
3D nematic-like tissues : Topological dynamics and interplay with muscle cell differentiation.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Development is driven by robust processes across scales and function. Physical description in term of physics of liquid crystals reveals as fruithfull in describing the evolution of spindle-shaped cells as myoblasts. We focus on muscle precursors to create multicellular capillary bridges and to apply forces on these nematic-like micro-tissues in 3D. The internship aims to study the creation and annihilation of topological defects in 3D tissue under mechanical constraints. These defects are known to influence differentiation, as seen in myoblast patterns and model organisms like hydra. The project involves monitoring actin filament dynamics using 2-photon microscopy, and identify differentiation patterns.

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Control of Superconductor-Nanotube Hybrid Circuits
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The quantum circuits in today’s processors primarily rely on Josephson tunnel junctions, consisting of two superconductors separated by a thin tunnel barrier. The supercurrent flowing through this barrier via tunneling gives the system nonlinear properties, allowing the isolation of two quantum states of a bosonic oscillator, which are used to encode quantum information. In the QCMX group, we are developing alternative qubits based on another class of Josephson junctions. In our approach, the tunnel barrier is replaced by a quantum conductor made of a single molecule: a carbon nanotube. Due to its extremely small size, this conductor can trap individual electron, adding a fermionic degree of freedom to the natural bosonic degree of freedom of the qubit. Our team has already demonstrated coherent control of the bosonic degree of freedom through Rabi and Raymsey oscillations, and independently observed the fermionic degree of freedom in the form of Andreev bound states. The goal of this internship is to further explore the interaction between these two degrees of freedom within our hybrid architecture. This system offers unique perspectives, including the possibility of controlling a single fermion within a quantum device. In addition to providing a novel resource for quantum information encoding, this approach allows us to study electronic behavior in low-dimensional systems.

Jean-Damien Pillet

Laboratory : LPMC - UMR7643
Team : Electrons-Photons-Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum imaging using high harmonic states of light
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum imaging (QI) is a rapidly developing field of research with stunning progresses and emerging societal applications. Quantum-enhanced imaging schemes harness the beneficial properties of entangled photon pairs allowing transferring amplitude and phase information from one photon state to the other. The main objective of the internship will consist in using a pair of non-degenerated entangled photons at 2 harmonics from the high harmonic frequency comb to perform a quantum imaging experiment . We will study the possibility of transferring the sensing and resolution benefit from one spectral range to another one. The quantum correlations between the two photons from the same harmonic generation process will be used to transfer amplitude and phase information between the two photons. Ultimately, the candidate will investigate novel protocols to create high-resolution label-free images of complex structures (e.g. cells) embedded inside biological tissues.

Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR7639
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multipartite entanglement in semiconductor high harmonic generation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum information science and imaging technologies reach some bottleneck due to limited scalability of non-classical sources. Future breakthroughs will rely on high production rate of various quantum states in scalable platforms. Generally, multipartite entanglement with N>2 suitable for quantum applications is difficult to achieve because of the low efficiency of the traditional schemes. Intrinsically, the the process of high harmonic generation in semiconductors comes as a frequency comb and should exhibit N-partite entangled photons. Practically, the internship project will consist in extensively study the non-classical properties of the HHG process in a semiconductor for N>2. In the process, each emitted photon is a superposition of all frequencies in the spectrum, i.e., each photon is a comb so that each frequency component can be bunched and squeezed. The candidate will first develop and test entanglement and will verify genuine multipartite entanglement of the photons in the time/frequency domain. The approach will be further extended to verify multi-partite entanglement between even more optical modes.

Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR7639
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multipartite entanglement in semiconductor high harmonic generation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum information science and imaging technologies reach some bottleneck due to limited scalability of non-classical sources. Future breakthroughs will rely on high production rate of various quantum states in scalable platforms. Generally, multipartite entanglement with N>2 suitable for quantum applications is difficult to achieve because of the low efficiency of the traditional schemes. Intrinsically, the the process of high harmonic generation in semiconductors comes as a frequency comb and should exhibit N-partite entangled photons. Practically, the internship project will consist in extensively study the non-classical properties of the HHG process in a semiconductor for N>2. In the process, each emitted photon is a superposition of all frequencies in the spectrum, i.e., each photon is a comb so that each frequency component can be bunched and squeezed. The candidate will first develop and test entanglement and will verify genuine multipartite entanglement of the photons in the time/frequency domain. The approach will be further extended to verify multi-partite entanglement between even more optical modes.

Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR7639
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Attosecond control of quantum states of light
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
High-harmonic generation is a light up-conversion process occurring in a strong laser field, leading to coherent attosecond bursts of extreme broadband radiation. As a new paradigm, attosecond electronic or photonic processes such as high-harmonic generation (HHG) can potentially generate quantum states of light well before the decoherence of the system occurs. We recently reported the violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequalityas as a direct test of multipartite entanglement in the HHG process. The internship will consist in realizing a platform that will allow controlling the HHG quantum state on attosecond time scale, This opens the vision of quantum processing on unprecedented timescales, an evident perspective for future quantum optical computers. For M2 students: only candidates motivated to follow with a PhD in this topic will be considered. L3 and M1 students are welcome.

Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR7639
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How to modify the structure and properties of gels with micro-organisms
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Hydrogels consist of a porous matrix saturated with liquid. They can be highly porous, and thus have a great capacity to retain or release liquid. For these reasons, they are used in a wide range of applications, notably in the environmental sector (soil decontamination or hydratation) or in the food industry where hydrogels are mainly designed to function as a carrier system for bioactive compounds, or to adapt the texture and water retention of foods.These gels can be made of a dispersion of nano- particles that form aggregates through drying process. To design new gels with controlled structure and mechanical properties, a promising way of research concerns the addition of swimming micro-organisms in the dispersion; this ”active bath” can modulate the effective inter-particle interactions and then control the aggregation process. Thus, when swimming micro-organisms are dispersed in a fluid, there is a complex interplay with the collective dynamics of micro-organisms and the surrounding fluid; if this system is let to dry, there will have some flows due to the evaporation of solvent and then at the end of the drying process, a gel is formed: the structure of the gel and its final mechanical properties depend on how the particles have aggregated. The role of the bacteria and how they modify the fluid flows during drying and the aggregation process has to be understood.

Frédérique Giorgiutti-Dauphiné
Laboratory : FAST - 7608
Team : Milieux Poreux et Fracturés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum dynamics in ion-ion / ion-atom collisions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Performing ion-ion or ion-atom collisions for atomic physics allows studying elementary electronic processes that are at the heart of ion-matter interaction for many fields of physics. INSP has a facility that allows crossing ion beams and changing the number of electrons initially present before the collision. Measurements in the domain where the ion stopping power is at its maximum remain a challenge to be overcome.


Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : ASUR
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-Euclidean photonics & Quantum chaos
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Quantum chaos is a research field dedicated to semi-classical physics [1], ie. the relationship between a quantum system and its classical counterpart. The predictions are investigated in any wave system, namely quantum, acoustic, microwaves, optics,… One of the major hypothesis is the localization of eigenmodes on classical periodic trajectories. Recently, we demonstrated the fabrication of surface-like microlasers by Direct Laser Writing (DLW). The laser modes were indeed located along periodic geodesics [2] (a geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a surface, like the straight line in Euclidean space). It opens the way to a new domain, called Non-Euclidean Photonics. In spherical squares, for instance, the geodesics are stable (Fig. bc). During the internship, the student will investigate microlasers based on a pseudosphere, a surface with constant negative curvature (Fig. e), where geodesics are unstable and the classical dynamics is chaotic [3]. The microlasers are fabricated by Dominique Decanini, the FDTD simulations are performed by Xavier Chécoury, the experiments are carried out by Mélanie Lebental, and the theory is developed by Barbara Dietz. The student will be involved in some of these tasks according to his/her likings.

Mélanie Lebental
Laboratory : C2N -
Team : QD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Fermi gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
From the promise of exponentially faster computers, new ways to transmit and store information, and vastly improved sensing capabilities, quantum science has become an extremely active area of research, providing a wide range of platforms, each with its particular strength. With quantum gases of ultracold atoms, experiments have had tremendous success in tackling quantum many-body problems, where unexpected and qualitatively new phenomena can emerge. These problems are notoriously complex owing to the large number of interacting particles, strong interactions, disorder, or nonlinear dynamics. This is the general context of this internship work. Our group aims at understanding the behavior of strongly-interacting fermionic systems using an atom-based quantum simulator featuring single-atom imaging and manipulation capabilities. During this internship, you will take your first steps in the team by contributing with an experimental project (several options) with the perspective to join us as a PhD student in the Fall 2025.

Tarik Yefsah
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Gaz de Fermi Ultrafroids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-suspended membrane for structural and elastic investigation in industrial applications
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Worldwide leader in light and sustainable construction, Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and services for the construction and industrial markets. Its integrated solutions for the renovation of public and private buildings, light construction and the decarbonization of construction and industry are developed through a continuous innovation process and provide sustainability and performance. To answer these challenges, we must provide materials with complex structures. E.g., new functions are given to the glass by the deposition of thin films like in electrochromic glasses and in thermally insulating glasses. These solutions allow to reduce the energy consumption in buildings and vehicles thanks to saving in air conditioning and heating.

Laurent Belliard
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theoretical Electronic Structure and Excitonic Properties of Organic Topological Semiconductors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Band topology is now considered to be as fundamental as band structure, underlying emergent quasiparticle phenomena such as robust edge states and spin-chain physics in organic systems (e.g. graphene nanoribbons), but the impact of topological band structures on the physics of excitons (i.e. a correlated electron-hole photo-excited state bound by Coulomb interaction) has only recently begun to attract widespread attention. Understanding and controlling the effects of topological phase transitions on the electronic and optical responses of materials could become a powerful tool for the design of novel optoelectronic devices and future quantum technologies, and this project will explore topological effects in an exciting new class of organic 1D materials using state-of-the-art theoretical simulation methods.

Alex Chin
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quasi-1D Fermi gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The internship will address some aspects of the physics of ultracold atoms confined in quantum waveguides, in a regime where their dynamics is quasi-one-dimensional and does not obey the usual paradigms of many-body physics in 3D.

Frédéric Chevy
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Systèmes Classiques ou Quantiques en Interaction
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
AC Conductivity in ultracold Fermi gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The internship and the subsequent PhD will be devoted to the theoretical study of quantum transport in strongly correlated ultracold matter.

Frédéric Chevy
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Systèmes Classiques ou Quantiques en Interaction
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Computational investigation of the molecular mechanism of Ca2+-dependent allosteric activation of the EndoU ribonuclease
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
EndoU is a ribonuclease (RNA-cleaving enzyme) found both in bacteria and eukaryotes, including humans. Its activity is regulated, in eukaryotes, by Ca2+ ions. Recently, S. Campagne’s experimental team in Bordeaux used a combination of several biochemical experiments to suggest a molecular mechanism for this Ca2+ triggered activation. They evidenced a change in EndoU conformation upon Ca2+ binding and identified several binding sites for Ca2+, whose importance was confirmed by mutation experiments. These experiments thus suggest a Ca2+-dependent allosteric activation of EndoU, but the molecular mechanism allowing for signal communication between the catalytic site and distant Ca2+ binding sites remains to be fully characterized. To goal of the project is to uncover the molecular details of this Ca2+-activated allosteric behavior, using molecular simulations. Specific strategies to characterize the Ca2+-induced rearrangement pathways will be implemented and combined with state-of-the-art force fields for ions. Given the high flexibility of the EndoU-RNA complex, enhanced sampling techniques will also be used to properly characterize the conformational ensemble of the complex in different conditions.

Elise Duboué-Dijon
Laboratory : LBT - UPR9080
Team : Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Images des points singuliers dans la surface de Bloch généralisée
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
La surface de Bloch généralisée est une surface classifiante plongée dans un espace de dimension 7. Elle permet de déterminer si un chemin de l'espace réciproque est trivial ou non. Les chemins non triviaux tournent autour de points singuliers. On veut plus précisément étudier l'image des singularités du modèle de Haldene généralisé. Plus précisément, leur voisinage, qui est constitué de cones de la surface de Bloch se rejoignant en ces points.

Gilles Abramovici

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigating the Curvature-Dependent Behavior of Septins Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence Polarization
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Understanding biological processes at the molecular scale, particularly within the cytoskeleton, is essential to decipher how cells maintain their shape, respond to mechanical forces, and coordinate their movements. This project is part of a collaboration with the SPINN laboratory, which is developing an innovative microscope capable of imaging single fluorescent molecules with polarization resolution. We aim to conduct a study exploring the curvature sensitivity of septins both in vitro and in vivo. The project will first focus on developing biological model systems to validate the technique. Subsequently, proteins tagged with fluorescent markers sensitive will be produced to measure molecular-scale polarization. These proteins will be deposited on controlled-curvature substrates to monitor septin assembly in vitro using polarization imaging

Stephanie Mangenot
Laboratory : MSC - 7057
Team : MSC-med futur Nabi
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles using Super-Resolution Microscopy with Single Molecule Localization (SMLM)
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Les vésicules extracellulaires (EVs) sont des nano-particules lipidique produites par les cellules et impliquées dans de nombreux processus biologiques, tels que la communication intercellulaire et le transport de biomolécules. Elles suscitent un intérêt croissant du fait de leurs applications cliniques, aussi bien pour le diagnostic qu’en médecine régénérative. Leur utilisation thérapeutique nécessite une production en grande quantité de vésicules, c’est pourquoi le laboratoire MSC-Med, futur laboratoire NABI, a développé une méthode innovante de production à grande échelle des EVs reposant sur l'application d’un stress mécanique sur les cellules productrices grâce à un écoulement en turbulent. La compréhension du rôle des vésicules dans les différents mécanismes nécessite leur caractérisation précise, tant leur hétérogénéité est importante suivant leur origine et leurs conditions de production. Du fait de leur taille nanométrique, l’observation des EVs, de leur structure et de leur chargement est un défi majeur dans le domaine qui nécessite des approches pluridisciplinaires innovantes.

Stephanie Mangenot
Laboratory : MSC - 7057
Team : MSC-med futur Nabi
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum engineering of light with intracavity Rydberg superatoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Optical photons are excellent carriers of quantum information, but their lack of mutual interactions is a major roadblock for quantum technologies. We enable such interactions by transiently injecting the photons into an intra-cavity cold atomic gas and converting them into strongly interacting Rydberg polaritons. The Rydberg-blockaded cloud then acts as an effective two-level superatom with an enhanced coupling to light. We can coherently manipulate and efficiently detect its state, and use it to deterministically generate pulses of light with negative Wigner functions. This platform opens many perspectives for developing deterministic multi-photon gates, performing quantum measurements impossible with current techniques, generating non-classical optical resource states, and studying strongly correlated quantum fluids of light. We recently expanded this setup towards the multi-superatom regime. A possible M2 internship will consist in studying the effective interactions between optical pulses reflected from the cavity with two superatoms, leading to a PhD project focused on deterministic multi-photon quantum logic and Wigner-negative light states generation. Another internship topic will focus on the design and construction of a new setup with single atoms trapped next to a superatom. The following experimental PhD thesis will aim at developing quantum interconnects between static and flying qubits, in a collaboration with the quantum tech company Pasqal.

Alexei Ourjoumtsev
Laboratory : JEIP - UAR3573
Team : Quantum Photonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Test of quantum electrodynamics in strong Coulomb field
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship will be centred in the preparation of a new experiment on high-accuracy x-ray spectroscopy of few electrons heavy ions for testing quantum electrodynamics (QED) in strong Coulomb field (the field of the highly charged ion). On the one hand, to setup the acquisition system of the new detector and to make first tests with fluorescence targets and (possibly) with highly charged ions in our SIMPA installation in the Pierre et Marie Curie campus. On the other hand, the candidate will estimate the sensitivity to the nuclear size and deformation effects for the planned measurement to select the most interesting uranium isotopes to be studied. Some calculations will require the use of the MCDFGME code.

Martino Trassinelli
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : ASUR
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Sonder l’énergie noire et la gravité aux échelles cosmologiques grâce aux effets relativistes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
L’origine de l’accélération récente de l’expansion de l’univers est un grand mystère de la science actuelle. Au delà de l’hypothèse de la constante cosmologique, deux scénarios principaux sont possibles : un « fluide » d’énergie noire (avec une pression négative) ou une théorie alternative de la gravité. Dans ce stage, nous recherchons des sondes robustes qui permettront de discriminer ces trois scénarios. Pour ce faire nous étudierons le régime non-linéaire de la formation des grandes structures de l’univers qui est sensible à la nature de l’énergie noire et à celle de la gravité. Il vous est ainsi proposé de réaliser une suite de simulations cosmologiques de formation des grandes structures explorant différents modèles d’énergie noire. Au sein de chaque simulation, nous propagerons des milliards de rayons entre les sources (i.e. galaxies) et l’observateur selon les équations de la relativité générale capturant ainsi les effets relativistes (e.g. effets de lentilles gravitationnelles) avec un haut niveau de précision. A partir de ces simulations, un émulateur (i.e. un interpolateur avancé) des effets relativistes sera construit (nouveauté dans le domaine). Un sujet de thèse dans la continuité de ce stage sera proposé en vue du développement de nouveaux modèles (modèles de gravité modifiée), de la réalisation de simulations cosmologiques haute résolution (développements numériques et calcul haute performance), et d'analyses plus poussées.

Yann Rasera

Laboratory : LUTH - UMR8102
Team : COS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Advancing Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy in the Realm of Quantum Technologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Join a cutting-edge project focused on advancing Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technology! ESR is a powerful tool for studying materials with unpaired electrons, revealing critical insights in chemistry, biology, physics, nanosciences, and quantum mechanics. However, current commercial spectrometers require large sample sizes due to limited sensitivity, hindering small-scale research. Our project plan to harness the recent breakthroughs of the superconducting quantum technologies at 10mK and extend them to a wider temperature range. We aim to develop an ESR spectrometer using high critical-temperature superconductor (HTS) microwave resonators. These HTS resonators promise to enhance spin sensitivity up to liquid nitrogen temperature, by bridging and thus overcoming the limitations of existing technologies. As an intern, you’ll engage in designing, fabricating, and characterizing traditional metallic resonators, and later apply your expertise to HTS resonators. You’ll measure their microwave responses under cryogenic conditions (down to ~6K) and benchmark their performance against traditional resonators. Your work will push the boundaries of spin sensitivity, opening doors to studying innovative small-scale samples. This hands-on experience will immerse you in the exciting realms of microwaves, superconducting technologies, quantum devices, and spin materials, potentially leading to publication and a financed PhD in this pioneering field.

Rémy Dassonneville

Laboratory : IM2NP - UMR 7334
Team : MAG
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Drainage capillaire des films de savon: vers des matériaux moussés innovants
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L’allègement des matériaux est un enjeu environnemental fort, en particulier dans le domaine du bâtiment. Le matériau (béton, plâtre…) est initialement une suspension de particules solides. Une stratégie d’allègement est l’incorporation de bulles d’air dans la suspension avant la prise et la production de matériaux moussés. La bonne maîtrise de l’interaction entre la mousse et les grains est cruciale dans ce cadre. A l’échelle d’un film liquide unique, séparant deux bulles de gaz, on est confronté à un beau problème de mécanique des fluides qui est une étape importante de la compréhension de l’interaction film/grain, et qui fait l’objet de ce projet.

Isabelle Cantat
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
QED fluctuation interactions`
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Explore the frontier of electromagnetic quantum effects in nano systems. One of the most striking predictions of quantum physics is the interaction of the electromagnetic vacuum with atoms and macroscopic bodies. Spectacular manifestations of this interaction are Casimir forces. Enormous progress in force sensing techniques and the fabrication of nano-structures have highlighted impressively the practical relevance of this quantum effect. This intern-ship concerns the use of new theoretical methods to study the interaction of atoms and molecules with nano-structures.

Thorsten Emig
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Producing optical potentials for ultracold atoms with a DMD
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
Exploiting the single-atom-resolved detection in momentum space [1], the Helium lattice team has studied and characterized interacting lattice Bose gases in three-dimension (3D) (see for instance [2]). A fascinating feature of interacting lattice bosons is that they undergo a quantum phase transition from a superfluid state to an insulator state, called a Mott insulator. A main drawback of the configuration used so far in our experiment lies in the presence of a harmonic trap: it implies that we probe gases with non-homogeneous atomic density and couplings in the lattice. Since the physics of the Mott transition strongly depends on the spatial homogeneity of these parameters, the study of the critical regime of the Mott phase transition is strongly impaired. Our plan is to upgrade the apparatus to realize homogeneous samples and probe the physics of the critical regime of the Mott transition. We propose to combine the use of a high numerical aperture (NA) microscope - to shine optical potentials with high resolution - with the use of a digital mirror device (DMD) to create arbitrary patterns of optical potentials (see picture). The aim of the internship consists in (i) characterizing the optical potentials created by the DMD, (ii) conceiving the optical setup to address the atoms with the light potential reflected from the DMD and, (iii) verifying the properties of the optical potentials on a test optical bench.

Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Helium - Lattice
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Single Quantum Dot Nano-LEDS using Scanning Tunneling Luminescence
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are semiconductor nanoparticles that, due to their size (2-20 nm), fall in the quantum confinement regime. As such, they exhibit optical properties that can be continuously adjusted over a wide range of wavelengths, from the infrared to the ultraviolet. These objects are very good single photon sources at room temperature, capable of emitting photons one-by-one with high efficiency. Recently, diluted CQDs were integrated within electrical transport layers, allowing to observe electrically-injected single-photon emission. Nevertheless, the charge injection pathway is very complex in such devices involving a very large ensemble of CQDs, and brightness is very low as single photon purity is achieved by collecting photons from a very limited area. In this internship, we propose to use scanning tunneling electroluminescence microscopy (STLM) to probe electronic and optical properties of CQDs with nanoscale resolution, essentially realizing a true single-CQD LED inside a STM equipped with light collection optics. The goals are: (1) probe the local electronic density of state at the single CQD level using to tunneling spectroscopy, correlate such measurements with collected electroluminescence and with ensemble optical spectroscopy; (2) build a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss interferometer (HBT) and observe single photon emission excited by tunnel currents in single CQDs; (3) provide an accurate description of the charge injection mechanism.

Alistair Rowe
06 85 65 97 05

Laboratory : LPMC - UMR7643
Team : Electrons-Photons-Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Light in Complex Media : from imaging to computing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Scattering of light in heterogeneous media, for instance the skin or a glass of milk, is usually considered an inevitable perturbation or even a nuisance. Through repeated scattering and interferences, this phenomenon seemingly destroys both the spatial and the phase information of any laser illumination.By « shaping » or « adapting » the incident light, it is in principle possible to control the propagation and overcome the scattering process. This concept has been exploited in the last decade to focus and image through and in complex media, and opens important prospects for imaging at depth in biological media. In the group we are currently exploring two main topics, combining synergistically optical design and numerical studies for : (a) non-invasive coherent (SHG, Raman) and incoherent (multiphoton fluorescence) imaging, leveraging computational microscopyconcepts and (b) exploiting random mixing induced by the propagation of light through a complex medium for various computational tasks, allowing the intriguing concept of computing with disorder. We have multiple funded ongoing projects along these two directions and welcome motivated applicants for internship, with a solid background in physics, and an interest in machine learning, optics, imaging and computing.

Sylvain Gigan
Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : LKB - Complex Media Optics Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Solving strongly correlated electrons of real systems with quantum computing: application to oxydes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

Atomic scale simulations play a central role to understand and anticipate the ageing of materials for low-carbon energy such as batteries or steels inside nuclear reactors. The successful Density Functional Theory is the state-of-the-art method to tackle these bulk materials but still fails to reach physically interesting phenomena such as paramagnetism in austenitic steels or strongly correlated electrons in oxydes. Meanwhile, quantum computing is foreseen to solve industrial materials problems but algorithms developed today in the Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era have only been tested on small or toy models. In addition, the ultimate goal of outperforming classical algorithms benefiting from dozen of years of optimisation is still out of reach. In this internship, we will combine advanced quantum chemistry methods (embedding methods such as Density Matrix Embedding Theory-DMET) and quantum computing where the solving part will be a quantum algorithm that can be run on a quantum computer. Your work will be to design an innovative approach namely the quantum embedding method to solve NiO oxyde such as in (Cao et al., 2023) and to compare numerical results of this algorithm with best classical methods. The effect of noise might be explored. This internship is planned to be pursued in a PhD CIFRE.

Antoine Michel
Laboratory : Matériaux et Mécanique des Composants (MMC) -
Team : Métallurgie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Orientation Super-Resolution Microscopy & DNA Organization
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Join our research team and explore the frontier of biological imaging in the nucleus! This internship focuses on applying super-resolution (SR) microscopy to investigate the mechanisms behind DNA organization in cells. By combining multifocus microscopy (MFM) with polarization measurements, we will capture the 3D positioning and orientation of single molecules, offering new insights into their structural and functional roles.

Bassam HAJJ
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : LOCCO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Processus nonlinéaires dans les fluides quantiques
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Non-linear optics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ce stage est consacre a l'etude de la formation de structures nonlineaires (tels les tourbillons quantiques ou les ondes de choc dispersives) dans les fluides quantiques. Dans un premier temps on etudiera comment une tranche isolee a partir d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein s'etale dans une geometrie unidimensionnelle. Ensuite on s'interessera aux riches contraintes topologique qui regissent la formation de vortex quantiques dans un systeme bi-dimensionnel. Il s'agit d'un stage de physique theorique durant lequel on veillera a rester en contact etroit avec les problematiques experimentales

Nicolas Pavloff
Laboratory : LPTMS -
Team : LPTMS, Team: Quantum systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Solutions aérauliques pour la protection des équipements sensibles en environnement industriel
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Corporate activity

Corporate activity

Check with your teaching staff that the internship meets the criteria expected for your research master's internship, if you wish to include it in this diploma.

La conduite des procédés industriels se base sur de nombreux instruments régulant le fonctionnement de la production. Ces appareils particulièrement sensibles sont exposés à des atmosphères qui leur sont hostiles en raison des températures élevées, ou encore du fait de la présence de poussières et de vapeurs. Une solution pour protéger ces équipements consiste à les isoler de l'atmosphère ambiante par des jets d'air judicieusement dirigés. Toutefois, la conception de tels dispositifs de protection aéraulique reste limitée à une approche purement empirique. Si des solutions ont été trouvées pour des contextes spécifiques, elles s'avèrent difficilement transposables sans une meilleure compréhension des principes de fonctionnement de la protection aéraulique. Nous recrutons un·e étudiant·e stagiaire pour aborder le problème multi-physique de la protection aéraulique des équipements industriels sensibles. L'objectif sera d'en déterminer les principes généraux et de proposer des solutions assurant systématiquement une bonne isolation vis-à-vis d'atmosphère hostiles. La personne en charge de l'étude aura notamment à sa disposition des moyens de simulation numérique, ainsi que des données collectées en usine sur des dispositifs existants. Elle pourra également bénéficier de l'expertise du groupe auquel est rattaché le stage en physique des fluides, thermique, mécanique et optimisation.

Thomas Le Reun
Laboratory : Saint-Gobain Recherche Paris -
Team : MPI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Adaptation of the GATE track length estimator for prompt gamma emission in neutrons and ions for hadron therapy (p, He, C)
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Hadron therapy is an emerging technique for treating cancerous tumors using ion beams. The main therapeutic indications for this technique are treatments for radioresistant tumors and/or tumors located near organs at risk, as well as treatments for tumors in children. To further exploit the advantages of this technique, numerous research projects are being conducted worldwide to develop systems that monitor the path of ions and ensure that treatments are delivered as planned by treatment planning systems. The detection of prompt gamma rays (PG) emitted during nuclear reactions involving a fraction of the incident ions is one of the main techniques being studied. In parallel with the development of PG detection systems, Monte Carlo simulation tools (notably Geant4/GATE) are being developed to compare experimental data with theoretical predictions, as well as to design and optimize monitoring systems. Regarding the detection of prompt gamma rays for hadron therapy monitoring, a fast simulation tool for PG emission in a voxelized geometry has recently been developed by the CREATIS-IP2I collaboration: the vpgTLE module (voxelized prompt-gamma track length estimator). The aim of the proposed internship is to extend this modeling to neutrons, whose contribution is significant in proton therapy, and to other ions in order to address applications in helium and carbon ion therapy. The developments will be carried out in GATE 10 (C++ code and Python-based interfacing).

Etienne TESTA
Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of the equilibria of high-dimensional equations describing ecosystems’ dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Valentina Ros
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dissociation active de condensats biomoléculaires
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Un grand nombre de travaux ont été consacrés au cours de la dernière décennie aux organites sans membrane, également appelés condensats biomoléculaires, qui se révèlent assurer plusieurs fonctions essentielles dans les cellules. Ce stage portera sur des fluides ternaires composés d'un solvant aqueux tamponné, de peptides cationiques, et d'ARN, afin de mimer des condensats biomoléculaires réels présents dans les cellules vivantes. Ces fluides présentent une concentration critique en peptides, au-delà de laquelle des condensats stables émergent selon un processus de séparation de phase liquide-liquide. Dans ce projet, la cinétique de dissociation de ces condensats sera explorée dans des conditions hors équilibre, comme cela se produit dans l'environnement intracellulaire.

Guillaume TRESSET

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : SOBIO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mechanics of T lymphocytes
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
We study immune reactions at the single-cell level and we have shown that when a white blood cell (or leukocyte) contacts another cell to attack it or exchange information, the former becomes much stiffer and more viscous within minutes. Studying these mechanical changes in immune cells can help scientists better understand the mechanism by which immune cells identify threats such as cancer cells. Many aspects of the mechanical properties of immune cells remain unclear and require further characterization. This internship will contribute to this characterization. Using a microindentation technique, we can measure the tension of the actomyosin cortex underlying the cell membrane, which can fluctuate over time. We will ask whether these fluctuations are used by leukocytes to sense their environment and whether they can help them to react faster to stimuli brought by other cells. Another question is motivated by preliminary data showing that pressing a T lymphocyte (a leukocyte at the core of immune response) with an adhesive microsphere leads to an apparent higher stiffness of the leukocyte than when the microsphere is not adherent. This effect might be either purely due to adhesive vs. non-adhesive boundary conditions, or might be a signature of a rapid mechanical response of the cell to adhesion. We will address this question by producing sets of microbeads with controlled adhesive strength and by inhibiting specific molecular components of the cell cytoskeleton.

Julien Husson
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Learning Kardar-Parisi-Zhang dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In the last decade, machine learning, and more specifically deep neural networks, have thoroughly renewed the research perspectives in many fields like Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. Despite indisputable successes however, the introduction of ML approaches in complex physical systems remains a challenging open issue. This project aims at developing new Machine Learning techniques tailored to the modelling and inference of high-dimensional complex physical systems described by partial differential equations (PDEs), focusing on the paradigmatic KPZ model, describing a rough interface. The internship will be in collaboration between LPTMS and LISN at Paris-Saclay.

Sergio Chibbaro
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Painted optical potentials for ultra cold gases in microgravity
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum gases

Type of internship
To produce a Bose-Einstein condensate, an optical tweezer traps the atoms in a high vacuum chamber at the focused point of a far-red detuned laser. One originality of our set up is the ability to modulate spatially the position of the highly focused laser beam. The objective of this internship is to develop a new optical bench to improve this painted potential, by extending the technique in 3D. Based on spatial modulation in 2D dimensions using two crossed acousto-optical modulators, it will create a 3D painted potential in a crossed configuration. Special care will be taken about the robustness of the system which has to be compliant with the zero-g simulator. The implementation in the microgravity experiment is planned for a potential Ph. D in the group after the internship.

Laboratory : LP2N - UMR5298
Team : Cold Atoms in Bordeaux
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Heat transport in confined metal nanowires
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In this internship, we will explore a novel technique that allows us to directly probe the thermal behavior of nanomaterials at unprecedented scales. Recent advances in event-based direct detectors in electron microscopy [1] open new possibilities. At the LPS Orsay, a new method based on synchronized focused-photon excitation and electron scattering of nanostructures [2] allows for temperature measurements with nanosecond and nanometer resolution [3]. In this M2 internship we will explore this new technique to measure the thermal transport properties of nanoscale metallic nanowires. This internship will involve the production of metallic nanowires using electron beam lithography and metal evaporation, the realization of electron spectroscopy in a state-of-the-art electron microscope, including world-wide unique light injection experiments, and data modeling for thermal transport. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in solid-state physics, with a focus on experimental techniques. Experience with data analysis tools (specifically Python) is essential. Familiarity with thermal transport theory and modeling would be a plus. References [1] Y. Auad et al., Ultramicroscopy 239 (2022) 113539; Y. Auad, et al., Ultramicroscopy 257 (2024) 113889. [2] Y. Auad, et al., Nat. Comm. 14 (2023) 4442; N. Varkentina et al. Sci. Adv. 8 (2022) eabq4947. [3] F. Castioni, et al., in preparation (2024).

Luiz Tizei
Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : STEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modulation of coffee stain effect with Marangoni effects
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Liquid coating involves spreading a liquid film containing a solute and then evaporating the solvent. When a defect such as dust is present, it can cause thickness gradients in the final deposit that can be visible to the naked eye. We have recently shown that the drying of liquid films of polymer solutions around a defect leads to the formation of relief on the final deposit. We believe that this relief is amplified by a coffee stain effect. The coffee stain effect corresponds to the accumulation of solute at the periphery of a drop drying on a solid substrate. In some cases, the contact line remains trapped, and then the solute accumulates at the contact line, leading to the formation of a solute ring at the end of the drying process. The proposed internship will involve gaining a better understanding of the formation of this relief, by inducing Marangoni effects to modulate it. The experimental techniques used will be optical imaging and interferometry.

Gabrielle Di Mauro
Laboratory : SVI - UMR125
Team : SVI : Surface Verre et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deep learning of scale free processes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In the statistical physics context many problems of interest, related to critical phenomena are associated to fractal structures. This problem is notoriously difficult with standard ML. Taking the percolation problem as a study case the task will consist to regress from images of percolation states the size of the maximal cluster and whether it is a spanning cluster via new ML algorithms. A second and related task would be to consider different 2D conformal field theory, characterized by some fractal exponents ot their central charge.

Sergio Chibbaro
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
New quantum sensor concepts for measuring gravity on antihydrogen.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
For several years now, the Kastler Brossel laboratory has been studying the possibility of using the quantum bounce of an atom, thanks to the Casimir Polder potential, to produce atomic interference and a precise measurement of gravity. Until now, models have neglected surface losses. We want to take them into account and calculate their effect on the interference. This theoretical project will be based mainly on numerical simulations and analytical models.

Pierre Cladé
01 44 27 43 88

Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Interferométrie atomique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Next generation of quantum sensors based on atom interferometry
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Atom interferometry is a key tool for developing high-precision quantum sensors. The Kastler Brossel Laboratory is a world leader in this field. Thanks to its work on measuring recoil velocity through atomic interferometry, it has provided the most accurate determination of the fine-structure constant α. We are offering two experimental internship subjects, each of which could lead to a doctoral thesis. The first concerns the construction of a large momentum transfer beam splitter on a rubidium atom interferometer. The second subject concerns the construction of an interferometer using Ytterbium atoms

Pierre Cladé
01 44 27 43 88

Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Interferométrie atomique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fabrication and characterization of gradient soft solids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The aim of this project is to establish the link between fabrication protocols and mechanical gradients, in model soft solids. The fabrication method will rely on layering, a technique at the basis of 3D printing, and the characterization on micromechanics experiments, which allow for the visualization of materials displacements in the three spatial directions. Beyond opening new ways to design and control soft solids, this project will have far-reaching fundamental implications in the fields of multiphasic materials, 3D printing, and polymer physics.

Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deciphering mechanical homeostasis with FEM
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we will conduct Finite Elements Simulations of local contractions inside homogeneous materials, and evaluate how stresses propagate as a function of material properties. We will use the software COMSOL, and put emphasis on understanding the link between material nonlinear properties and stress propagation. The results will be directly compared with ongoing experimental results.

Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The hidden mechanics of soft gels
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gels constitute a large portion of the materials around us: body tissues, food products, but also industrial glues and seals. At first glance, they are mechanically similar to other elastic materials. If you take a piece of gelatin, for instance, you can deform it by a small amount and it will return to its original shape. If you look closer, however, gels have a complex molecular structure. They are made of a crosslinked polymeric network swollen by a liquid solvent. As a consequence, their mechanical behavior is dictated by the coupling between the elastic deformations of the polymeric network and the flow of the solvent. For simplicity, they are often modeled as incompressible solids, and these models are then used to estimate, for instance, adhesion forces of cells living on soft tissues. Whether they truly behave as incompressible solids, however, is both difficult to asses and crucial for an accurate modeling. In this project, we will take a deep dive into gel mechanics. You will exploit recently collected experimental data, which tracks the 3D displacement of the polymeric network inside a silicone gel, to understand in which circumstances a gel can be modeled as an incompressible solid. This will involve numerically analyzing of the displacement of tens of thousands of tracers, and rationalizing the results within the framework of continuum mechanics. The results will be directly compared with existing numerical predictions.

Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Surface tension vs elasticity gradient
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we will conduct Finite Elements Simulations of soft materials with a surface topography, surface stresses, and a gradient of surface elasticity. We will use the software COMSOL, and put emphasis on understanding the effect of elasticity gradient on surface mechanics. The results will be directly compared with existing experimental results

Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tuning magnetism in van der Waals magnet using moiré pattern
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Van der Waals materials are emerging as extremely versatile building blocks in many fields such as spintronics, superconductivity, nanoelectronics, optics, and may serve as tunable quantum simula-tors. These materials appear as extremely attractive for exploring new exotic physics due to their ability to be stacked with an infinite number of combinations that leads to unexpected physical properties. The recent discovery of ferromagnetism down to the monolayer limit in van der Waals materials confers new opportunities to engineer magnetic quantum materials. The family of chromium trihalide, CrCl3, CrBr3 and CrI3 (CrX3, X = I, Br, Cl) is one of the most promising classes of two-dimensional magnetic materials. Their integration in van der Waals heterostructure may give rises to the formation of moiré patterns which are expected to lead to a wealth of exotic ef-fects such as non-colinear magnetism. Indeed, we know from recent experimental and theoretical works that the moiré potential give rise to a periodic modulation of the magnetic interac-tion between neighboring atoms which can lead to the emergence of exotic non-collinear spin tex-ture such as spin spiral, vortex or skyrmion lattices.

Marie Hervé

Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : SNEQ
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nano-imaging of non-Fourier heat flow
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Efficient heat management is critical for the optimal performance and energy consumption of modern-day electronics. While Fourier’s macroscopic model for heat diffusion has been a valuable tool for homogeneous solids at room temperature, it falls short in describing heat propagation accurately under certain conditions. This PhD project aims to quantitatively investigate scenarios where the Fourier model breaks down and work towards developing a more physically satisfying model of heat propagation. In particular, this project will focus on the phonon viscous hydrodynamic transport regime that has recently attracted considerable interest in the scientific community. It is a regime that is neither ballistic nor diffusive and emerges when quasi-particles interact strongly with each other without loosing momentum. The goal of this PhD will be to build a very sensitive and local thermometer (based on SQUID technology) so as to map out the temperature distribution at a few tens of nm to look for signatures of this non-Fourier like behaviour. As a PhD researcher, you will participate in the design, construction and operation of the SQUID based microscope. Enthusiasm for instrumentation is necessary. The PhD can be funded for 3 years, starting in Fall 2025 (no later than 01/11/2025). Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.

Arthur Marguerite
01 40 79 58 20

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR 8213
Team : Quantum Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Beyond Bell theorem: Quantum Networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In 1964, Bell proved that quantum physics is incompatible with the intuition that our world is local: two experimentalists measuring the properties of two photons created by a same quantum source can produce correlations which cannot be explained by any classical theory. This was verified by the famous Aspect experiment, recently rewarded by a Nobel price. Those correlations, called nonlocal, are the fingerprint of quantum phenomena and at the origin of tremendous applications of quantum physics. A decade ago, physicists understood that Bell’s theorem is the first elementary manifestation of a broader phenomenon called network nonlocality. The project is to understand network nonlocal correlations, and to exploit them to either understand the foundations of physics or find practical applications to quantum theory. Depending on the profile of the candidate, several approaches can be considered: - Conceptual, analytical, mathematical - Optimization, numerical In case of continuation with a PhD, it may include collaborations with: - Quantum Info Theory: Nicolas Gisin (Geneva), Antonio Acin (Barcelona),David Gross (Cologne), Omar Fawzi (INRIA Lyon) - Quantum Distributed Computing: Jukka Suomela (Aalto, Finland), Pierre Fraigniaud, Frédéric Magniez (Paris) - Polynomial Optimization, C*/Operator Algebra: Victor Magron (Toulouse), Igor Klep (Ljubljana)

Marc-olivier Renou
Laboratory : INRIA Saclay -
Team : INRIA Quantum Info Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergent quantum computation from the dynamics of complex systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Fields theory/String theory
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Investigating innovative approaches to analog computing by harnessing the emerging dynamics of quantum systems represents an exciting and modern frontier. This endeavor holds the potential to transform domains such as optimization, machine learning, and simulations by addressing complex problems that classical computers struggle to solve. It introduces a new computational paradigm applicable to fields like optimization, artificial intelligence, and scientific simulations, offering the promise of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of solving intricate real-world challenges. During this theoretical internship, the Master's student will learn, generalize, and apply methods developed in recent and promising works to explore innovative and advanced strategies for utilizing the intricacies of quantum systems. The goal is to develop emergent computational capabilities, particularly aimed at solving optimization problems and tackling interdisciplinary challenges. The internship’s theoretical research will involve both analytical and numerical methods, with a focus on the quantum many-body physics of state-of-the-art quantum platforms, including superconducting quantum circuits and other quantum systems. This is an internship proposal that can continue into a PhD thesis.

