Internship and thesis proposals

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Number of proposals
Projet de thèse : “ Interfaces Réactives solide-liquide in operando”
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Les carbures métalliques 2D appelés MXene sont des matériaux émergents pour les applications liées à l'énergie car ils peuvent acquérir une charge énorme dans les électrolytes aqueux et pour les applications électro-catalytiques durables car ils peuvent intégrer le SAC (Single Atom Catalyst) et être aussi performants que les électrodes coûteuses référencées. Par conséquent, une interaction subtile entre les électrons du MXène métallique et les ions et/ou les petites molécules dans le solvant aqueux doit encore être découverte par le biais de simulations réalistes de l'interface solide/liquide à l'échelle électronique (quantique). Ce projet théorique sera mené en étroite collaboration avec la partie expérimentale de notre équipe Micromegas. Le doctorant participera au réseau doctoral FLUXIONIC Marie Sklodowska-Curie, un réseau européen interdisciplinaire réunissant des partenaires académiques et industriels dans 8 pays sur le contrôle du transport de l'eau et des ions (et plus généralement de la matière molle) à l'échelle nanométrique. ( Attention : il y a des conditions strictes de mobilité pour pouvoir postuler (résider en France depuis moins de 12 mois à la date de début de contrat de thèse (prévue au 01/10/2024)
Marie-Laure BOCQUET

Laboratory : LPENS - UMR8023
Team : Micromegas
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
PhD Thesis Looking for thermality of Hawking radiation in an open channel flow
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Fields theory/String theory
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Analogue Gravity follows the insight of Unruh that, since waves in moving media behave as if in an effective curved spacetime, we can investigate certain “gravitational” phenomena using these experimentally accessible analogue systems. The primary goal of the thesis will be to provide theoretical guidance on optimizing the observation of the thermal Hawking effect in a transcritical flow. This will cover the experimental design and the techniques used for data analysis. It will involve analytical treatments and numerical simulations, as well as the analysis of previously recorded data. Supervisor: ROUSSEAUX, Germain ( Co-supervisor: ROBERTSON, Scott ( Location: Institut Pprime, POITIERS Expected starting date: 01/10/24
Germain Rousseaux

Laboratory : Pprime - UPR 3346
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Thèse Etudes expérimentales et numériques de l’interaction bateau-ouvrage avec des expériences analogues et en bassin d’essais des carènes (H/F)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L’équipe Curiosity de l’institut Pprime souhaite recruter un.e doctorant.e dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec les Voies Navigables de France (VNF) et le Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications (LMA) de Poitiers afin d’étudier la navigation en milieu confiné dans une optique d’interaction fluide-structures. En complément à un post-doctorat en cours sur une revisite des travaux théoriques sur les effets de confinement hydraulique et ondulatoire pour un bateau fluvial en interaction avec l’ouvrage (typiquement un canal à forme trapézoïdal), nous souhaitons désormais alimenter les études théoriques par des expériences permettant de cribler les modèles ainsi que de guider les modélisateurs vers les modèles pertinents du fait de lacunes dans la compréhension des phénomènes tels que révélées par l’analyse de la littérature et que les expériences pourraient combler. contacts : et (co-direction) Sujet de thèse ou de post-doctorat. Date limite de candidature CNRS : mercredi 5 juin 2024 pour un sujet de thèse (préférence) avant transformation en post-doctorat éventuel.
Germain Rousseaux

Laboratory : Pprime - UPR 3346
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Machine learning for sampling complex biological systems, and vice versa
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This is a CNRS-funded PhD at LJLL, Sorbonne Université, at the interface between Mathematics, Machine Learning, Statistical Physics, and Computational Chemistry. The project is co-advised by Pierre Monmarché (LJLL applied maths) and Jérôme Hénin (CNRS, Laboratoire de Biochimie théorique, computational Biophysics). Our goals are to develop better descriptions of high-dimension free energy landscapes (for example, of biological molecules) and algorithms to sample them in numerical simulations. One of the applications is to explore and sample the "loss landscape" of deep neural networks.
Jérôme Hénin
Laboratory : LBT - UPR9080
Team : Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Open quantum system approach for medium-induced gluon radiation in a dense QCD medium
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In 2022, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has started its third run of operations. Besides precision studies of the Standard Model and searches of new physics, another goal of this experimental program is the study of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a new phase of nuclear matter that exists at high temperature or density, and in which the quarks and gluons are deconfined. To probe the properties of the QGP, a very useful class of observables refers to the propagation of energetic jets. A jet is a collimated spray of particles generated via successive parton branchings, starting with a virtual parton produced by the collision. When such a jet is produced in the dense environment of a nucleus-nucleus collision, its interactions with the surrounding medium lead to a modification of its properties, a phenomenon known as jet quenching. However, despite a lot of theoretical efforts in the recent years, quantitative extractions of QGP properties from jet quenching observables are still lacking. This is mainly due to large theoretical uncertainties in the calculation of the decay of a highly virtual particle in a dense QCD medium. In order to address this question, the general purpose of this PhD is to formulate the problem of the radiation of a virtual particle in a dense QCD medium in a open quantum system formalism. The PhD will take place inside the Theory group of Subatech in Nantes. The three-year position will be financed by IMT-Atlantique and attached to the 3MG graduate school.
Paul Caucal
Laboratory : Subatech - UMR 6457
Team : Théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Biophysical modeling of postsynaptic domain dynamics
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Synaptic modifications are thought to underlie learning and memory, yet individual synapses often contain only tens or hundreds of copies of neurotransmitter receptors responsible for synaptic transmission. To address how synapses can remain both responsive to meaningful activity-induced plastic changes and resistant to stochastic fluctuations given the relatively low molecule numbers involved, it is important to develop a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms that govern the accumulation of neurotransmitter receptors at synaptic domains. The prospective PhD candidate will tackle this problem by developing detailed, particle-based computational models that account for scaffold protein and receptor diffusion and interaction in the postsynaptic membrane, combined with the mathematical analysis of rate equations that describe their coupled spatiotemporal dynamics. Through detailed biophysical modeling and statistical mechanics analyses, we thus aim to gain fundamental insights into the organization of postsynaptic domains The project is part of an ongoing collaboration with the experimental group of Christian Specht at INSERM research unit “Diseases and Hormones of the Nervous System” (Kremlin Bicêtre Hospital, Paris area). The position is fully funded for three years by a French government contract, and will start in October 2024.
Jonas Ranft
Laboratory : IBENS - UMR 8197
Team : Neuronal algorithms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tuning colloidal gels by coupling shear & electric field Applications to gel precursors for battery electrodes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Ph.D. project – Within the European doctoral network “CoCoGel,” a Ph.D. position is available at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh and Holcim to investigate in more detail the impact of electric field on the rheological properties of colloidal gels with an Electro-rheological device. Experiments will consist in determining the system response to an electric field through mechanical measurements (rheology) and structural characterization (X-ray scattering). The candidate will perform a comprehensive study of the impact of shear history on suspensions of model colloidal gels submitted to an external electric field, investigating different types of pre-shear history in the presence of a static electric field. The goal will be to find synergies between the electric field and the shear history to make gels with “on-demand microstructural properties” relevant to fabricating soft precursors involved in synthesizing solid electrolytes at SUNLIGHT. The project will also explore some applications of the above concepts to building materials. In particular, the candidate will spend about one year at the Holcim Innovation Center using electric fields to control and tune the flow properties of cement pastes.
Thibaut Divoux
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How tough is yogurt? Local viscoelastic properties of protein gels
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Colloidal gels are crucial in biological networks, cell mechanics, food science, and building materials. They result from the aggregation of sub-micron particles such as polysaccharide coils, actin filaments, attractive globular proteins, or cement particles, forming a percolated network that confers solid-like properties under small deformations. In addition, these gels display remarkable nonlinear behavior featuring stress- or strain-stiffening and fractures before irreversible rupture. Recent experiments have shown that the frozen-in stresses that develop during the sol-gel transition strongly impact the nonlinear response of these gels. However, these internal stresses were only evidenced indirectly at the macroscale. Moreover, there is no clear link between the microscale stress heterogeneities inside a colloidal gel and its macroscopic failure time. The internship, which is part of the MICROFAT ANR project aims to link the frozen-in stresses at the microscopic scale and the gel nonlinear mechanical response at the macroscale. In practice, the candidate will measure the local mechanical properties of colloidal gels composed of proteins using atomic force microscopy and a state-of-the-art nano-indenter (CHIARO by Optics 11) to quantify the frozen-in stresses. Subsequent creep experiments conducted under a confocal microscope will allow the nonlinear gel response to be measured in regions of interest and link the frozen-in stresses with the failure scenario
Thibaut Divoux
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Gelation of binary colloidal mixtures with tunable interactions
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Formulated products from the pharmaceutical and food industries are often made up of mixtures of rigid particles, polymers of various architectures, or droplets. These complex systems can gel, i.e., form a percolated network that imparts viscoelastic solid behavior to the material, depending on the total colloid volume fraction and the nature of their physicochemical interactions. Understanding the gelling mechanisms of colloidal mixtures is important for controlling and predicting the rheological properties of many everyday products. In recent work, we have developed a model binary system involving soft colloids (polyacrylamide microgels, Am) and hard colloids (silica particles), with modular attractive interactions. A series of systems have been studied, successively exhibiting repulsive, attractive colloidal gel behavior and gelling by arrested phase separation by adding either a small amount of a "sticky" co-monomer to the microgels or a co-solvent, such as glycerol. The aim of this internship is to modulate the attractive interactions of this binary colloidal system via a "solvent" route. The state diagrams will be studied by formulating different mixtures to identify the gelling conditions and the behavior of these binary mixtures under concentrated flow. Next, the reinforcing effects of attractive interactions on rheological properties will be investigated.
Thibaut Divoux
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Genealogy of extreme particles in branching processes and links with particle physics observables
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Stéphane Munier
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Mathematical Physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modeling the rheology of cellulose nanocrystal hydrogels
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are captivating nanoparticles extracted from plant biomass. These naturally bio-sourced derived nanocrystals are akin to slender rod-like bio-polymers of about 10 nm in diameter and  100 nm in length with tunable surface chemistry. When dispersed in a fluid such as water, they can self-assemble into micro and meso-structures that percolate to form a rigid network called hydrogel, with nanoscale pores that restrain water. These environmentally friendly new soft materials have numerous potential applications in the fields of civil engineering, health, foodstuff, electronics and robotics. In addition, CNC hydrogels are the parent materials to produce other interesting biosourced nanomaterials such as nanopapers with interesting barrier and optical properties, nanocomposites as well as architected materials such as ice-templated or 3D printed cellular structures with relevant specific mechanical properties for structural applications. In order to be properly used in the aforementioned applications, much effort has to be provided to better understand the complex rheology of CNC hydrogels. To address this challenge, in this PhD project, we will combine simulation, theory and rheometry to provide quantitative statistical insights into the elementary nanofibre scale mechanisms governing CNC networks formation and their rheological properties under shear and compression.
Mehdi Bouzid
Laboratory : 3SR - 5521
Team : Comhet
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanostructure - electrical transport properties of HTS superconducting tapes in high magnetic fields
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
As part of a promising collaboration between Toulouse and Grenoble on the unexplored electrical properties of high critical temperature (HTS) superconducting tapes at very high magnetic fields (60 T) which depends on the physics of superconducting vortex pinning within the tapes' rich nanostructure, researchers M. Leroux from LNCMI Toulouse and A. Badel from Institut Néel Grenoble are proposing a Master 2 internship for 2024 in Toulouse. This internship could evolve into a PhD thesis project in Toulouse and Grenoble supported by the PEPR "Suprafusion" which long term aim is nuclear fusion applications (magnetic confinement, tokamak, stellarator). Flexible start date in 2024. The funding of the PhD position is already guaranteed and funded by the PEPR Suprafusion.
Maxime Leroux

Laboratory : LNCMI: Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses - UPR3228
Team : Nano
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
In search of equal-spin triplet superconductivity: doping MoS2 into the superconducting state
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In conventional superconductors, Cooper pairs of electrons of opposite spin (i.e. singlet structure) form the ground state. Equal spin triplet pairs (ESTPs), as in superfluid 3He, are of great interest for superconducting spintronics and topological superconductivity. In (few-)monolayer superconducting NbSe2, odd-parity ESTPs have been predicted to arise from the non-colinearity between the out-of-plane Ising spin-orbit field (due to the lack of inversion symmetry in monolayer NbSe2) and an applied in-plane magnetic field. These ESTPs couple to the singlet order parameter at finite field. We have recently seen preliminary evidence for these ESTPs in tunnel devices at high magnetic fields, in the magnetic field dependence of the superconducting energy gap. More striking spectral features ('mirage gaps') have been predicted for 2H-NbSe2 and TMDs of the same band structure (e.g. MoS2) when the material is doped close to the band edge. In addition to ESTP, recent experimental data on TMDs (including doped MoS2), have been interpreted as evidence for other unconventional superconducting phases, e.g. the finite-momentum ‘orbital FFLO’ state. The intern will fabricate and measure MoS2 devices with solid state gates. S/he will fabricate contacts with electron-beam lithography and testing TMD contact to them, before proceeding to fabricate gates. S/he is welcome to participate in other work on TMDs going on in the NS2 group at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides.
Charis Quay

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultra-cold matter waves in microgravity for atom interferometry
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
The Laboratory Photonique Numerique Nanosciences in Bordeaux has an opening for a three-year PhD position in the field of ultracold atoms and atom interferometry (the funding is guaranteed). The starting date is October 2024. There is an online application to apply for the Ph D position on the following link: The deadline is March 15th.
Laboratory : LP2N - UMR5298
Team : Cold Atoms in Bordeaux
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Phases et polarisations singulières pour l’interaction quantique laser-atome
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Les techniques actuelles permettent de façonner -à la carte- les lasers en intensité, en phase et en polarisation. Ainsi une phase en hélice produit un vortex optique; celui-ci transporte un moment angulaire orbital (OAM) qui est une grandeur quantique. Le vecteur optique quant à lui, est obtenu en façonnant la polarisation. Ces singularités de phase ou de polarisation ouvrent vers de nouvelles interactions laser-matière liées au caractère quantique de l’OAM et de la polarisation, et trouvent des applications en quantique. : intrication, spectroscopie, turbulence optique, optique non linéaire, senseurs, etc. Au LCPMR nos recherches concernent l’interaction de vortex et vecteurs optiques avec des atomes - chauds ou froids- pour créer des paires d’OAMs et les intriquer, pour observer l’évolution des vortex/vecteurs optiques en interaction résonante avec les atomes et pour réaliser des senseurs magnétiques. Lors du stage l’étudiant se familiarisera avec les SLM (Spatial Light Modulator), créera des singularités et les caractérisera. Il pourra les appliquer à une vapeur de rubidium, placer celle-ci dans un environnement magnétique pour observer la transparence induite. Il pourra évoluer vers l’application à des atomes froids ou le couplage vecteur-vortex qui marie deux grandeurs quantiques du photon. Le sujet ouvre sur une thèse liée aux aspects fondamentaux de ces lasers singuliers et leur utilisation.
Laurence Pruvost

Laboratory : LCPMR - UMR7614
Team : LCPMR, eq.TWIST
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction d’une barre de flot avec la bathymétrie : Etudes expérimentales des mécanismes de diffusion, diffraction, réfraction et absorption de l’onde de marée dans un fleuve.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
La barre de flot consiste en l’onde de marée qui remonte le cours d’un fleuve en la barrant et ce pendant une phase de marnage (flot) importante. Dans sa forme simple, elle est caractérisée par un front principal et des ondulations secondaires (éteules). Pour des conditions plus rigoureuses, elle devient déferlante. La bathymétrie a une importance cruciale non seulement sur le type de barre de flot mais aussi sur sa vitesse d’avancée : par exemple, des berges inclinées génèrent un jet de rive turbide, le rat noir ou mascaret en gascon ; de même, des variations de profondeur induisent une transition latérale ondulante-déferlante de la barre de flot ; une variation longitudinale de la profondeur comme un banc de sable peut stopper l’onde de marée et ou provoquer une réflexion partielle et des figures d’interférences ou bien alors un îlot central qui vient couper la barre dont chaque partie peut se propager dans des chenaux avec des caractéristiques différentes (pentes, hauts-fonds, vitesses des courants, formes et constitutions des berges…). Dans ce projet, nous souhaitons explorer l’influence de la bathymétrie sur la propagation de la barre de flot grâce à notre nouvelle méthode de génération de mascaret en laboratoire et qui nous permet de faire des expériences à échelle décamétrique avec des fonds variables comme des bancs de sable ou même une île…
Germain Rousseaux

Laboratory : Pprime - UPR 3346
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction onde-courant avec application à la Gravitation Analogue
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Fields theory/String theory
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Suite aux stages du LABEX Interactifs de Poitiers (Rita Nohra (2020 : montage de l’expérience) ; Axel Marzin (2022 : mesure de surface libre par stéréo-réfraction) et Thibault Mergault (2023 : mesure de surface libre par scanner)) sur l’interaction d’ondes de surface avec un ressaut circulaire comme modèle de fontaine blanche analogue, nous souhaitons comparer la figure de diffraction-interférence due à la diffusion d’onde de la fontaine blanche avec celle de son renversé temporel à savoir un trou noir hydraulique. Celui-ci sera modélisé par un siphon avec ou sans rotation spontanée via l’étirement de la vorticité dans l’écoulement. Dans les deux cas de figures, le travail du stagiaire de M2 sera de nature expérimental et numérique avec l’existence d’une expérience de coin de table avec une pompe et un aquarium permettant de créer des écoulements axi-symétriques et d’un code de calcul de la trajectoire des rayons et des fronts d’ondes (Matlab/Python). Les mesures de surface libres combineront stéréo-réfraction et/ou scanner selon les régimes dynamiques ou statique avec le passage à de la glygérine cette année pour limiter la turbulence et les instabilités observées dans l’eau dans la phase de développement des méthodes optiques de mesure de surface libre lors de 3 précédents stages.
Germain Rousseaux

Laboratory : Pprime - UPR 3346
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum-to-classical transition seen through quantum signals: reconstruction of a classical image from a network of observers.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The measurement problem and the quantum-to-classical transition have gained practical significance with the advent of quantum technologies. A recent proposal to understand this transition, that goes beyond the usual decoherence paradigm, is called quantum Darwinism. Its originality is to emphasize the role of the observers themselves and their physics. Nonetheless, persistent challenges remain to be addressed and most importantly the question on how observers with finite ressources can recover a classical image. This project seeks to establish a resource-based quantum information framework to analyze this question. It aims to test these ideas through the study of measurement signals (bosonic or fermionic signals) in concrete experiements developped for quantum technologies, like those in circuit quantum electrodynamics and electron quantum optics. Additionally, the project seeks to establish a connection between these measurement signals and the N-body correlations of the quantum states, to finally answer the question of what kind of correlations are needed between N-bodies for a classical description to exit and being recovered.
Alexandre Feller
Laboratory : PhLAM - UMR 8523
Team : Systèmes Quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Numerical study of the equilibrium Kauzmann transition between a liquid and a disordered glass
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Most liquids gradually solidify at low temperature via a physical process called the glass transition towards a non-equilibrium disordered state of matter. This process is well-known experimentally at the macroscopic scale. At the fundamental level, however, the statistical mechanics description of the phenomenon is much less advanced, as it took several decades of difficult analytic work to `only' derive a solid mean-field transition of the liquid-glass transition. Considerable progress was also made to develop simple yet realistic atomistic models for glass transition studies, as well as numerical methods to more efficiently sample the configuration space which is known to be highly complex. Demonstrating the existence of the transition and studying the associated properties (universality, exponents, characteristic lengthscales) has not been possible so far. We wish to solve this difficult problem. In this thesis, we will develop and combine numerical approaches to systematically investigate the statistical mechanics nature of the transition between liquid and glass states in equilibrium conditions. Ultimately, this work will provide a definitive answer to a mystery that has haunted the field of disordered systems for more than fifty years by demonstrating whether a glass state of matter can truly be defined in three-dimensional glass-forming liquids.
Ludovic Berthier
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topological properties of semiconductor heterostructures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Les phases topologiques dans les solides ont en effet attiré une attention considérable, notamment depuis l'attribution du prix Nobel en 2016 pour les concepts topologiques en physique de la matière condensée. Depuis, ces phases topologiques ont été observées dans de nombreux matériaux, mais seul un petit nombre d'entre eux dispose d'une croissance et d'un processus technologique suffisamment maîtrisés pour envisager leur utilisation possible pour les fondations d'une nouvelle électronique topologique et contribuer à l'avènement actuel des technologies quantiques. Dans ce contexte, les hétérostructures semi-conductrices III-V à base d'antimoine s'avèrent particulièrement intéressantes. L'un des phénomènes topologiques les plus frappants, appelé effet Hall quantique de spin y a en effet été observé. Notre équipe a prédit et finalement observé l'existence d'une large lacune topologique insensible à la température dans des puits quantiques spécifiques à base de Sb. Cette avancée permet d'envisager l'observation d'états électroniques de bord protégés de la rétrodiffusion par la topologie non triviale de la structure de bande, même à des températures d'azote liquide. Il s'avère que des mesures très récentes suggèrent effectivement la présence de ces états électroniques exotiques dans ces structures à des températures bien plus élevées que celle de l'hélium liquide.
Benoit Jouault