Cristiano Ciuti
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How does a dune field adapt to a change in wind forcing and boundary conditions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Wind-blown sand dunes are ubiquitous on Earth and other planetary bodies with an atmosphere (Mars, Titan) and play a significant role in the sediment and dust budgets. Many studies have investigated the shape of isolated dunes as a function of wind regime and sand supply, generally focusing on the equilibrium shape. However, dunes are not isolated within a field, they are numerous and interact. This interaction can lead to a self-organised pattern, even though individual dunes and the field are out of equilibrium. Here, we propose to experimentally study the field pattern, its stability and reorganisation dynamics when subjected to changes in wind forcing and/or of boundary conditions. Experiments will be carried out underwater (where the dunes are downscaled) in an already developed setup.

Sylvain Courrech du Pont
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Wet active systems: from anomalous diffusion to self-organization
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
You will develop theories for wet active systems, in order to understand how fluid flows modify their phenomenology at large-scales (i.e., at scales much larger than the individual particle). The internship is planned as a well-defined entry point in the problem; it can naturally be continued for a PhD.

Cesare Nardini
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Phase separation of active fluids on substrates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
You will work on predicting phase-separation in active systems, by building and studying a model for describing an experimentally-relevant system. Analytical and numerical work is envisaged. The internship can be naturally continued for a PhD.

Cesare Nardini
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Many-body effects in silicon & germanium spin qubits
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Silicon & Germanium spin qubits have made outstanding progress in the past few years. In these devices, the elementary information is stored as a coherent superposition of the spin states of an electron or hole in a quantum dot. These spins can be manipulated electrically owing to spin-orbit coupling, and are entangled through exchange interactions, allowing for a variety of one- and two-qubit gates required for quantum computing and simulation. Grenoble is developing original spin qubit platforms on Si and Ge, and holds various records in spin lifetimes and spin-photon interactions. At CEA Grenoble, we support the progress of these advanced quantum technologies with state-of-the-art modelling. In particular, we are developing the TB_Sim code, able to describe very realistic qubit structures down to the atomic scale. The role of Coulomb interactions in spin qubits remains poorly understood. Quantum dots with 3 to 5 electrons or holes are expected to screen noise & disorder better than singly-occupied ones; yet Coulomb interactions can dramatically reshape the spectrum and dynamics of the system (Wigner localization…). The aim of this master training is, therefore, to model the effects of Coulomb interactions on spin qubits using “configuration interaction” methods for the many-body wave functions, in relation with ongoing experiments in the lab. This Master thesis may be followed by a PhD project on spin manipulation and entanglement in arrays of spin qubits.

Yann-Michel Niquet
Laboratory : CEA Grenoble/IRIG/MEM - UMR 9001
Team : L_Sim
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum transport of charge and heat in non-abelian quantum hall states of graphene
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Even-denominator states of the fractional quantum Hall effect (e.g. 𝜈=5/2) are expected to host excitations that have non-abelian anyonic statistics, corresponding to quantum particles that are neither bosons nor fermions, and the ground state of which changes orthogonally upon exchanging two identical particles. Non-abelian anyons are promising candidates for the realization of topological quantum computing; however, demonstrating the existence of non-abelian statistics is an extremely challenging task, requiring advanced experiments such as interferometry, collisions, and thermal transport measurements. So far, only the latter has been achieved, in only a single system: high-mobility semiconductor GaAs heterostructures. In this project, we propose to implement heat transport and collision experiments, in bilayer graphene, which has recently been shown to host a large number of even-denominator states much more robust than in GaAs, that are thought to be non-abelian. Performing those experiments in bilayer graphene will allow demonstrating the universality of the properties of non-abelian anyons. This internship, which is planned to be followed by a PhD, involves advanced experimental techniques, including the nanofabrication of ultra-clean bilayer graphene samples in van-der-Waals heterostructures and ultra-high sensitivity thermal and noise measurements at very low temperatures and high magnetic field.

François Parmentier
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : LPENS - Physique mésoscopique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modeling cell irradiations with low-energy ions: cell survival calculations with NanOx
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In France, more than half of all cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy (RT). Some innovative RTs optimize the dose of radiation delivered to the tumor, while limiting the exposure of healthy tissue. Innovative RTs, such as Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT), or Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) use low-energy ions to selectively irradiate tumors from inside the body. One of the advantages of both techniques is that they enable targeted, systemic irradiation of metastatic lesions. Biophysical models are developed to predict the biological dose to tumors during treatment with these innovative RTs. In this context, the NanOx biophysical model was developed at the IP2I. In BNCT and TAT, the distribution of therapeutic agents can have a major impact on the dose received by tumor cells and, more generally, on the treatment as a whole. It is therefore important to study the consequences of partial cell irradiation on the biological effects. The aim of this internship is to explore this question in greater detail, using Monte Carlo simulation tools coupled to the NanOx model. During this internship, the student will use codes developed by our team to simulate the irradiation of cells with low-energy ions and calculate cell survival fractions. The student will then improve the simulations to include realistic cell geometries and algorithms to take into account new radiation targets in order to assess their impact on the overall biological effect.

Etienne TESTA
Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Macroscopic friction of fibrous assemblies
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The objective of the internship is to study numerically the stability of heaps of entangled fibres under gravity, and investigate the impact of microscopic quantities (length and natural curvature of the fibres, friction between fibres) on the limit angle attainable with static macroscopic heaps. These numerical experiments will in particular help identify the relevant non-dimensional microscopic parameters which control the macroscopic static friction of the medium.

Laboratory : INRIA Grenoble -
Team : ELAN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Numerical modelling of granular avalanches through a forest of deformable pillars
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This projet proposes to investigate the downslope flow of a granular material through a forest of flexible fibres in an inclined plane geometry, and study how the elasticity of the fibres, as well as the frictional interactions between the grains and the fibres, can impact the granular flow. It focuses on numerical modelling and simulations using the Discrete Element Method coupled with non-smooth contact solvers developed in the team. The numerical study will be supported by experimental measurements in the context of a collaboration with the FAST lab.

Laboratory : INRIA Grenoble -
Team : ELAN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Locomotion in granular media
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Many living species thrive in granular environments, such as sand. Navigating through these granular terrains poses significant challenges, as these materials are heterogeneous, highly dissipative, and exhibit complex mechanical responses. As a result, animals serve as a remarkable source of bioinspiration for developing efficient strategies to move in such environments. At the FAST laboratory, we experimentally investigate the various strategies employed by animals to traverse sandy substrates, assessing their effectiveness and robustness. To this end, we develop bio-inspired robots and active systems, studying their behavior within a model granular environment. The goal of these experiments is to understand the underlying physics governing the interactions between moving objects and granular materials. If you are interested in animal locomotion, the mechanics of granular materials, or robot design and control, please contact us.

Baptiste Darbois Texier

Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Fast : Granulaires et Suspensions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Superconducting Devices in Silicon
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The project focuses on the study of superconducting devices with silicon as a semiconductor. Those include standard silicon transistors with superconducting source and drain contacts and superconducting resonators. The common properties is the superconducting material which is elaborated with the constrain of being compatible with the silicon CMOS technology. In the actual situation of the project, devices with CoSi2, PtSi and Si:B superconducting contacts have been fabricated using the 300 mm clean room facility at the LETI and in collaboration with our partners at Uppsala university and C2N Paris Saclay. The main issue is now to characterize the electronic transport properties at very low temperature. Depending on the quality of the contact interface between the S/D contacts and the silicon channel, various behavior are expected. In the case of opaque contacts, the current at very low S/D bias is blocked due to the opening of the superconducting gap. In the opposite case, superconducting correlations extend in the channel and a gate-tunable non-dissipative supercurrent is expected to flow though the transistors. This situation, met for other materials like germanium (see other master project on protected qubit ), is the ultimate goal of the project. The master internship will focus on measurements at very low temperature of existing devices.

François Lefloch

Laboratory : PHELIQS-LATEQS - UMR-E 9002
Team : Lateqs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Photonic Crystal Cavities for Terahertz Biosensing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Physics of living systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
THz waves, typically between 0.1 THz and 10 THz, have great potential for a wide range of biomedical diagnostic applications, as well as for the fundamental study of a variety of biomolecules. Indeed, many biomolecules and biomolecular complexes exhibit relevant intramolecular and intermolecular resonances in this frequency range, paving the way for a wide range of biomedical and diagnostic applications. THz biosensing is therefore a fast-growing field of research. An extraordinary advantage of THz spectroscopy for biological applications is that it enables direct, label-free probing of the interaction of biomolecules with THz radiation. The aim of this internship is to develop original THz photonic crystal cavities offering a high THz electric field concentration with an ultra-high quality factor, and thus optimized for high-sensitivity THz biosensing. Òur group has recently realized THz cavities providing high electric field confinement with a quality factor of a few tens but limited by the use of metals with ohmic losses. To overcome these limitations, the candidate will realize dielectrically patterned, metal-free, THz photonic crystal cavities that will be further implemented into THz biosensors, to come closer to today's state-of-the-art bioanalytical tools. The candidate will design the photonic crystal cavities using simulations based on finite element method, participate to their fabrication and investigate their optical properties using THz spectroscopy systems.

Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Nano-THz
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multiscale temporal nonlinear optical response of a biased crystal
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Merging nonlinear optics and quantum hydrodynamics, quantum fluids of light have gained great interest in the past few years. Indeed, in properly engineered experimental optical devices, photons can acquire an effective mass and be in a fully controlled effective interaction. Merging nonlinear optics and quantum hydrodynamics, quantum fluids of light have gained great interest in the past few years. Indeed, in properly engineered experimental optical devices, photons can acquire an effective mass and be in a fully controlled effective interaction. They behave collectively as a quantum fluid, and share remarkable common features with other systems such as superfluidity and quantum turbulence. Quantum fluids of light have been investigated mainly in one and two dimensions in various photonic platforms. A major challenge in the field of quantum fluids of light is to increase its dimensions. An interesting strategy [2] is to consider ultrashort pulses rather than continuous propagation and combine both the instantaneous electronic Kerr effect with the slow photorefractive nonlinear effect [3]. [1] C. Michel et al, Nat. Commun. 9, 2108 (2018) [2] P.-\'E. Larr\'e et al, PRA 92, 043802 (2015) [3] O. Lahav et al, PRX 7, 041051 (2017)

Claire Michel
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR7010
Team : Waves in Complex Systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors for mid-IR fiber and cascade laser combs
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Saturation of the light-matter interaction is a general nonlinear feature of materials: atoms or semiconductors. In semiconductors, controlling saturation phenomena is important for fundamental physics and applications. A seminal example is the semiconductor saturable absorption mirror (SESAM), that revolutionized ultra-fast lasers in the vis/near-IR spectral range. In the mid-IR (lambda=3-30 um), the intensity required for saturation is high, about 1 MW/cm2. This high value explains why SESAM mirrors are missing from the toolbox of mid-IR opto-electronics. The host team proposed that absorption saturation can be engineered if the system operates in the strong light-matter coupling regime, and provided an experimental proof. The team designed SESAMs with low saturation intensities: the goal is generating mid-IR frequency combs with tabletop fiber or interband cascade lasers. The goal of the internship is to develop low-power SESAMs in the mid-IR, supported by recently obtained results, that suit the comb application with fiber and/or cascade lasers. Experiments will be performed by optical pumping with a tunable QC laser in an existing experimental setup. If time permits, time domain characterizations will be performed with a mid-IR pump/probe setup. This project evolves in the context of a running ANR grant and of an ERC Advanced grand. It opens up exciting perspectives in the realization of ultrafast, mode-locked mid-IR fiber and semiconductor lasers.

Raffaele Colombelli
Laboratory : C2N - Palaiseau - UMR9001
Team : ODIN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultra-fast mid-IR modulators for applications to frequency combs and spectroscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Electrically reconfigurable surfaces are artificial components whose optical properties (reflection, absorption) can be addressed electrically. They are particularly useful as amplitude or phase modulators. In the mid-infrared (MIR, 3um<lambda<30um), these functionalities are useful for applications such as laser phase stabilization, spectroscopy, EO frequency comb generation. The ultrafast (10–40GHz) modulation of MIR radiation is a missing device functionality. The Host Team is at the forefront of research with a far-reaching approach: the development of electrically reconfigurable surfaces for the MIR. The Host Team recently demonstrated ultra-fast MIR modulators with performances that are compatible with real world applications. The specificity (and the beauty) of the concept is that it relies on a fundamental physics phenomenon: the strong-coupling regime between light and matter. The goal of this internship is: (i) employing the currently existing modulators to generate EO frequency combs, a crucial step for applications. (ii) participate in the full characterization, and result interpretation, of a new generation of modulators with improved functionalities. The experiments will be performed with the existing setup, built around a tunable quantum cascade laser. The perspective intern will also have the possibility to add improvements to the setup (for instance the measurement of the modulation phase).

Raffaele Colombelli
Laboratory : C2N - Palaiseau - UMR9001
Team : ODIN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coupling of Josephson currents and magnetization dynamics is S/F hybrids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
The interplay between superconductivity and magnetism has attracted the attention of physicists for years. The coupling between magnetization dynamics and the superconducting state constitutes a pivotal topic, because of its fundamental interest and its relevance in the nascent field of ”superconducting spintronics”. The spin dynamics can be excited by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), particularly by shining microwaves that excite the magnetization precession of the macroscopic-magnetic moment. If the ferromagnet is connected to two superconducting electrodes, and these are close enough, this precession of the magnetization expectedly yields the condition for the generation of unconventional superconducting spin-triplets, thus allowing for Josephson coupling across the ferromagnet. The internship is devoted to experimentally verifying this theoretical prediction, and investigating how spin pumping into the superconductor interplays with Josephson coupling. The existing literature on S/F hybrids most often studies (low-Tc) s-wave superconductors. Instead, here we propose (high-Tc) d-wave ones, which are up to now unexplored in this context and display many unique properties. For example, an anisotropic gap results in a high density of QP (Andreev) bound states at the Fermi level. This internship and the PhD thesis that should follow will focus on understanding the different mechanisms at play, and the potential of these effects for spintronic applications.

Javier Villegas

Laboratory : LAF - UMR137
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum inspired algorithms meet artificial intelligence
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Quantum computers are expected to change computations as we know it. How are they supposed to do that? Essentially they allow us to perform a subpart of linear algebra (certain matrix-vector multiplications) on exponentially large vectors. A natural mathematical famework to understand what they do is the tensor network formalism. Conversally, tensor networks are becoming popular as tools that can take the place of quantum computers, yet run on perfectly classical hardware. To do so, they rely on a hidden underlying structure of some mathematical problems (a form of intrication) that can be harvested to compress exponentially large vectors into small tensor networks. An increasing number of, apparently exponentially difficult, problems are getting solved this way. This internship lies at the intersection between theoretical quantum physics and applied mathematics. The goal will be to develop and apply new algorithms to “beat the curse of dimensionality”, i.e. to push the frontier of problems that we are able to access computationally. More specifically, we will explore a new approach to address a class of high dimensional integrals that arise in the context of Feynman diagram calculations [1]. The envisionned algorithms combine the normalization flow approach (from neural networks) with the tensor cross interpolation (from tensor networks). [1]

Xavier Waintal

Laboratory : pheliqs, CEA IRIG Grenoble -
Team : Pheliqs Waintal
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of color centers in 2D materials for quantum sensing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This project aims to overcome these limitations through the design of a new flexible quantum sensor based on an atomically-thin two-dimensional (2D) material. To this end, we will study the magneto-optical properties of recently discovered spin defects in 2D hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) also known as white graphene. The internship work aims at building a state-of-the-art optical setup to measure quantum properties of color centers in hBN. This will include the development of a Hanbury Brown and Twiss measurement setup to assess the single photon nature of the emitters and the measurement of their spin relaxation and coherence times. This project makes a bridge between two vibrant fields of research in condensed matter: (i) point defects for quantum technologies and (ii) 2D materials beyond graphene. It is expected to have strong and broad impacts for applied science (printed electronics, spintronics, optoelectronics …) and from the point of view of fundamental physics. This experimental work will benefit from the state-of-the art facilities and the world-recognized expertise of LPCNO Toulouse for the fabrication of atomically thin materials and their study by advanced optical spectroscopy tools. In particular, the candidate will have the opportunity to work with tunable wavelength lasers, liquid Helium magneto-cryostats and single photon detectors.

Laboratory : LPCNO - UMR5215
Team : Optoélectronique Quantique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Friction and elasticity of folded polymer films
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Thin elastic sheets or wires easily fold when deposited on substrates. The relaxation of these folds or wrinkles depend on the ability of the sheet to slide on the substrate, while the elastic energy stored in the folds or wrinkles promotes the relaxation of the shape. Hence, such problems interestingly couple elasticity to frictional and sliding behaviors in thin elastic sheets. The internship aims at exploring several aspects : How does the interplay between film deformation and friction affect the development of buckling instabilities and fold trapping? What is the contribution of film roughness and polymer viscoelasticity? To answer to these questions, we will carry out experiments in which a viscoelastic polymer strip is laid at imposed vertical velocity on a glass plate while the development of buckling instabilities and friction at the rough contact area at the glass/strip interface are continuously monitored. Based on these observations, we will seek to develop a physical description of the role of friction in the formation and trapping of wrinkles in relation to the mechanical and roughness properties of the polymer film.

Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Clogging in fluidic channels covered with elastic fibers
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
From hairs on our skin to the microscopic cilia inside our respiratory tract, large aggregates of thin deformable structures in contact with fluids are ubiquitous. In this project, using model experiments we aim at understanding how a channel filled with deformable fibers affect fluid flow and can trap particles carried by the flow. These hairy channels constitute a very peculiar porous media where the pore size can vary as the fibers are bent by the fluid flow which will in turn impact the clogging process. A PhD position on this project is fully funded by the ANR JCJC Filthair

Etienne Jambon-Puillet
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Correlations in electronic shot noise at optical frequencies The
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The NS2 group developed an activity linking quantum transport and plasmonics. We have investigated the emission mechanism of photons from a tunnel junction and established a quantitative relationship between the emitted light power and current fluctuations at optical frequencies. Measuring this light emission therefore means studying current-current correlations on a time scale of the order of femtoseconds. Understanding the correlations between the current and the photons emitted by inelastic electron tunneling is crucial for the electrical control of photon emission. The objectives are to address several questions of fundamental interest including correlations between current and radiative decaying plasmons, analogous to the third moment of current fluctuations at optical frequencies, a possible back action in the presence of high-Q optical modes onto the junctions or even cross-correlations between several junctions coupled to the same optical bath.

Julien Gabelli

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magneto-ionic gating in magnetic tunnel junctions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Magneto-ionics is an emerging field that offers great potential for reducing power consumption in spintronics memory applications through non-volatile gate-control of magnetic properties. By combining voltage-controlled ionic motion from memristor technologies, typically used in neuromorphic applications, with spintronics, magneto-ionics also provides a platform to create a new generation of neuromorphic computing functionalities based on spintronics devices. Our group has been at the forefront of investigating the magneto-ionic control of magnetic properties in various materials and nanodevice geometries. We have demonstrated gating effects on magnetic anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and characterised in depth the interactions between the mobile ions and the magnetic atoms. One major challenge remains ahead for the use of magneto-ionics in practical applications, its integration into magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ), the building blocks of magnetic memory architectures. This will not only unlock the dynamic control of switching currents in magnetic tunnel junctions to reduce power consumption in memory technologies, but also allow for the modulation of stochastic magnetisation switching, which has important implications in probabilistic computing. We are currently seeking a highly motivated candidate to join our team at C2N and work on an experimental research project focused on the implementation of magneto-ionic gating schemes in MTJs.

Liza Herrera Diez

Laboratory : C2N - 9001
Team : C2N: Integnano
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-linear response theory in self-gravitating systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gravity is a long-range interaction. As a result, stellar systems are generically (i) inhomogeneous (stars follow intricate orbits), (ii) self-gravitating (stars self-consistenly define the gravitational potential), (iii) resonant (orbits introduce orbital frequencies). In the limit of small perturbations, the efficiency with which a stellar system responds to stimuli is described by linear response theory, a successful framework to predict (linear) modes. Yet, as a stellar systems nears an instability, amplification gets so large that fluctuations are no longer small. This is the realm of non-linear response theory, whose analytical description is much more challenging. This internship focuses on exploring non-linear response theory in stellar systems. For that purpose, we will investigate the "periodic cube", an enlightening self-gravitating toy model. We will explore the dependence of the level of thermal fluctuations, as one lowers the system's dynamical temperature. We will use stochastic methods from renormalisation theory, originating from plasma physics, to predict the associated levels of perturbations. Ultimately, this program of research will offer new clues on non-linear self-gravitating processes, such as mode saturation and statistical correlation functions.

Jean-Baptiste Fouvry
Laboratory : IAP - UMR7095
Team : Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Local control and imaging of ferroelectric domains in HfZrO2 layers using piezoelectric force (PFM) and electron microscopy (LEEM-PEEM) techniques
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This internship focuses on the characterization of ferroelectric (FE) domains in hafnium zirconium oxide (HZO) films. We propose to train the student to use several surface imaging techniques (piezoelectric force microscopy, PFM, low energy electron microscopy, LEEM, and x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, PEEM) for this purpose. The results from this study will allow understanding the effects of the metal electrode/FE layer interface in the polarization switching mechanisms.

01 69 08 47 27

Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Patterns generated by erosion by dissolution
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Erosion by dissolution plays a significant role in area covered by a soluble mineral like in Karst regions and is the cause of the formation of remarkable patterns (limestone pavements, scallops, dissolution channels, dissolution pinnacles, limestone forests…) with characteristic length scales. We propose in this internship, by the mean of controlled laboratory experiments, to study the morphogenesis of dissolution patterns. The soluble media and the hydrodynamic flows will be tuned to downscale the characteristic size and time of the involved processes from geological values to “laboratory” values. Thanks to quantitative measurements of the flow and of the topography of eroded surfaces, we will identify the driving elementary physical mechanisms and thus develop mathematical models and numerical simulations, with the aim to explain complex geological systems and to predict the long term evolution of landscapes. In this internship, the student will develop in the group, one or several model experiments, reproducing dissolution erosion phenomena. To decrease the timescales, fast dissolving materials like salt and plaster will be used. Hydrodynamic properties of the flows will be characterized and the 3D shape evolution of eroded surfaces will be recorded.

Michael Berhanu
01 57 27 62 58

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Identifier la nature et l’origine de la matière noire cosmologique est l’un des grands défis de la physique fondamentale aujourd’hui. Les différents modèles de matière noire se traduisent généralement par des propriétés de structuration de la matière noire aux petites échelles très différentes, ce qui pourrait permettre soit de les conforter (voire de les identifier finement), soit de les exclure. Les caractéristiques des plus petites structures de matière noire dépendent à la fois de la nature de la matière noire et du spectre des fluctuations primordiales dicté par l’inflation. Ces structures auto-gravitantes sont plus ou moins compactes selon les modèles, et n'émettent aucune lumière car pas assez massives pour piéger les baryons et former des étoiles. En revanche, au sein de notre galaxie, elles peuvent être à l'origine de perturbations dans les positions et vitesses des astres galactiques (étoiles, planètes, ..., pulsars), et donc d'événements de microlentilles gravitationnelles lors de transits entre les astres d’arrière-plan et l'observateur. Ce stage a pour objet d'étudier mces effets afin d'identifier, contraindre, ou encore exclure l'existence de ces structures, et donc de nous renseigner à la fois sur la nature de la matière noire, ainsi que sur les propriétés des fluctuations primordiales aux petites échelles générées durant l’inflation.

Julien Larena
Laboratory : LUPM - UMR5299
Team : Particles, Astroparticles, Cosmology: Theory (PACT)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Sustained oscillations in crowded active matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The framework of statistical mechanics provides us the tools to build a theoretical understanding of equilibrium systems. However, the vast majority of systems are out of equilibrium (e.g., biological processes), where a comparable theoretical framework is lacking. Supporting the general scientific aim to understand living systems, the field of active matter physics concentrates on unveiling the role of systematic motion that is at the heart of life’s complexity. Going beyond thermal diffusion, life relies on the ability of agents on all scales (from molecular motors inside cells to entire organisms) to move autonomously in a systematic fashion. Numerical studies are essential in the field of active matter. Intense focus has been on minimal models leaving important gaps on the baffling collective phenomena emerging when persistent particle motion competes with crowding at high densities. Only this year turbulent-like collective motion has been reported in this regime that strikingly resembles the chaotic advective flows observed in dense bacteria or tissues. Under certain conditions, dense active systems can also feature sustained oscillations as for example observed in tissues and dense human crowds. The internship aims at unveiling the minimal ingredients required to observe oscillating flows in the standard models of dense active matter through numerical simulations. Extending the project to a PhD thesis requires applying for additional funding.

Benjamin Guiselin
Laboratory : L2C -
Team : STAT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cavity-enhanced superfluorescence of perovskite nanocrystals superlattices
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Since their first synthesis in 2015, perovskite nanocrystals have attracted much attention due to their easy and cheap large-scale fabrication, and excellent optical properties for optoelectronics and quantum optics applications. A key breakthrough occurred in 2018 when superfluorescence was observed in superlattices of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals at low temperatures. Superfluorescence, a phenomenon where emitters synchronize through their long-range interaction and emit a burst of coherent light, had previously been limited to atoms and a few solid-state systems due to the difficulty of obtaining identical individual emitters at high densities within a superstructure. Perovskite nanocrystals, with their narrow size dispersion, provide an ideal material for creating superlattices that can achieve this effect. Integrating these superlattices into optimized optical microcavities is also crucial for enhancing superfluorescence through cavity quantum electrodynamics effects. In the Nano-optics group, a fibered Fabry-Perot microcavity was designed to enhance the emission of solution-processed nanoemitters. The goal of the project is to couple perovskite nanocrystal superlattices to this microcavity and study the superfluorescence in free space and cavity configurations. Enhanced dipole-dipole coupling within the cavity is expected to involve more nanocrystals in the superfluorescence, leading to increased emission.

Carole Diederichs
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Nano-optique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Statistical physics of nonequilibrium mixtures: tracer diffusion and long-range interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Transport of soft matter at small scales is crucial to challenges like nanomaterials and intracellular organization. These systems are strongly heterogeneous and nonequilibrium, making their analytical description difficult. Recent work has focused on tracer particles in nonequilibrium mixtures, showing enhanced diffusion and particle self-propulsion. The internship aims to extend these findings to confined geometries and long-range interactions, while refining the underlying stochastic field theory. The work is primarily analytical, requiring knowledge of stochastic processes and statistical field theory. PhD funding for 2025 is available.


Laboratory : PHENIX - UMR8234
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum sensing of the 21 cm hydrogen line
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The 21 cm hydrogen line is a crucial resource for radioastronomy. The hydrogen element has witnessed many important epochs in the early Universe. The full spectrum of the hydrogen line arising from the red shifted emissions is therefore a highly sought for resource for cosmology and radioastronomy. In this project which can lead to a PhD, we will use the tools of quantum sensing using superconducting circuits to probe the 21 cm line first for low redshifts and devise techniques to extend this to lower frequencies, suitable for understanding important questions in particular related to dark matter in the early Universe during the Cosmic Dawn.

Takis Kontos

Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Circuits Quantiques Hybrides
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Etude d’une double source d’atomes froids pour un gyromètre à onde de matière
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
La manipulation d’atomes par laser permet de réaliser des interféromètres à onde de matière très sensibles à l’accélération et à la rotation. Il est ainsi possible de réaliser des capteurs extrêmement précis permettant par exemple de déterminer le champ de gravité terrestre ou de réaliser des tests de physique fondamentale. Actuellement, l’ONERA développe une centrale inertielle qui permet de mesurer simultanément les accélérations et les rotations et ainsi de remonter à sa position et son orientation sans utiliser le GPS. Des expériences de laboratoire ont démontré que la technologie quantique était très prometteuse pour ce type d’instrument. Cependant, plusieurs verrous scientifiques et technologiques empêchent actuellement de réaliser un capteur compact et embarquable utilisable en pratique. Le stage que nous proposons porte sur la levée d’un de ces verrous qui est la réalisation dans un dispositif compact de la double source d’atomes froids nécessaire à une mesure de rotation précise. En particulier, le stagiaire étudiera une technique permettant de séparer en deux un nuage d’atomes froids issu d’un piège magnéto-optique à l’aide de réseaux optiques mobiles. Le stagiaire réalisera dans un premier temps une simulation numérique de l’interaction d’un nuage d’atomes froids avec les lasers, puis participera à sa mise en œuvre sur notre dispositif expérimental. Le stage pourra se poursuivre par une thèse sur le développement d’un gyromètre à atomes froids embarquable.

Yannick Bidel

Laboratory : ONERA QTECH -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Physics models for the origins of Darwinian evolution
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Life is understood to be both the result and the engine of Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution, also known as evolution by natural selection, occurs when three key ingredients are present: (1) Variation: a population of individuals exhibits different traits. (2) Inheritance: these individuals reproduce and pass on their traits, at least in part, to their offspring. (3) Differential reproduction: some traits lead to greater survival and reproductive success than others. When these conditions are present, natural selection can occur, leading to changes in the population over time. In modern life forms, the mechanisms underlying variation, inheritance, and differential reproduction are complex and themselves the products of billions of years of Darwinian evolution. At the origin of life, however, Darwinian evolution must have emerged from simpler processes. What were these processes? We approach this question from a physics perspective, aiming to identify fundamental physical and chemical processes that could potentially give rise to Darwinian-like evolutionary dynamics beyond the specific pathway that led to life on Earth.

Olivier Rivoire
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dissipation and Decoherence in a Quantum System
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Description What happens to the ground state of a quantum system when we add dissipation? How is the lifetime of excited states affected by dissipation? How is quantum coherence destroyed by dissipation? The student will measure the lifetime and coherence of a bad qubit: a Josephson junction shunted by an on-chip resistance and embedded in a superconducting microwave cavity. The student is expected to aid in the design of devices using microwave simulation software; fabricate samples in a clean room using techniques such as microlithography and electron beam evaporation; cool samples using a cryogen free dilution cryostat; and make sensitive microwave measurements at low temperatures

Çağlar Girit
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Algal Growth Optimization Using Advanced Lighting Techniques
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Algae have attracted significant attention for their ability to produce products such as proteins, lipids (omega 3, 6 and 9), nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and dyes. Being a photosynthetic organism, it relies on light for energy, and thus, growth. The prevailing choice of light source at cultivation sites is sunlight (whose spectrum algae are adapted to) since it is free. The main drawback of using this source is that it is not consistent: e.g., there are less hours of sunlight in spring compared to summer, and changing weather conditions can impact light intensity at much shorter timescales. This drawback can be overcome by using supplemental artificial lighting or by using artificial lighting only; options that can additionally provide new possibilities, such as allowing for a tailored spectrum to boost the production of certain compounds (e.g., using blue light to boost pigment production). However, such a practice is often financially unfeasible due to electricity costs. Methods to optimize growth per unit of electricity are therefore of great interest to drive down costs. One promising method involves fluctuating the light intensity at specific frequencies to optimally drive photosynthetic reactions, but studies have been conflicting. This project aims to rigorously evaluate the use of fluctuating light for boosting the growth rate of algae.

01 44 32 33 33

Laboratory : PASTEUR - UMR 8640
Team : Physical and Biological Chemistry of Living Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The Capillarytron for benchmarking AI-based inference of the mechanics of tissue morphogenesis
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
What role do mechanical forces play in morphogenesis? Can we describe a growing multi-cellular tissue, in which the coupling between mechanics, chemistry and biology is permanent, as a lowing "complex luid"? What would be the `rheology’ of such a medium? These questions are currently central to developmental biology and health applications, but also pose major challenges for physics and engineering. The aim of this project is to tackle these questions using a biomimetic approach, based on the skills in rheology and modeling of complex luids and living environments present at IUSTI and IRPHE.

Simon Gsell
Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Transport of micro-fibers in a foam
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Understanding microfiber transport opens up vast fields of environmental application, from plastic pollution, when fibers are made of synthetic polymeric materials, to planktonic ecosystems, when we consider needle-shaped planktonic micro-algae such as certain diatoms. We are interested in the transport or retention of these microfibers in liquid foams, particularly when the liquid channels of the foam are the seat of a slight liquid flow due to gravity drainage. Such a configuration should make it possible to directly describe the environmental consequences of the accumulation of very abundant marine foams that can accumulate on the coastline. While the sedimentation of isotropic solid particles in foams has been widely studied in the literature, as has the sedimentation of microfibers in an unconfined liquid, their transport in liquid foams is not yet understood. This internship will involve an experimental exploration of this subject. A foam will be confined between two vertical plates, and a suspension of micro-fibers will be injected from above. The aim will be to quantify the dynamics of the micro-fibers released from the foam, and to observe the trajectory followed by the micro-fibers in the network of foam channels. While the emphasis will be on acquiring experimental results, a theoretical component may also be considered.

Florence Elias

Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mixed dimensions van der Waals hetero-structures as a plateform for quantum photonics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Low dimension physics
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In recent years, carbon nano-emitters like nanotubes, graphene quantum dots, and nanoribbons have emerged as promising platforms for quantum photonics, particularly in quantum communication and information processing. Their optical properties are versatile, thanks to control over the working wavelength via quantum confinement. Methods such as chemical grafting of color centers in carbon nanotubes and chemically synthesized graphene dots have made these emitters more robust, with room-temperature single-photon emission demonstrated. However, their performance is often hindered by environmental interactions, leading to dephasing and spectral diffusion. A promising solution is encapsulating nano-emitters in van der Waals heterostructures, which provide an atomically clean environment without needing ultra-vacuum conditions. Conductive 2D materials like graphene also allow for gating, reducing spectral diffusion by screening electrostatic fluctuations. The research group has developed a cryogenic micro-photoluminescence setup, incorporating super-resolution techniques to map single-photon emitters with sub-wavelength precision (~20 nm). Quasi-resonant excitation spectroscopy further explores confined excited states. This internship aims to deepen understanding of these heterostructures’ photophysics using advanced spectroscopy, with potential exploration of inter-layer excitons that could lead to new physics phenomena and applications like non-classical light sources.

Yannick Chassagneux
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Nano-optique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deep sub-wavelength dielectric cavities coupled to nano-emitters in the cavity quantum electrodynamics regime.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This scientific project focuses on coupling nano-emitters to optical micro-cavities, with potential applications in quantum telecommunication and advanced photonics. One key application is the Purcell effect, which accelerates the spontaneous decay rate and funnels photons into a single optical mode. The strength of light-matter coupling depends on the ratio of the quality factor to the cavity mode volume. Two approaches exist to optimize this: the plasmonic route, which achieves sub-wavelength mode volumes but suffers from Ohmic losses, and the dielectric resonator route, which attains high Q but is limited by the diffraction limit. This project proposes to combine the strengths of both approaches by designing modified dielectric cavities that achieve high Q with sub-wavelength volumes using near-field techniques. These cavities will couple with solid-state nano-emitters, such as carbon nanotubes or graphene quantum dots, to create artificial atoms for quantum technology applications. By utilizing the discontinuities of the electric field in a dielectric bow-tie antenna, the project aims to create ultra-small mode volumes. Coupling nano-emitters to these cavities requires spatial and spectral matching, achieved through open-cavities with a mirror on the tip of an optical fiber. The bow-tie antenna will be fabricated on this fiber, and the project focuses on designing, nanofabricating, and testing these antennas.

Yannick Chassagneux
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Nano-optique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum phase transitions in 2D disordered systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in low-dimensional materials, like 2D disordered systems, are a key focus in condensed matter physics due to their sensitivity to magnetic, topological, and superconducting orders. These transitions occur at absolute zero (T=0) when varying a parameter in the system’s Hamiltonian, providing insights into competing quantum orders. A prominent example is the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition (SIT) in 2D systems, where superconductivity competes with quantum interference and Coulomb interactions. Despite extensive research, the SIT remains complex, with hints of exotic phases near the transition. Studies suggest phenomena like Cooper pairing in the insulating phase and possible preformed pairs, indicating a Bosonic insulator with a pseudogap. There’s also debate about an anomalous Boson metal phase, challenging the belief that a 2D metallic state is impossible. This project will experimentally explore thin YxSi1-x films to study electron-phonon decoupling under large electric fields near the SIT at low temperatures. It may lead to a thesis on quantum phase transitions in disordered systems, potentially extending to detection applications in astroparticle physics.

Claire Marrache-Kikuchi
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : ASSD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Edge magnetoplasmon interferometers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Edge magnetoplasmon are the elementary collective excitations of quantum Hall systems and live on the chiral edge states that carry the current. In a closed loop configuration i.e., a Hall island, the EMPs enter a resonant mode corresponding to the ratio of the velocity and the perimeter of the island. In recent works we have studied such objects and showed that we were able to manipulate their geometric properties so as to influence the resonance condition. We have also made it clear how finite-size effects manifest in this system. This internship will focus on the next step of this research that aims at realizing a rf interferometer in Hall systems. The experiment is based on the addition of a quantum point contact (QPC) to the structure that would separate the resonators in two lobes contacted through the QPC where quasiparticles exchange can happen. The path of EMPs in each cavity would thus lead to an interference of the signal that would in turn lead to a modulation of the transmission signal as a function of the threaded Aharonov-Bohm flux. The long-term objective of the project is to study anyons in fractional quantum Hall systems using this interferometer.

Gerbold Ménard
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : LPENS - Physique mésoscopique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coarsening and flow of gelling foam
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Foams, dispersions of gas bubbles in a fluid, are an example of complex out-of-equilibrium systems. The structure and properties of liquid foams are controlled by capillarity, so how foams flow or how they evolve in time depends mainly on the properties of their interfaces. In recent years there has been growing interest in “elastocapillary” foams, where bubbles are embedded in a soft solid. The properties of such foams are controlled by a competition between surface effects and bulk rheology (capillarity vs. elasticity), which can lead to a novel class of structural evolution and bubble topology, as shown in the photographs of quasi-2D foams below. Our objective is to rationalize the relation between the rheological properties of the continuous phase and the dynamics of the system.

Anniina Salonen
Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Intracellular Nanorheology with molecular rotors; Application to red blood cell pathologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Join our research project at the interface of physics, biology and clinical practice, studying pathologies that affect the deformability of red blood cells.

Berengere ABOU
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How to maintain the two essential functions of insects in a changing climate? Microrheology and chemistry of cuticular hydrocarbons in ants
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
In this project, we will study the relationship between the rheology and chemical composition of cuticular hydrocarbons in ants, under acclimatisation conditions. This exciting project, which spans physics, chemistry and biology, takes place at Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC), located in Paris 13e. It will be carried out in international and interdisciplinary collaboration with the Institute of Organic and Molecular Evolution. A short-term internship at the University of Mainz (Germany), for chemical and behavioural analyses, is possible.

Berengere ABOU
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Delta Kick Squeezing for Atom Interferometry beyond the Standard Quantum Limit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
The aim of this intership is the implementation of the "Delta-Kick squeezing" (DKS) technique, which relies on the engineering of atom atom interactions in a BEC in free fall. Such interactions induce strong correlations between the atoms, and lead to squeezing in the population difference between the two interferometer paths, and eventually to phase sensitivity below the standard quantum limit.

Franck Pereira dos Santos

Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR8630
Team : IACI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
On-chip Terahertz Spectroscopy of 2D Materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In the recent years, the study of 2D materials such as the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) has led to the discovery of novel quantum states of matter. However, the fabrication of these materials often leads to small samples (~um) which can limit the range of tools used for their study and applications. This is the case of terahertz (THz) spectroscopy which, though limited by diffraction (~300 um), would be a powerful tool because the THz frequency range lies in the same energy range as many electronic excitations in these quantum materials. In this Master project, we propose to develop a method to perform spectroscopy on micrometer scale 2D materials beyond the current diffraction limitation of standard THz spectroscopy. This new technique uses “on-chip” generation and detection of THz pulses and will allow the candidate to study NbSe2, an exotic SC hosting simultaneously SC and a charge-density-wave (CDW) state. NbSe2 samples will be progressively exfoliated and measured down to the ultimate monolayer 2D limit. These already unprecedented results will pave the way for a PhD thesis for which the candidate will implement pump-probe “on-chip” THz spectroscopy, investigating the dynamics and interaction of the Higgs and CDW modes when driven far away from equilibrium and the possibility of inducing long-lived metastable SC states in this system.

Romain Grasset

Laboratory : Laboratoire des solides irradiés - UMR 7642
Team : New electronic states - TeraX-lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interactions of Marangoni swimmers/surfers
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The presence of surfactant such as amphiphilic molecules at the air-water interface may locally alter the surface tension and induce a flow in the underlying water, as exemplified in the celebrated “tears of wine” effect. The study of such Marangoni effects, dating back to the 16th century, has received a new impetus with the current interest in active matter. Some millimetric aquatic insects, like Velia and Microvelia, exploit this effect to self-propel by releasing chemicals that create surface tension differences. A similar principle is currently exploited to create artificial “Marangoni swimmers”: particles that move autonomously at the water surface without moving parts (Figure right). Such swimmers have been developed in our team. Their behavior raises intriguing questions about individual propulsion and collective dynamics like active turbulence. The goal of this internship/PhD project will focus on the interactions between Marangoni swimmers. The student will use advanced techniques such as PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and cantilever force sensors. We will also study the effects of complex flows, such as arrays of vortices, on the swimmer trajectories. The long-term ambition is to unveil the resulting large-scale transport properties. The student will combine experimental investigation with exploration of simplified models to develop a clear physical understanding. This topic lies at the crossroads of soft matter, fluid mechanics and statistical physics.