Laboratory : L2C - UMR 5221
Team : TEST
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Reinforcing materials with water: investigation of the influence of hydration on mechanical properties of oxide glasses.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
PhD proposal in mechanics of materials at the Institut de Physique de Rennes aiming at exploring the interactions between water and amorphous materials at the nanoscale.
Maxime Vassaux
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Mécanique et Verres
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of recurrent neural networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Vincent Hakim
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR8023
Team : Biophysique et Neuroscience Théoriques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum sensors based on levitated nano-particles in the back-action regime : a theoretical and numerical study
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The purpose of this master thesis is to study (theory + numerics) the phase transition between locked and running states of a rotating nanoobject, trapped in an optical tweezer in vacuum, and submitted to the fluctuating force and torques of the trapping light field. In this quantum back-action regime, the fluctuation of the trapping beam exert a strong action on the motion, and re-heat the particle. Using classical and quantum Langevin equations, the intern will model the (random) motion of the particle, and quantify the possibility to make a sensor for tiny forces and / or torques. The internship is paid, is purely theoretical and numerical but will be done in close connection with our experimental team. A pH-D might be proposed at the end.
Mathias PERRIN
Laboratory : LOMA - UMR 5798
Team : LOMA Equipe Photonique & Materiaux
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Reconstructing developmental energy landscapes of early embryos from mechanical and genetic maps
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This master internship will address the generic question of mechanochemical interplay in developmental biology, combining statistical data analysis methods and forward biophysical modeling approaches. The goal will be to infer developmental energy landscapes ('Waddington-like epigenetic landscapes') defining embryonic cell dynamics from a fate and mechanical perspective. The continuation of this project over a PhD thesis is expected to lead to the development of novel theoretical concepts and original methods to infer systems-level developmental landscapes underlying collective cell dynamics. The work will benefit from strong and established collaborations with experimental biology teams working on several embryo species (ascidian, mouse…).
Hervé Turlier

Laboratory : CIRB - UMR7241
Team : Physique Multiéchelle de la Morphogenèse
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Classification of toric SU(3)-structures with torsion
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Since its advent, string theory (ST) has been a leading candidate for a self-consistent theory of quantum gravity. Perturbative ST predicts the existence of six extra dimensions, that constitute a so-called compactification manifold. The effective description of our four-dimensional spacetime is encoded in the geometry and topology of the compactification manifolds, whose properties can be studied with the tools of G-structures. A first goal of this proposal is to classify certain SU(3) structures with torsion on toric varieties, that have several applications ranging from holography and moduli stabilisation, to the problem of scale separation and the recent Swampland program. This proposal is in the form of a co-direction between the iP2i (Physics) and the ICJ (Mathematics) of Lyon.
Dimitrios TSIMPIS
Laboratory : iP2i - UMR 5822
Team : Théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum nanophotonics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The Group of Theory of Nanophotonics of San Sebastián and the Nanophotonics group of Bordeaux offer a PhD position in cotutelle starting in 2024 to work on theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum nanophotonics. The student will work on the optimization of light emission from coherently coupled organic molecules in controlled nano-environments for molecular characterization and quantum information technologies. Collective phenomena such as superradiance and subradiance induced by collective excitation of the emitters will be studied, especially by analysing the correlations of the light emitted by these systems. The candidate is expected to focus on the theoretical description of cutting-edge experiments under way in the laboratory of Bordeaux, with the aim of developing applications in quantum state engineering. More information can be found in
Esteban Ruben
Laboratory : CFM, San Sebastián, Spain -
Team : Theory of Nanophotonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Understanding the Structure of Ionic Liquids on Solid Substrates: Towards a More Sustainable Ammonia Production
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Context: Ionic liquids molten salts at ambient temperature, which are increasingly used as solvents, lubricants and electrolytes. The way they organize at the molecular level on solid substrates is crucial in many applications, for example for the selectivity and efficiency in heterogeneous catalysis. However, the interfacial structure of ionic liquids remains challenging to understand. It can be characterized experimentally by force spectroscopy experiments using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Internship's aim: AFM measurements will be used to investigate open questions on the organization of ionic liquids on mica, which is a key reference substrate in force spectroscopy techniques. PhD project: Ammonia is a promising zero-carbon fuel, but the current industrial process for ammonia production is too energy-intensive. The GREENH3 project, funded by the PEPR Hydrogène, aims at developing a more sustainable process for ammonia production. It relies on novel catalyst nanoparticles, working in an ionic liquid medium seeded with porous particles that act as nitrogen containers. We will investigate experimentally by AFM the various interfaces of interest for the GREENH3 project, in order to help select or design the best ionic liquid for this new catalytic process, and use the gathered knowledge to develop other ones. The PhD vill be co-advised by Cécile Cottin-Bizonne (iLM), and performed in close collaboration with the chemists involved in the GREENH3 project.
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fluctuations of supercurrent carried by topological insulator edge states
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Discovery of topological matter has triggered an intense research work motivated by the emergence of promising features among which the existence of helical ballistic edge states. For 2D systems or 3D high order topological insulators (TI), they form one dimensional conducting channels on the edges with two time-reversed spin-momentum-locked states which do not backscatter. The topological protection manifests itself in the supercurrent which appears when the TI is connected to superconducting electrodes. Our project aims at investigating the poorly understood dynamics of helical edge states, determining their relaxation mechanisms and the robustness of their topological protection in superconducting junctions as well as in isolated TI. We have proved that finite-frequency supercurrent response to a magnetic flux as well as the supercurrent noise at equilibrium contain clear signature of the relaxation mechanism in the GHz regime for non-topological junctions. For topological edge states, the expected millisecond lifetime calls for experiments below the MHz to detect the current fluctuations. We propose for the internship to use our new ultrasensitive GMR-based (Giant Magnetoresistance) magnetic field sensor to detect the supercurrent carried by the helical edge states as well as its fluctuations at equilibrium.
Meydi Ferrier
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : MESO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Superconductivity and topological states in twisted bilayer graphene
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The first measurements of superconductivity and correlated phases in twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) brought a lot of attention to this new way to control the properties of matter: twisting layers in a van der Waals (vdW) heterostructure. The superconducting state in tBLG or twisted van der Waals structures is believed to have its origin in the interplay between the moiré superlattice and the interlayer interactions, which leads to the formation of a flat band in the electronic band structure. Controlling the twist angle between the layers allows playing with both of these parameters at the same time. As layers get more aligned, the moiré superlattice wavelength and the layer hybridization increases. However, as the two layers get more and more aligned, at angles >1.1°, the superconducting temperature decreases. The most challenging part of this research seems to lay in a reliable fabrication of homogeneous samples. In our laboratory we have developed a new technique to continiously control the angular alignment between layers [Science 361, 690]. In this experimental internship, we propose to use a new technique to control the angular alignment between layers in a vdW heterostructure combined with low temperature measurements of electron transport to reveal the phase diagram of the superconducting state and other strongly correlated effect.
Rebeca Ribeiro

Laboratory : C2N - umr90001
Team : Phynano - Topo2D
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature in scalable epitaxial van der Waals magnet heterostructures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The emergence of two-dimensional (2D) materials and their van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures offer unprecedented electronic properties for next-generation technologies. 2D magnets have the potential to revolutionise magnetic sensors and spintronic technologies, particularly tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) devices. These devices offer ultra-high sensitivity in magnetic field detection at room temperature, making them invaluable for applications such as magnetic sensors, data storage, memory, and computing. However, reliable and tunable TMR devices pose challenges with conventional materials. Recent advancements have achieved large TMR values using 2D magnets, however most of the reports are limited to cryogenic temperatures and studies are limited to exfoliated flakes. Scalable growth of 2D magnets and the fabrication of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with multiple layers separated by a tunnel barrier remain challenging and coherent spin- polarised electron tunneling across vdW tunnel barriers on TMR effects is also unexplored. We propose to address these challenges by controlling spin-polarised tunneling in 2D MTJs through twist angle achieving large and tunable TMR at room temperature. In this experimental internship, we propose to use a new technique to control the angular alignment between layers in a vdW heterostructure combined with low temperature measurements of electron transport to reveal the phase diagram of the TMR.
Rebeca Ribeiro

Laboratory : C2N - umr90001
Team : Phynano - Topo2D
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Random surfaces and models of Earthquakes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Recent studies on models of Earthquakes (EQ) have identified a connection between properties of earthquakes and random walks [1]. More precisely, in 1 dimensional models, earthquakes develop along a line and their properties depend on the value of the stress which can be modelled as a random walk. In nature, a 2 dimensional geometry is more pertinent to describe faults where earthquake occurs. The stress as a function of position is then a random surface. This random surface evolves by the successive modifications due to each earthquake. This amounts to the problem of deposition of objects of varying size (the objects are the analogous of the effect of each event on the stress seen as a random surface). During this internship, we want to investigate the statistical properties of this random deposition process. How do the surface properties evolve in time ? Is there an statistically stationnary regime at long time ? This will be achieved by numerical simulations of the process and data analysis of the obtained results. If the candidate is interested, it is also possible to perform analytical calculations using methods of probability theory. Collaborations or discussions with mathematicians are possible.
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Non-linear physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring nonlinear phenomena in soft structures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Context. The laws of linear elasticity rely on the assumption that deformations should remain small. For conventional solids, this is usually true. For soft solids (polymers, rubbers, gels ...) however, a moderate stress can induce a significant strain, meaning that nonlinear events are likely to occur. Objectives. Thanks to optical detection methods, we will track nonlinear phenomena in simple flexible structures [1]. Starting from a soft beam undergoing a parametric forcing, we will look for signatures of instable behaviors [2]. Soft polymers can easily be molded in different shapes which will allow us to explore a variety of configurations. As a possible direction, one could load the elastic structure with iron magnetic particles in order to monitor its mechanical properties with an external magnetic field [3]. This system also provides a new platform to investigate nonlinear wave-wave interaction in the context of elastic fields [4]. Perspectives. Understanding the motion of soft structures is crucial for applications ranging from energy harvesting to soft robot’s actuation. The implementation of a nonlinear self-propelled robot prototype will be considered. contact: M. LANOY F. PETRELIS
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Non-linear physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nonlinear response functions in glassy fluids: What do they probe?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Dense liquids gradually solidify at low temperature via a physical process called the glass transition. While well-known and understood at the macrosopic scale, very little is known from direct experimental measurements about the dynamics of molecules in the vicinity of the glass transition. A microscopic understanding of this important process remains a lively research problem, which has resisted several decades of careful studies. In the last decade, non-linear dielectric measurements have been performed in molecular systems, that are interpreted as a unique way to probe emerging glassy correlations in these systems. In parallel, modern computer simulations techniques were recently developed to study the motion of molecular models at very long times, revealing the existence of a complex hierarchy of correlated molecular motion in these dense glassy fluids. In this project we propose to use newly developed numerical approaches to systematically measure non-linear response functions similar to the ones determined experimentally, while resolving in space and time the molecular dynamics that give rise to this signal. By measuring systematically static and dynamic correlations, and their relation to non-linear response functions, a microscopic interpretation of the physical content of non-linear response functions will be available. Ultimately, this work will provide the missing link between the competing theoretical approaches and the available experimental observations.
Ludovic Berthier
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Reconfigurable active matter in 3d
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Active systems exhibit fascinating pattern formation, and collective dynamics not seen in conventional materials. A key consequence of our improving understand of active matter the potential for the application to biological systems, from collective behaviour in fish to insect swarms, such as, as these in general are active due to processing of energy. Yet to make progress in understanding active matter, simple, controllable and well-characterized systems play a key role and among these are active micron-sized particles (colloids). Here the interactions between the particles are well-understood and machine learning methods facilitate long—standing challenges with coordinate tracking. In particular, colloidal particles assemble in to a variety of structures, which can be interpreted with statistical mechanics. However almost all work with active colloids has used (quasi) 2d systems. We have developed a 3d active colloidal system of dipolar particles which are active in the xy plane and which have already produced two new phases. This project proposes to investigate further the behaviour of this exotic, and yet well-controlled system. The project may be carried out in experiment, or in computer simulation as we have also developed a simulation model of the same system.
Paddy Royall
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Understanding relaxation in deeply supercooled liquids: a computational approach
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Despite decades of intense study, the staggering increase in relaxation time in liquids supercooled below their freezing point (the glass transition), there is still no consensus around the underlying mechanism. In this way, the glass transition is a scientific revolution in the sense of Thomas Kuhn, in that mutually incompatible theories give equally good descriptions of the available data. Computer simulation (and experiments with colloids) promise the ability to resolve this challenge, due to the particle-resolved data which enables analysis not otherwise possible, capable of discriminating between theories. Yet, accessible timescales with both approaches limit the data obtained to a dynamical regime where relaxation is quite well—understood, the so-called mode-coupling regime. Recently this has begun to change. In particular, supercooling below the mode-coupling crossover has opened the possibility to probe the predictions of dynamic frustration and thermodynamic descriptions across many decades in time [5,6]. This project builds on such recent work and uses computer simulation to address the following outstanding questions: what is the nature of the excitations of dynamic facilitation at very deep supercooling? How do these couple to co-operatively re-arranging regions at larger length- and timescales? And how are excitations related to the dynamical phase transition that underlies the glass transition in the facilitation picture?
Paddy Royall
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fast light shaping for imaging of neuronal activity
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A non-invasive approach to visualize neuronal activity with single cell resolution is critical to understand how the brain works, how it computes information and controls behavior. In recent years, the introduction of genetically expressed indicators of neuronal activity, opened the way to optically detect neuronal activation via fluorescent optical imaging. The development of dedicated imaging approaches is critical to fully exploit this capability. The wavefront engineering microscopy group, at the Vision Institute, is pioneer in the development of advanced optical techniques applied to Neuroscience. In particular, it focuses on approaches based on wavefront shaping and phase modulation of laser beams, using Spatial Light Modulators (SLM), to generate arbitrary illumination patterns deep in living tissue. In this project, we propose to apply a recent technique for generation of 3D multispot holographic illumination, combined with a camera or single-pixel detector and signal reconstruction algorithms in order to develop a novel approach for fast volumetric imaging of neuronal activity. During the internship, the student will work on the implementation and validation of the approach and, according to his/her interest, will focus either on the data processing and signal reconstruction part or on the experimental implementation of the optical setup and the recording on simple biological preparations such as organotypic brain slices and zebrafish.
Dimitrii Tanese
Laboratory : Institut de la Vision - UMR S968
Team : Visual information processing
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magneto-ionic control of chiral magnetic structures for neuromorphic computing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Magneto-ionics is an emerging field that offers great potential for reducing power consumption in spintronics memory applications. By combining the concept of voltage controlled ionic motion from memristor technologies, typically used in neuromorphic applications, with spintronics, it provides a unique opportunity to create a new generation of neuromorphic functionalities based on spintronics devices. Our group has been at the forefront of investigating the magneto ionic control of magnetic anisotropy, magnetic domain wall motion, and the Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction in various materials. We have demonstrated large, reversible, and non volatile effects in magnetic properties due to the chemical interaction between the mobile ions and the magnetic atoms. We are seeking a motivated candidate to join our team and work on an experimental research project focused on designing artificial synaptic functionalities through magneto ionic control of chiral magnetic structures This includes the gate control of nucleation/annihilation of skyrmionic spin structures, which will be used as a means to update synaptic weights in spintronics artificial synapses. The ultimate goal of the project will be to integrate the magneto-ionic synapses into artificial neural networks. The project will greatly benefit from our team's collective expertise in both magneto-ionics and neuromorphic computing architectures.
Liza Herrera Diez

Laboratory : C2N - 9001
Team : C2N: Integnano
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of the coarsening of liquid foams via discrete numerical simulations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Liquid foams, concentrated dispersions of gas bubbles in a liquid matrix, have many applications such as detergency, flotation and oil recovery. Understanding and controlling their stability is necessary for applications. Coarsening is one of the destabilization processes of liquid foams. It is due to the transfer of gas between bubbles caused by pressure differences. New experimental elements have recently been obtained during experiments carried out on board the International Space Station, in microgravity conditions. This work made it possible to understand how coarsening changes from “dry foams” to “bubble suspensions” (by increasing the liquid fraction) crossing a jamming transition. In this context, numerical simulations could favor additional progress, by establishing the missing link between the coarsening laws and the evolution of the microstructure of the bubble assembly. The objective of this internship is to study via discrete numerical simulations how coarsening is affected by structural change near the jamming transition. For this aim, discrete particle models will be developed, which incorporate the minimal ingredients to describe interactions and gas transfer between bubbles.
Francesco Puosi
Laboratory : Navier -
Team : RMP
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Glass as a flowing solid: memory effects and critical behaviors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Due to their out-of-equilibrium nature, glassy materials keep a memory of their thermal and mechanical past. These two effects are usually discussed independently: the glass structure depends on the rate of the thermal quench from the liquid phase; the plastic behavior of an amorphousbmaterial depends on the mechanical loading it has experienced in the past. However more and more recent results suggest a strong coupling between thermal and mechanical effects. Here we propose to use a minimal model at mesoscopic scale. More specifically, we consider a simple elastoplastic lattice model [1,2] which belongs to the larger family of depinning models. Such models are based on the coupling between a stochastic dynamics at local scale and long-range elastic interactions. In the spirit of Ising-like models for magnetism or shell models for turbulence they are easy to implement numerically but rich enough to reproduce the critical behavior (avalanches, finite size effects) and the complex phenomenology of amorphous plasticity (hardening, shear-banding). Depending on the taste and the interests of the candidate the work may focus on different aspects : glass preparation ; flowing under constant stress at finite temperature (creep) ; fluidization ; polarization under stress ; localization and shear-banding ; effect of elastic disorder ; memory effects ; transition graph representation of the disordered landscape, etc.
Damien Vandembroucq
Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topological superconductivity : towards quantum computation with complex oxide two-dimensional electron gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The recent discovery of new oxide 2DEGs based on KTaO3 (e.g. LaAlO3/KTaO3) pave the way towards the observation of Majorana Zero Energy Modes (MZMs) in quantum oxide matter. The project aims at fabricating and studying field-effect mesoscopic nanodevices in KTaO3 oxide interfaces, in which superconductivity and spin-orbit coupling could be tuned at the relevant scales using a set of nano-gates. We will start by investigating the superconducting phase of the 2DEGs by combining various experimental techniques. This includes low temperature electronic transport, microwave conductivity, and tunnelling spectroscopy. Our primary objectives are to ascertain the nature of the superconducting state—distinguishing between single-gap and multigap scenarios—and to elucidate the symmetry of the order parameter(s). This foundational knowledge will serve as the basis to understand the origin of superconductivity in KTO 2DEGs, and the interplay between Rashba spin-orbit coupling and superconductivity in the context of topological superconducting phases. Simultaneously, we will embark on the creation and analysis of Josephson junctions and SQUID devices, in which we will look for signatures of topological superconductivity. Our ultimate objective involves the fabrication of topological 1D nanowires, wherein we will search for robust signatures of Majorana zero modes (MZMs). This quest will be pursued through tunneling spectroscopy of edge states and microwave experiments.
Nicolas Bergeal

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR 8213
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Properties of electrolytes at the nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The properties of confined electrolytes focus a lot of attention. They play a key role in controlling reactivity and transport in confinement. These processes are omnipresent in in vivo metabolic pathways and in nanofluidic devices developed to produce non-intermittent green energy. As the properties of the fluid at the nanoscale differ drastically from the macroscopic ones, a theory based on a linear local description of the fluid, such as the Poisson-Boltzmann theory or the method of image charge breaks down at this scale and a new framework is necessary to describe these systems [1,2,3]. In this internship, we will investigate the interplay between the structure of the fluid, the correlations of the ions and the geometry and the physical properties of the confining surface on the dielectric properties of the liquid. Via standard tools of statistical physics and field theory we will derive analytically the properties of this system and will extract the coupling between fluid molecular structure and confinement. Molecular dynamics simulations will be performed to parametrize the field theory model and validate the analytical results.
Hélène Berthoumieux
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : IndySoft
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Temperature control of the solid-liquid interfacial rheology
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Friction phenomena at the liquid-solid interface present a significant challenge in the fields of water desalination, nanofluidics, and blue energy. Despite considerable interest, the molecular mechanisms underlying friction remain largely unresolved. The objective of this Master's/M2 project is to unravel the roles of chemical and quantum effects by assessing the impacts of solid-liquid interactions across varying temperatures.
Frédéric Restagno

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Matière Molle aux Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanoscopic probes of mechanical and dynamical properties of amorphous solids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Amorphous solids represent a broad class of materials with physical properties that differ so drastically from crystalline solids that most basic questions about their physical properties are only understood at some crude empirical level. A major challenge is to develop an atomistic understanding of the structural, mechanical, and dynamical properties for this large class of disordered systems, and of the nature of the phase transformation between a slowly cooled liquid and a solid glass. The central objective is to combine two computational methods to separately characterize local mechanical and dynamical properties of deeply supercooled liquids using computer simulations and understand if and how nanoscopic mechanical inhomogeneity can explain the relaxation dynamics of these materials. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a predictive computational method from which the dynamical properties of a supercooled liquid can be directly inferred by a detailed characterization of its microstructure, thereby fully solving a long-lasting problem in the field of disordered materials.
Ludovic Berthier
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Elastic turbulence in Taylor Couette flow
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
One of the most remarkable effects of highly viscous polymer solutions that has been recently observed in experiments is the development of an elastic turbulence regime in the limit of strong elasticity. The flow of polymer solution in this regime displays irregularities typical of turbulent flows even at low velocity and high viscosity (i.e., for vanishing Reynolds number). As a consequence of turbulent motion at small scales, elastic turbulence can reveal as an efficient technique for mixing in very low Reynolds flows (e.g., in microchannels). Despite its great technological interest, elastic turbulence is still only partially understood from a fundamental point of view. During this internship, we will perform simulations aimed at numerically reproducing elastic turbulence in the three-dimensional Taylor-Couette flow, a setup that is commonly used in experiments. The analysis will focus on the turbulent statistical properties that represent the most comparable indicators between numerical simulations and experimental measurements.
Stefano Berti
Laboratory : UML - ULR 7512
Team : Mécanique des fluides complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of spin squeezing generated with an optical cavity integrated on an atom chip
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship proposal concerns a second generation of experiments evaluating the contribution of non-classical, entangled states to improve the stability of atomic clocks. Spin squeezed states redistribute the fundamental quantum noise of the atomic phase to a conjugate variable of secondary interest. This overcomes the fundamental signal-to-noise limit of today's best clocks. The principle of improvement has been demonstrated by several teams around the world, but no device has yet reached the performance level of a real clock. Our aim is to improve, for the first time, a state-of-the-art atomic clock.
Carlos Garrido Alzar
Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR8630
Team : IACI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Single-molecule force measurements: a new methodology to improve the development of mRNA vaccines
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
mRNA vaccines development is undoubtedly one of the most promising medical fields - as underlined by the 2023 medicine Nobel prize. Following our earlier work performed with a Sanofi iAward 2021 grant, we propose to improve the efficiency of mRNA vaccine development and consequently the quality of the resulting vaccines using a novel, biophysics-based-methodology (single-molecule force measurements with optical traps), which allows to investigate mRNA structure with high precision. The student will be in charge of single-molecule force measurements and data analysis of one such mRNA vaccine candidate. These investigations can be carried on and extended during a subsequent PhD thesis.
Ulrich Bockelmann
Laboratory : COCHIN -
Team : Biologie comparative des apicomplexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modeling the thermal behavior of Paramecium, the “swimming neuron”
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Paramecium is a unicellular organism that swims in fresh water by beating thousands of cilia. When it is stimulated, it often swims backward then turns and swims forward again. This “avoiding reaction” is triggered by a calcium-based action potential. For this reason, some authors have called Paramecium a “swimming neuron”. This project aims at modeling the thermal behavior in Paramecium. When placed in a thermal gradient, Paramecium tends to gather around a preferred temperature, thanks to temperature-triggered avoiding reactions. This behavior is mediated by membrane potential changes produced by cold- and heat-sensitive thermoreceptors. In addition, the preferred temperature shifts when Paramecium is left at the same temperature. A basic experimental device has been built in Laboratoire Jean Perrin to observe paramecia in controlled thermal gradients. The first part of the project is to refine this device and to film trajectories with normal paramecia, and with mutants that do not produce action potentials. The second part is to use the trajectories extracted with tracking software and build a model of thermosensitivity. Depending on time and interest, the student will have the opportunity to either investigate the electrophysiological basis of the inferred input-output mapping (by measuring electrical responses to thermal changes), or its molecular basis (by inactivating receptors either pharmacologically or genetically with RNA interference).
Romain Brette
Laboratory : ISIR -
Team : AMAC
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Infrared electroluminescence using nanocrystals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Nanocrystals are semiconductor nanoparticles with tunable optical features from UV to THz. They have become key building blocks of optoelectronics with their integration as light sources in displays. The INSP team is working on narrow bandgap nanocrystals and their applications for infrared optoelectronics. In this project, we work with HgTe nanocrystals presenting light emission in the 1-5 µm range. The goal of the project is to design/fabricate and characterize light-emitting diodes from these nanocrystals. We have obtained some promising preliminary results and now aim to push toward a longer wavelength. Current performances remain modest and LED design will benefit from new strategies. Here we target to develop strategies where multiple photons can be obtained per injected charge. A second aspect of the project will deal with light extraction and require integration at the LED level of some light management strategies based on nanoantenna. The internship and the PhD thesis that will follow will be performed jointly at INSP for the fabrication and characterisation of the diodes, and at LPENS for the study of light management strategies and the characterisation of the corresponding structures.
Angela Vasanelli
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : QUAD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum engineering of nanofluidic transport
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Physics of liquids
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This thesis focuses on the experimental study of the interplay between nanofluidic transport and electronic excitations at the interface between flowing liquids and semiconducting systems. The aim is to explore interfacial coupling processes between fluids and solids. This coupling arises from the coherent energy exchange between the collective modes of the fluid (which we coin ‘hydrons’) and the electronic and lattice excitations – plasmons and phonons – in the confining semiconductors. The coupling between fluids and solids, already validated by experimental and theoretical results in nanofluidics, is opening a new area of investigation at the interface with semiconductor quantum devices that merges today at the same length scale. These nanoscale devices where quantum confinement is an unavoidable ingredient to determine physical properties is the playground where we are going to develop the thesis proposal.
Angela Vasanelli
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : QUAD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Circular Rydberg atom of Strontium in optical tweezers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
The purpose of the proposed PhD work is to build a new experimental set-up to prepare arrays of circular state atoms of strontium in a cryogenic environment. This requires trapping ground state strontium atom in optical tweezers, transferring them into the circular state, and capturing the circular state again using a tweezers tune close to the optical transition of the ionic core. Then, we will demonstrate that it is possible to measure the state of the Rydberg atom by using the selective fluorescence of the second valence electron. During master internship, the student will set up the laser system to cool and trap ground state strontium atom in optical tweezers.
Sébastien Gleyzes
Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Rydberg atoms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Boltzmann inversion : measuring forces by watching movies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Statistical mechanics traditionally starts from microscopic interactions: given microscopic rules, interactions, equations of motion, one tries to make predictions about the emerging physical behaviour. It is sometimes useful to work backwards and ask the opposite question. Given a specific experimental system, say a complex fluid or a biological system, what are the rules governing the behaviour of that particular system? This amounts to addressing the inverse problem of guessing the model from the observed physics. The inverse problem has a long history across various fields from statistical mechanics to soft matter and computational studies of complex systems with applications from self-assembly to non-equilibrium phase transitions in driven systems. Our broad goal is to develop an efficient method to guess particle interactions of a broad range of physical systems simply from watching movies. We will develop a method based on formal but straightforward manipulations of the pair correlation function to efficiently iterate towards the correct result. Several exciting applications of the method will then be explored, involving both equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics with applications to active matter, biological systems and disordered systems. The work will make use of basic concepts of statistical mechanics, and will explore different physical systems in colloidal physics and active matter. Watching lots of movies will also be required.
Ludovic Berthier
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Guided Elastic Waves and Local Resonances in nano-Porous Silicon Membranes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Claire Prada
01 80 96 30 53

Laboratory : IL - UMR 7587
Team : Ondes en milieux complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cloud microphysics and global warming
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Autumn 2023 smashed the previous global temperature record. It implies a strong acceleration of global warming, transient or not, for which the most likely explanation is a decrease of human-made aerosols as a result of reductions in China and from ship emissions. The aim of the internship and the PhD thesis is to investigate cloud physics, in connection to global warming issues, using a combination of experimental, theoretical and numerical work, from the nucleation of nanodrops to the organisation of clouds by convective aggregation.
Bruno Andreotti
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Mécanique, Matière Molle, Morphogénèse
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum engineering of light with intracavity Rydberg superatoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Optical photons are excellent carriers of quantum information, but their lack of mutual interactions is a major roadblock for quantum technologies. Our new setup enables such interactions by transiently injecting the photons into an intra-cavity cold atomic gas and converting them into strongly interacting Rydberg polaritons. The Rydberg-blockaded cloud then acts as an effective two-level superatom with an enhanced coupling to light. We can coherently manipulate its state, efficiently detect it, and observe state-dependent pi phase flips on the light reflected from the cavity as required for many quantum engineering tasks. Recently, we fully deterministically generated free-propagating states of light with negative Wigner functions. We are now expanding the capabilities of this platform towards the multi-superatom / multi-mode regime. A possible experimental M2 internship will consist in demonstrating a cavity-mediated entanglement between two superatoms, leading to a PhD project focused on deterministic multi-photon quantum logic and Wigner-negative light states generation. Another internship topic, more oriented towards theory and experimental design, will be to study the possibility to trap and control a single atom next to a superatom. The following experimental PhD thesis will aim at developing quantum interconnects between static and flying qubits, in a collaboration with the quantum tech company Pasqal.
Alexei Ourjoumtsev
Laboratory : JEIP - UAR3573
Team : Quantum Photonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Can we reinforce inorganic glasses using water?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Although studied for decades, glass ageing remains an open question. Whether it's a question of their failure under mechanical loading exceeding their mechanical strength, or of their limited durability induced by their reactivity in an aggressive chemical environment, the complex mechanisms at the origin of glass aging are not fully understood and could reveal some surprises. These mechanisms are crucial to a wide range of industrial applications, from the design of structural glasses for the building industry to the synthesis of biomaterials for tissue engineering. It is therefore essential to explore the interactions between glass and water at the finest scales! The aim of the project is to establish a reliable tool for the numerical simulation of glass with atomic resolution. The tool should enable us to generate a glass structure with an adaptable chemical composition (silica, borosilicate, metallic, bioglass, etc.) and then hydrate it. The simulation tool will be based on existing tools: (i) reliable interatomic potentials obtained at the quantum scale to establish interactions between atoms, and (ii) an optimized molecular dynamics simulator (LAMMPS). Once the tool has been established, parallelized simulations of cracking under mechanical loading will be carried out on high-performance computers. The simulations' data will enable us to investigate situations where water could actually reinforce the glass's mechanical properties.
Maxime Vassaux
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Mécanique et Verres
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magneto-mechanics of soft magnetic foams
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Dry adhesive tapes, such as Scotch® tapes or adhesive pads, are one of the most widely used inventions of the 20th century. However, the adhesion power of those products is usually opposite to the possibility to re-use them multiple times: a sticky tape is difficult to remove, often leaves traces on the surface and may cause pain in medical applications. The use of the magnetic field as a contactless and instant stimulus for switching the adhesion is very promising and needs new material design. Recently, we developed a new approach to obtain soft surfaces with adhesion properties that can be switched by magnetic field-induced compression and detachment from a substrate of a soft elastomer foam filled with iron particles. Leveraging our collaboration with Franck Vernerey from University of Colorado Boulder, we were able to model the compression behavior of the foam in a field of a body-like magnetic force induced by a magnet. The next step is to use the unique nature of the magnetic fields which induce anisotropic and gravity-like forces, to control the behavior of the triple line in adhesive contacts. In this joint internship, we aim to develop models to describe the effects of magnetic torques on soft and compressible materials.
Artem Kovalenko
Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magic angle in graphene
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Condensed matter physicists used to associate new exotic properties to new materials development. In 2018 a paradigm shift happened with the observation of superconductivity in two layers of graphene with a relative crystallographic rotation of ~ 1.1 degrees, the so-called magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG). This unprecedented new knob to change properties of 2D materials is already showing a plethora of unexplored properties and leading to a universe of new technological applications in the new and fast growing field of twistronics (Twistronics: control of the electronic properties of 2D materials in a van der Waals heterostructure by changing their relative crystallographic alignment) The unexpected behavior in MATBG is due to the existence of flat bands in its electronic band structure. These flat bands are the product of the interplay of interlayer tunneling and angle-induced momentum mismatch, which guarantees a large density of states and therefore an amplification of the effects of interactions. This causes correlated states which manifest experimentally by the emergence of new ground states such as superconductivity (SC), Mott insulators and quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE). In this internship, the student will fabricate such a device and perform electronic transport measurements (current and shot noise) to reveal its fundamental properties.
Preden Roulleau
Laboratory : SPEC -
Team : GNE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Bubble dynamics for hydrogen production
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this collaborative project, we are looking at the production of H2 from the electrolysis of water. The aim is to optimise electrodes in order to generate massive H2 production in membrane-free electrolysers. In addition to ohmic losses, interactions between bubbles seriously affect the efficiency of dihydrogen production. We have shown that an ingenious electrode geometry enables the bubbles produced to be evacuated rapidly, i.e. before they interact with each other, and results in excellent purity (94%) with a low ohmic resistance (3 W). This innovative geometry was achieved by coupling a numerical model of bubble dynamics with a topological optimisation algorithm. Preliminary experiments show qualitative agreement between experiments and modelling. Now that the validity of the approach has been demonstrated, it is necessary to generate other geometries numerically and evaluate them quantatively (study of the various stages in the life of a bubble: nucleation, detachment, bubble interaction dynamics; quantity of dihydrogen produced; purity of the hydrogen produced, etc.). The aim of the internship will be to provide these quantitative analyses. The student will initially be familiarized with the numerical tool, microfabrication techniques and the carrying out of experiments. The student may be involved in data processing and discussions on the modeling of these systems. The internship may be followed by a PhD thesis.
Marie-Caroline Jullien
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
High order operator product expansion coefficients from the nonperturbative functional renormalization group
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Fields theory/String theory
Low dimension physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In the late 1960s, Wilson and Kadanoff suggested independently that in a quantum field theory the product of two operators in the short distance limit is equivalent to an infinite sum of operators multiplied by functions when inserted in any correlation function. This so-called operator product expansion (OPE) is of fundamental importance in the study of conformal field theories (CFTs) in two and higher dimensions. Along with the knowledge of the operators’ scaling dimensions and spins, the OPE coefficients entirely determine the CFT. Unfortunately, the computation of these coefficients is difficult. One possible tool to that effect is the nonperturbative functional renormalization group (FRG), a versatile method that has been used to study a variety of strongly correlated systems from high-energy physics to condensed matter theory. The FRG has been used to recently extract from the momentum dependence of the correlation functions the leading order OPE coefficients in these models. The goal of the internship is to extend these results and determine high-order OPE coefficients via the FRG. First, the intern will get familiar with the FRG and its momentum-dependence preserving approximation schemes. During the second part of the internship, they will generalize the method developed in [Rose, Pagani, and Dupuis, Phys. Rev. D 105, 065020 (2022)] to determine higher-order OPE coefficients from the study of the RG fixed point equations.
Félix Rose
Laboratory : LPTM - UMR 8089
Team : Matière condensée, phénomènes quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electrical excitation of a 2D semiconductor in a plasmonic nanocavity
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In this project the goal is to locally and electrically excite chiral plasmonic nanocavities in order to enhance the chiral properties of a new class of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors called transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). These materials are key for a new branch of physics and technology called valleytronics. During this internship/thesis, the student will acquire experience in (i) scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy (imaging of the chiral structures and excitation), (ii) optical microscopy (detection and analysis of the emitted light) and (iii) the theory of plasmonics and two-dimensional semiconductors (“valleytronics”). The successful applicant will have a physics background or equivalent, and will have an affinity for optics and nanoscience and a desire to do experiments. Good communication skills in English OR French are required. Note that for a motivated candidate, the project may also include numerical modeling. Please contact us for further information!
Elizabeth Boer-Duchemin

Laboratory : ISMO - UMR8214
Team : Nanophysics@Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Local electrical excitation of a chiral nanoparticle
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The chiral properties of light and matter will be explored in this project using the tunneling current from a scanning tunneling microscope. In particular, we will use the tunneling-electron excitation of a chiral plasmonic nanoparticle in order to produce an electrical nanoscale source of circularly polarized light. If you are attracted to the nanosciences and optics, are interested in the interactions of light with matter, and want to use a tangible instrument which exploits quantum mechanics, please contact us for further information!
Elizabeth Boer-Duchemin

Laboratory : ISMO - UMR8214
Team : Nanophysics@Surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Random geometry of non-unitary conformal field theories
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Fields theory/String theory
Low dimension physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The team of Jesper Jacobsen works on the precise characterisation of random critical phenomena in two dimensions, using exact methods of conformal field theory, quantum integrability and lattice algebras. We study models of percolation, self-avoiding walks, random clusters, and spin domain walls, to mention but a few. The current forefront of research is the determination of correlation functions in such models. The first proposal is motivated by a recently introduced model of (algebraic) spider webs, which are extended branching interfaces on a lattice. We have some exact understanding of the underlying models by means of their quantum group symmetries, but correlation functions are poorly understood. To access them we need a transfer matrix description of the geometrical degrees of freedom. If this can be achieved, it opens the route to the determination of new fractal dimensions and crossing probabilities for spider webs. The second proposal is motivated by the very recent exact determination by probability theorists of the fractal dimension of the conducting piece of a percolation cluster, the so-called backbone. Twenty years ago we defined an unusual kind of transfer matrix for this problem. To understand geometrical correlation functions on the percolation backbone, we believe that one should first understand better the properties of this transfer matrix in terms of lattice algebras, and more precisely the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra.
Jesper Jacobsen

Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Fluctuations, Correlations, Information
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Analog time reversal processor for radiofrequency signals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Time reversal is a technique based on the invariance of the wave propagation equation in an inhomogeneous medium. It ensures spatial and temporal refocusing of a wave after having recorded the transmission channel signature. When the propagation medium is non-stationary, the transmission channel characteristics keep changing. The time-reversed signal must be sent as quickly as possible, otherwise the refocusing will not be effective. In the first demonstrations of time-reversal with RF waves, analog-to-digital converters (ADC) were used, limiting the processing bandwidth. In the aim of reaching the GHz regime, the latency time becomes problematic because of the limited sampling rate of ADCs. Conversely, a fully analog solution has the advantage of avoiding this conversion step. At Institut Langevin, we design original analog architectures for processing optically-carried radiofrequency signals based on light-matter interaction in rare-earth ion-doped crystals. In particular we recently proposed an architecture able to generate controlled, time-reversed copies of arbitrary waveforms. The goal of the internship will be to advance the development of this time-reversal processor, first using arbitrary signals and then using real RF signals reverberated in a cavity.
Anne Louchet-Chauvet
01 80 96 30 42

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : IL: NCIS (New Concepts for Imaging and Sensing)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Inertial sensing based on optomechanical coupling in rare-earth-doped crystals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
The realization of a cryogenic, broadband, high-sensitivity accelerometer is a major challenge in many physics domains, from quantum technologies to seismology and gravitational wave detection. In rare-earth ion-doped crystals, well known for their very narrow optical transitions at low temperatures, and increasingly used in quantum technologies, the energy levels are coupled to the mechanical stress of the host matrix via the crystal field around the ion. We have recently demonstrated that this coupling can be exploited to provide a continuous optical measurement of the mechanical vibrations of a cryostat, with an already promising sensitivity and bandwidth. This measurement is based on the continuous interrogation of the optical transition with a monochromatic laser. The internship will consist in pushing the development of this sensor to achieve an ultra-sensitive, unidirectional and calibrated accelerometer.
Anne Louchet-Chauvet
01 80 96 30 42

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR7587
Team : IL: NCIS (New Concepts for Imaging and Sensing)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Thermal Hall effect in Bismuth
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
See pdf attached.
Arthur Marguerite
01 40 79 58 20

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR 8213
Team : Quantum Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Measurement of a transmission matrix in laser ultrasound
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Elastic wave investigations allow the evaluation of the mechanical properties in the media they propagated while being in a non-destructive regime. One possible method to extract such mechanical properties is through the measurement of the transmission matrix. This method has been already achieved successfully in optics and acoustics with transducer arrays but is more challenging to perform in laser ultrasonics. However, laser ultrasonics offer the advantage of a contactless measurement and a high spatial resolution that can be necessary in some media. The aim of this internship is thus to develop a novel approach that will tackle this difficulty in order to measure the transmission matrix of a sample in laser ultrasonics. To that end, the so-called wavefront shaping technique will be implemented with an SLM (spatial light modulator) to shape the excitation laser beam into various patterns in order to form different bases and acquire the transmission matrix. Its analysis will then reveal the media’s elastic properties. In parallel to this experimental work, theoretical work is necessary to estimate the transmission matrix dimensions needed for the characterization of the samples. The samples could vary from simple to complex media. This work can be extended with a PhD thesis, for which financing has been secured.
Sylvain Mezil