Cecile Cottin-Bizonne
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamic shape-morphing control via fluid structure interaction.
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In Nature, living materials are constantly evolving and adapting their shape to the environment, a feat that is lacking in engineered materials. To achieve this, differential growth within the tissues is key, as it induces mechanical stresses and thus the buckling in a rich variety of shapes. Over the last decade, emerging approaches have embraced this paradigm to develop bioinspired synthetic responsive materials (to external stimuli, such as, temperature, magnetic field, pressure) with in-plane distortions, and hence shape-morphing capabilities. However, despite rapid developments, current efforts primarily focus on programming the final equilibrium shape, overlooking both the dynamical trajectory of the transformation and the mechanics of the morphed structure. As a result, exciting biomedical applications perspective in minimally invasive surgery, rehabilitation and soft robotics remain so far beyond reach. In this internship, you will develop 3D-printed soft architected structures containing a network of interconnected cavities. By controlling the flow and the pressure distribution within the soft architected structure, the aim will be to characterize and then rationalize the fluid structure interaction at play to program the shape changes in space and time. The internship can be followed by a PhD grant funded by the ERC Starting Grant DynaMorph.

Emmanuel SIEFERT

Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modeling droplet growth on chromosomes
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Recent advances in imaging techniques have revealed new types of structural organization within cells, where intracellular fluids separate into liquid or solid droplets, much like liquid-liquid emulsions. Protein droplets, for instance, form on the surface of chromosomes at a scale of about 100 nm. Although the physics and chemistry of this process are still poorly understood, better insights could explain phenomena like droplet propulsion. Our team models and simulates these processes numerically, developing simple models of how droplets wet fibers that represent chromosomes. During this internship, we will integrate chemical reactivity into Brownian Dynamics simulations of droplets on chromosomes. Since droplets contain proteins that catalyze reactions on the chromosome surface, we hypothesize that these reactions will affect surface wettability and influence droplet dynamics and structure.

Vincent Dahirel

Laboratory : PHENIX - UMR8234
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-Assembly of irregular micro-particles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Self-assembly is a key feature of living cells, which organize their basic components into complex machines based on their mutual interactions. Most of the time, it brings well-adjusted parts together into functional structures such as the ribosome or viral capsids. In other cases however, objects that are not optimized by evolution to fit nicely self-assemble nonetheless, leading, e.g., to protein-aggregation diseases. While functional self-assembly has attracted increasing attention due to rapid progress in nanofabrication, the basic physical principles underpinning the assembly of ill-fitting objects remain largely unknown. The conceptual advance at the heart of our project is that ill-fitting particles self- assemble into low-dimensional aggregate morphologies not easily achieved with well-adjusted particles (see figure on the left and reference [1]). We term this effect dimensional reduction. During this Master internship we propose to investigate this dimensional reduction by self-assembly experiments using irregular colloids printed in 3D with submicron-resolution. We will base our investigations on Brownian dynamics simulations held in Martin Lenz groups at LPTMS (Orsay) to help sort through the huge diversity of potential particle shapes accessible through 3D-printing.

Martin Lenz
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Gravitational collapse of a granular column reinforced with fibres
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Introducing a small amount of flexible fibres into a granular medium is known to significantly increase the mechanical strength of the material. However, little is known about the flowing behaviour of grain/fibre mixtures. The aim of this internship is to study the effect of the addition of fibres on the flow behaviour of a granular column collapsing under the effect of gravity. We will quantify the collapse dynamics of the column and the final shape of the deposit as a function of the volume fraction of the fibres, their aspect ratio and their flexibility

Baptiste Darbois Texier

Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Fast : Granulaires et Suspensions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Super-Resolution Microscopy for Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair Dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The Institute Langevin at ESPCI Paris is seeking a motivated PhD candidate to join an exciting ANR-funded collaborative project investigating the interplay between DNA repair and transcriptional regulation through single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). This interdisciplinary research aims to elucidate the dynamics of oxidative DNA damage repair, focusing on the 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) lesion and its repair by the OGG1 enzyme. The project will explore the coordination between Base Excision Repair (BER) and transcription, with a particular emphasis on the role of the Mediator complex.

Ignacio Izeddin
Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : Imagerie pour la biologie et la santé
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of the photophysics of phototransformable fluorescent proteins for improved super-resolution microscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
We have recently demonstrated the significant benefits of event-based sensors in single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) super-resolution imaging. Surpassing the performance of traditional scientific cameras, these sensors expand the horizons of temporal resolution in SMLM. Event-based sensors, inspired by the human eye, are characterized by their asynchronous and independent pixels, which detect changes in brightness with high temporal precision. Thus, the EveSMLM technique (event-based SMLM) notably allows for capturing detailed profiles of intensity fluctuations and blinking of each observed molecule. This internship focuses on exploring the EveSMLM technique for studying the photophysics of photoconvertible fluorescent proteins.

Ignacio Izeddin
Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : Imagerie pour la biologie et la santé
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Event-Based Vision Sensor-Enabled Single-Particle Tracking
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
We invite applications for an M2 internship and fully funded PhD to work on an innovative interdisciplinary project integrating event-based sensors (EBS) into single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) and single-particle tracking. This research aims to drive new insights into molecular processes, focusing on the dynamic behavior of proteins, particularly poly-ADP-ribose polymerase 1 (PARP1), in response to DNA damage.

Ignacio Izeddin
Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : Imagerie pour la biologie et la santé
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
According to everyone's experience, predicting the weather reliably for more than a few days seems an impossible task for our best weather agencies. Yet, we all know of examples of “weather  sayings” that allow wise old persons to predict tomorrow’s weather without solving the equations of motion, and sometimes better than the official forecast. On a longer scale, climate model have been able to predict the variation of mean Earth temperature due to CO2 emission over a period of 50 year rather accurately. How can we explain all these puzzling information?   In the late 50’ and  60’s, Lewis Fry Richardson, then Edward Lorenz set up the basis on the resolution of this puzzle, using observations, phenomenological arguments and low order models.  Present progress in mathematics, physics of turbulence, and observational data now allow to go beyond intuition, and test the validity of the butterfly effect in the atmosphere and climate.  The goal of this internship is to implement the new tools on real observations of weather maps, to evaluate weather predicability t on real data. On a longer time scale (for a PhD), the goal will be to investigate the “statistical universality” hypothesis, and whether we can hope to build new “weather sayings” using machine learning, allowing to predict climate or weather without solving the equations.

Berengere Dubrulle
06 67 15 99 46

Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Numerical simulations of SU(N) spin chains and ladders
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Large-spin models have recently attracted significant interest following breakthroughs in cold atom experiments. However, modeling large-spin systems poses substantial challenges due to their high dimensionality and intricate symmetries, making standard numerical methods inadequate for accessing certain experimental regimes. A novel approach proposed by one of the project supervisors, circumvents the need for Clebsch-Gordan coefficient calculations, offering a promising solution to the limitations of traditional methods. This internship will build upon this approach in several stages. First, the student will explore group theory, focusing on SU(N) representations, which are essential for understanding large-spin systems. A strong theoretical foundation in these concepts is crucial for the project's later stages. Next, the student will implement an exact diagonalization method to simulate quantum models with high accuracy. Various models, including Heisenberg chains and ladders, will be considered, where analytical techniques often fall short. Finally, with a view toward PhD-level research, the student will explore tensor network methods. These are powerful tools for simulating low-dimensional quantum systems, particularly spin chains, and offer unprecedented precision in capturing key properties. The objective is to adapt existing tensor network algorithms to incorporate this new computational approach, further advancing the study of large-spin systems.

Loic Herviou
Laboratory : LPMMC - UMR 5493
Team : LPMMC, Grenoble
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring Spin-Orbit Coupling in Quantum Hall Systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The quantum Hall effect (QHE) is a central topic in condensed matter physics, highlighting the role of topology in quantum mechanics. The fractional quantum Hall effect, driven by electron-electron interactions, leads to the formation of exotic quasi-particles with fractional charge and non-standard statistics. Recent experiments have revealed numerous fractional Hall states, particularly in bilayer systems like graphene or double quantum wells, where strong interlayer interactions and spin-orbit coupling introduce new complexities to the QHE landscape. This internship will focus on understanding the impact of spin-orbit coupling on integer QHE systems. The first phase of the project will explore how spin-orbit coupling modifies the wavefunctions and edge states of non-interacting electrons within a single Landau level, including the effects of trapping potentials. The second phase will examine Landau level crossings in bilayer systems and incorporate electron interactions using a mean-field Hartree-Fock approach. This project combines analytical and numerical methods to enhance our understanding of topological phases in quantum Hall systems. Possible PhD extensions of this work include studying transport and disorder effects, investigating light-matter coupling in QED cavities, and developing more precise numerical treatments to explore fractional phases.

Loic Herviou
Laboratory : LPMMC - UMR 5493
Team : LPMMC, Grenoble
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics with spins in carbon nanotubes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
The HQC group recently demonstrated the manipulation, with cavity photons, of quantum states in a carbon nanotube (CNT) with coherence time of the order of 1.3μs. This is 2 orders of magnitude larger than any previous implementation of spin qubits with CNT and 1 order of magnitude larger than similar device using silicon. The proposed internship, and following PhD, aims at pushing these recent results further to demonstrate a high single-qubit gate fidelity above the fault-tolerant threshold for quantum error correction codes (and go to two-qubit gates). The strategy will rely on electrically tuning the spin qubit to further improve its coherence time (expected to be between 5μs and 25μs), boosting the spin-photon coupling with high-kinetic inductance microwave resonators and exploiting novel electron-photon coupling schemes that are currently being demonstrated in the group. The candidate will benefit from the interaction with all members of the group and of the fruitful partnership we have with the startup C12 which can then offer a CIFRE PhD funding. The candidate should have a strong theoretical background in quantum and condensed matter physics, a strong interest in nano-devices and complex microwave techniques to manipulate a quantum system in the time domain.

Matthieu Delbecq

Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Circuits Quantiques Hybrides
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Bringing a cold-atom interferometer to the quantum noise detection limit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Cold atom inertial sensors have many applications in fundamental physics (testing the laws of gravitation, gravitational astronomy), geosciences (measuring the Earth's gravity field or rotation) and inertial navigation. The operation of these sensors is based on atomic interferometry, taking advantage of superpositions between quantum states of different momentum in an atom, generated by optical transitions with two (or more) photons. To broaden their range of applications, it is necessary to constantly push back their performance in terms of sensitivity, stability, precision, dynamic range, compactness or robustness, ease of use and cost. The aim of this Master project will be to study and improve our state-of-the-art SYRTE's cold atom gyroscope by one order of magnitude compared with the current state of the art to reach the interferometer's detection limit, which is intrinsically linked to quantum projection noise. It will use new methods like successive joint measurements without dead time. Obtaining this regime requires some modifications to the existing experiment, in particular to the Raman lasers used to manipulate the atomic wave packet, but also to the preparation and the detection of the atomic samples. This method is very general and could also be applied to more common three-pulse interferometers such as accelerometers and gravimeters.

Arnaud Landragin
Laboratory : SYRTE - 8630
Team : Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Statistical field theory to study supercritical CO2 under confinement
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Our research project aims to understand the thermodynamic and structural properties of the supercritical CO 2 (scCO2 ) in a complex environment. scCO2 is indeed a common fluid in different technologies, in particular for the development towards more environmentally friendly industrial processes. For example, industrial CO 2 emission could be captured directly at the industrial sites and stored in geological reservoirs. To assess the validity of this strategy, we need to elucidate the structure and the thermodynamics of the scCO 2 within these multiscale reservoirs. In our group, we are developing new theoretical and simulation tools to study the properties of scCO 2 in such a complex environment. On the fundamental side, the recent developments in the classical density functional theory (cDFT) allows its extension to molecular and supercritical fluids, such as scCO 2 . cDFT is a powerful statistical field theory based on the molecular density, which gives (theoretically) the same results as molecular dynamics simulations, but at a cost at least 10,000 times smaller. We propose here to implement this strategy to evaluate the properties of scCO2 in confinement with different size, shape and interfacial properties. The results will be compared with molecular dynamics simulations, to assess the success of the cDFT.

Antoine Carof
Laboratory : LPCT - UMR 7019
Team : Dynamique et Symmétrie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spin-photon interfaces for quantum entanglement & quantum logic operations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This project aims at demonstrating new forms of spin-photon entanglement and photon-photon entanglement, and develop logic gates mediated by the spin-photon interaction, using cavity-QED devices based on semiconductor quantum dots.

Loïc Lanco
Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : Quantum Optics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum computing with nuclear spins
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
This project aims at developing a novel quantum computing platform, based on individual nuclear spin qubits at 10mK interfaced by superconducting quantum circuits

Patrice Bertet
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Single-molecule magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
This project aims at performing magnetic resonance spectroscopy at the single molecule level, using superconducting quantum technologies.

Patrice Bertet
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spin control of single fluorescent defects in silicon
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
This project aims at investigating fluorescent point defects in silicon emitting in the near-infrared telecom bands, for the development of integrated photonic circuits for quantum technologies in silicon.

Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Entanglement, fluctuations and universality
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Understanding, describing, and quantifying the behavior of physical systems hinges on the ability to predict and measure physically meaningful quantities. One particularly effective procedure involves selecting a subsystem, typically by choosing a simple spatial region, and analyzing the scaling behavior of a probe as the subsystem becomes large. This approach has proven highly successful across various physical systems and with different types of physical quantity, allowing for the extraction of valuable information such as insights into long-range correlations, quantum criticality, and topological properties. In the arsenal of the physicist, two prominent types of probes stand out: fluctuations of observables, and entanglement measures. Disentangling physical information encoded in such probes from the geometric characteristics of the selected region represents a complex and important challenge, which this project shall address. This internship aims at introducing the topic of entanglement in quantum many-body systems through the lens of Lifshitz field theories. These are non-relativistic theories, characterized by a Rokhsar-Kivelson groundstate, which is a quantum state whose Hilbert space is spanned by the configurations of a classical model. We will focus on the critical Lifshitz theory in 2 + 1 dimensions, and study certain multipartite entanglement measures. In particular, we will explore universal aspects of entanglement in subregions with corners.

Clément Berthière
Laboratory : LPT - UMR 5152
Team : Mathematical physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergent properties of altermagnets and non-collinear antiferromagnets
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This project aims at investigating complicated magnetic textures beyond ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, for the emergence of new phenomena like orbital magnetization or anomalous Hall effect in nanomagnetic systems.

Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Controlling artificial atoms with light in hexagonal boron nitride
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This project aims at investigating the photo-assisted activation of impurities in hexagonal boron nitride for the creation of artificial atoms for quantum technologies, and for classical applications where doping is required.

Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Superradiance of optical phonons in hexagonal boron nitride
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
While phonons are usually considered only as a dissipative reservoir, the objective of this project is to observe the luminescence of 2D optical phonons, and to study their superradiance in superlattices of boron nitride.

Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum sensing with spin defects hosted in a two-dimensional material
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This project will be focused on the study of the spin and optical properties of the recently discovered boron vacancy defect in boron nitride, in order to assess its potential for quantum sensing applications, with a focus on magnetic field and electric field detection.

Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Physique statistique expérimentale : débridage des cycles et démons grâce à l’inertie
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Low dimension physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
La thermodynamique stochastique étudie les échanges d'énergie à l'échelle de kBT (kB constante de Boltzmann, T température). Nos expériences permettent des mesures d’une précision inégalée dans ce domaine un système modèle à 2 degrés de liberté uniquement: position et vitesse. Les axes d’explorations sont prometteurs : nous pouvons donner vie à des expériences de pensée telle qu’un démon de Maxwell pour exploiter les fluctuations thermiques ; explorer l’énergie minimale pour manipuler l’information dans des opérations logiques ; étudier des cycles moteurs (type Carnot) avec un gaz mono-particule. De nombreuses questions ouvertes sur le lien entre information et échanges d’énergie sous-tendent notre approche expérimentale, et donnent lieu à des collaborations avec les experts internationaux du domaine : questions théoriques, optimisation par IA, ouverture vers les fluctuations quantiques, lien avec la biophysique. Nos expériences offrent toute une palette pour permettre à une doctorante ou un doctorant d’exprimer sa créativité, d'une coloration très expérimentale (optimisation du micro-mécanisme, rétroaction en temps réel) à fondamentale (modélisation analytique poussée), en passant par le traitement du signal (implémentation temps réel de protocoles via des réseaux de neurones artificiels). Des bases de physique statistique et une grande curiosité sont ainsi les seuls prérequis attendus !

Ludovic Bellon
06 01 94 05 31

Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Digital Image Correlation Applied to Glass Fracture
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Oxide Glasses have many industrial applications. However, they are brittle ! It is well-known that oxide glasses undergo sudden catastrophic fracture (e.g. glass crashing to the floor). Still, there is another fracture mode less noticeable where crack fronts speed ranges from sub nm/s up to mm/s. The growth of these crack fronts is aided by environmental parameters including atmospheric humidity and temperature, and the crack front velocity depends on the local stress felt by a crack tip, coined the stress intensity factor (K). Currently, our experimental setup permits imaging the time evolution of the crack front and post-analysis provides the crack front velocity. Additionally, finite element simulations give way to an indirect measurement of K. In recent years, digital image correlation (DIC) techniques have proven to be a powerful tool to determine K. It works well for soft materials and/or large samples that exhibit significant deformation under loading. However, it is more challenging for stiffer materials and/or smaller samples of interest in the project. Recently, our team developed a new protocol to capture the displacement field around a crack front in oxide glasses. Initial results are promising, yet the experimental protocols remain to be optimized and qualified. This is the goal of the proposed internship. The selected intern will gain expertise in various fields: pattern deposition, experimental mechanics, DIC image analysis, etc.

Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Lossless resilient microwave components based on disordered superconductors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
uperconducting quantum circuits, particularly in the circuit Quantum ElectroDynamics (cQED) architecture, have achieved significant progress in recent decades. In this architecture, quantum signals are carried by microwave photons. Most cQED experiments rely on aluminum Josephson Junctions (JJ's), which act as non-linear inductors. This non-linearity enabled the development of crucial non-linear lossless microwave components, such as tunable resonators and low-noise amplifiers, essential for cQED. However, aluminum JJ-based components are limited to low magnetic fields (≲250mT), low temperatures (≲250mK), and frequencies (≲10 GHz), constraining their applications. Using disordered superconductors with a larger superconducting gap, like NbN, could expand these limits by an order of magnitude. This project aims to demonstrate that NbN’s non-linearity can replace Al JJ’s, enabling lossless microwave components for research at higher magnetic fields (~6 T), temperatures (~4 K), and frequencies (~100 GHz). During this master’s project, you’ll work with a team of 30, including 15 Ph.D. researchers, contributing to sample development, design, theory, and nano-fabrication in our cleanroom. You'll also learn cryogenic cooling and perform advanced DC and RF measurements. This project may evolve into a Ph.D. thesis. References: [1] Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 203501, 2008 [2] Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 142601, 2021 [3] Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 054001, 2021

Xavier Jehl
Laboratory : PHELIQS-LATEQS - UMR-E 9002
Team : Lateqs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor for parity protected qubit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor (S-Sm) nanostructures are nano-circuits combining superconducting and semiconducting materials. These devices leverage superconductivity, a macroscopic quantum effect providing quantum coherence for qubits, and semiconducting properties that allow carrier control via an electrostatic gate, like in a field-effect transistor (FET). Our research focuses on aluminum-germanium nanostructures fabricated in our cleanroom. Our samples feature a loop with two hybrid nanostructures, and we observed that only even-numbered Cooper pair transport occurs, a key property for parity-protected qubits. The project aims to integrate our hybrid nanostructure into a circuit Quantum ElectroDynamics (cQED) architecture, commonly used in superconducting quantum information. Partnering with CEA-LETI, we utilize advanced flip-chip integration to couple different quantum chips. The final samples will be tested at cryogenic temperatures using advanced DC and microwave setups. As part of the master’s project, you’ll work with a team of 30, including 15 Ph.D. researchers, contributing to sample development, design, theory, and nano-fabrication. You'll also learn cryogenic cooling and advanced DC and RF measurements. This project may evolve into a Ph.D. thesis. [1] Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033281, 2024 [2] arXiv:2405.14695, 2024 [3] npj Quantum Information, 6, 2020

Xavier Jehl
Laboratory : PHELIQS-LATEQS - UMR-E 9002
Team : Lateqs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The biased Cosmic web, from theoretical modelling to observations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The study of the Large-Scale Structure of our Universe (also refered to as the filamentary Cosmic Web) is a paramount aspect of modern research in cosmology. With the advent of extremely large and precise cosmological datasets notably from the Euclid space mission, it becomes feasible to study in detail the formation of cosmic structures through gravitational instability. In particular, fine non-linear aspects of this dynamics can be studied from a theoretical point of view with the hope of detecting signatures in real observations. One of the major difficulties in this regard is probably to make the link between the observed distribution of galaxies along filaments and the underlying matter distribution for which first-principles models are known. Eventually, observing finely the "biased" cosmic web from galaxy surveys could in principle allows to probe the cosmological model (being it the concordant one or its extensions) along with the galaxy-dark matter connection. Building on recent and state of the art theoretical developments in gravitational perturbation theory and constrained random field theory, the intern will develop first-principles predictions for statistical observables (extrema counts, topological estimators, extrema correlation functions, e.g. Pogosyan et al. 2009, MNRAS 396 or Ayçoberry, Barthelemy, Codis 2024, A&A 686) of the cosmic web, applied to the actual discrete field of galaxies which only traces the total matter in a biased manner.

Sandrine Codis
Laboratory : AIM, CEA-Saclay - UMR7158
Team : Laboratoire Cosmologie et Evolution des Galaxies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Connecting dark matter and galaxies with machine learning.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Event Dark matter (DM) is the greatest unsolved mysteries in cosmology and physics, and mostly hidden from the current observations. The DM distribution can be inferred from observed galaxy distributions, but their relation is complex. To learn the spatial correlation between DM and galaxies, we combine hydrodynamic simulations and machine learning techniques. Hydrodynamic simulations can predict the spatial correlation between DM and galaxies, which can be learned by state-of-the-art machine learning technique. This project aims to reveal the DM distribution in the real Universe using the current observation of galaxies

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Machine Learning Event Reconstruction in Neutrino Physics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Event reconstruction algorithms are used to infer the particle properties, such as energy and direction, based on the photosensor information. Traditional likelihood-based algorithms use several approximations in the modeling of the detector that limit its accuracy and speed, which must be improved for Hyper-K. Several algorithms (DNNs; ResNet CNN, GNN, PointNet, UNet) have been adapted to our particular data format and need to be applied to real physics data. Two positions are available for this project: a) application to CERN particle beam data in the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment, b) application to Super-K cosmic ray and atmospheric neutrino data.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Uncovering new radio-loud active galactic nuclei
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A fraction of growing supermassive black holes are known to be luminous in radio wavelengths, which are referred to as radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs). These radio-loud AGNs are expected to play important roles in the formation of massive galaxies by controlling the growth of galaxies via negative feedback from AGNs. In this topic, we will search for new radio-loud AGNs by combining large datasets in the optical (from Subaru HSC SSP) and radio (from JVLA, etc.) wavelengths, and the physical properties of these galaxies will be investigated via spectral energy distribution modeling

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Statistical Study of Giant Molecular Clouds in Galaxies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this topic, we will utilize extensive imaging spectroscopy datasets of galaxies in the local universe, such as M83, to study a large number of giant molecular clouds (GMCs). GMCs are considered the birthplace of massive stars within galaxies. Our investigation will focus on the physical and chemical properties of GMCs using rich ALMA imaging spectroscopy data sets of various molecular lines to understand the underlying physical processes that govern their evolution. This, in turn, will provide insights into the regulatory mechanisms affecting the overall evolution of galaxies.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Flying Qubit in Graphene
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The solid-state systems, presently considered for quantum computation, are built from localized two-level systems, prime examples are superconducting qubits or semiconducting quantum dots. Due to the fact that they are localized, they require a fixed amount of hardware per qubit. Propagating or “flying” qubits have distinct advantages with respect to localised ones: the hardware footprint depends only on the gates and the qubits themselves (photons) can be created on demand making these systems easily scalable. A qubit that would combine the advantages of localised two-level systems and flying qubits would provide a paradigm shift in quantum technology. In the long term, the availability of these objects would unlock the possibility to build a universal quantum computer that combines a small, fixed hardware footprint and an arbitrarily large number of qubits with long-range interactions. A promising approach in this direction is to use electrons rather than photons to realise such flying qubits. The advantage of electronic excitations is the Coulomb interaction, which allows the implementation of a two-qubit gate . The aim of the present internship will be the development of the first quantum-nanoelectronic platform for the creation, manipulation and detection of flying electrons on time scales down to the picosecond and to exploit them for quantum technologies. In particular, the student will characterize a Graphene optical-to-electrical converter.

Preden Roulleau
Laboratory : SPEC -
Team : GNE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magic Angle Twisted Trilayer Graphene
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Condensed matter physicists used to associate new exotic properties to new materials development. In 2018 a paradigm shift happened with the observation of superconductivity in two layers of graphene with a relative crystallographic rotation of ~ 1.1 degrees, the so-called magic angle twisted graphene (MATG). This unprecedented new knob to change properties of 2D materials is already showing a plethora of unexplored properties and leading to a universe of new technologicaal applications in the new and fast growing field of twistronics (Twistronics: control of the electronic properties of 2D materials in a van der Waals heterostructure by changing their relative crystallographic alignment) The unexpected behavior in MATG is due to the existence of flat bands in its electronic band structure. These flat bands are the product of the interplay of interlayer tunneling and angle-induced momentum mismatch, which guarantees a large density of states and therefore an amplification of the effects of interactions. This causes correlated states which manifest experimentally by the emergence of new ground states such as superconductivity (SC), Mott insulators and quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE). Recently, we managed to observe superconductivity in a magic angle twisted trilayer graphene. In this internship, the student will perform electronic transport measurements (current and shot noise) in this device to reveal fundamental properties of cooper pairs.

Preden Roulleau
Laboratory : SPEC -
Team : GNE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Can modified gravity explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe ?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The study of new probes for analyzing modified gravity simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe. Modified gravity (MG) theories of the type of f(R) gravity can explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe without invoking the cosmological constant. Such models require introducing a new scalar field that naturally predicts rich gravitational effects in a different way from general relativity (GR). These modifications lead to changes in the environment of large-scale structures that could be used to distinguish this model from GR. The goal of this project is to provide critical tools to study modified gravity, and help to answer the key scientific question: Does modified gravity successfully explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe?

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Looking for radio signals from the most powerful sources of cosmic particles in the Universe (black holes, neutron stars, …)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
The GRAND (Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection) project aims at detecting ultra-high energy messengers (atomic nuclei, neutrinos, gamma-rays) coming from the most powerful sources in the Universe, with a 200'000 radio antenna array. Two prototypes have been deployed in 2023 in desert areas in China and Argentina, and the first dataset is currently being analyzed. In this internship, the candidate(s) will take part in this exciting phase of pioneering data analysis. Two possible axes of research will be proposed, based on the collected data at both sites or based on simulations, for a prospective study on the China prototype. a) the identification of specific signatures in the radio signals from cosmic particles. This will be used to discriminate efficiently against the background radio noise. b) simulations to assess the performances of a hybrid detector (radio antennas + scintillators) at the China site, to detect cosmic particles

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (neutron stars, black holes)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
The proposed project is a deep follow-up study on the gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303 at GeV energies. It is one of the best studied binary systems at high energies showing a very particular behavior: On top of the orbital period of about one month, it shows a super-orbital modulation of about 4 years in several wavelengths. Since the discovery of this phenomenon at GeV energies, the dataset taken by the satellite Fermi has doubled. We propose to analyze the latest Fermi-LAT dataset on the source, prove or falsify the findings done 10 years ago and perform a deep study on the orbital behavior of the source. These findings will be of great interest for the community.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Physical properties of distant galaxies via Data from ALMA and James Webb Space Telescopes.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this topic, we will investigate the physical properties of dust-enshrouded high-redshift galaxies uncovered by recent ALMA and/or JWST observations. We will focus on spatially-resolved properties of galaxies using high-spatial resolution data and energy-balance codes to model the observed spectral energy distributions and understand the roles of cosmic dust in the early universe.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Development of jet reconstruction ML algorithm for Higgs Bosons factories
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
iggs factories, including ILC in Japan, are next-generation electron-positron collider projects to explore fundamental questions of the universe. One of the key characteristics of detectors for Higgs factories is highly-granular calorimetry for precise jet measurement. The "particle flow" algorithm to analysis big data from highly-granular sensors is critical for the jet reconstruction, and we are working on improvement of the algorithm using modern deep-learning techniques. The main part of this internship program is a simulation study of the algorithm, including implementing and improving track-cluster matching algorithm, investigation of effect of precise timing measurement, and investigate detector configuration giving maximal performance. Based on intention of the applicant, related hardware studies on silicon sensors and readout electronics of the highly-granular silicon calorimeter can be included

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Search for non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix in the neutrino sector with T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande experiments.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
For the very first time, we now have the possibility of measuring the possible violation of CP symmetry in the lepton sector through the oscillation of neutrinos, and through this, of proposing the very first brick explaining the asymmetry between matter and antimatter that we observe in our current universe. In this perspective, the current T2K experiment, and the future Hyper-Kamiokande, are the experiments best placed to realize this fundamental discovery. However, the parameterization (known as PMNS) currently used in neutrino experiments limits the universality of this discovery, as well as possible physics tests beyond the standard model. This subject proposes to rewrite the neutrino oscillation algorithm used in T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande considering a non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix, then to apply the result to the data collected by T2K since 2011 for the first time. This result will constitute a first physics search beyond the standard model by this method in T2K, as well as obtaining universal results on the violation of CP symmetry.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cosmological Constraints from Lyman Alpha Forest using Hybrid Effective Field Theory
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Using small scale information found in Lyman Alpha Forest data for cosmological analysis is difficult due to uncertainties in the underlying hydrodynamical physics. One possible way to include this uncertainty accurately is using perturbation theory, in particular hybrid effective field theory approaches. In this project, students will test the ability for hybrid effective field theory to capture variations in small scale physics and apply the framework to simulated and/or real data.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Data Analysis in the Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Experiment
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Since their discovery in 1998 (Nobel Prize) we have learnt a lot about the parameters that govern neutrino oscillations, but there are still many questions remaining. Perhaps the most exciting of these is to determine whether neutrino oscillations violate charge-parity symmetry (CPV), and so could potentially explain why we live in a matter-dominated universe. This project involves the analysis of a unique set of photographs captured by a drone underwater in Super-K. Machine learning image segmentation techniques will be explored to accurately identify photosensors in each photo. Then using the photogrammetry technique, the geometry of Super-K can be measured for the first time after being filled with water. The result will be used by physics analysis through the detector Monte Carlo simulation.

Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Energy harvesting using topological quantum materials in the THz regime
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Today, the need of low-consumption and eco-friendly technologies has become crucial. This internship offers to study and optimize the recycling of a THz radiation into a DC current. This investigation relies on a recently discovered Hall effect – the nonlinear Hall effect – that appears in certain quantum materials. It refers to the emergence of a transverse DC current under an AC excitation, without the need of external power supply. The nonlinear Hall effect triggered by a THz radiation relies on fundamental quantum phenomena such as topology and chirality that we propose to investigate.

Louis-Anne De Vaulchier
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Nano-THz
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The birth of ferroelectric topological insulators
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In the present internship, we will focus on the intriguing interplay between topology and ferroelectricity. From a fundamental point of view, combining ferroelectricity with topology is predicted to host Weyl fermions. These relativistic fermions can be mimicked by massless electrons that possess a definite chirality, meaning that their spins are parallel or antiparallel to their momenta. They are at the heart of a large number of outstanding properties that are just starting to be addressed, such as dissipationless chiral currents driven by the chiral magnetic effect, efficient spin-charge conversion due to the large anomalous Hall effect or efficient higher harmonic generation due to ultrafast dynamics. Weyl fermions are also promising particles to form qubits based on chirality. Therefore, it is of great interest to establish a platform capable of control and manipulation of Weyl fermions.

Louis-Anne De Vaulchier
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Nano-THz
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Josephson physics of high-transparency quantum conduction channels in 2D Germanium
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Two-dimensional (2D) Ge-based heterostructures have recently been put to the forefront of quantum technologies for their high mobility and as a platform for spin qubit architectures. Additionally, 2D-Ge forms high transparency contacts to superconductors (S), offering a promising platform for hybrid superconductor / semiconductor physics. This could have promising applications for combining superconducting with spin-based qubits. In short S-Ge-S junction, the Josephson effect (dissipationless current flow) can be realized. Electronic transport is governed by only few conduction channels with conductance G=tau G_Q, where G_Q=2e^2/h is the quantum of conductance and 0 <tau < 1 is the channel transmission. In the superconducting state, each channel leads to a so-called Andreev bound state (ABS), which carries the supercurrent. In ballistic junctions with tau approaching 1, the ABSs can have intriguing properties which are the object of this project. In this Master project you will fabricate and investigate 2D-Ge Josephson junctions based on new superconducting materials which form contacts to Ge with tau approaching 1. The next step consists in moving to 3- and 4-terminal Josephson junctions in 2D-Ge. Here, the ABS are more complex and can be varied by the quantum phases in each superconducting lead, which can lead to topologically distinct ground states. You will study the dc transport properties of multi-terminal junctions and confront the results to theory.

Xavier Jehl
Laboratory : PHELIQS-LATEQS - UMR-E 9002
Team : Lateqs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing the band structure of graphene-based topological 2D materials with quasiparticle interference.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Conducting electrons screen defects by forming an oscillation of local density of states around them. This effect known as quasiparticle interferences (QPI) can be observed in the real space with the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and is precious to determine the Fermi surface of materials which can be reconstructed from their Fourier transform. We have recently shown that graphene’s Berry phase can also be measured from the QPI signal [1,2]. This opens new possibilities to use quasiparticle interference to determine the topological properties of materials, which are difficult to measure by other means. The present research project aims at developing the technique and apply it to new graphene based materials like twisted bilayer graphene, superconducting graphene (induced by proximity), Rhombohedral graphene etc. The success will rely on the mastering of creating defects at the surface of graphene either by ion bombardment or hydrogen functionalization. We are looking for a motivated Phd candidate with a strong background in condensed matter physics interested in low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The candidate will be involved in the project from sample preparation to the STM measurements and participate to a long term collaboration with Madrid University. The experimental work will be backed by theoretical input from the University of Bordeaux and Cergy Pontoise. [1] C. Dutreix et al. Nature 574, 219 (2019) [2] Y. Guan et al. ArXiv:2307.10024 (2023)

Vincent RENARD
Laboratory : PHELIQS-LATEQS - UMR-E 9002
Team : Lateqs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
QED calculations in the simplest molecules
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
High-resolution spectroscopy of hydrogen molecular ions (H2+ and its isotopes HD+, D2+...), the simplest molecules in nature, is currently one of the most promising methods to test the Standard Model at low energies and to improve the determination of fundamental constants. As several groups worldwide are developing experimental projects with very ambitious accuracy goals, it becomes increasingly important to improve the theory as well. This involves calculation of higher-order Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) corrections to the energy levels. Two possible topics are offered for the internship, and can be adapted to the applicant's preferences between theoretical and numerical work. The first one is to improve the theoretical hyperfine structure in HD+ by computing the proton-deuteron spin-spin interaction coefficient. The second one is to implement a new method to solve numerically the Dirac equation with high accuracy, which will be useful to calculate the one-loop self-energy correction in a fully relativistic framework.

Jean-Philippe Karr
01 44 27 60 79

Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Trapped Ions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Graphene nanostructuring for energy conversion at nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Research on new thermoelectric (TE) devices and materials for thermal management at nanoscale is highly demanded in nanoelectronics. Energy conversion of TE nanogenerators aims to recover waste heat in nanoelectronics, improving device performances. Active TE materials must have low thermal conductivity and high electrical conductivity, which is an antonymic behavior in common bulk materials but it can be achieved in nanostructured systems. The discovery of 2D materials has open new routes of investigation in this domain. The internship focuses on the experimental investigation of the electric, thermoelectric and thermal properties of devices based on nanostructured graphene, allowing to engineer new TE low dimensional materials and also to investigate fundamental properties relative to phonon and electron transport. Nanostructuring will be engineered by a network of holes in the few hundreds of nm range, aiming to control separately the phonon and electron mean free paths. The student will be involved in sample fabrication in clean room and electrical measurements. The team has recently demonstrated the ability of achieving a complete thermoelectrical characterization of 2D materials-based devices and has already achieved promising preliminary results. The team’s expertise in charge ransport in 2D materials and in clean room nano fabrication will be exploited in the project.

Maria Luisa Della Rocca
01 57 27 70 13

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : TELEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Unveil thermoelectric properties of 2D α-In2Se3
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Recently bidimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) III−VI semiconductors have drawn intense attention due to their unique electronic properties. Among these materials, In2Se3 in its most studied α phase, shows a great potential for a wide variety of applications in electronics, photonics and even thermoelectricity, due to its good mobility, excellent photoresponsivity, exotic ferroelectricity, and unique band structure. First-principles calculations based on the density functional theory and Boltzmann transport theory show that monolayered α-In2Se3 is also a great candidate for high-performance thermoelectric materials with the power factor PF and the figure of merit ZT as high as 0.02W/mK2 and 2.18 at room temperature4. The main goal of the internship is to go a step forward in the investigation of the correlation between thermoelectric and ferroelectric properties of α-In2Se3 thin layer. The student will fabricate α-In2Se3 based transistors for electric and thermoelectric investigation. The activity will cover sample fabrication in clean room (dry transfer of the 2D material, e-beam lithography, etching, metal deposition, AFM/Raman analysis …) and electrical measurements in a multi-probe station as a function of the temperature. The team has a strong expertise in the investigation of charge and spin transport in 2D materials and in clean room micro and nano fabrication techniques. This expertise will be exploited in the project.

Maria Luisa Della Rocca
01 57 27 70 13

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : TELEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Crystallization of nanomaterials: theory and simulation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Research overview The formation of a crystal is triggered by the emergence of a nucleation core. Classical nucleation theory (CNT) is widely employed to discuss its nature and its origin. In CNT, the thermodynamically stable phase is always the one that grows first and its size is then driven by the free energy competition between how much it costs to build a liquid-crystal interface and the gain from growing the crystal. Yet, following Ostwald’s rule, another structure may emerge beforehand if it is closer in free energy to the mother phase. Then, structural and also chemical reorganizations happen during the growth. This multi-stage nucleation mechanism already appears in bulk systems but can be amplified in nanocrystal nucleation where surface effects and chemical reactivity are enhanced. For nanoscience to be inspired by the practical applications instead of still being driven by the synthesis possibilities, it is crucial to reach a better understanding of the unique crystallization mechanisms leading to nanocrystals. Simulation project Atomistic simulations will be performed to study crystallization of binary particles. Examples will be taken from well-studied materials including CuZr, NiAl, NaCl, Water... We will investigate the correlation between the thermodynamic conditions and the final nanoparticles. The goal is to ultimately better understand how nucleation theory is affected by downsizing to the nanometric scale.

Julien LAM
Laboratory : UMET - UMR 8207
Team : Plasticité
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Machine-learning approaches to model interatomic interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Research overview Materials can be studied using computer simulation which enables one to probe the motion of each constituent atoms and to build correlations between the macroscopic properties and the microscopic behaviors. On the one hand, traditional quantum mechanics methods provides particularly accurate results up to the electronic structure of the material. Yet, the drawback of this method concerns its computational cost which prevents from studying large system sizes and long time scales. On the other hand, effective potentials have been developed to mimic atomic interactions thereby reducing those issues. However, these potentials are often built to reproduce bulk properties of the materials and can hardly be employed to study some specific systems including interfaces and nanomaterials. In this context, a new class of interatomic potentials based on machine-learning algorithms is being developed to retain the accuracy of traditional quantum mechanics methods while being able to run simulations with larger system sizes and longer time scales. Simulation project Using computer simulations, the student will construct a database that should be representative of the different interactions occurring in a specific material. Machine-learning potentials based on the least-angle regression algorithm as well as neural network potentials will be trained and their accuracy will be studied as a function of the size and the complexity of the database.

Julien LAM
Laboratory : UMET - UMR 8207
Team : Plasticité
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deformulation of complex glass-like materials through statistical analysis of Raman spectra
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This internship proposes to develop an advanced method for analyzing Raman spectra to characterize complex materials, in particular glasses, using machine learning.

Olivier Rivoire
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This theoretical project aims at opening new ways to improve the thermoelectric efficiency of materials, by exploring the phonon drag effect, which arises from the momentum transfer (or drag) between the out-of-equilibrium phonon and electron populations, and which is responsible for the strong increase in Seebeck and Peltier coefficients of thermoelectric materials at low temperature. The concept we aim to explore is the use of substrate as an external phonon bath to provide additional out-of-equilibrium phonons, in order to enhance phonon drag effect and shift it to higher temperatures in the conducting channel. We aim to describe the coupled dynamics of electrons and phonons via an approach based on Density Functional Theory and on the solution of coupled Boltzmann transport equations for electrons and phonons which was recently developed in our group, and to extend it by including the effect of interface and substrate. The study will first focus on phonon drag in graphite, in link with our new collaboration with experimentalists in the framework of ANR project DragHunt. A successful internship can be followed by a PhD on related subject, financed by ANR DragHunt.

Jelena Sjakste
Laboratory : LSI - UMR7642
Team : TSM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Strong correlations in Ruby: New methods for an old problem
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The colour of Ruby is largely related to electronic excitations occurring within the 3d-shell of Cr3+ impurities in the Ruby’s Al2O3 matrix. X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Cr-L2,3 edge is a very direct experimental, element-selective probe of these 3d states and has been extensively employed over the last decades to understand the electronic properties of ruby. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of this material involving strongly correlated 3d electrons, the modelling of these spectroscopic signatures has mostly relied on semi-empirical approaches so far. The recent development of very efficient numerical schemes for dealing with strongly correlated electronic systems offers, however, new opportunities to gain insight into the physics of ruby. The objective of this master thesis is to use state-of-the-art techniques to calculate XAS signatures in ruby entirely from first-principles based on density functional theory, Wannier functions and constrained Random Phase Approximation.