Laboratory : IL - UMR 7587
Team : Ondes en milieux complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Étude ab initio de l’impact de l’environnement atomique du nickel sur la couleur d’oxydes mixtes lithium-nickel-tungstène
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Stage en co-tutelle INSP / Saint-Gobain Recherche ---------------------------------------------- Un grand nombre de phases différentes peuvent être obtenues par synthèse inorganique de poudres en fonction de la composition choisie pour l’oxyde mixte lithium-nickel-tungstène. Au cours de ce stage, on se propose d’utiliser la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) pour modéliser la structure de bande électronique de plusieurs phases oxydes mixtes nickel-tungstène : certaines bien connues, d’autres nouvelles. Ces résultats serviront à relier l’environnement atomique local du nickel et les propriétés électroniques des matériaux à leurs couleurs. ---------------------------------------------- Poursuite en thèse CIFRE en cours de discussion.
Cynthia Fourmental
Laboratory : Saint-Gobain Recherche - UMR125
Team : Couches Minces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum optics in lattices of microcavities
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
When shining classical light onto a non-linear medium, intriguing quantum states of light can be generated such as squeezed states, single photon states or complex multiphoton entangled states. In the past years, theoretical physicists have proposed to use lattices of highly non-linear resonators to engineer spatial and temporal entanglement between photons. To date, a versatile and scalable experimental platform is still missing in the optical domain, where a great variety of applications are foreseen for quantum science and quantum technology. Our group at C2N has developed a unique expertise in designing photonic lattices of coupled non-linear semiconductor microcavities. We show, in Fig. 1, some examples of assemblies of coupled microcavities where light emulates the properties of electrons in a benzene molecule or in graphene The challenge we propose to tackle in this Internship and PhD work is to engineer interactions between photons that are strong enough (at the single photon level) to enter the quantum regime. To do so, we will optimize the non-linear medium and produce a new generation of non-linear semiconductor lattices using the state-of-the art nanotechnology tools that are available in the C2N clean room.
Sylvain Ravets

Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : Quantum Optics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Superfluid quantum gases in bubble traps
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This project is devoted to the study of the nonequilibrium dynamics of a superfluid trapped onto the surface of a bubble. One of the goals will be to create a second bubble concentric to the existant one, and transfer two rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates in each one. The subsequent studies will be part of an already ANR funded PhD, where one will rotate the quantum gas to create quantized vortices and study turbulence and more generally non-equilibrium dynamics in this curved two-dimensional space. The tunnel coupling between the two rotating superfluids will be also demonstrated and studied.
Laurent Longchambon
01 49 40 36 71

Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Condensats de Bose-Einstein
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Surface tension vs elasticity gradient
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we will conduct Finite Elements Simulations of soft materials with a surface topography, surface stresses, and a gradient of surface elasticity. We will use the software COMSOL, and put emphasis on understanding the effect of elasticity gradient on surface mechanics. The results will be directly compared with existing experimental results
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deciphering mechanical homeostasis with FEM
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we will conduct Finite Elements Simulations of local contractions inside homogeneous materials, and evaluate how stresses propagate as a function of material properties. We will use the software COMSOL, and put emphasis on understanding the link between material nonlinear properties and stress propagation. The results will be directly compared with ongoing experimental results.
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exceptional van Hoove singularities in cuprates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We propose a theoretical study on the effect of a novel kind of doping-driven topological change of the Fermi surface in cuprates, related to what we called an "exceptional Van Hove Singularity" (EVHS). This singularity can enhance the response of observables (like the specific heat and the Raman response) and trigger unconventional quantum phases (like the pseudogap in cuprates). This internship should complete our previous work ( and establish the effect of this phenomenon in different cuprate compounds, in comparison to recent key experiments. This work could develop into a thesis, where novel correlation-driven EVHS can be searched for in other quantum material systems, like heavy fermions, iron-based superconductors, organics, multi-layered graphene, to mention few. The thesis will take place within a MPQ (Paris Cité)-LPS (Paris-Saclay) collaboration.
Marcello Civelli

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction lumière-matière dans un capteur quantique destiné à l’imagerie du cerveau
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Mag4Health concoit un nouvel imageur du cerveau qui permet de visualiser non pas les tissus, mais les courants électriques qui circulent entre neurones. Ceci permet d'affiner le diagnostic de maladies telles que l’épilepsie, le trauma crânien ou l’Alzheimer. Cet imageur est constitué d’une matrice de capteurs quantiques, basés sur des atomes d’hélium à l'état métastable, dont le spin collectif est préparé par pompage optique avec un laser. Il est alors possible de réaliser une mesure vectorielle du champ magnétique avec une résolution record. Ce stage vise à préparer une 2ème génération de capteurs encore plus performants. Le stagiaire commencera par concevoir et réaliser des bancs optiques basés sur des lasers : le premier servira à caractériser l’élément sensible par des techniques de spectroscopie en absorption saturée, le deuxième à mesurer les différentes contributions de bruit provenant de l’interaction entre les atomes métastables et la lumière (bruit de spin, bruit de photons en amplitude et polarisation, bruits techniques…) Avec ces bancs le stagiaire explorera différents régimes, de manière à mieux comprendre leur physique, et identifier des gains de performances. Cette démarche sera encadrée par deux membres de l’équipe avec un background de physique atomique. Les résultats pourront faire l’objet de brevets et publications.
Agustin Palacios-Laloy
06 78 78 44 35

Laboratory : Startup issue du CEA Grenoble -
Team : Mag4Health
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Antibunching effect and squeezed light in a cold atom ensemble
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Cold atoms coupled to photons are a promising platform for quantum information, computation and communication. The light radiated by a quantum emitter, such as an atom, generally features quantum correlations and squeezing , which are at the heart of many applications in quantum technologies. While antibunching is the key ingredient for single photon sources, squeezed light is an important tool for sub shot noise quantum sensing. The goal on our experiment is to detect antibunching and squeezed light with many quantum emitters in a 3D system . This will be implemented and studied on our cold atom experiment, taking advantage of our experience with generating clouds of cold atoms with large optical thickness, a prerequisite for this project. The current collaboration with the group of Arno Rauschenbeutel will finally help to determine the experimental parameters needed to observe this antibunching effect.
Mathilde Hugbart
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR 7010
Team : Atomes froids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theoretical study of superluminal laser-plasma acceleration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The internship objective is to study the propagation of a superluminal and ultra-intense pulse in a plasma using a numerical code developed in the laboratory.
Cedric Thaury

Laboratory : LOA - UMR 7639
Team : Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Etude théorique et numérique de la transition quantique classique par une approche utilisant les marches aléatoires branchantes.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ce stage se propose d'explorer le lien entre l'équation de Schrödinger et la mécanique statistique des processus critiques, d'un point de vue théorique et numérique. Les développements formels -qui peuvent être vus comme l'étude de la quantification stochastique de Nelson dans le secteur non relativiste- s'appuieront sur des travaux relativement récents de Nagasawa et seront interprétés à la lumière de la théorie de l'onde pilote de Bohm. Les aspects numériques seront réalisés par une extension d'algorithmes de type "Diffusion Monte Carlo" du régime stationnaire au régime transitoire. On cherchera en particulier à reproduire numériquement le phénomène de "quantum carpet" avec ces outils, ainsi que la transition quantique/classique.
Eric Dumonteil

Laboratory : IRFU -
Team : Département de Physique Nucléaire
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Persistent random walks: Are bacterial trajectories optimal?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Random walks are a cornerstone of statistical physics. While Brownian motion has long been under scrutiny, there is a growing interest in a different type of motion: persistent walks. Examples abound in active matter and biological world, from self-propelled particles and crawling cells to foraging animals and a plethora of swimming micro-organisms. The statistical properties of such random motions are often unknown yet they play a key role in many vital functions of the organisms and ultimately in their survival. One striking instance of persistent random motion is the run-and-tumble of bacteria. Bouts of persistent motion ("run") are interspersed with sudden changes of direction ("tumble"). Recent research reveals that bacteria display a fascinating repertoire of swimming patterns, which differ in their run and tumble characteristics. Why? Which benefits come with each swimming strategy? The goal of the internship is to understand theoretically the statistical properties of run-and-tumble motion and assess their optimality.
François Detcheverry
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum computing with driven dissipative superconducting circuits
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
This internship, that is a first step towards a PhD in collaboration with Alice&Bob, is on the topic of experimental quantum computing with superconducting circuits. Our team builds quantum bit (qubits) that are intrinsically protected against certain types of errors. The goal of this internship is to implement a two-qubit gate between two protected superconducting qubits. The outstanding challenge is that this gate must not break the built-in protection. If this challenge is met, we will have demonstrated all the building blocks to implement a fully protected logical qubit. The candidate will work on qubit design, mounting chips in a cryogenic setup and data acquisition and analysis.
Zaki Leghtas
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Quantic
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Anderson localization of light in three dimensions with cold atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
After the prediction by Anderson of a disorder-induced conductor to insulator transition for electrons, light has been proposed as ideal non interacting waves to explore coherent transport properties in the absence of interactions. Previous studies on Anderson localization of light using semiconductor powders or dielectric particles have shown that intrinsic material properties, such as absorption or inelastic scattering of light, need to be taken into account in the interpretation of experimental signatures of Anderson localization. Laser-cooled clouds of atoms avoid the problems of samples used so far to study Anderson localization of light. Ab initio theoretical models have shown that a high spatial density of the scattering sample might allow to observe Anderson localization of photons in three dimensions. An alternative proposal suggests to use additional diagonal disorder, which can be realised via a speckle field. In this project, we propose to study experimentally these routes towards Anderson localization of light in three dimensions.
Robin Kaiser

Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR 7010
Team : Atomes froids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probabilistic description of chaotic deterministic systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The dynamics of chaotic systems exhibit an extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. Even the slightest variations between initially close trajectories lead to exponential separation over time, rendering long-term predictions exceedingly challenging. A famous example is the long-term motion of the inner planets in the Solar System. Despite the deterministic nature of these systems, their behavior ultimately evolves into a state of actual randomness on long time scales. Consequently, it becomes necessary to establish a statistical description, framed in terms of a probability density defined over the phase space of the dynamics. In the conventional Monte Carlo approach, the probability density of physical observables is estimated from a large ensemble of numerical integrations of the equations of motion. The internship opportunity presented here aims to explore an alternative approach to address the probabilistic description of chaotic dynamics.
Federico Mogavero
Laboratory : IMCCE - UMR 8028
Team : Astronomy and Dynamical Systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Waveguide-QED - combining cold atoms and nanophotonics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Controlling light-matter interaction at the single-quantum level is a long-standing goal in optical physics, with applications to quantum optics and quantum information science. However, single photons usually do not interact with each other and the interaction needs to be mediated by an atomic system. Enhancing this coupling has been the driving force for a large community over the past two decades. In contrast to the cavity-QED approach where the interaction is enhanced by a cavity around the atoms, strong transverse confinement in single-pass nanoscale waveguides recently triggered various investigations for coupling guided light and cold atoms. Specifically, a subwavelength waveguide can provide a large evanescent field that can interact with atoms trapped in the vicinity. An atom close to the surface can absorb a fraction of the guided light as the effective mode area is comparable with the atom cross-section. This emerging field known as waveguide-QED promises unique applications to quantum networks, quantum non-linear optics and quantum simulation. Recently, the LKB team pushed the field for the first time into the quantum regime by creating an entangled state of an array of atoms coupled to such a waveguide. Two experiments are dedicated to this waveguide-QED effort and internships/PhD projects are proposed on both of them.
Alban Urvoy
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Quantum Networks
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Hybrid and non-Gaussian optical quantum state engineering
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The use of light in quantum information processing and networks has historically been split between two communities. On one side is the continuous-variable (CV) approach, which treats optical fields as waves. On the other side is the discrete-variable (DV) approach, harnessing the properties of individual photons. By considering a hybrid approach bridging the two, one could envision quantum architectures where the two encodings can be for instance interchanged fittingly to the task at hand. In this hybrid quantum optics context, the LKB team demonstrated the first engineering of hybrid entanglement of light, i.e. entanglement between particle- and wave-like optical qubits. This novel resource enabled then to demonstrate the remote state preparation of cat-state qubits and recently the teleportation between different encodings, realizing thereby a first quantum-bit encoding converter. The research of the group is now focusing into two directions. The first one aims at harnessing further the unique benefits of the hybrid optical approach for quantum connections, to develop optical quantum connections versatile enough to connect different physical quantum platforms and faithfully carry a broad range of quantum states. The second direction builds on the high-fidelity non-gaussian resources available on the experimental setup and aims at the realization of complex optical non-gaussian states that can find applications in bosonic error correcting codes.
Alban Urvoy
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Quantum Networks
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum-repeater architecture with high-performance optical memories
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Central to the development of long-distance quantum communications is the concept of quantum repeater. It consists in dividing a long communication channel into various shorter segments over which entanglement can be faithfully distributed. Adjacent segments are then connected by entanglement swapping operations. To be scalable, this approach requires quantum memories, which enable quantum states to be stored at each intermediate node. In this context, the LKB team developed a large cold atomic ensemble based on an elongated magneto-optical trap (3-cm long), enabling 90% efficiency for entanglement storage between two memories. This is the state-of-the-art in term of storage-and-retrieval efficiency for a quantum memory, regardless of the physical platform considered. The work is now focusing on two directions. A first one is to improve other figures of merit, including storage lifetime and multimode capacity. A second one is the demonstration of a 50-km telecom quantum repeater link relying on two distant quantum memories and frequency non-degenerate photon pair sources.
Alban Urvoy
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Quantum Networks
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Organs-on-chips based on textile microfluidics: new materials for new applications
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Microfluidics and microfabrication have recently undergone an explosive development in biology. They allow to position, address and study cells with an unprecedented accuracy and resolution. A particular promising application is the development of “Organs-On-Chip” (OOC), reproducing the structure, physiology and functions of tissues and organs. This has enormous potential for research and for drug and toxicity testing, as an intermediate between conventional in vitro culture and animal models, but also as a way to avoid problems in translation from animals to humans in drug development, thanks to the use of OOC based on human cells. We have developed in our team a new technology, “textile microfluidics”. In short, it amounts to combine textile and microfluidic technologies to prepare microfluidic systems involving a textile-based support, which brings to the system its architecture, mechanical stability and resistance while preserving the flexibility required by many organs. This interdisciplinary project will be developed in the team “Macromolecules and Microsystems in Biology and Medicine” with strong interaction with ENSAIT in Roubaix, the National Superior Engineering school and research center of Textile technologies, fully dedicated to the development and teaching of textile technologies at the highest level. The project, mostly experimental, will require knowledge in biomaterials and cell culture, curiosity for new fields and ability to work in team.
Vivian Aubert
Laboratory : Physical Chemistry Curie -
Team : MMBM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Local THz photons for coherent light-matter interaction
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship is focused on the realization of a frequency converter utilizing the inherent non-linearities of thin film superconductors. In the long term, this on-chip frequency converter will allow the development of a platform for THz spectroscopy at the mesoscopic scale. The goal of the thesis will be to study collective excitations such as magnons in graphene or vibrational modes in proteins.
Alexis Jouan
Laboratory : LPEM - UMR 8213
Team : Optical Conductivity Group
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Innovative concepts for particles plasma acceleration in laser – overdense plasma interaction at ultra high intensity
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The present PHD work aims at exploring theorically and numerically the generation of fast particle beams in ultra relativistic (abobve 1021 W/cm2) laser-overdense solid interaction by using properly-structured or shaped targets. Surface characteristics inducing local electromagnetic modes more intense than the laser field and where nonlinear and relativistic effects play a major role will be investigated. It may lead to groundbreaking ultra-short synchronized light and electron sources with applications in probing ultrafast electronic processes. In this context, this theoretical and numerical study will allow to suggest new experimental schemes feasible on the Apollon facility and multi-PW lasers.
Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Spectroscopie théorique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Elucidating strongly correlated materials with noisy quantum computers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Strongly correlated materials are, by definition, materials for which easy classical computational approaches, such as mean-field theory, break down: they are typically unable to explain the exotic quantum phases that these materials display. To explain those phenomena, exponentially costly algorithms (Lanczos method, Monte-Carlo approaches, tensor-network methods) have been developed over the years, but still fail to reach physically interesting regimes due to their cost. Quantum computers have been proposed to circumvent this exponential hurdle: thanks to their quantum properties, they provide, at least on paper, fast (polynomial) algorithms to tackle strongly correlated materials. In reality, however, the levels of noise inherent to current and near-term quantum processors severely challenge the promises of quantum computing. The goal of this internship is to develop algorithmic methods to extend the reach of classical algorithms thanks to quantum algorithms. The approach will be to identify the most promising candidates on both classical and quantum sides and devise hybrid methods that play on their respective strengths. A typical first direction will be the use of (classical) embedding methods such as dynamical mean field theory and solve it using quantum algorithms possibly supplemented with classical algorithms, such as tensor networks or Monte-Carlo algorithms.
Michel Ferrero
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Condensed Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring the interiors of ice giant planets with atomistic simulations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The internship offers the possibility to study materials at high pressures and temperatures as found in ice giant planets such as Uranus, Neptune and their exoplanetary analogues. You will learn the foundations of the atomistic simulation technique we apply in our research – density functional theory molecular dynamics. We will compute thermodynamic, structural, and transport properties of hydrogen sulfide using high-performance computing clusters. At the same time, you will gain some insights on planetary modeling and high-pressure experiments (e.g. at LULI 2000).
Mandy Bethkenhagen
Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mechanics and physics of geological folds via sheet compression
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Typical length-scales of geological folds are widely distributed (from centimeters to kilometers) and their morphology is diverse. We will use mechanical and physical experiments to gain a better understanding of the formation of geological folds and figure out the elementary mechanisms that create them. Our approach is based on elastic plates as model systems, taking advantage of our past knowledge of slender structures. We will focus on a layer and/or multi-layers, immersed or not in a fluid, under compression and/or bending.
Stéphanie Deboeuf
Laboratory : Institut d'Alembert -
Team : Fluides Complexes et Instabilités Hydrodynamiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultracold Fermi liquids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Le projet de ce stage théorique est d'étudier le comportement des gaz quantiques fermioniques hors d'équilibre. Cette thématique de recherche qui remonte aux débuts de la physique quantique à N corps a pris une importance nouvelle grâce au dynamisme des expériences d'atomes froids. Les nouvelles technologies de piégeage par laser, notamment les boîtes à atomes, permettent d'obtenir des gaz de fermions extrêmement propres et malléables, qui peuvent ainsi mettre à l'épreuve notre compréhension fondamentale de la matière quantique. Dans sa phase normale, et en régime d'interaction modéré, le système peut se décrire comme un gaz dilué de quasiparticules: un liquide de Fermi. L'objectif du stage sera de calculer les paramètres de ce liquide de Fermi (la relation de dispersion et la fonction d'interaction des quasiparticules) au second ordre en la force des interactions. On résoudra ensuite l'équation de transport de manière exacte pour en déduire la forme des modes collectifs (ondes sonores ou ondes de polarisation dans le cas d'un mélange inégal de spin up et down). L'analyse des résultats théoriques se fera en lien étroit avec les mesures expérimentales (notamment du groupe de Yale), et on se demandera quelles déviations au régime liquide de Fermi les expériences sont susceptibles d'observer.
Hadrien Kurkjian
Laboratory : LPTMC - UMR7600
Team : États quantiques de la matière
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Bruit du papier froissé
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L'objectif du stage est d'élucider le bruit sec et intense associé au froissement d'une feuille, d'un film ou d'une plaque, au cours duquel l'énergie élastique se concentre en déformations singulières (plis, cônes, etc...) qui évoluent et s'accompagnent souvent d'endommagement plastique. L’enjeu de la compréhension fine de ce phénomène est de déterminer dans quelle mesure la signature acoustique de ce type d’évènement élastique violent peut permettre d’en déterminer les causes (énergie libérée, type de singularité, localisation) mais aussi éventuellement les propriétés élastiques et dissipatives du matériau. Une première étape de ce stage sera de caractériser expérimentalement le rayonnement acoustique dans l’air d’ondes élastiques générées dans une plaque mince et de le confronter à la théorie du rayonnement. Des ondes d’amplitude finie seront ensuite employées pour caractériser le rayonnement de plaque dans un régime non-linéaire de déformation. Finalement, des défauts que l’on retrouve sur les films froissés seront créés et annihilés à la surface d’une plaque et le son résultant de leur formation ou de leur disparition sera enregistré et analysé grâce à la compréhension des études précédentes. Ces expériences pourront bénéficier au besoin de la chambre anéchoïque du laboratoire. Nous recherchons une étudiante ou un étudiant motivé par les expériences et les problématiques multiphysiques (acoustique, élasticité, singularités).
Régis Wunenburger
Laboratory : Institut d'Alembert -
Team : Fluides Complexes et Instabilités Hydrodynamiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Retournement temporel des ondes amplifié (par « freezing » gravitaire)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Nous avons introduit un nouveau concept permettant le retournement temporel des ondes appelé Miroirs Temporels Instantanés (MTI). Le principe s’appuie sur une modification brusque la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans un milieu pour induire la production d’ondes retournées temporellement qui se refocalisent sur les sources. Nous avons également implémenté ce concept avec des ondes hydrodynamiques. L’application brutale d’un pic d’accélération verticale permet de générer un MTI sur les ondes de surface qui se refocalisent sur la source. Récemment, l’équipe de Nader Engheta (Penn State Univ., USA) avec qui nous collaborons, a montré théoriquement qu’il était possible de générer un MTI en électromagnétisme avec un pulse de permittivité négative [2]. Durant ce pulse, les ondes, qui se propageaient dans le milieu, s’immobilisent et croissent de façon exponentielle. Lorsque le pulse s’arrête, les ondes amplifiées repartent dans le sens de propagation initiale mais également de façon contra-propagative en « remontant le temps » jusqu’à leur source initiale. Le but de ce stage est de réaliser avec des ondes hydro ce concept en accélérant verticalement le liquide. Il s’agit de monter l’expérience et de caractériser le phénomène (notamment l’amplification). Ce stage peut être poursuivi en thèse dans des expériences de contrôle temporel des ondes (financement Fondation Simons).
Emmanuel Fort
Laboratory : IL - UMR 7587
Team : Ondes en milieux complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
A non-quantum computer based on a coherent Ising machine
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Quantum Machines
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Quantum computing, and quantum-inspired computing, could be the new frontier in answering complex optimization problems that are historically unsolvable on classical computers. Today’s fastest computers may take millennia to conduct highly complex calculations (NP-hard problems), including combinatorial optimization problems involving many variables. The Coherent Ising Machine (CIM) is the most promising solution to date. The aim of this project is to implement a CIM with water waves and controllable electrostriction. Using little modulated electric rod above the surface it is possible to create “spins” with arbitrary phase and positions. This project is experimental and aim to build this wave computer. It is possible to pursue with a funded thesis.
Emmanuel Fort
Laboratory : IL - UMR 7587
Team : Ondes en milieux complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Generating light with phonons in 2D materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Phonons are the quanta of vibrations in a crystalline lattice. When a solid-state system is subjected to an external excitation, its relaxation to thermodynamic equilibrium generates phonons, which propagate and encounter scattering events at the origin of heat diffusion. The phonon relaxation dynamics is thus mostly non-radiative, and phonons are usually considered only as a dissipative reservoir. This project deals with the demonstration of light generation by phonons.
Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum metrology using the collective degrees of freedom of single photons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Perola Milman

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Stability of Thin liquid films: silicone coatings for glass
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Coatings of liquids on surfaces such as glass are commonly used in manufacturing processes. The stability and homogeneity of these liquid films is of course crucial to these applications. In the case of silicone oils coating glass, a rough estimate of the long-range interactions such as Van der Waals’ shows that such films should bear a uniform thickness at equilibrium: repulsive interactions should tend to a flat thick film. However, in practical situation, initially heterogeneous films never get uniform in a timely manner. As examples, defects on glass substrates lead to thickness heterogeneities that grow over time rather than heal (Figure, left). When starting from a collection of droplets sprayed onto a flat substrate (shown as dark blue disks in Fig/right), a nanometer-thick film first spreads around the droplets (yellow and cyan), and delays the spreading and coalescence of the droplets. The internship aims at gaining insights into the behavior of silicone oil on glass and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the time evolution of such coatings. To do so, model systems will be used (plane glass or silicon wafers, well-characterized silicone oils), and experimental set-ups will be developed, in order to measure and model the time variation of silicone oil coatings at all scales.
Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Foam stability : from bubbles in a macro foam to single liquid films
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Processes involving liquids often face unwanted foaming issues (eg lubrication), while foaming is instead desired when intimate mixing of gas and liquid phases is needed (eg. chemical reaction with O2). Hence, controlling the bubble lifetime is crucial to applications. Extensive studies have been conducted on aqueous foams stabilized by surfactants, and have unveiled intricate mechanisms due to molecular adsorption of surfactants at the air/liquid interface. Recently, foaming of liquid mixtures has emerged as a model system to isolate some of the physical mechanisms ensuring bubble stability. Indeed, interfacial effects due to evaporation can be minimized, delays in interfacial adsorption are suppressed, thereby reducing the couplings between bulk and interface transfers. In addition, foaming of liquid mixtures is relevant to a large number of practical situation in which foams exist without adding surfactants. The internship aims at further describing the physical mechanisms acting to stabilize foams of two mixed liquids [1]. To do so, we will perform experiments to quantitatively relate the lifetime of a bubble in a macroscopic column of foam (Fig A) to that of a single suspended liquid film (Fig B). We will particularly explore the effects of the bubble radius which sets the curvature and hence the capillary pressure gradients. These experiments will be analyzed and interpreted to improve our understanding of the stabilizing mechanisms in oil foams.
Laboratory : SIMM - ESPCI - UMR7615
Team : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Single-molecule biophysics of membrane proteins & emergent functionality
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
We are interested in deciphering nanoscale conformations and membrane organizing principles of cell-signaling receptors and membrane transporter proteins. To this end, we have multiple openings (funded positions) to explore the influence of conformations and protein-protein interactions in emergent cell functions. We employ transdisciplinary approach combining biochemistry (for in-vitro protein reconstitution), synthetic biology (such as click-chemistry for site-specific fluorescence labeling), and advanced optical methods (single-molecule FRET, single particle tracking) to investigate physics of living systems.
Raju Regmi
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Membrane et Fonctions Cellulaires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring Membrane Phase Separation Dynamics Modulated by Active Actin Networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
In this project, we aim to understand how molecular motors that exert forces at the interface between lipid membranes and the actin biopolymer structures can simultaneously re-organize the actin biopolymer and modulate the lipid mobility.
Feng-Ching Tsai
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Membrane et Fonctions Cellulaires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
From biased molecular simulations to unbiased free energy landscapes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Computing free-energy landscapes is a very effective approach for describing complex systems. Unfortunately, free energies reconstructed from short simulations can suffer from large uncertainties, requiring very long and costly simulations, or making them simply impossible to obtain. However, simulations can be made much more efficient by adding specially designed external forces (“biases”). The goal of this project is to compute reliable, unbiased free-energy landscapes and longtime kinetics from local statistics collected in biased MD simulations. The approach builds upon work from the group of Fabio Pietrucci at IMPMC and Jérôme Hénin at Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique, IBPC. We will start from an existing approach to fit Langevin models to unbiased dynamics [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 18, 4639, 2022]. This approach will be extended to simple cases with known static external potentials to validate the principle of the approach. To that effect, the local dynamics will be corrected to remove the effect of the external bias, to recover the properties of the underlying unbiased dynamics. Once that approach is validated, it can be extended to adaptive biasing methods used in applications to complex materials and biological molecules, like the dissociation of a ligand from a protein in water solution.
Fabio Pietrucci

Laboratory : IMPMC - UMR 7590
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Physics and mechanics of deflatable reinforced structures
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Two layers of inextensible fabric may be seamed together along lines to define a network of inflatable channels. When pressurized, the initially flat device deploys into a three dimensional shape controlled by the detailed design of the pneumatic network. For some applications, such devices need reinforcement by an internal skeleton. We propose to explore the behavior of grid-like 3D printed structures trapped in an air-tight bag of fabric. As air is sucked out of the bag, the fabric penetrates the cells defined by the walls of the grid. The resulting forces tend to crush the cells, resulting in macroscopic dimensional variations and overall shape change. We propose to explore the physical parameters that rule these model deflatable reinforced systems. How should the material of the containing bag and of the skeleton be chosen to maximise the achievable deformations? How should one choose the geometry of the internal reinforcing structure to give rise to a target shape? What are the overall mechanical properties of the activated structures? Can one imagine large scale realisations? We will combine model experiments and minimal mathematical models to provide answers to these questions.
Etienne Reyssat

Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
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Laccoliths in the lab
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Laccoliths are hills formed by intrusion of magma under deformable rock layers. Inspired by this geological system, we have studied the growth of liquid pockets under elastomeric membranes using a model system in the laboratory (see figure). The deformations fields are measured through the deformation of a checkerboard pattern placed below the experimental system. Earlier work focused on the spreading and coalescence of such "elastic" drops, in a lubrication regime where the fluid layer remains very flat. We now wish to address new questions more closely related to the geologic inspiration system: i) What is the role of adhesion of the elastic layer to its support, and how does this affect the aspect ratio of the bump formed? ii) Can the covering membrane exhibit wrinkling when deformed? We propose to explore experimentally and theoretically, at the laboratory scale, the formation and dynamics of these peculiar "drops".
Etienne Reyssat

Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum metrology using the collective degrees of freedom of single photons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The 2022 Nobel prize celebrated the confirmation of fundamental properties of quantum mechanics which are essentially different from classical ones, namely, the possibility of having non-local correlations inferred through local measurements at particles. Such experiments were conducted measuring a discrete degree of freedom of single photons, their polarization. However, polarization, as any other degree of freedom associated to the electromagnetic field is neither quantum nor classical. How come it is possible to reveal quantum properties by its measurement? In this case, the fact of dealing with single photons is essential, since their statistical properties are inherited by the measured degree of freedom. By pursuing these lines, we have recently unveiled how this field-mode non-separability leads to the definition of continuous variables associated to single photons. The goal of this internship is to adapt theoretical tools we recently developed for continuous variables to discrete modes of single photons of dimension higher than 2 in the context of quantum metrology and other applications. We’ll try to define collective variables, as a total spin, associated to N single photons and identify how they provide different metrological advantage.
Perola Milman

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation of laser-produced magnetized collisionless shocks and associated particle acceleration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Context: Collisionless shocks are ubiquitous in the Universe. Charged particles can be accelerated to high energies by collisionless shock waves in astrophysical environments, such as supernova remnants. With the development of high-power lasers and magnetic field generation, laboratory experiments can play a central role in bridging the gap between theoretical models and astrophysical observations by providing data that helps us to improve our understanding of shock formation, as well as the associated particle energization mechanism [1-3]. Proposed work: The internship is part of an ongoing effort of investigating laser-produced collisionless shocks in a magnetic field of tens of Tesla, both experimentally with high-power lasers worldwide, e.g., LULI2000 (FR), VULCAN (UK), and TITAN (US); and numerically with fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations performed with the code SMILEI [4].
Julien Fuchs

Laboratory : LULI - UMR 7605
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation of the laser cross-talk in a magnetized plasma
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Context: Plasma is a non-linear medium [1], where light waves can couple to plasma waves. There exists a whole range of laser-plasma interaction (LPI) phenomena, from filamentation, stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), to cross-talk and braiding between laser beams [2] or cross-beam energy transfer (CBET) [3] between neighbor laser beams. Improving our knowledge of all these effects is not only important from a fundamental perspective, but also from a practical one in the frame of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), where it is critical that as much as possible of the laser energy be transferred homogeneously to the fuel. Proposed work: The internship is part of an ongoing effort of investigating laser propagation and LPI in a magnetic field of tens of Tesla [4], both experimentally with high-power lasers worldwide, e.g., LULI2000 (FR) and TITAN (US); and numerically with fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations performed with the code SMILEI [5] and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations with the code FLASH [6]. References: [1] Turnbull, D., et al., PRL 118, 015001 (2017). [2] Nakatsutsumi, M., et al., Nat. Phys. 6, 1010 (2010). [3] Michel, P., et al. Phys. Plas. 17, 056305 (2010). [4] Yao, W., et al. PRL 130, 265101 (2023). [5] Derouillat, J., et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 222, 351-373 (2018) [6] Fryxell, B., et al. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 131.1, 273 (2000)
Julien Fuchs

Laboratory : LULI - UMR 7605
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
LISA is a future space-based detector that will fly in the mid-2030s and detect gravitational waves at low frequencies, targeting massive black hole binaries with masses of millions of solar masses. These signals will be extremely loud compared to the detections of stellar-mass black holes by LIGO/Virgo, and LISA will bring us in an era of high-precision gravitational-wave astronomy, enabling tests of general relativity (GR) with an unprecedented precision. However, most simulations of LISA data analysis work with an idealized instrument. In reality, the data will be complex, with non-stationarities and glitches, and with superposed signals. Hence the question we will address in this internship: could we mistake superposed signals or instrumental artefacts with deviations from GR ? Can we design workarounds in our analysis, to unleash LISA’s full potential ? The internship will be undertaken in the GW group at the L2IT in Toulouse, which is composed by internationally well-known researchers, and currently counts 3 postdocs, 4 PhD students and 3 software engineers. Weekly interactions with group members and other L2IT members will expose the student to a highly dynamical envirnmeoment where the she/he will be able to affine her/his research skills.
Nicola Tamanini
Laboratory : L2IT - UMR5033
Team : L2IT : Ondes Gravitationnelles
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gravitational waves constitute a new observational instruments which convey new information about our Universe and its structures in a completely complementary way with respect to standard electromagnetic observations. In particular gravitational waves emitted by the mergers of black hole and neutron star binaries can be used to test how fast the universe expands at different epochs of its evolution. Consequently different cosmological models can be tested with gravitational waves, with new possible insights into the contemporary mysteries of the Universe such as dark energy, dark matter, the Hubble tension, and others. This internship project aims at investigating standard and alternative scenarios describing the evolution of our Universe using gravitational-wave observations from current and next generation gravitational-wave observatories. The student will become familiar with the basics of the theory of gravitational waves and with Bayesian statistical inference, she/he will get acquainted with some of the advanced theoretical and computational state-of-the-art techniques used in gravitational-wave cosmology. She/he will also have the opportunity to work within the framework of large international collaborations dedicated to observe gravitational waves, in particular the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration, the LISA Consortium and the Einstein Telescope Consortium.
Nicola Tamanini
Laboratory : L2IT - UMR5033
Team : L2IT : Ondes Gravitationnelles
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
One of the most significant challenges in cosmology is the difference in Hubble constant values resulting from different measurement methods. Gravitational waves (GWs) offer an independent approach to determine the Hubble constant and resolve this discrepancy. The key to employing GWs for cosmological purposes lies in the direct measurement of the source’s distance through GWs, which can then be combined with the redshift of the galaxy from which the GW originated. Even when the exact host galaxy cannot be identified, considering all possible host candidates allows for a reliable estimate. By aggregating numerous such estimates from various GW events, we can progressively approach a resolution of the Hubble tension. During the ongoing observation period of the GW detector network, we are already detecting sources at distances where our knowledge of galaxies may not be detailed enough to provide an accurate Hubble constant estimate. In this project, you will investigate the potential benefits of collaborating with astronomical telescopes to conduct spectroscopic observations, obtaining more precise redshift values for galaxies. You will learn how gravitational-wave cosmology works, what are the capabilities of state-of-the-art telescopes, how to combine GW data with EM observations, and how to work in a large international collaboration. Based on this study, a partnership between the global GW detector network and some of the world’s largest telescopes could be established.
Nicola Tamanini
Laboratory : L2IT - UMR5033
Team : L2IT : Ondes Gravitationnelles
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory and modeling of phase-transition mechanisms via order parameters and Langevin equations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The research work is in the context of a fundamental theoretical challenge: mastering the projection of the high-dimensional phase-space dynamics of a system of >1000 atoms on 1 order parameter, a coarse-graining procedure that leads to a mathematical description in terms of Langevin equations (stochastic differential equations). Such projection is a key tool to study phase transitions, but also other activated processes in biophysics (e.g., protein folding or protein-drug interaction), chemistry (reactions in solution), nanoscience, and so on. This tool has many advantages, since it yields a physically intuitive (no black box) and parsimonious model of a complex phenomenon, while keeping rigorous mathematical foundations and preserving the real free-energy landscape and kinetic rates. The internship builds upon an intense research activity in the host group over the last years (see The goal will be to advance the theoretical understanding and the exploitation of Langevin models as applied to a fundamental phase-transition mechanism, the nucleation of a critical solid cluster (and eventually of a solid phase) from a liquid. Notwithstanding the severe failure of simplified descriptions in terms of classical nucleation nucleation theory, the candidate will contribute to solve the open problem of faithfully modelling the nucleation mechanism of a realistic, complex system.
Fabio Pietrucci

Laboratory : IMPMC - UMR 7590
Team Website
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Ultrasensitive detection of proteins and nucleic acids using luminescent nanoparticles: link between sensitivity gain and molecular interaction force
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
We have developed a highly sensitive, easy-to-use, and versatile detection method using luminescent YVO4:Eu nanoparticles as probes, enabling the detection of both proteins and nucleic acids. Our method uses a protocol similar to that of existing immunoassays and is 20 to 1,000 times more sensitive than existing methods. The aim of this internship is to elucidate why and how the gain in sensitivity achieved by our method depends on the target molecule to be detected and, in particular, on the molecular interactions with the recognition molecules.
Antigoni Alexandrou
Laboratory : Laboratoire d'optique et Bioscience - UMR7645
Team : LOB
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective effects in fish
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The collective behavior of fish is an astonishing example of coordinated movement that forms spontaneously on a large scale despite limited communication between individuals. In situ studies have identified the benefit of such schooling behavior: energy saving for swimming, visual effect for fighting a predator. Recently, experimental studies have also made it possible to test interaction models between individuals in a simple environment. Some phases of collective movements have been characterized by different dynamic models of non-equilibrium systems. We have recently proposed a model, purely orientational, which shows the gain in rheotaxis performance in the presence of collective interactions. For this internship, we propose a numerical work. The objective of the internship is to study the dynamics of groups of fish in 3D. A preliminary work has already been carried out and shows the emergence of new phases that appear and do not exist in 2D (i.e. the majority of models published in the literature) like elongated milling structures or turning phases that appear because of the third dimension. A phenomenon that has to be understood!
Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Challenging collective behavior of fish: evacuation through two doors
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
The collective behavior of fish is an astonishing example of coordinated movement that emerges spontaneously on a large scale despite limited communication between individuals. Recently, we have challenged the collective behavior of fish by forcing the fish school to pass through a bottleneck. This experiment revealed that, unlike humans, fish still respect social distance upon emergency evacuation which renders the evacuation more efficient. To go further and reveal cognitive effects, we want to repeat the evacuation experiments but with two openings. By varying the opening size and the distance between them, we aim at characterizing the gregarious instinct of fish.
Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Evacuation of a crowd, the fish-bubble analogy
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
We are interested in the case of schools of fish and more particularly in their evacuation through an opening of a size comparable to the size of the fish. We have recently shown that the escape of fish is analogous to that of bubbles. We would like to further explore this analogy and its limits. The aim of the internship will be to analyze the statistics of evacuation time intervals, in the same way as we did for fish, and see whether the model proposed for fish is valid for bubbles. The physical questions are many and open: how intermittent is bubble evacuation? Can we observe blocking phenomena such as those seen with active particles or grains? What are the interactions between slits and their consequences on bubble evacuation rates?
Aurélie Dupont
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Phase-space approach to primordial non-Gaussianities
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Internship supervised by Lucas Pinol and Vincent Vennin
Vincent Vennin
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Gravitation and Cosmology
Team Website
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Far field energy distribution control using a coherent beam combining femtosecond digital laser
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Coherent Beam Combining (CBC) of fiber lasers is a promising technique to scale-up peak and average powers of laser systems with beam shaping capabilities. XCAN is a CBC fs fiber digital laser based on 61 tiled channels stacked in a hexagonal arrangement and operating in both high peak & average power regimes. Tiled aperture offers high agility in terms of far field beam shaping as each channel is seen as an individual pixel where amplitude & phase are controlled independently. However, the periodic intensity distribution of the array beams in the near field gives rise to low-intensities side-lobes. Thus, the combined beam corresponds only to the main lobe of the far field pattern. The combining efficiency is defined as the power in this central lobe over the average power in the far field. The aim of this internship is to explore different phase, intensity and polarization patterns as a tool for far field shaping on demand and to further improve the efficiency achievable with tiled aperture CBC. The candidate shall investigate patterns capable of re-steering the maximum of energy into the main lobe. He/she will develop codes for CBC numerical simulation. Iterative computing approaches like the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, deep learning, neural network and genetic algorithms allow computing the required phase and intensity modulation to be applied on the near field to produce a predefined target far field distribution. Experimental demonstration on XCAN shall be performed.
Jean-christophe Chanteloup