Benjamin Lenz
01 44 27 98 19

Laboratory : IMPMC - 7590
Team : TQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Correlations meet core-level spectroscopies: Calculating non-resonant inelastic x-ray spectra from first principles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Determining which wave functions contribute to the ground state formation of the solid is key to determining electronic and optic properties of quantum materials. However, few experimental techniques allow to directly measure the orbital composition of the ground state, in particular for strongly correlated materials with partially filled d shells. A novel experimental technique, non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NIXS), promises exactly that: Imaging the orbitals in quantum materials directly in real-space. In this Master thesis, we propose to calculate the NIXS cross section of a transition metal oxide, CuO, based on state-of-the art many-body simulations. We will use a combination of ab initio density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory to describe the electronic structure of the material. Building on a recently developed cluster solver, we will calculate in a second step the NIXS cross section, which amounts at the M1-edge to a quadrupolar transition from the core 3s-shell to the valence 3d-shell of copper.

Benjamin Lenz
01 44 27 98 19

Laboratory : IMPMC - 7590
Team : TQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of electronic processes in nitride LEDs by electro-emission microscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Although nitride LEDs are extremely efficient at low indium content (for blue emission) and low current densities, they suffer from drastic drops in efficiency when going out of theses regimes, partly due to an increase of Auger-Meitner processes. The aim of the proposed internship is to quantify Auger-Meitner processes in in operando nitride LEDs, using electro-emission microscopy. In particular, the role of the device microscopic structure will be investigated.

Mylène Sauty
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : LEPO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Depollution of water by extraction of synthetic microfibers
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
When washing laundry, fibers (mainly polyester and cotton) are inevitably torn from the washed fabrics and end up in the wastewater. Among them, polymer fibers account for a large part of microplastic pollution (e.g. 60% in Lake Geneva). It is thus crucial to extract them for waste water depollution, and to separate natural and synthetic fibers for plastic recycling. To achieve this, we consider the flotation process: gas bubbles are injected in the liquid, to which the fibers will attach and be captured. The objective of the internship is thus to develop a model experiment to study the flotation of polymer fibers in surfactant solutions (laundry detergents).

Marie Le Merrer
04 72 44 85 70

Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Superfluorescence of semiconductor quantum light nano-emitters
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The topic of the internship is to probe chains of semiconductor nanoplatelets by fluorescence microscopy and examine whether these structures exhibit superfluorescence, a mechanism by which incoherently excited dipoles, because of their coupling to the electromagnetic field, spontaneously develop a coherence and interfere constructively, leading to accelerated emission and original properties for emission correlations and directionality.

Laurent Coolen
Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The air-flow rush: How do bacteria navigate complex oxygen-flow environments?
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
To promote healing and recolonization of degraded soils, it is essential to understand how microorgan- isms navigate these environments and establish themselves sustainably. To colonize a new environment, certain species of bacteria require a fluid medium containing nutrients and oxygen. However, in soils, these environmental conditions are intrinsically complex: fluids circulate within a porous matrix where oxygen and other nutrient sources are heterogeneously distributed. Bacteria detect these gradients and bias their swimming motion to find the most favorable environment. The question then is to understand the couplings between swimming, gradients, and flows: how do fluid flows modify chemical gradients, which in turn modify bacterial navigation? What are the feedback loops of bacterial consumption in these complex environments? And how do they affect the navigation of an entire colony, under more or less dense bacterial conditions? The problem is intrinsically multi-scale, from concentration gradients at the scale of a single bacterium to the large-scale colonization of millions of individuals. To advance these questions, the objective of the internship is to develop a new microfluidic device coupled with an original analysis method to understand the behavior of bacteria in an oxygen gradient. The results of this study on the heterogeneous and collective dynamics of bacteria will broaden our understanding of microorganism colonization.

Carine Douarche
Laboratory : FAST - UMR7608
Team : BioFluidique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Hydrodynamic instabilities in bacterial suspensions
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
The drying of a liquid film of polymer solution can cause the formation of natural convection cells organized in regular patterns. During drying, the solvent evaporates while the non-volatile polymer concentrates at the surface of the film. This can lead to an unstable situation if the polymer has a higher density and/or surface tension than the solvent, resulting in the movement of the solution (Rayleigh-B ́enard-Marangoni instability). By studying suspensions of bacteria, we observed the formation of patterns reminiscent to those observed in polymer solutions (cf. Fig.1b). In particular, in both cases, the size of the convective cells is proportional to the thickness of the liquid film. However, the analogy with polymers is very imperfect, and the different physical phenomena at work in the case of bacteria are still largely not understood. Unlike polymers, bacteria are active particles that locally consume energy and thus constitute a dynamic system interacting with its environment. The objective of the internship is to study the physical phenomena involved during the growth of a bacterial suspension to understand the origin of the observed instabilities. A device for observing the system using video microscopy will be developed and coupled with image analysis methods. The results of this study of the heterogeneous and collective dynamics of bacteria will help broaden our understanding of microorganism colonization.

Carine Douarche
Laboratory : FAST - UMR7608
Team : BioFluidique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coherent processes in matter waves with engineered symmetries and interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This Master 2 internship proposal focuses on coherent processes in matter waves with engineered symmetries and interactions, exploring the quantum effects that challenge classical diffusive behaviors. Classical particles in chaotic systems experience diffusion and ergodicity, but in the quantum realm, interference can lead to phenomena like localization, breaking this diffusion. Coherent forward and backward scattering, influenced by system symmetries, is a key aspect of this. Additionally, understanding how localization and ergodicity evolve in many-body systems with interactions is an area of active research. The Cold Atoms team at LCAR in Toulouse studies quantum chaos experimentally, using rubidium atoms in optical lattice traps. They previously observed chaos-assisted dynamical tunneling and recently measured coherent scattering peaks with matter waves. This internship will develop new engineered dynamics using cold atoms to further investigate the role of symmetries and interactions in chaotic dynamics. The candidate will use numerical models and experimental setups, including engineered symmetries in synthetic lattices and the study of interactions in tunneling dynamics. Besides the actual experimental setup currently used, a new (quite advanced) experimental setup is being developed to explore many-body quantum chaos with enhanced stability, optical access, and control over optical potentials I the course of the PhD project following the internship.

David Guéry-Odelin
Laboratory : LCAR - UMR5589
Team : Quantum Engineering
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-organized 3D flagella-like beating in a minimal acto-myosin system
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
We propose to develop autonomous sperm-like “micro-swimmers” by growing beating filament bundles from the surface of microbeads in solution. Our goal is to produce beating movements in 3D, analyze how the chirality at the single-filament scale translates at the mesoscopic scale of a whole bundle, and find conditions for which the beating bundles lead to persistent bead motion.

Pascal Martin
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Active mechanosensitivity of inner ear hair cells
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking & UV/IR Mixing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Internship in 2025 in theoretical particle physics (at least 4 months at IP2I Lyon). Supervisor: F. Nortier. Topic: Exploration of UV/IR mixing to solve the electroweak hierarchy problem, and new phenomenology at colliders. See PDF for more details.

Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team : Theorie IP2I Lyon
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Sound emission by coupled critical oscillators in a nonlinear model of the ear’s cochlea
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We propose to study how coherent reflections of the traveling waves within a numerical model of the cochlea--the auditory organ of the inner ear--may give rise to active sound emissions by the ear, called oto-acoustic emissions, which are well characterized experimentally and used as a non-invasive screening test for deafness, but still poorly understood.

Pascal Martin
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Active mechanosensitivity of inner ear hair cells
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Entropy production and fluctuation-response relations underlying active mechanosensitivity by the inner ear’s hair cells
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
We propose to (i) to experimentally estimate the power dissipated by a sensory hair cell from a frog's ear to drive active oscillations of its mechanosensory hair bundle and (ii) to probe relations between response and fluctuations in this active system.

Pascal Martin
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Active mechanosensitivity of inner ear hair cells
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of a quantum magnetic impurity in a superconductor
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Magnetism and superconductivity are potentially two competing phases of matter. However, their interplay can lead to new exotic phases of matter such as topological superconductivity. As topological superconductivity seems not so frequent in nature, one strategy consists of engineering it based on building arrays of magnetic impurities on a superconducting substrate. The interaction between a magnets and the superconductor leads to intra-gap localized bound states. In this internship, we propose to study the dynamics of a simple model of a quantum spin impurity interacting with a superconducting substrate in the zero-band limit and subject to a time-dependent magnetic field. This proposal is part of a collaboration we have with experimentalists.

Pascal SIMON

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dripping of a honeybee cluster, analogy to a complex fluid
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Collective motion is a fascinating observation where the ensemble of agents can be seen as a single living object that can deform, flow and merge. A wealth of approaches has been developed over the years to model such systems including discrete and continuous strategies. In this new project, we focus on an original system that has barely been studied in the frame of mechanics and not at all in terms of rheology: a honeybee cluster. When a colony divides, the queen bee and thousands of worker bees swarm out of the hive and form a cohesive structure similar to a liquid drop hanging on a wire. The intriguing apparent mechanical properties of bee crowds are reminiscent of cohesive grains, like wet sand. Unlike granular materials, bees are active and cognitive, each agent can intentionally adapt its own movements, in this perspective the system is a promising tool to tackle new questions in the field of cognitive active matter. Based on preliminary experiments, the intern will measure the flowing of living bee clusters through a constriction and try to quantify its physical properties as a living material. This is an interdisciplinary project with interactions with complex fluids physics, numerical modeling, active matter and ethology.

Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Information flow and polymer physics of gene activity
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Our project tackles the fundamental challenge of bridging the diverse temporal and spatial scales of biological development. From the nanoscale molecular interactions that occur in seconds to the formation of millimeter-to-meter-scale tissues over days, nature's complexity is staggering. This project seeks to unveil how information flows from molecular transcription factors to orchestrate tissue formation. This project employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining experimental techniques (quantitative microscopy) with theoretical modeling (polymer and statistical physics). It aims to decode the mechanisms governing the interplay between cellular regulation and tissue development. This research has broad implications for biophysics, developmental biology, and regenerative medicine.

Thomas Gregor

Laboratory : Pasteur - UMR 3738
Team : Physics of Biological Function
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Three-body interactions in coupled two-component condensates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Low dimension physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
In a context where the physics of quantum gases is usually limited to two-body interactions, we plan to study consequences of emerging three-body interactions on the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates.

Thomas Bourdel
06 51 32 91 73

Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental study of the interplay between hydrodynamical and visual interactions in fish schools
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
This project aims to investigate the mechanisms by which fish schools self-organize, focusing on the relative contributions of visual and hydrodynamic interactions. To explore these dynamics, the experimental study will involve placing fish in a controlled flow environment where their interactions can be manipulated and observed under different conditions. By introducing corridors with transparent walls, the natural hydrodynamic interactions will be disrupted, allowing to isolate and examine the role of visual cues in schooling behavior. The intern will be actively involved in designing the experimental setups, maintaining the flow conditions, and analyzing the behavioral data to draw meaningful conclusions about the interplay between visual and hydrodynamic interactions in fish schooling. Our project also implies numerical approaches of the social and hydrodynamical interactions which will allow fruitful discussions between real life and simulations.

Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Enhancing spintronics with spin-crossover molecules
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée


Type of internship
Molecular spintronics aims to deploy molecular functionality within ultra-low power spintronic devices. One such property is spin crossover (SCO), i.e., the toggling between lowspin (LS) and high-spin (HS) electronic states of a molecule’s transition metal site, which can occur through external stimuli such as light, electric field, temperature, or pressure [1]. So far, most SCO-based device research utilizes heavy auxiliary equipment (e.g. scanning tunneling microscope). The goal of our research track is to achieve similar molecular functionality in useful, real-world solid-state devices. A key challenge to overcome is that SCO molecules lose their toggling property when deposited onto a metal surface. We propose to solve this problem and enhance the impact of the SCO molecular property on spintronics, by custom engineering the spintronic interface with SCO molecules, using our prior, patented research . As a first step, we therefore propose in this Master 2 project to perform magneto-transport measurements on nanojunctions that will have been grown and nanofabricated by the team by Jan. 2025.

Martin Bowen
Laboratory : IPCMS - UMR 7504
Team : Molecular Quantum Spintronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring proximity effect in molecular – graphene interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
To investigate lower imprint technology without compromising performance in energy storage or communication devices, we propose to study the relatively confidential family of oxocarbic acids with remarkable (anti)ferroelectric properties: large ferroelectricity and fast transition. Nevertheless, their use in nanotechnologies is hampered by the lack of understanding of the (anti)ferroelectric switching mechanism and the difficulties in integrating them in nanodevices. To circumvent these difficulties, we offer to investigate interfacial effects in oxocarbic – graphene systems. Thanks to its very high sensibility to its dielectric environment, graphene is the perfect platform to transduce the (anti)ferroelectric state of the oxocarbic layer into a change of conductance for an easier integration into today’s technology [2]. The change of electrical polarization in a croconic acid layer (ferroelectric) or in a squaric acid layer (antiferroelectric) is expected to tune the conduction path of graphene as a function of crystallographic and orientational degrees of freedom. This master 2 project aims thus at investigating this electric proximity effect in between two class of materials of high future perspectives (molecules and graphene). The aim is to unravel the dielectric anisotropies in the (anti)ferroelectric layer and the specificities of the ferroelectric switching transition.

Martin Bowen
Laboratory : IPCMS - UMR 7504
Team : Molecular Quantum Spintronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective fluid-structure interactions of bio-inspired active channels
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
From unicellular organisms to humans, liquid flows in vascular networks are among the most effective ways to transport matter and information for life. In mammals, the lymphatic network provides interstitial fluid transport from tissues to the cardiovascular system in the absence of a central pumping system. Instead, robust fluid transport emerges from the coordination of local fluid-structure interactions, combining active vessel contractions and passive leaflet deformation (Fig. 1(a)). The asymmetric flow-structure behavior of the leaflets provides flow directionality and results in net flow transport in response to contractions. Understanding this natural design is essential for understanding dysfunctions of the lymphatic system and for inspiring the design of engineered systems capable of autonomous and robust fluid transport. How did nature select the optimal distance between leaflets? Without physiological constraints, can we design a system more efficient than nature to transport fluid? Can we control complex collective behavior of the leaflets, such as waves? To address these questions, we have designed a bio-inspired experimental setup in which a bed of soft leaflets responds to wall contractions in a mini-channel (Fig. 1(b)). The goal of the internship is to develop and apply a computational/theoretical framework that can help us understand the collective flow-structure response of the leaflets.

Simon Gsell
Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Random-Access Quantum Memory with Rare-Earth Ion Spins
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
A system able to store several quantum states, with the ability to absorb and retrieve a given state on demand, is dubbed a Random-Access Quantum Memory. Such memories can be used in quantum repeaters to improve long-distance quantum communication, but also to provide an alternate parallelism strategy in quantum processors. This PhD project will be about demonstrating high-fidelity storage of microwave quantum states using an ensemble of rare-earth ion spins and interfacing it with a superconducting circuit. Our current challenge is to achieve strong, adjustable coupling between the spin and superconducting circuit—a pivotal aspect of our research. We will explore a new type of spin system that promises exceptional coherence at zero magnetic field and enhanced coupling strength. The internship will center on fabricating and measuring a test sample to evaluate the performance of this innovative system during the internship. The PhD thesis will center on developing and testing a complete hybrid quantum system able to store and retrieve quantum bits generated by a superconducting circuit into the spin ensemble. The internship will take place in the physics lab at ENS Lyon, in the quantum circuit group (

Audrey Bienfait
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Impact of bacterial motility on the accumulation of biosurfactants at air-water interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Evaporation from bare soils is a key hydrological process. This macroscopic phenomenon is governed at the microscale by capillary flows along water films between the top of the soil and the water at depth. The stability of these films is crucial to efficient drying and is highly sensitive to the physico-chemistry of the soil such as the surface tension at air-water interfaces. In soil, bacteria abound, with billions of bacteria per gram of top soil. Many of them release surfactants in their surroundings which can strongly decrease the surface tension at air-water interfaces and change the contact angle. To date, however, little is known about the potential impact of these bacteria on drying dynamics. How do surfactants accumulate at drying interfaces? Does bacterial behavior, in particular motility by swimming, modify this accumulation dynamics? What are the consequences on the interface behavior inside the soil pores? The aim of this internship is to work with an original experimental setup designed to follow the deformation of a single air-water interface which is put under evaporative forcing in the presence of surfactants. More precisely, the trainee will try to shed light on how bacterial motility could change the distribution of surfactants in the bulk and at the air-water interface. To do so, the trainee will combine direct observations of the air-water interface with individual bacteria tracking in a microfluidic chip which is put under evaporative forcing.

Francois Peaudecerf

Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Spintronic Qubit: first experiments
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Many hardware platforms exist to implement qubit operations for quantum technologies, but these platforms, although conceptually elegant, do not offer a straightforward path toward consumer applications in terms of energy/resource usage (#QEI): low/very low temperatures, external magnetic fields, lasers/microwave sources, a room-full of optical/electrical/vacuum/cryogenic equipment, difficulty to entangle qubits... To address this challenge, we propose to utilize spintronics, and its industrial penetration as a green nanotechnology, to develop a new platform around the quantum spintronic qubit. Since this paradigm is onyl now emerging, this experimental topic will investigate the first foundational elements of this new paradigm, with inroads into quantum communication and energy harvesting.

Martin Bowen
Laboratory : IPCMS - UMR 7504
Team : Molecular Quantum Spintronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Inertial quantum sensing based on optomechanical coupling in rare-earth-doped crystals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Developing a broadband, high-sensitivity accelerometer operating at cryogenic temperatures is a key challenge in many cutting-edge experimental physics domains, from quantum technologies (including near-field microscopy, quantum memories, etc.) to gravitational wave detection. To realize such a sensor, a promising approach is hybrid optomechanics, which couples quantum and mechanical degrees of freedom in a single physical system. Rare-earth ion-doped crystals, known for their extremely narrow optical transitions at low temperature (~3K), exhibit natural optomechanical coupling through the piezospectroscopic sensitivity of the ion’s energy levels to mechanical stress. These crystals have recently emerged as strong candidates for quantum-enabled, low-temperature accelerometry, and we recently demonstrated continuous optical measurement of cryostat vibrations with such crystals, with an already promising sensitivity and bandwidth [1,2]. However, significant work is needed to obtain an ultra-sensitive, unidirectional and calibrated accelerometer. During this internship, we will investigate the fundamental and technical limitations of the method (in terms of sensitivity and bandwidth in particular), using emulated or real vibrations. Additionally, we aim to extend the operational range to higher temperatures (up to 10K), which will be key for expanding the potential applications of our sensor

Anne Louchet-Chauvet
01 80 96 30 42

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images - UMR7587
Team : Materials, Resonances, Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Nano-Photonics with 2D Materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The 2D+ Research Group at CRHEA – located in the French Riviera (Côte d’Azur) near Nice, France – is seeking a highly motivated and talented Master’s student to join our cutting-edge research in quantum nano-photonics. This internship offers a unique opportunity to work on foundational quantum technologies, with a clear pathway to extend the project into a funded PhD position as part of the ANR project “NEAR-2D.” -->Research Focus The master intern’s primary objective will be coupling two quantum emitters using 2D materials like MoSe2. This initial project will serve as the foundation for further exploration of quantum emitter arrays during the PhD. By leveraging near-field interactions and quantum collective effects, this work aims to pave the way for new methods of controlling light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. As part of the PhD, the candidate will expand this research by creating sub-λ arrays of quantum emitters and exploring quantum collective effects like sub-radiance and super-radiance, which have vast potential in nano-photonics and quantum technologies.

Antoine Reserbat-plantey

Laboratory : CRHEA - UMR7073
Team : 2D+
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Operando investigation of optoelectronic device using advanced photoemission
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The aim of this project is to go beyond standard material characterization by studying the electronic properties of devices during operation. Leveraging the unique platform developed by our group at INSP, which combines Raman, infrared, and visible spectroscopy with multi-source X-ray photoemission (XPS) across a broad energy range (from meV to 5 keV), and offering precise control of temperature and bias, we will explore the energy landscape of nanocrystal-based LEDs. These devices have a vertical geometry typically incompatible with the low escape depth of standard photoelectron spectroscopy. However, the hard X-ray capability of our setup, combined with the redesigned device architecture incorporating 2D materials, will allow us to probe the active layer under operando conditions.

Debora Pierucci

Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : Physuf -OCN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Biréfringence Magnétique du Vide / Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
The BMV project (Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence) is an ambitious experiment whose goal is to check in-laboratory predictions for vacuum energy in quantum electrodynamics. This theory predicts that vacuum, in the presence of a magnetic field, behaves as a birefringent medium. The experiment blends intense pulsed magnetic fields with a sensitive optical apparatus, centered around a high-finesse cavity.

Remy Battesti
Laboratory : LNCMI - UPR3228
Team : BMV
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Light transport in optical fibers and reciprocity breaking
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Low dimension physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Reciprocity in optics is often seen as a property responsible for the fact that “if I can see you, you can see me”. In multiple scattering coherent wave transport, i.e., if interferences within the scattering region are taken into account, reciprocity is known to reduce the transmission of the medium with respect to a situation where interferences are absent. This phenomenon is known as localization. It is possible to break reciprocity for instance in the presence of materials showing some magneto-optical Faraday effect. Breaking of reciprocity gives new insight to the fundamental understanding of coherent wave transport, and therefore, we propose, in this master project, to develop an original setup to measure the influence of reciprocity in coherent wave transport in multimode optical fibers.