Laboratory : LULI - 7605
Team : XCAN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Search for new physics through the Higgs boson pair production
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
The 2012 Nobel Prize-winning Higgs boson discovery, made by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is considered one of the most significant breakthroughs in high-energy particle physics. This observation opened the gateway to a deeper understanding of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model (SM) and the electroweak symmetry-breaking mechanism. The landscape of Higgs boson physics has expanded significantly since then. In this context, the associated production of two Higgs bosons has become highly relevant, particularly for providing direct access to the trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling, λHHH, and consequently, to the shape of the Higgs potential. Furthermore, many models beyond the SM (BSM) predict the possibility of deviations in λHHH from the SM prediction, which could be observable in the LHC data. The goal of the M2 project is to offer the best constraints or hints regarding new physics by studying Higgs boson pair production in the HH → bbττ final state. The student will join the ongoing efforts of the local team and contribute to the development of the analysis framework and strategy for characterizing and extracting potential BSM signals. The student will conduct the proposed analysis using the proton-proton collision data set recorded by the CMS detector during the ongoing LHC Run 3 at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 13.6 TeV.
Roberto Salerno
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Constraining new physics in CMS diboson measurements using effective field theory
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
The goal of the project is to study the effect of EFT operators in diboson processes involving W and Z bosons and photons. The student will generate signal events using a Monte Carlo event generator, use reweighting techniques in order to model the EFT effects, and then perform sensitivity studies to identify new observables for CMS data analysis. As a further step, the separation of the EFT signal from the SM backgrounds will be optimized. For this, novel machine learning techniques can be developed, and compared to traditional approaches.
Andrew Gilbert
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Strongly interacting clouds of few ultracold atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Low dimension physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this intership, we will explore the physics of rotating clouds of few ultracold atoms with the perspective of realizing topological strongly-interacting quantum phases of matter
Jérôme Beugnon
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : LKB - Bose-Einstein condensates
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum many-body effects in the design of materials for photovoltaics.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The behavior of charge excitations in materials is a key process for optoelectronics technology, that raises numerous fundamental questions. In the field of photovoltaics (PV), semiconductor models based on the independent-particle picture can give precious insight but depend on adjustable parameters and are tailored to specific classes of materials. This limits their capability to make reliable predictions and to profit from the opportunities offered by many-body phenomena to achieve a breakthrough in the improvement of device efficiency. Electron-hole coupling, hot electrons coupled to phonons, and multiple exciton generation, are all challenging effects of the electronic interactions that can be turned into novel pathways for improved solar cells. Studying these effects will be at the core of an internship, which will be carried out in the theoretical spectroscopy group at LSI. For more information please visit: The project will be in collaboration with Matteo Gatti and Lucia Reining.
Vitaly Gorelov
Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Spectroscopie théorique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanoparticle synthesis by nanosecond repetitively pulsed plasma discharges
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The portable, on-demand, and point-of-use (POP) synthesis of nanoparticles (NP) can improve the feasibility of mobile applications requiring such materials. For exam-ple, research in nanoenergetic materials includes using NP in liquid fuels to reduce pol-lutant emissions such as CO2. For electric propulsion in space, NP have been explored as alternative propellants. Conventional techniques for NP synthesis generally operate at local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and are not appropriate for POP NP synthesis. However, fast, efficient, finely-controlled synthesis using a simple and compact platform may be possible with nanosecond repetitively pulsed (NRP) discharges that initiate non-LTE chemistry to promote nucleation and growth. This project will seek to demonstrate the efficacy NRP discharges for NP synthesis and develop a detailed, quantitative understanding of the synthesis mechanism. These goals will be achieved by linking the properties of the plasma, the products, and the reactive medium through tightly coordinated experiments centered on in situ laser diagnostics of spatio-temporal NP growth by using spontaneous Raman spectroscopy and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy, as well as optical emission spectroscopy to determine plasma properties. Finally, we will develop a detailed, quantitative model of NP growth, which may involve molecular dynamics simulations or theoretical modeling.
David Pai

Laboratory : LPP - UMR7648
Team : Low Temperature Plasmas
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Power Production in living systems: a biomimetic model of optimisation constrained by resource management
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
animal locomotion can be described using the formalism of an energy conversion machine. We can then derive a number of reduced observables enabling their characterization. 1/number of muscle fibers, 2/high-speed dissipation, 3/basal consumption. Based on literature data, we want to systematically test the model, and in particular develop missing approaches: unsteady response, training, loads...
Eric Herbert
Laboratory : - 8236
Team : DYCO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Growth Dynamics in P. anserina : A living, Growing and Branching Network
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The growth of a fungal network is based on simple rules and generates highly complex patterns. The network is optimized for access to nutrients and diffusion of the spores produced for reproduction. The orientation of the apexes is crucial to the homogeneous dissolution of the network. The aim of this internship is to use time-lapse films obtained in the laboratory to extract the dynamics of apex interactions in the vicinity of hyphae.
Eric Herbert
Laboratory : - 8236
Team : DYCO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Hunting for new physics through measurements of the Higgs boson with the CMS experiment
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
The Higgs boson was discovered by the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the CERN LHC in 2012, and understanding its properties remains an important part of the physics programme at the LHC. At the same time, we can use this particle, and the others in the standard model of particle physics, to learn about the possible presence of new physics. In this project, the student will develop an analysis strategy for measuring both the Higgs boson and other SM particles simultaneously, to be optimally sensitive to new physics.
Adinda De Wit
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
First evidence of the CP symmetry violation and impact on matter-antimatter asymetry in the Universe
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
See pdf.
Pascal Paganini
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Compared to bulk materials, low-dimensional materials, such as nanowires and thin films, offer interesting possibilities for improvement of their thermoelectric properties. Indeed, due to dimensionality, confinement, surface and interface effects, nanostructured materials exhibit the electrical and thermal transport properties which largely differ from their pristine forms. In this theoretical project, we aim to describe the coupled dynamics of hot electrons and phonons via an approach based on Density Functional Theory and on the solution of coupled Boltzmann transport equations for electrons and phonons. In the case of 1D and 2D materials, the focus of the project will be to describe main effects of reduced dimensionality on the electronic, vibrational properties, the electron-phonon scattering channels as well as the electronic and thermal transport coefficients, and identify the main changes with respect to bulk materials. The choice of materials is motivated by the potential applicability in the field of next generation energy harvesting, as well as by the ongoing collaborations with experimentalists.
Jelena Sjakste
Laboratory : LSI - UMR7642
Team : TSM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Qudit hyper-clock with SU(2) dynamic symmetry
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The applicant will have opportunities to explore hyper-Ramsey interferometry within a basic qudit system with equally spaced levels in energy. Very important steps and key techniques in atomic or molecular spectroscopy of qubit transitions based on composite pulses eliminating probe induced frequency-shifts have already been studied (Report on Progress in Physics 81, 094401 (2018)). The main theoretical objective will be now to transfer some of these qubit results to a qudit architecture connecting SU(2) dynamical symmetry with the Majorana-Rabi decomposition formula, a direct analytical solution of the population dynamics of any spin J = {1,3/2,2,5/2…} that can be decomposed into an arbitrary combination of spin ½. An efficient quantum algorithm using the Majorana formula re-derived by Schwinger will be proposed to reduce time computation of arbitrary interrogation pulse protocols of the N-level system interacting with N-1 identical coherent electromagnetic fields.
Thomas Zanon-Willette
01 44 27 69 71

Laboratory : MONARIS - UMR 8233
Team : CIRCS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Higgs boson trilinear self-coupling at HL- LHC
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling is of paramount importance in Higgs boson physics and its measurementn one of the major goal of the future HL-LHC at CERN. While its value is fully determined in the standard model of particle physics once the Higgs boson mass is known, it determines the peculiar shape of the Higgs potential which is at the heart of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. The trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling can be measured at the LHC through the double Higgs boson production. The goal of this internship is to conduct a phenomenological study of the kinematics of this process to separate the signal amplitude from the background amplitude arising from the double Higgs production from top and bottom quark couplings, to ultimately improve the sensitivity to this measurement from double Higgs boson production.
Claude Charlot

Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum interferometer for gas detection
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
We propose to study an interferometer including two optical frequency conversion crystals (i.e. twin photon generators), and compare the key parameters under the quantum and classical regimes. The main asset of this non-linear interferometer is to be able to probe an object in the infrared (like a gas showing strong absorption lines), while detecting all the photons in the visible spectrum, where photodetectors are very sensitive. The internship will consist in using the current interferometer, which emits at around 1 µm, and compare the quantum and classical regimes, with and without a probed object. The interferometer can then be modified to emit around 2 µm. The internship will provide an opportunity to perfect laser techniques, non-linear optics (frequency conversion) and quantum optics (correlation measurements, coincidences, etc.).
Jean-Michel Melkonian
Laboratory : ONERA QTECH -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nonlinear TeraHertz surface plasmon resonators
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
The aim of this PhD thesis will be to develop THz plasmonic cavities and to study their nonlinear behaviour when subjected to intense THz pulses. A main goal of the project will be to realize analogues of nonlinear optics in the THz frequency range, such as harmonic generation, parametric conversion, optical bistability, etc. Overall, this would allow to help bridging the so-called “THz gap”. The project will cover aspects such as the design, the fabrication and the measurement of plasmonic resonators. The experimental studies will be a complemented with numerical simulations, both in the linear and nonlinear regime of light matter interaction.
Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Nouveaux États Électroniques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topology and Chern bands in twisted multilayer graphene
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The aim of this internship is to investigate the formation of topological bands in twisted bilayer graphene and, more broadly, in multilayer graphene structures. We will use a well-established continuum model that describes electron hopping between graphene layers to explore the formation of non-zero Chern bands and the emergence of a quantum Hall resistance even in the absence of magnetic field.
Christophe Mora
01 57 27 62 44

Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Perturbative QCD & Quarkonia: radiative corrections
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Charmonium and bottomonium production, bound states consisting of a heavy quark and its anti-quark, cc and bb pairs respectively, provide interesting opportunities to study the interplay between the perturbative and non-perturbative regimes of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) which is at the heart of formation of hadrons such as the proton. The goal of the internship will be to understand concepts of Next-To-Leading Order (NLO) calculational techniques, renormalisation and factorisation in the framework of quarkonium production.
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : IJCLab : Pôle théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-Newtonian flow in porous media
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Statistical physics
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we proposed to study the flow of yield stress materials, fluids that require a minimal amount of stress to flow, in porous media. Although yield stress fluids are encountered in many applications, the characterisation of flow in disordered systems remains a challenging and controversial task. The main difficulty arises from the strong interplay between the nonlinear rheology and the disorder of the system. In particular, close to the critical pressure, the flow correlation exhibits a fat tail distribution reminiscent of critical systems in disordered media. We will mainly focus on the influence of the structural heterogeneities on the flow-pressure relationship. These problems will be investigated using different approaches: numerical simulations, statistical physics and asymptotic expansions.
Laurent Talon

Laboratory : FAST - 7608
Team : Milieux Poreux et Fracturés
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-perturbative approaches to quantum field theory
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
What are the possible values that observables can take in the space of all possible quantum field theories? Can we show that there exist universal constraints that specific observables must obey? Can these constraints be strong enough to completely determine these observables? And what are actually the right axioms from which we can obtain such constraints?
Balt Van Rees
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Mathematical Physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Phase Transitions in Turbulence
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Two dimensional turbulence has the magnificent property to self organize in large structures unlike three dimensional turbulence that leads to disorganization. When strongly anisotropic flows are considered the flow has a hybrid behavior that is not yet understood. Varying the anisotropy turbulence displays phase transitions from a self-organizing state to disorganized state. The present project is going to investigate such phase transitions at different limits in order to understand the flow behavior close to the critical points. The work will be based on numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations and the use of simplified theoretical models.
Alexandros Alexakis
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Non-linear physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Characterizing the charm hadronization with the LHCb experiment
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Contact: Émilie Maurice (
Pascal Paganini
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
jet substructure of gluon spliting with CMS @ the LHC
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Contact: Matt Nguyen (
Pascal Paganini
Laboratory : LLR - UMR 7638
Team : LLR (Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Précurseurs de rupture dans les gels de protéines sous fatigue.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Précurseurs de rupture dans les gels de protéines sous fatigue. (pdf ci joint) Les gels de protéines sont constitués d'assemblages de protéines dispersés dans l'eau et liés par des interactions attractives en un réseau de brins micrométriques s'étendant dans l'espace. Ces solides mous sont utilisés dans des applications très variées, allant des produits alimentaires aux produits cosmétiques et pharmaceutiques. Une bonne résistance mécanique à une contrainte oscillante est essentielle pour leur utilisation pratique. Malgré d’importants progrès récents, les mécanismes fondamentaux qui sous-tendent la rupture des gels restent mal compris. Ce stage vise à identifier les précurseurs microscopiques de la rupture dans les gels de protéines grâce à des expériences combinant rhéologie et microscopie confocale sous cisaillement ou compression oscillante. Nous quantifierons l’accumulation de l’endommagement à travers les réarrangements de particules et les variations locales de la concentration en protéines conduisant à la rupture finale.
Thomas Gibaud
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Swimming in fluctuating lanes: How do bacteria navigate changing environments?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Microorganisms, such as bacteria or microalgae, are often found in complex environments: from maze-like structures in soils to serpentine channels in the intestine. Numerous works have characterized the motion of microorganisms in the bulk. However, studies in realistic environments remain scarce. Recently [1], it was found that bacteria in porous media (a microscale maze-like 3D structure) exhibit a peculiar behavior and get trapped in specific spots. This is due to the time to flip their swimming direction. In addition, in Nature, environments dramatically evolve in time, from rainfalls which induce flows to soil mazes that continuously reorganize due to the presence of other microorganisms which create jams or open up pathways. Toinvestigate the motion of microorganisms in such fluctuating environments, we will explore a minimal model of active particles moving through a wiggling channel (=swimming in a fluctuating lane). We will study the diffusion and the drift of the particles according to the speed of the fluctuations [2]. We expect to uncover interesting regimes where motion is increased by collisions with the channel walls. We also expect odd behaviors associated with the interplay between different time scales in the system. We will characterize these different regimes. This internship will be in collaboration with Ruben Zakine (Ecole Polytechnique).
Sophie Marbach

Laboratory : PHENIX -
Team : PHENIX: CIN Colloides aux Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Counting Bacteria in Boxes: How do bacteria colonize surfaces?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The colonization of surfaces by bacteria raises many societal issues related to antibiotic resistance and waste management. Our grasp on initial surface establishment, crucial to address colonization at its roots, is limited. In this early stage, bacteria number fluctuations – due to surface adhesion, division, or motility – are large, challenging current analysis tools and theories. These fluctuations can result in more tight or sparse aggregates, dramatically affecting long-term colonization dynamics. How do individual dynamics and intermittent adhesion determine these aggregate patterns and collective growth? To make progress, we will use a new analysis technique relying on number fluctuations called the ``Countoscope’’ [2]. The principle is like a game! We count the number N(t) of particles (bacteria, colloids or cells) in analysis boxes over time. The number of particles in a box fluctuates due to microscopic dynamics such as diffusion, adhesion, etc. Interpreting N(t) requires building new theories in this colonization context. These theories can then disentangle processes and quantify dynamics from the time-dependent statistics of N(t). Here we will, on the one hand, count the number of bacteria in various box sizes on experimental images. On the other hand, we will develop minimal models to interpret these counts. This internship will be in collaboration with Eleonora Secchi (Zurich), who investigates bacteria on surfaces in microfluidic channels.
Sophie Marbach

Laboratory : PHENIX -
Team : PHENIX: CIN Colloides aux Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effect of endocrine-disruptors on the biophysical properties of the myelin sheath
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
The number of cases of Multiple Sclerosis (“Sclérose en plaques” in French) has rapidly increased in the past decades. This disease is related to the progressive disruption of the protective myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers. There are more and more suspicions that endocrine disrupting chemicals, and in particular the fluorosurfactants (PFAS) (e.g. related to Teflon) can be involved. These lipophilic components could indeed accumulate in the lipid-rich structures like the myelin sheath and modify its membrane composition and mechanical properties, thus compromising its capability to coat long projecting axons. The internship project aims at studying the mechanical properties of membranes affected or not by PFAS using biophysical approaches (nanotube pulling experiments with optical tweezers and micropipette aspiration). In parallel, our collaborators will use lipidomics to analyze the lipids composition of the myelin of animals exposed or not to PFAS.
Patricia Bassereau

Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Membrane et Fonctions Cellulaires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Local actin polymerization on lipid membrane driven by surface nanotopography
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Cells are able to sense small topographical features in the range 10 to few hundreds nm and to respond to them by locally assembling different types of actin-based structures. This directly influences their motility as well as the localization of podosomes in macrophages. This process potentially involves curvature-sensitive proteins from the BAR-family but why and how it eventually influences cell motility or the assembly of podosomes has to be determined. In order to understand live cells use the topography, of their environment, the objective of the internship will be to test in vitro that the BAR-domain proteins, identified in cells by our biologist colleagues (i) are effectively sensing the membrane deformations induced by the topographical features, and (ii) responsible for the assembly of actin structures. Purified proteins and model membrane systems supported by microfabricated substrates will be used together with fluorescence microscopy (TIRF and confocal microscopy). The internship can be continued with a PhD, funded by the ERC Synergy grant PhushingCell.
Patricia Bassereau

Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Membrane et Fonctions Cellulaires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Micromanipulation study of RNA energy landscape modulation by epigenetics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Magnetic tweezers are a tool enabling real-time monitoring of nucleic acid extension on a single-molecule scale, at several hundred Hz. They are perfectly suited for tracking the temporal evolution between different molecular conformations of nucleic acids and measuring their energy differences as we already demonstrated. What's more, by imposing a tensile force on the molecules studied, it is possible to modify the energy profile and bring out minority conformations, i.e., those of higher energy. The proposed project will first study of the influence of methylation on RNA conformational flexibility at the single molecule level with magnetic tweezers. After the quantification of the conformational energy profile of the RNA, the influence of RNA methylation on protein binding on the sequence used will be investigated.
Jean Francois Allemand

Laboratory : LPENS - UMR8023
Team : Multiscale physics of biological systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Regulation of nuclear rigidity by lysine methyltransferases: a biomechanical study
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Nuclear stiffness is a key factor in the ability of cancer cells to migrate, to deform, notably during the extravasation phase, and thus to form metastases. While the cell membrane and cytoplasm are quite deformable, the ability of the nucleus to squeeze through small spaces is limited by its size and rigidity. Nuclear stiffness depends on Lamin proteins and on levels of H3K9me3-enriched rigid heterochromatin, established by the lysine methyltransferases SETDB1 and SUV39H. Our biologist collaborators have recently highlighted the essential and multiple roles of SETDB1-regulated chromatin architecture in the determining oncogenic programs. The aim of the internship is to study how SETDB1 and SUV39H regulate nuclear mechanical properties and cell migration under confinement. The intern will measure the stiffness of the nuclei of different cell lines developed by our collaborator, using an optical tweezers rheometer. She/He will also quantitatively characterize their migration abilities (speed, directionality, persistence …), in free vs confined environments. A correlation will be sought between nuclear rigidity, migration properties and the levels and spatial organization of H3K9me3 in the different cell lines.
Sylvie Hénon
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fermionic-bosonic qubits
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
One of the most promising architectures in large-scale quantum information processing is the one based on superconducting electrodynamic (bosonic) qubits. They rely on an elementary device: the Josephson tunnel junction, a tunnel barrier between two superconducting leads, which exhibit nonlinear and non-dissipative behavior. Josephson tunnel junctions are only an example of superconducting weak links, among which are also atomic contacts and semiconducting nanowire weak links. In these other examples, localized, fermionic states, known as Andreev levels, can be addressed. We recently performed their spectroscopy and quantum manipulation. Our current endeavor is to pioneer a new hybrid qubits that merge both bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. This groundbreaking fusion is set to propel us toward more resilient quantum states. As a part of our team, you'll have the opportunity to participate in designing, fabricating, and measuring these novel qubits. If you're passionate about quantum physics and eager to make a meaningful impact in this exciting field, we welcome you to join us on this inspiring journey.
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum entanglement across dynamical phase transitions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
During this M2 internship, we plan to study theoretically and numerically the dynamics of entanglement across the transition point of a dynamical phase transition (DPT). In the non-equilibrium physics of isolated many-body systems, DPTs have recently sparked considerable interest, as examples of critical phenomena characterized by scaling properties different from their equilibrium counterparts. The analysis of such phenomena via entanglement is a novel perspective, motivated by the possibility to use entanglement as a resource in the vicinity of a dynamical critical point, and by the general need to improve our current understanding of entanglement in many-body systems.
Nicolas Cherroret

Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : Théorie Quantique, Atomes et Champs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Analytical modeling of tracer diffusion in the intracellular medium
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Transport of soft matter at small scales is at the heart of many modern scientific challenges, such as the design of new nanomaterials or nanofluidic devices, or the understanding of intracellular self-organization. The hallmarks of these systems are their strong heterogeneity, and their nonequilibrium nature. From a theoretical perspective, the interplay between these two features makes the analytical description of such systems particularly difficult, and the available models are generally restricted to single species systems, with simple pair interactions between the constituents. In this context, the goal of this internship is to understand the transport and diffusion properties of tracer particles in heterogeneous and nonequilibrium suspensions at the micro and nanoscales. We will consider model descriptions of nonequilibrium suspensions (that include multi-temperature thermostats, or non-reciprocal interactions) that were introduced recently, and that have received a lot of attention in the scientific community. In particular, the transport and diffusivity properties of tracer particles will be investigated through analytical calculations, that will rely on appropriate approximation schemes, and Brownian dynamics simulations. The effect of the heterogeneity and geometrical constraints of the nonequilibrium suspension on the dynamics of tracer particles will be unveiled.

Laboratory : PHENIX - UMR8234
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Early muscle differentiation under geometric and mechanical constraints
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
The forces applied to or generated by cells play a crucial role in the formation and function of biological tissues, which is particularly obvious in the case of skeletal muscle. The aim of the internship is to explore the combined effect of geometric and mechanical constraints on the early differentiation of muscle cells. During the differentiation of skeletal muscle, progenitor cells called myoblasts stop proliferating, elongate and fuse to form myotubes that will mature in muscle fibres. In this project we will first explore the question of the role of shape in skeletal muscle differentiation. Elongation will be applied either “passively”, by plating cells on elongated adhesive micropatterns, or “actively”, by plating cells on an elastomeric substrate which will be stretched, or by combining both. Various differentiation markers will be monitored using fluorescence microscopy (membrane potential, localisation of transcription co-factor YAP, myogenin). We will then add mechanical stimulation by progressive or cyclic stretching of the substrate and seek to characterize the better shape and mechanical stimulation pattern that accelerate or optimize differentiation.
Sylvie Hénon
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Are there leaders in active systems?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Do active systems posses leaders – units that influence the system more than how they are influenced by them? The answer obviously depends on the specific system at hand and it is of primary importance in biology. Understanding this is indeed akin to ask what are the causal relations between different agents, or between each agent and macroscopic properties of the system. In this internship, we will study the application of recently developed techniques for causal inference to assess whether leaders can be reliably identified in active systems. The work will have analytical and numerical components.
Cesare Nardini
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of biomolecular condensates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We will study theoretically the statistical properties of important structures that are found in the cell interior (biomolecular condensates) with techniques coming from non-equilibrium statistical physics and soft-matter.
Cesare Nardini
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing the screening of the electric field in Superconductors at nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Does at nanoscale a superconductor screens an electric field as well a normal metal ? For FeSe which is a superconductor with a critical temperature of 14K, the theory predicts a huge change of penetration depth of electric field between the superconducting and the normal state. This change might be as big as 50%. The goal of this internship is to verify such a prediction which would open up new routes on the control of superconductivity by electric field including for instance the electrical imaging of magnetic vortices (Abrikosov vortices). We will use an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) working at low temperature in the electrostatic and Kevin probe modes to directly access to the capacitance. This project is a collaboration with Prof. Bertrand Reulet at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada).
Marco Aprili

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Fermi gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Strongly-correlated fermions are ubiquitous in nature, from the quark-gluon plasma of the early universe to neutron stars found in the outer space, they lie as well at the heart of many modern materials such as high-temperature superconductors, colossal magneto-resistance devices or graphene. While being a pressing issue covering a wide fundamental and technological scope, the understanding of strongly-correlated fermions constitutes a serious challenge of modern physics. The contribution of ultracold gas experiments in this outstanding quest resides in the ability to set fermions in a well-characterized environment. In these systems, one can add a single ingredient at a time (spin mixture, interactions, lattice, etc) with a high degree of control, allowing for an incremental complexity, which represents an ideal playground for a direct comparison to many-body theories. Our group aims at understanding the behavior of strongly-interacting fermionic systems using an atom-based quantum simulator featuring single-atom imaging and manipulation capabilities. During this internship, you will take your first steps in the team by contributing with an experimental project (several options) with the perspective to join us as a PhD student in the Fall 2024.
Tarik Yefsah
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Gaz de Fermi Ultrafroids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Challenging Many-Body Models and Applications in Quantum Matter, Information and Light-Matter Interaction
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
High energy physics
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Hello! Our research group is specialist in the theory of condensed-matter systems, quantum information, quantum optics, mesoscopic physics with links related to high-energy physics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are challenging enigma we propose (see details in File in PDF format). Interested candidates can send their CV and a short letter of motivation to my e-mail address We will then discuss. You are welcome. ************************************************************************************** I) How to solve many-body quantum models in 2D? Applications in quantum information and matter; II) Curious Fractional Plateaux in Transport and Quantum Hall Physics in Wires; III) Spheres’ model, Topological Quantum Matter, Light and Axion Electrodynamics. Other possible ideas can be discussed according to interests.
Karyn Renee Jeannine LE HUR
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Quantum matter theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation of spin waves at the nanoscale with a quantum sensor
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum sensors take advantage of the extreme sensitivity of quantum systems to external perturbations to accurately measure a broad range of physical quantities such as acceleration, rotation, magnetic and electric fields, or temperature. Among a wide variety of quantum systems employed for sensing purposes, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond has garnered considerable attention in the last decade for the development of a new generation of magnetometers providing an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution and magnetic sensitivity under ambient conditions. The goal of the present project is to combine the capability of scanning NV microscopy to image nanoscale magnetic textures with its sensitivity to the fluctuating magnetic stray field which is produced by thermally activated spin waves. This combination will offer us the possibility to probe magnetic excitations which are confined inside domain walls. This experiment will allow us to check predictions about the dispersion of spin waves confined inside antiferromagnetic domain walls and to explore the effect of the texture of the domain wall itself on these spin waves.
Aurore Finco
Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optomechanical measurements beyond the Standard Quantum Limit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Sensing of mechanical motion is routinely performed by optical interferometry, with some state-of-the-art experiments (for instance, gravitational-wave detection) mostly limited by quantum fluctuations of the laser field. Quantum noise leads to the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL), the smallest possible displacement one can probe with coherent laser light. Quantum noise and the SQL can however be beaten using quantum squeezed states of light. The goal of this project is to experimentally demonstrate broadband measurements below the SQL with a nanomechanical membrane resonator, using a combination of state-of-the-art subsystems: a frequency-dependent squeezed light source (Optical Parametric Oscillator and rotation cavity), a high-Q optomechanical membrane resonator in the MHz range, and a high-finesse fiber cavity inside a dry dilution fridge. This project is in collaboration with several groups inside the Virgo Collaboration, the Quantum Optics group at Australian National University and the Atom Chip group at LKB. Keywords: microfabrication, quantum-limited laser sources, nonlinear optics, low-noise electronics, digital feedback loops, dilution cryogenics…
Pierre-François Cohadon
Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : LKB - Optomechanics and Quantum Measurements
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing ferroelectric order with a quantum scanning probe microscope
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum sensors take advantage of the extreme sensitivity of quantum systems to external perturbations to accurately measure a broad range of physical quantities such as acceleration, rotation, magnetic and electric fields, or temperature. Among a wide variety of quantum systems employed for sensing purposes, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond has garnered considerable attention in the last decade for the development of a new generation of magnetometers providing an unprecedented combination of spatial resolution and magnetic sensitivity under ambient conditions. The goal of the present project is to extend the functionalities of NV-based quantum microscopes towards the detection of electric fields at the nanoscale, in order to study ferroelectric textures. After a careful characterization of the performances of the NV-based electrometer, we will apply NV-based electrometry to the non-perturbative nanoscale imaging of domain walls in standard ferroelectric materials, before investigating more complex materials like the multiferroic bismuth ferrite or twisted bilayers of van der Waals materials like h-BN.
Aurore Finco
Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ordered multipolar moments in correlated insulators
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This project is focused on correlated insulators of heavy elements exhibiting unusual low-temperature ordered phases. Their (Mott) insulating behavior due to narrow bandwidths and strong onsite Coulomb repulsions of their partially filled d or f bands. The large spin-orbit coupling in heavy (4d or 5d) transition-metal, lanthanide and actinide ions entangles their orbital and spin moments. In result, at low temperature such materials may host unusual phases due to ordering of high-rank ionic moments of the charge or magnetic density, i.e., multipole moments. Multiple competing order parameters and coupling mechanisms render their theoretical description challenging; predictive material-specific approaches are still lacking at present. We employ first-principles methodology to evaluate exchange interactions between multipolar moments. Other type of interaction, of an electron-lattice type, are also going to be evaluated in an ab initio way to construct many-body quantum Hamiltonians. They will be subsequently solved to obtain low-temperature ordered phases and their experimentally measurable response functions. The Master project will be focused on implementing a general approach for solving low-energy Hamiltonians within a mean-field approximation. The resulting software package will be able to treat both exchange and electron-lattice coupling on the equal footing.
Leonid Poyurovskiy
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Condensed Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fluorescent artificial atoms in silicon for quantum technologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Building on the great success of microelectronics and integrated photonics industries, silicon is undoubtedly one of the most promising platforms for deploying large-scale quantum technologies. To date, silicon-based quantum chips mostly rely on long-lived electrical qubits, which are either weakly coupled to light or emitting in the mid-infrared range unsuitable for optical fiber propagation. Recently, the host group has shown that silicon hosts many fluorescent point defects that can be optically isolated at single scale and offer a single photon emission at telecom wavelengths. This internship, which can be followed by a PhD, aims at tackling the optical properties of these new fluorescent artificial atoms in silicon, in order to assess their potential as sources of indistinguishable single photons at telecom wavelengths. The beginning of the internship will be devoted to building a new confocal microscope setup optimized for single defect spectroscopy at cryogenic temperature. The second task will be to analyze the orbital fine structure of individual defects through resonant excitation using a tunable laser. Finally, the trainee will explore the broadening of the emission lines of single defects, with the aim of quantifying the phenomenon of spectral diffusion for these solid-state emitters and assessing the feasibility of a future single-photon coalescence experiment.
Anaïs Dréau
Laboratory : L2C, Montpellier - UMR5221
Team : S2QT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Precision predictions for four-top production at the LHC
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In recent years, we have developed a numerical program achieving resummed predictions for four-top production at hadron colliders. The choice to focus on such a process is driven by the fact that among all measurements to be made at the currently on-going LHC Run 3, those related to four-top production will be performed for the first time with enough precision to be compared with theoretical predictions. It is therefore critical to provide precise theoretical predictions. The proposed internship aims to make use of the program that has been developed at LPTHE, understand the underlying concepts (inherent to the theory of the strong interaction, i.e. QCD), and improve its efficiency so that it could be shared with the high-energy physics community as a whole.
Benjamin Fuks
Laboratory : LPTHE - UMR7589
Team : LPTHE particle physics and cosmology
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring Muscle Cell Differentiation in 3D Under Mechanical Constraint with Magnetic Cell Manipulation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
The proposed internship delves into mechanobiology, exploring the influence of mechanical forces generated by cells on biological tissue formation, organization, and function, with a specific focus on nematic-like tissues, such as muscles. The study aims to understand the role of physical constraints in muscle cell differentiation, offering insights into muscular pathologies. The project introduces an innovative approach using magnetic nanoparticles to render cells magnetic, enabling remote manipulation , facilitating the creation of controlled 3D cellular tissues. The research investigates the impact of mechanical stimuli on these micro-tissues and explores the possibility of manipulating muscle fiber types through stimulus modulation.
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optomechanical nanoscale quantum sensing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Optomechanics, the interaction between light and mechanical oscillators, is a burgeoning field of research at the interface of quantum optics, mesoscopic physics and mechanical micro/nano systems. Using light, it has recently been possible to control and read-out the quantum states of mesoscopi mechanical resonators. This has been notably achieved with nano-optomechanical disk resonators fabricated in our team, where the simultaneous confinement of light and mechanical motion in a sub-micron volume enables strong optomechanical interaction. The implications of such developments in the field of quantum sensing remain now to be explored. This PhD project aims to bring mechanical scanning probes into the experimental quantum domain using optomechanics. Quantum theory postulates indeed that energy exchanges between physical systems take place with a certain granularity, in quantities that are multiples of an energy quantum. This quantum regime of interactions has never been illustrated by local mechanical measurements, such as those made with anatomic force microscope (AFM). Detecting the exchange of a single quantum of energy between a physical system and mechanical force probe represents the ultimate level of sensitivity allowed by microscopic laws, and is therefore a considerable scientific and technological stake for sensing applications of optomechanics. This PhD project aims at reaching this experimental regime.
Ivan Favero

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : LiMe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
On-chip model of mucociliary clearance
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Chronic respiratory diseases caused 4 million deaths worldwide in 2019. Pulmonary disease treatments are administered by inhalation in particulate formulations. However, mucociliary clearance (MCC) acts as an effective physical barrier that prevents drugs from reaching the target cells. This mechanism relies on the beating of cilia on the bronchi surface, which allows the displacement of the overlying mucus layer. Inhaled drugs are thus trapped by the mucus and evacuated from the airways. This project aims to model the mechanism of mucociliary clearance using a microfluidic chip, to assess drug penetration through the moving mucus and thus provide a screening platform for new drug formulations. We chose to design a non-cellular MCC model, which will provide an easy and reproducible alternative to cell-based MCC models. The chip is composed of a circular channel covered with magnetic micropillars that can be remotely actuated via an underlying rotating magnet. Preliminary experiments showed that such an actuation of the pillars results in a beating similar to that of bronchial cilia. The trainee will address the following scientific/technical questions: - What is the velocity profile of mucus in the chip? - How to mimic particle deposition on the bronchi during inhalation, with the chip? - Does the chip reproduce the particle behaviour observed on cell-based MMC models? The trainee will be co-supervised by Dr Marine Le Goas, working in Dr Berret’s group
Jean-François Berret

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring Cellular Mechanics: Insights into Metastatic Breast Cancer Biomarkers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The Challenge: Cancer stands as a global health challenge, responsible for a staggering 25% of all deaths worldwide. Metastasis, the transformation of cancer cells into invasive agents capable of spreading and forming secondary tumors, remains a formidable barrier to defeating cancer. While treatments and therapies have made strides in addressing primary tumors, metastatic disease remains largely incurable, contributing to over 90% of cancer-related deaths. Where Physics Meets Biology: In the last decade, a groundbreaking idea has emerged in biophysics: cancer cells possess a unique trait - they are softer than their healthy counterparts. This implies that the elasticity of cancer cells is lower than that of healthy cells. This characteristic is thought to enable metastatic cells to navigate through the tumor, infiltrate the bloodstream, and ultimately establish secondary tumors. Our Mission: Our mission is to bridge the gap between biophysics and oncology by quantitatively assessing the invasive and metastatic potential of patient-derived cells. This information is crucial for diagnosing the aggressiveness of cancer. What You'll Work On: As an intern in our group, you will have the opportunity to delve into cell biomechanics and cancer research. We are focusing on human breast cancer epithelial cell lines exhibiting varying metastatic potentials. Additional work will be on genetically modified human breast cancer cells using CRISPR technology.
Jean-François Berret

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of the unitary Fermi gas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum gases
Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Félix Werner
Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Gaz de Fermi ultrafroids / théorie
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum simulation with an atom-tweezer array in an optical microcavity
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Understanding the dynamics of entanglement and quantum information within a many-body system represents a central challenge in quantum physics, with far-reaching implications for the advancement of quantum technologies. The dynamic properties of the system depend strongly on the range of the interaction between the qubits. In this context, the coupling of cold atoms with the optical mode of a cavity offers a unique platform for engineering infinite long-range interactions between atoms, mediated by the cavity. At LKB, we have recently accomplished a significant milestone with the development of an experimental setup that combines a high-finesse optical microcavity, allowing us to work in the strong regime of cavity QED, with a high-numerical aperture lens. The combination of cavity-mediated long-range interactions between atoms and the local control offered by the tweezers opens up new avenues for engineering spatial correlations of entangled states and monitoring their propagation with single-particle resolution. In the realm of quantum simulations, this will allow us to investigate transport phenomena in spin systems. Furthermore, these spatially delocalized entangled states will serve as a resource to perform quantum-enhanced estimation of multiple parameters, a very promising new topic in the field of quantum metrology.
Romain Long

Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : Atom Chips
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spin-orbit coupling tuning in two-dimensional systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Spin-orbit coupling tuning in two-dimensional systems Next generation spintronics efficiently targets ultra-low power memories for green electronics and on a longer term full-spin information processing. The spin-orbit coupling (SOC) plays a fundamental role in spintronics as it allows controlling the spin in the conduction channels through an electrostatic manipulation. SOC is greatly enhanced at reduced dimensions since the inversion symmetry is broken at surfaces or interfaces, and the resultant electric field couples to the spin of itinerant electrons, a phenomenon known as Rashba effect. Spin-orbit coupling is being intensively studied in two dimensional systems as in transition metal dichalcogenides, hybrid perovskites or in molecular layers on ferromagnetic substrates. In this internship, we will tune the SOC in 2D materials by structural modification, for instance by introducing defects in the structure (vacancies or impurities) or by introducing strain in the lattice. The effect of the induced structural modification will be studied by electron diffraction and the impact on the electronic bands will be determined by angle-resolved photoemission (occupied states) and by spin- and angle-resolved inverse photoemission (unoccupied states).
Antonio Tejeda
Laboratory : LPS -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Neural networks using the dynamics of magnetic tunnel junctions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Running and training artificial neural networks on conventional computers consumes a large amount of energy. Our team studies how to build novel hardware for artificial intelligence, that physically implements neural networks using spintronic nanodevices. In particular, we leverage the high-speed dynamics of magnetic tunnel junctions to implement the key operations of neural networks. This internship requires to be interested in learning new concepts and tools from both physics and machine learning.
Frank Mizrahi
Laboratory : UMPHY CNRS-THALES - UMR137
Team : spintronique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Bubbles with Degenerate Mixtures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ultracold quantum gases confined in three-dimensional bubble traps are promising tools for exploring many-body effects on curved manifolds. As an alternative to the conventional technique of radio-frequency dressing, one could create such shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravity based on dual-species atomic mixtures. Beyond similarities with the radio-frequency dressing method as in the collective-excitation spectrum, this approach has several natural advantages like the robustness of the created quantum bubbles and the possibility to magnify shell effects through an interaction-driven expansion. The internship proposed here, co-supervised by Prof. Eric Charron in Paris-Saclay University (France) and by Dr. Naceur Gaaloul at the Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany), aims to theoretically explore dynamical effects on the surface of quantum bubbles (collective oscillations, vortex physics, etc.) that are unique to this system with periodic boundary conditions. Proposals to implement these findings in existing microgravity and space experiments accessible to both groups will be sought for.
Eric Charron
Laboratory : ISMO - UMR 8214
Team : DIRAM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploration of matching rules in real quasicrystals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
One of the most intriguing features of quasicrystals is the formation of an aperiodic long range order. A common way to describe the propagation of such an order involves the notion of the matching rules, a mathematical proxy for the complex interaction of atoms. Although many examples of matching rules have been developed for toy structure models, so far no realistic matching rule model has been proposed for a real material. In this project, you will participate in the development of the toolchain for the exploration of matching rules in real quasicrystals.