Geoffroy Aubry
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR7010
Team : Waves in Complex Systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active photonic devices using colloidal quantum dots
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The project aims to shape the light matter interaction in a nanocrystal use for infrared sensing. We aim to introduce new functionalities such as a reconfigurable photoresponse with external knob such as bias and in the long term transfer the concept to the camera level

Emmanuel Lhuillier

Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Energy Carrier Transport in Nanocrystal Optoelectronics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Scientific description: The aim of this experimental project is to use a pump-probe optical microcopy method to spatiotemporally study microscopic charge and thermal transport and relaxation dynamics in nanocrystal- based optoelectronics systems. Energy carrier transport at the nanoscale is fundamental to energy conversion applications. While advanced spectroscopic methods grant an understanding of excited-state dynamics in isolated materials, many physical questions about the microscopic nature of transport in optoelectronics devices remain underexplored. To address this area, one needs a probe of local charge transport with sub-nanosecond time resolution and sub-micron spatial resolution in a material in realistic device conditions. Our approach is to do ultrafast microscopy and fabricate nanocrystal-based optoelectronics. These studies will reveal microscopic structure–property relationships that connect nanoscale carrier dynamics to macro-scale energy conversion. During the timeframe of the master’s internship, the student will perform state-of-the-art experiments on nanocrystal optoelectronics, and perform analysis and modeling of nanoscale energy transport. The goal is that the student continues on to do a PhD, during which the student will spatiotemporally measure the microscopic charge and thermal transport characteristics to resolve fundamental problems in colloidal semiconductor nanocrystal systems and advanced energy conversion devices.

James Utterback

Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-organization of chemotactic cell assemblies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of this internship is to study the self-organization of cell assemblies due to the interplay between chemotaxis (the ability of an individual cell to follow a gradient of chemicals) and proliferation. To characterize the nonlinear pattern formation stemming from this interplay, several approaches could be considered: (i) a numerical approach, based on simulations of the microscopic equations of motions or on solving the coarse-grained partial differential equations, (ii) a field-theoretical approach, that will allow characterizing the critical points and scaling properties of such colonies. See pdf for details

Charlie Duclut
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Approches physiques de problématiques biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electrohydraulic properties of cells and tissues
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In addition to generating forces and reacting to mechanical cues, cells and tissues are capable of actively transporting fluids and of creating electric currents. The goal of this internship will be to explore these properties. Depending on the student skills and tastes, several directions could be considered: (i) a more numerical approach, to construct cell-based numerical models that include explicitly fluid transport, (ii) a more analytic approach, to develop coarse-grained, continuum models of tissues that include electrohydraulic properties. See pdf for details.

Charlie Duclut
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Approches physiques de problématiques biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The ecology of autocatalytic cycles, in the context of the origin of life
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Autocatalytic cycles, that is, ensembles of chemical compounds that can collectively selfamplify, are seen as putative key players in the origin of life, or more generally, in the physico-chemical emergence of Darwinian dynamics. Without directly displaying heritable variance in fitness (the necessary condition for evolution by natural selection) these objects nevertheless engage in rudimentary ecological dynamics that may pave the way toward evolution. Some cycles can’t run simultaneously, because they rely on incompatible chemical conditions, while others may interact in competitive or synergistic interactions. To investigate these dynamics, it is necessary to articulate physical, chemical and biological concepts, with the appropriate mathematical tools. The present internship proposal relies on such a framework that we have recently developed, introducing thermodynamic constraints in the detection and depiction of autocatalysis.

Sylvain Charlat
Laboratory : LBBE - UMR5558
Team : Génétique et Evolution des Interactions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective motion in complex flows
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
When a system of many individuals is under stress, whether seeking resources or avoiding threats, its survival depends on its ability to collectively move towards a specific objective. In many cases, either the objective itself or the environment in which this locomotion occurs is fluid, examples include large systems like human populations migrating in response to climate change, or microscopic systems like viruses navigating through the body to infect host cells. These complex events are often difficult to study directly due to their infrequency, experimental complexity, or the many scales involved. A large scientific community is working on solutions to better model and predict these collective motions. This project aims at understanding how cooperation between many individuals enables efficient locomotion towards an objective in a complex flow.

Martin Brandenbourger

Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active mechanics of fluid transport
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
From unicellular organisms to human beings, liquid flows in vascular networks are among the most effective ways to transport matter and information for life. Artificial vascular networks have mimicked this strategy, without reproducing the same level of autonomy and adaptability. An ERC Starting Grant project (Self-Flow) has recently been started in the lab to bridge this gap between living and artificial matter. This project will create an artificial version of one of the simplest forms of life: the slime mold. The life of this organism is entirely based on a vascular network that actively contracts to transport fluids. In this context, this internship will explain how active contractions generate fluid flows in an artificial channel.

Martin Brandenbourger

Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Biophysique des interactions entre organites intracellulaires
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
L’intérieur de la cellule est composé d’organites, des compartiments spécialisés avec des fonctions biologiques spécifiques, dont l’activité dépend de la composition lipidique et protéique de leurs membranes. Le réticulum endoplasmique (RE) joue un rôle clé dans ces interactions, en synthétisant des lipides et des protéines, et en les distribuant aux autres organites. Une dérégulation de ces échanges est souvent observée dans diverses maladies métaboliques et neurodégénératives, bien que ses causes restent encore obscures. Les interactions entre organites se produisent à des échelles nanoscopiques, ce qui rend leur étude difficile et limite la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents. Pour surmonter ces défis, une méthode innovante a été développée : en appliquant des chocs osmotiques, les organites nanoscopiques sont agrandis jusqu’à 30 µm, permettant leur isolement avec des micropipettes. Cela permet de caractériser leurs propriétés biophysiques, comme la rigidité et la tension des membranes, et d’observer leurs interactions en utilisant des lipides fluorescents. Cette technique permet également d’étudier comment des protéines spécifiques influencent ces échanges lipidiques, offrant des perspectives nouvelles pour comprendre les mécanismes dysfonctionnels dans certaines pathologies. Cette approche pourrait significativement accélérer la recherche sur les interactions entre organites et les maladies liées aux dysfonctionnements membranaires.

Abdou Rachid THIAM
0033 144323363

Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Emulsions Biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active fluctuations induced by artificial nanomotors
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Biological cells form complex micro-factories, driven by internal nanomotors. The latter move, interact, bump and generate coordinated forces on the membrane. Designing equivalently complex micromachines constitutes an outstanding challenge, which requires to understand how to generate work from the bottom-up. In our lab, we have developed artificial nanomotors, formed by self-propelling and asymmetric nanoparticles. The nanomotors use thermal gradients to propel in 3D, reaching velocities up to ~ 200 µm/s. Thanks to their self-propulsive dynamics, they can generate forces on microscale objects. The aim of this internship is to investigate the influence of large ensembles of nanomotors on the dynamics of a passive microbead. Due to the presence of internal energy input, the dynamics of a passive tracer is far-from-equilibrium, and expected to differ from Brownian motion. Our strategy uses photothermal heating (induced by laser) to generate propulsion, and enables spatiotemporal modulation of the activity of the bath. Based on this, the trainee will study how the dynamics of the bead can be connected to the non-equilibrium properties of the active bath, in particular in terms of macroscopic quantities such as active pressure and temperature. The goal is to extract relevant protocols to further harness a nanoscale active fluid in 3D to generate work.

Antoine Aubret

Laboratory : LOMA - UMR5798
Team : Matière Molle et Biophysique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Unravelling the emission of compact objects at the highest energies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Young and middle-aged pulsars are well-known emitters of gamma rays in the TeV range. Many of the unidentified sources detected by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observato- ry (LHAASO), down to energies in the PeV range, appear to be associated with pulsars or pulsar wind nebulae. However, there is little evidence of TeV emission from millisecond pulsars (MSPs). While the GeV emission from MSPs comes mainly from curvature radiation, the TeV emission is more likely to be linked to secondary processes involving particles escaping from the magnetosphere. The aim of this project is to explore theoretical models of the secondary TeV emission from MSPs. Using advanced simulations of pulsar particle emission, we will seek to understand how environmental conditions influence the final photon spectrum. The main objective is to estimate the cumulative TeV emission from Galactic MSPs and to identify unique spectral or morphological signatures that could guide future observational searches.

Francesca Calore
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The Fermi gamma-ray excess: new physics at the Galactic centre?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The excess of gamma rays detected by the Fermi-LAT telescope, first observed more than 15 years ago at the centre of our Galaxy, remains one of the most fascinating mysteries in astrophysics. Its origin remains unknown and continues to fuel much debate: could it be the first signal from dark matter, or is it the sign of an as yet unknown population of gamma-ray emitters? Millisecond pulsars (MSPs), rapidly rotating neutron stars located in the Galactic bulge, are among the most promising candidates for explaining this excess. These old objects are mainly identified by deep radio surveys, but understanding their distribution and emission mechanisms is a complex challenge. The objective of this M2 project is to apply advanced statistical techniques to the wealth of data available, so to reveal the underlying properties of MSP populations, in particular their spatial and luminosity distribution in the Galaxy. This is where machine learning comes in, offering a revolutionary approach to analysing and interpreting this abundance of data.

Francesca Calore
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Achieving the internal wave turbulence regime in the lab
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Fluid stratification in density is a central ingredient of the dynamics of the oceans which deeply modifies turbulence by allowing internal waves to propagate in the bulk of the fluid. In this framework, the so-called Wave Turbulence Theory is a major avenue to model the oceanic small scales. The predictions however remain uncertain and have not been validated yet in laboratory experiments where a genuine wave turbulence regime in a stratified fluid has not yet been reached. The M2 internship and the following PhD thesis will consist in running a new experimental setup aiming at reaching this wave turbulence regime in a stratified fluid to test the theoretical predictions.

Pierre-Philippe Cortet
Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Instabilités, Ondes et Turbulence
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Debonding of a microscopic fibril of soft polymer
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
The quantitative prediction of the adhesion strength of soft polymer tapes is a difficult fundamental problem, at the frontier between fracture mechanics, rheology, and polymer physics and chemistry. Besides, the possibility of this prediction is a strong industrial challenge. During the detachment of a soft polymer adhesive, the unconfinement of the thin layer of adhesive material most often leads to a process of cavitation or fingering of the detachment front. The scenario then continues with the creation of microscopic fibrils of adhesive material followed by their stretching until they debond. The key theoretical element currently missing to build a predictive model for the adhesion strength is the understanding of the individual fibril detachment criterion. The M2 internship and the following PhD thesis will be dedicated to the understanding of the debonding process of micrometric fibrils of soft adhesive material.

Pierre-Philippe Cortet
Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Instabilités, Ondes et Turbulence
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Wetting dynamics of polymeric liquids at the nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Situations where a liquid covers a surface have been extensively studied because of their ubiquity (e.g., painting, inkjet drops…). This phenomenon, known as dynamic wetting, is nowadays well understood when liquids spread on flat solid substrates. Nevertheless, real life substrates are neither atomically flat nor passive. A difficulty to describe it comes from the broad range of length scales involved, from the millimeter size of a drop to the nanometric range of the liquid/substrate interaction. The aim of this internship is to understand how nanometric roughness is correlated to the wetting dynamics. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining physics and surface chemistry, we propose systematic model experiments that allow a multi-scale visualization and characterization of the spreading of a polymeric liquid.

Marion Grzelka
Laboratory : Laboratoire Léon Brillouin - LLB - UMR 12
Team : Matière Molle et Biophysique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Viscoelastic Memory Functions from Constrained Molecular Dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Many liquids cooled to low temperature do not crystallize, but stay amorphous upon freezing. The amorphous solid is called “glass”. On cooling toward the glass, the viscosity of the liquid increases dramatically, a precursor of the solid-like properties of the glass phase. The internship proposes the study and numerical computation of the so-called "visco-elastic memory functions" via a novel theoretical approach. These theoretical objects which are central to the understanding of the glass transition were up to now inaccessible to any numerical evaluation, are computed via a biased dynamics, which yields observables directly encoding the visco-elastic memory functions of models of complex liquids undergoing a glass transition.

Jean Farago
Laboratory : ICS - UPR 22
Team : TSP
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum information in quantum optics and superselection rules
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Quantum information can be encoded in the quantum electromagnetic field in various ways. For example, non-classical superpositions of photon number states, such as Schrödinger cat states, provide one form of encoding. Alternatively, the degrees of freedom of single photons, such as polarization, can be used to encode qubits. An intriguing question arises: is there a way to relate these two types of quantum information encoding—one based on particle statistical properties and the other on mode/particle entanglement? Can one be mapped onto the other while adhering to physical principles, such as energy conservation, or informational principles, such as providing the same advantage over classical encodings? Our goal is to design common quantifiers for these quantum optical encodings. During this internship, we will address this issue in the particular field of quantum metrology, which aims to achieve quantum-enhanced precision in parameter estimation. Using single photons in different frequency modes results in the same type of precision enhancement as that achieved with photon number state superpositions. Our objective is to develop a unified formalism that describes all quantum optical encodings capable of achieving quantum-enhanced precision.

Perola Milman

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Thermodynamics of open quantum systems in the coherent-dissipative regime
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Low dimension physics
Quantum Machines
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The booming field of quantum thermodynamics analysis quantum signatures in work and heat flows, the performances of quantum heat engines and derive fundamental constraints on quantum dynamics. The goals of this theory project is to develop a new methodology able to explore the "coherent dissipative" regime of quantum open systems, where large deviations from classical thermodynamic behavior are expected, but which is not well captured by existing methodologies. Applications will cover quantum heat engines and different situations of experimental relevance, in connexion with experimentalists. This Master project can be followed by a PhD funded by the ERC Starting grant project "QARNOT".

Cyril Elouard
Laboratory : LPCT - UMR 7019
Team : Dynamique et Symmétrie
Team Website
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Quantum imaging for sub-shot noise monitoring of optically-levitated nano-particles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In optical levitation, a nanoparticle is trapped in vacuum using tightly focused light. The light produces a force akin to a mechanical spring and the system reduces to a simple mass-spring resonator with kHz oscillations. Despite its simplicity, a levitated object provides remarkable interactions between light and its motion that can be harnessed to display quantum properties. In that regard, the particle must be cooled down to its quantum ground state, which requires to monitor its motion with optimal precision. Typically, this is achieved using the classical light produced by a laser. Yet, lasers are intrinsically shot-noise limited, thus making cooling challenging. Recently, some works have emphasized that quantum light can outperform classical light. For instance, entangled photons can serve to suppress shot noise. A photon of the pair images a target (signal), while a second acts as a reference (idler). As shot noise identically affects both photons, it is suppressed from the signal by subtracting the idler. During this internship, the candidate will experimentally harness entangled photons to perform sub-shot noise monitoring of levitated objects. He or she will develop an entangled-photon source, later on deployed on a levitation setup. To characterize the source, the student will visit the team of Pr. Molina in San Sebastian (Spain). Following the internship, he or she will be offered a PhD in cotutelle between Prs. Bachelard and Molina’s teams.

Nicolas Bachelard
Laboratory : Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine - UMR 5798
Team : Nanophotonics Group
Team Website
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Casimir-Polder interaction control of cold atoms and nano devices for fundamental physics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum gases
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
An atom in front of a surface is one of the simplest and fundamental problem in physics. Yet, it allows testing quantum electrodynamics, while providing platforms for quantum technologies. In particular, the presence of electromagnetic quantum fluctuations leads to a force between an atom and a surface. This force is called the Casimir-Polder (C-P) force. Despite its simplicity, C-P interaction, at its fundamental level, remains largely unexplored. In this context, our team has built a slow atomic beam interacting with a nanograting. This jet interacts with a carefully self-engineered nanograting, leading to a diffraction pattern dominated by the C-P force. The current interest of the experiment is to achieve an in-depth understanding of the C-P interaction. To achieve this goal, the successful applicant will take an active role in various aspects of the experiment including data acquisition, data analysis, the development of tools for characterizing the atomic source, and the installation of an optical dipole trap. Additionally, the internship has as well a theoretical component with the description of the interference figure and quantum electrodynamic calculations. The short-term goal of the project is to tailor the C-P interaction using material geometries. In the medium term, this work will open the door to study eventual modifications of the Newtonian gravitational interaction at short range, where C-P interaction shields such forces.

Quentin Bouton

Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Interferometry and optics for atoms
Team Website
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Brownian Motion near Soft Interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Motility of microscopic biological entities with the aim of reaching specific targets is a central question of biophysics, as evidenced by: cancer metastasis, durotaxis of stem cells, antibody recognition, or DNA replication, among numerous other examples. In an idealization attempt, this problem could perhaps be reduced to simple mechanics through a minimal combination of essential ingredients: viscous flow, elastic boundaries, confined environment, charges and thermal fluctuations. Right from the above, the study of Brownian motion in soft-lubricated environments appears as one of the canonical fundamental problems of biophysics and nanophysics. Despite the obvious character of this statement, it is intriguing to notice that theoretical studies are scarce on the topic, and that experimental pieces of evidence are inexistant - to the best of our knowledge. The “EMetBrown” project thus naturally aims at filling this gap through various experiments, theoretical models and numerical simulations.

Thomas Salez

Laboratory : LOMA - UMR 5798
Team : EMetBrown
Team Website
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Physics-informed machine learning for the inference of mechanical properties of living tissues
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
During development, living tissues grow and undergo major deformations to form functional organs. These deformations are controlled by the complex and tunable mechanical properties of tissues, which thus play a fundamental role during morphogenesis. However, little is known about these mechanical properties and how they affect tissue deformation, in particular because probing these properties in real tissues remains an interdisciplinary challenge. In this project, we collaborate with experimentalists developing microfluidic approaches, in which living embryonic tissues are aspired through microchannels and imaged using live microscopy. Our goal is to use these experimental images to infer tissue mechanical properties from the observed deformations.

Simon Gsell
Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
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Terahertz Cavity Electrodynamics of Superconducting Collective Modes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Strong light-matter interactions between quantum materials and the vacuum field of cavities at TeraHertz (THz) frequencies is emerging as a new frontier for the control of material properties. Among quantum materials, superconductors (SC) hold a special place and a timely question has arisen regarding the possibility to tune their spectacular properties by dressing their collective modes with THz cavity photons. In this internship, we propose to study the collective modes of NbSe2, an exotic SC exhibiting simultaneously SC and a charge density-wave (CDW) state. Of particular interest will be to investigate the dynamics of its Higgs-mode, an analogue of the Higgs-boson in SCs, and its interaction with the CDW mode. This will be achieved with a combination of equilibrium THz time-domain spectroscopy and pump-probe THz spectroscopy. The first steps towards integration of this SC inside THz cavities and the dressing of its collective modes will carried out.

Laboratory : Laboratoire des solides irradiés - UMR 7642
Team : New electronic states - TeraX-lab
Team Website
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Effet of rate increase of osmotic stress on yeast growth and intracellular density
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
When cells proliferate in confined space, they build up a compressive, growth-induced, mechanical stress, through the accumulation of osmolytes with limited cell volume expansion. This limited cell expansion also favors the increase of intracellular density through continued biomass accumulation. Osmotic stresses allow the control cell volume by adding extracellular osmolytes, which result in water efflux, and increased intracellular concentration. Cells actively regulate their osmolarity by activating a signaling kinase. The purpose of this internship is to investigate what happens to intracellular density and kinase activity when the rate of osmotic stress is changed from acute stress (instantaneous, to the scale of the cells) down to slow increase, at the rate of cell volume growth.

Morgan Delarue

Laboratory : LAAS-CNRS - UPR8001
Team : MILE
Team Website
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honon Lifetime and KPZ Scaling in Non-Equilibrium Bose Superfluids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Low dimension physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This project focuses on understanding the long-time dynamics of Bose gases driven out of equilibrium, a fundamental challenge in quantum many-body physics. When such gases are quenched within their superfluid phase, the relaxation dynamics, governed by phononic excitations, may exhibit universal scaling behavior described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. However, uncertainties about the phonon lifetime in low-dimensional systems remain, where standard perturbative methods are inadequate. This project aims to develop a non-perturbative framework using the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG) to derive the phonon lifetime in 1D and 2D Bose superfluids, clarifying the KPZ conjecture in 1D and generating novel predictions for 2D systems. The student will begin by learning the FRG method and its application to close-to and out of -equilibrium quantum systems, deriving the phonon scattering rate and analyzing its scaling behavior. The results will be benchmarked against numerical simulations and existing theories to validate the approach and refine the theoretical understanding of phonon dynamics. If time allows, the project will explore the connection between phonon lifetime scaling and the KPZ universality class, comparing FRG-derived results with experimental data. This project is in collaboration with the theory group of Nicolas Cherroret at Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Sorbonne Université.

Adam Rançon
Laboratory : PhLAM - UMR 8523
Team : Systèmes Quantiques
Team Website
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