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Réponse d’un liquide fortement hors équilibre
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Le vieillissement physique correspond à l'évolution des propriétés des matériaux hors d'équilibre causée par des réarrangements structurels. Pour les matériaux vitreux, qui sont en pratique toujours bloqués dans un état hors d'équilibre, ce phénomène peut avoir des conséquences importantes sur les performances à long terme du matériau, telles que la résistance mécanique ou les propriétés optiques. Une expérience typique de vieillissement consiste à déséquilibrer un système par un changement de température puis à suivre sa dynamique de ré-équilibration. Un nouveau dispositif expérimental, développé récemment au sein du groupe SPHYNX, permet d’appliquer à un liquide dans un cryostat des changements de température de grande amplitude (plusieurs dizaines de Kelvins). La dynamique du liquide, à l’échelle moléculaire, peut être suivie en temps réel par spectroscopie diélectrique linéaire, c’est-à-dire en étudiant la réponse du liquide (polaire) à un champ électrique variable. L’objectif de ce stage est de mettre en œuvre ce nouveau dispositif afin d’étudier expérimentalement la réponse de liquides à des marches de température de grande amplitude et plus particulièrement de caractériser la transition entre une ré-équilibration homogène et hétérogène du système.
Marceau Henot
Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effets collectifs dans l'interaction d'un ensemble d'atomes et d'un champ lumineux de faible intensité: réabsorption de photons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Lors de ce stage, nous nous intéresserons à l'une des multiples manifestation du comportement collectif apparaissant lors de l'interaction entre la lumière et un ensemble atomique. Plus précisément, nous étudierons le phénomène de réabsorption de photons, en lien avec une problématique expérimentale liée à l'expérience de puce atomique du Laboratoire Charles Fabry. Le but est de déterminer les limitations d'une méthode de sélection spatiale récemment implémentée dans l'expérience.
Isabelle Bouchoule
Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Durée de vie des phonons dans les gaz de Bosons unidimensionnels
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Low dimension physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Lors de ce stage, nous effectuerons une étude numérique et théorique de l'amortissement des phonons dans les gaz de Bosons unidimensionnels. Différents résultats contradictoires ont été publiés et nous tâcherons d'élucider cette contradiction. Nous nous intéresserons à la limite des interactions faibles dans laquelle le système peut être décrit par une approche de champ classique. Le problème peut alors être simulé sur un ordinateur classique.
Isabelle Bouchoule
Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topological 3D multifold semimetals beyond Weyl/Dirac semimetals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In many topological semimetallic materials, the electrons behave as 3D Weyl/Dirac ultrarelativistic pseudo-spin-S quantum particles such that the electron's wavefunction carries a Berry curvature monopole that is at the origin of many anomalous low and high magnetic field magnetotransport properties. In a recent work we have predicted [1] that new kinds of massless quantum particle can exist, in which now the Berry curvature is a singular multipole (dipole, quadrupole, octupole). For such systems we have predicted distinct magnetotransport as compared to those of pseudospin-S Dirac/Weyl semimetals. We have also shown that “multifold dipole" semimetals naturally appear at the transition between two distinct topological Hopf- insulating phases [2]. The aim of this PhD project is to continue the exploration of this novel family of multifold semimetals associated to singular multipoles of Berry curvature, using analytical band-topological and numerical methods on tight-binding and continuum models. It consists to systematically construct models and explore their key features such as symmetries and topological properties and reveal their consequences on various physical properties. The project also envisions a challenging study of the stability of such semimetals to the breaking of symmetries and the electron-electron interactions. [1] A.Graf and F.Piéchon, Phys.Rev.B 108,115105 (2023). [2]A.Nelson,T.Neupert,A.Alexandradinata,and T.Bzdušek, Phys.Rev.B 106,075124(2022).
Frederic Piechon
Laboratory : LPS -
Team : THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effect of interaction softness on crystal-fluid interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Understanding the nucleation of crystals is of profound importance both for fundamental and technological reasons. Surprisingly, even in the simplest crystallizing system we can think of – hard spheres – simulation predictions and experimental measurements of nucleation rates currently differ by many orders of magnitude -- sometimes called the “second—biggest discrepancy in physics”. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is a mismatch between experimental colloidal systems and true hard spheres: subtle interactions may influence the structure and dynamics of the fluid and crystal nucleus. In this project, you will use recently developed simulation methods to explore how small deviations from hard-sphere interactions influence the interface between the fluid and the crystal. You will learn how to simulate simple colloidal model systems, and explore the statistical physics of fluid-crystal interfaces. Using simulations, you will reveal how subtle changes in these interactions may impact nucleation behavior. The ideal candidate has a strong background in physics and statistical mechanics, as well as an affinity for coding and/or computer simulations. Although this project is primarily computational in nature, it is part of an ANR funded project in collaboration with an experimental group at ESPCI.
Frank Smallenburg
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Broadband THz Plasmonic metasurface for sensing and modulation with 2D materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Detecting an ultra small amount of matter requires to dramatically confine the EM field in order to improve light-matter interactions. Helmholtz resonators (see figure), composed of a small (ultra-subwavelength) aperture on the surface of a large cavity, funnel light into the cavity through the aperture providing giant local electric field enhancement in the aperture. Helmholtz resonators have been demonstrated as a powerful design for sensing applications. The traditional paradigm of sensing applications is to design a system displaying a high quality factor resonance at a target wavelength (an absorption line of a chemical species to detect). In presence of absorption, the resonant behavior of the system is perturbed. The detection signal that is monitored is limited to this single target wavelength. We have recently demonstrated the possibility of detecting several absorption lines within the IR with a single broadband resonator arising from Helmholtz’s configuration operating in reflection. When depositing a few nanometers layer of material, the reflection of the system displays notable dips at the absorption lines of the layer. The goal of the project is to design sub-wavelength THz resonator arrays (plasmonic metasurfaces) inspired by Helmholtz’s configuration. The internship will focus on the design of devices for molecular fingerprint measurements with a single resonator based metasurface in the THz domain.
Benjamin Vest
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Quantum Nanophotonics & Plasmonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum metamaterials for arbitrary control of light source properties
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A light-emitting system consists of an active material (laser, LED, incandescent source…) and of elements manipulating the light: lenses, filters and polarizers shaping the directivity, spectrum, and polarization. Adding elements inevitably leads to bulky, energy inefficient and more expensive optical systems. Hence, fabricating sources making the best out of their supplied energy is crucial to reduce environmental footprint of light-related applications. The vision of the project is to fabricate a less than 1 μm thick light emitting system, providing light with high efficiency, controlled spectrum, angular distribution, and polarization : in other words, arbitrary wavefront control with no external manipulation needed. This will be achieved by designing and fabricating Light-Emitting Metasurfaces (LEMs). LEMs are arrays of nanoresonators with luminescent emitters distributed over the entire surface of the device. The array of resonators is designed to provide an extended, electromagnetic mode, incoherently pumped by the emitters distributed over the whole system, then mediating the emission by leaking radiation into the far field. Hence, the properties of the emission can be shaped by engineering the radiative losses of an extended leaky mode. The goal of the internship is to engineer and characterize light sources based on ensembles of quantum dots directly delivering light with controlled properties, that is quantum metamaterials for light-emitting metasurfaces.
Benjamin Vest
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Quantum Nanophotonics & Plasmonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum light emission with color centers in 2D materials coupled to metasurfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) is a 2D material that hosts colored centers emitting single photons in the visible range. h-BN has the remarkable property of displaying remarkable brightness and great photophysical properties at ambient temperature making it a good candidate for single photon emission in less constraining temperature conditions. Emission of a single photon can be achieved using a two-levels system and controlling its excitation. An important issue is to control the emission mode and the emission time. This can be achieved by controlling the environment and the excitation of the emitter. 2D nature of hBN enables to envision original strategies to achieve coupling between color centers and nanostructures for the control of single photon emission. The long term goal of the project is to demonstrate controlled positioning of emitters around nanostructures with unprecedented accuracy in order to fabricate complex structures. For instance, one could stack two emitters in close proximity to control spontaneous emission. Their mutual coupling provides a means to control in time domain the emission : this single photon emitting system with an adaptable bandwidth could be useful to build quantum memories, able to store and release quanta on demand. Metasurfaces can also be used to collect optimally the single photon flux and provide an arbitrary control of the wavefront.
Benjamin Vest
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Quantum Nanophotonics & Plasmonics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Flow-induced instabilities of kirigami sheets
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In the field of engineering, there is a growing interest for flexible components over rigid ones, in devices designed to operate within fluid flow. The capacity of these components to deform makes them more resilient and adaptable to fluctuating fluid environments. Nevertheless, a major challenge lies in understanding how these flexible objects deform when subjected to fluid loading and in being able to control their responses. The objective of the internship is to investigate static and dynamic flow-induced instabilities of kirigami sheets (inspired by the Japanes art of paper cutting), to ensure the structural integrity of those functional components, or alternatively for applications such as energy harvesting.
Sophie Ramananarivo
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Flow control using kirigami sheets
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The ability to manipulate flow fields is of importance in various engineering applications, influencing efficiency, performance, and safety. The objective of this internship is to investigate the impact of kirigami sheets (inspired by the japanes art of paper cutting) on fluid dynamics and explore their potential for passive flow control.
Sophie Ramananarivo
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Renormalization group flows for tensor models
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Tensor models were introduced as a natural QFT generalization of matrix models in dimension 3 or higher, in order to replicate their various successes (such as being a theory of random geometries or being realted to quantum gravity). Recently, Witten and then Klebanov and Tarnoplsky have shown that tensor models are closely related to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, a toy model for holography. The internship proposes to continue a recently initiated renormalization group study program of tensor models.
Adrian Tanasa

Laboratory : LaBRI -
Team : Combinatoire et interactions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum states of motion of a mechanical resonator
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Similarly to single atoms, the motion of massive, mesoscopic-scale mechanical resonators can behave quantum mechanically when cooled down to ultra-low temperatures. The study of quantum states of motion of such systems has fundamental and practical interests: for testing quantum mechanics in systems beyond the few-particle ensembles, its interplay with gravitation; also in force sensing, or as a light-matter interface for the development of quantum communication networks, in particular for storing and transducing the quantum information. This internship/PhD project aims at transforming a given input mechanical quantum state to any arbitrary target state in an optomechanical resonator such as the microdisk pictured above and developed in our group. The mechanical quantum information can be encoded in the device through its interaction with light, and then characterized through optical tomographic reconstruction. This work will also consider increasing the dimensionality by including several optomechanical resonators, thereby involving entanglement between massive objects.
Adrien Borne
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team : DON
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanofluidics and nanomechanics with a carbon nanotube
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Low dimension physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Being the primordial solvent of life, water is essential to living organisms and to human societies. Because it is abundant on earth, it is at the core of essential emerging technological developments, including green chemistry, blue energy harvesting and so on. The primordial role of water can be related to its structural properties that are unique in nature (hydrogen bond network and dipolar moment). Any modification of the water structure, either in the liquid or solid states, has a huge impact on its properties. In extreme confinement situation, water can still fit into narrow channels such as carbon nanotubes (which diameter is lower than 1 nm) but at the cost of a modification of its structure. This yields structures of solid, but also structures of liquid water, that are different from the bulk [1,2], a rich phase diagram [3,4] and anomalous transport properties [5], i.e. when the laws of continuum fluid dynamics (Navier Stokes) do not hold anymore [6]. It is currently a very active research field thanks to the rapid development of new methodologies focused on the investigation of single/isolated nano-object. Up today, most experimental studies are struggling with the problem of sensitivity. Indeed, investigating individual carbon nanotubes is a challenge, owing to their small dimensions. To tackle this issue, we propose to use nanomechanics as an ultimate tool to investigate the properties of water confined inside a suspended, individual, carbon nanotube.
Adrien Noury
Laboratory : L2C - UMR 5221
Team : L2C - Nanomechanics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-assembly of granular binary mixtures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this project, you will focus on self-assembly of granular binary mixtures. Hard spheres of two different sizes undergoing thermal motion have revealed to form a wide range of different phases including periodic and aperiodic crystals. With the experimental setup available at LPS , we are able to realize a macroscopic version of this type of systems using grains vibrated on a substrate. This allows us to study how athermal motion influences crystallization phenomena. Depending on your interest, your project can be focused more on the simulations, or more on the experiments. Questions of interest in this study will include: How driving and dissipation mechanisms affect the stability of granular crystals? Can we observe new phases which genuinely emerge from non-equilibrium effects? Are there features of granular self-assembly which manifest at the macroscopic scale the underlying irreversible dynamics?
Giuseppe Foffi
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Phenomenology of Dark Matter Indirect Detection
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
About 85% of the matter in the Universe is in the form of an unknown substance dubbed Dark Matter (DM). While some of its general properties are known, its actual nature is still undetermined. The most popular hypothesis is that it consists of a new, yet-to-be-discovered elementary particle. One of the possible strategies to investigate it is via the so-called Indirect Detection (ID): studying the possible excesses in cosmic rays that could produced by the annihilations (or decays) of DM particles in the galactic halo, and comparing them with the theoretical predictions from particle physics models. Within this broad context, the proposed Master 2 internship (and the possible ensuing PhD project) will proceed in different directions: X-rays, velocity-dependent annihilations, primordial black holes constraints, synchrotron bounds, purely gravitational effects... (to be decided according to the interest and the opportunity).

Laboratory : LPTHE - UMR7589
Team : LPTHE particle physics and cosmology
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-Unitary Quantum Many-Body Dynamics and Measurement-Induced Transitions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Unitarity is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics which underlies the dynamics of closed quantum many-body systems, the concept of thermalisation and the emergence of statistical mechanics. A different paradigm for quantum dynamics arises in presence of an external environment, which can represent for example dissipation due to a bath or an external monitoring apparatus. Other sources of non-unitarity can arise for example in presence of non-Hermiticity due to post-selection of measurement outcomes or to non-reciprocal, “one-way” interactions, the latter providing a novel paradigm for phase transitions in active matter and finding several applications in quantum information processing. The goal of this project is to explore the consequences of non-unitarity on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems, in particular for what concerns the dynamics of quantum information. Examples include: the study of entanglement dynamics in presence of non-reciprocal couplings, the role of interactions in simple models of monitored quantum systems or the robustness of measurement induced transitions to different types of measurement protocols and observables.
Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of competing orders in Floquet driven quantum materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Time-dependent periodic perturbations can dynamically change the state of a system, a celebrated textbook example is the Kaptiza pendulum, whose unstable equilibrium position becomes dynamically stable under periodic drive. Similar ideas are currently being actively explored in condensed matter physics and ultra cold atoms to “Floquet” engineer through periodic driving novel phases of matter which are not stable in thermal equilibrium. One promising direction is to consider systems which display competing quantum orders in their equilibrium phase diagram and use periodic drive to manipulate and control this competition. The goal of this internship and PhD proposal is to study the non-equilibrium dynamics of electrons in presence of charge density wave (CDW) and superconducting (SC) instabilities. These types of competing orders appear ubiquitously in the phase diagram of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) such as NbSe2 and NbS2, which offer an ideal playground to explore novel exotic states of matter. We will study models for TMD under periodic driving and discuss the possibilities of Floquet engineering of the mutual coupling between CDW and SC.
(Internship in collaboration with I. Paul, MPQ Paris-Cite’)
Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Propagation of correlations in a strongly-interacting quantum gas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Low dimension physics
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Our team has built a new ultracold strontium experiment to study the relaxation dynamics of quantum gases in two-dimensional optical lattices using single-atom resolved fluorescence microscopy. Recent theoretical advances have put forward a very simple picture: the dynamics of such system would be essentially local, meaning that it would take a finite time for correlations between two distant regions of space to reach their equilibrium value, as happens in relativistic theory because of the limit imposed by the speed of light. This locality would be an emergent collective property, similar to spontaneous symmetry breaking, and have its origin in the propagation of quasiparticle excitations. The intern will join a team of two PhD students, learn how to run the experiment, and directly participate in the first measurements of the propagation of correlations. The idea is to study of the relaxation dynamics of the after a so-called quantum quench. In practice, the gas will initially be prepared in the ground state of the optical lattice and then set out of equilibrium by suddenly varying the lattice depth. Of particular interest will be the quantum critical region in the vicinity of the superfluid-to-Mott insulator transition, where quasiparticles are expected to be strongly interacting, and therefore cannot be the carrier of ballistically propagating correlations, which goes against the simple picture described above. The intern is expected to pursue with a PhD thesis.
Marc Cheneau
Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Sympathetic laser cooling of the pair 88Sr+/9Be+ in an ion trap: an experimental simulation of the trapping and cooling of antimatter ions (GBAR experiment)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Laser cooled trapped ions are among the few physical systems in which quantum control has reached levels such that quantum information algorithms can be implemented (e.g. 2012 Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to David Wineland and Serge Haroche). Quantum logic operations have also recently been used to develop a completely new spectroscopic technique (the quantum logic spectroscopy) that allow for unprecedented precision in optical clocks and, more generally, to address atomic or molecular transitions in species that cannot be directly laser-cooled. This technique is based on the so-called « sympathetic cooling » in which two species of ions are trapped in the same device and one of them is laser-cooled while the other is cooled through Coulomb interactions. This technique will be implemented in an experiment at LMPQ.
Jean-Pierre Likforman
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of CO2 capture by aqueous foams
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Whether it is to purify the air of fine particle pollution or to obtain gases, our need for gas filtration and separation is growing rapidly. This need is crucial in the context of global warming and new. Aqueous foams, which are low-tec and low-cost materials can be used to separate CO2 from the other constituents of air. Indeed, they are made up of a myriad of liquid films acting as selective membranes to separate the CO2 that solubilizes in the liquid phase and the air that remains mainly in the bubbles. To advance our understanding of this problem, we propose a study of the dynamics of CO2 transfer within a foam. The proposed approach will be both experimental and theoretical. Experiments will be carried out using an existing laboratory set-up to measure how CO2 is distributed between the liquid and gas phases. Theoretical analysis will be carried out using effective medium models implemented at LIPhy.
Elise Lorenceau
Laboratory : LIPhy, Grenoble - UMR 5588
Team : MODI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optical properties of liquid crystal thin films
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Saint-Gobain has developed extensive expertise in glass functionalisation. Once the appropriate layers have been deposited, glass can become coloured, reflect infrared rays, scatter light, etc. The ideal solution is to make its properties adjustable to the environment in order to optimise the building's energy performance. Liquid crystals are good candidates: they have interesting optical properties, are easy to handle and respond to external stimuli (electrical voltage, temperature). We propose to study the potential of a new system liquid crystal-based system. We will study the optical and structural properties of defects generated in smectic phase A liquid crystal layers, a few hundred nm thick. the following points will be explored: - Fabrication of the samples and study of the experimental parameters to be controlled in order to obtain and modulate the defects. - Study of the optical properties of the samples (light scattering, spectra) to better understand the relationship between the microsctructure of the sample and the interference observed. - Study of the effect of light polarisation on the optical properties of the system.
Patrick Davidson
01 69 15 53 93

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Marangoni propulsion and interaction with flows
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This project proposes to study experimentally and theoretically the Marangoni propulsion of interfacial Camphor disk swimmers and their interaction with external flows.
Cecile Cottin-Bizonne
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Molecular electronics with 2D materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
2D materials like graphene, hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) and transition metal dichalcogenides (MoS2, WSe2) have unique electronic and optical properties together with flexibility, high-speed operation and standard CMOS fabrication processes compatibility. These make them appealing to embed them in molecular electronic devices. The aim of the internship is to use 2D semiconductors to overcome the issue of gating in vertically stacked molecular junctions. Molecular junctions embedding a 2D semiconductor layer, where transport is governed by three interfaces: metal/2D, 2D/molecules and molecules/metal, will be investigated. Tuning both the carrier density in the 2D semiconductor and the band alignment at interfaces can be achieved by means of metallic gate electrode.
Philippe Lafarge

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : TELEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Numerical modelling of granular avalanches through a forest of deformable pillars
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
This projet proposes to investigate the downslope flow of a granular material through a forest of flexible fibres in an inclined plane geometry, and study how the elasticity of the fibres, as well as the frictional interactions between the grains and the fibres, can impact the granular flow. It focuses on numerical modelling and simulations using the Discrete Element Method coupled with non-smooth contact solvers developed in the team. The numerical study will be supported by experimental measurements in the context of a collaboration with the FAST lab.
Laboratory : INRIA Grenoble -
Team : ELAN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Myosin-dependent environmental hydrodynamic marine mechano-biochemical stimulation of first multicellular organisms evolutionary emergence: Underlying mechanotransduction mechanism
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
The evolutionary emergence of the primitive gut (called endomesoderm (EM)) in first Metazoa, one of the decisive events that have conditioned the major evolutionary transition leading to the origin of animals, is thought to have been intimately associated to the invagination of primitive multi-cellular tissues (i.e gastrulation) and its differentiation. However, the biochemical cues at the origin of such primitive gut formation remain uncertain. We recently found that hydrodynamic mechanical strains, reminiscent of soft marine flow, trigger tissue gastrulation and inversion via a Myosin-dependent mechanotransductive process, in the metazoan Nematostella vectensis (Cnidaria) and the multi-cellular choanoflagellate Choanoeca flexa (see Figure) considered as the closest living relative to metazoans. These observations suggest that primitive gut emergence in Metazoa may have been initiated by marine mechanical strains in multicellular pre-Metazoa more than 700 million years ago, thanks to Myosin mechanosensitive properties crucial for this evolutionary transition (Farge, Biol. Theory 2013, Bouclet, Brunet et al, Nat Com 2013, Nguyen et al, Front Cell Dev Biol 2022). The project consists in searching for the underlying molecular mechanism of the translation of the mechanical strains into the biochemical signals leading to the Myosin activation involved and conserved in these distinct species from earliest metazoa, beginning in Nematostella embryos.
Emmanuel Farge
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : PCC: Mécanique et Génétique du Développement
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective dynamics of micro-organisms: plume migration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The green microalga Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii is a model microorganism, representative of uni- cellular and bi-flagellate eukaryotes. A dense solution of these microalgae spontaneously destabilises to form plumes. Surprisingly, currents generated in these convection cells are up to 10 times faster than the swimming speed of a single microalgae itself. The wavelength that naturally appears in this pattern is proportional to the depth of the solution, and the plumes are statistically steady. But, what happens when the thickness of the solution is not constant? How do convection cells interact? Is there any net propulsion of the pattern? The project aims at characterising and modelling the dynamics, through experimental macro- and microscopic observations. Mesoscopic scale will be accessed by numerical simulations, which will overall validate a model by comparison to experimental results.
Hélène De Maleprade
Laboratory : Institut d'Alembert -
Team : Fluides Complexes et Instabilités Hydrodynamiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Avalanches of fibre-reinforced granular materials
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
This project proposes to study the effect of fibre reinforcement on the avalanche dynamics of granular materials.
Baptiste Darbois Texier

Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Fast : Granulaires et Suspensions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spatiotemporal Energy Transport in Advanced Energy Materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The aim of this project is to spatiotemporally study microscopic charge transport and dynamics in nanocrystal-based optoelectronics systems. Energy transport across nanoscale interfaces is fundamental to the physical chemistry and functionality of energy conversion applications. While advanced spectroscopic methods grant an understanding of excited-state dynamics in isolated materials, many physical questions about the microscopic nature of transport in optoelectronics devices remain underexplored. To address this area, one needs a probe of local charge transport with sub-nanosecond time resolution and sub-micron spatial resolution in a material with realistic device conditions. Our approach is to do pump-probe microscopy and fabricate nanocrystal-based optoelectronics. These studies will reveal microscopic structure–property relationships that connect nanoscale carrier dynamics to macro-scale energy conversion. The student will help to interface a pulsed white-light laser and spectrometer into an existing pump-probe microscopy setup, perform sample fabrication by lithography and self-assembly, and perform spectroscopy experiments to spatiotemporally measure the charge transport characteristics of advanced materials such as nanocrystal-based systems of interest. The student would be advised by Dr. James Utterback, a CNRS Chargé de Recherche at the Institut des NanoSciences de Paris (Sorbonne Université). If interested, email james.utterback -at-
James Utterback

Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
QED calculations for Standard Model tests
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Spectroscopy experiments on hydrogen molecular ions (H2+ or its isotope HD+), the simplest molecules in nature, have reached a record 12-digit accuracy, creating a strong motivation to improve the theory. This would allow a more precise determination of the proton-electron mass ratio mp/me, and contribute to setting constraints on new interactions beyond the Standard Model. Another system of interest (also 3-body) is the negative hydrogen ion H-. A new measurement of its photodetachment threshold is in progress, making it desirable to improve theoretical predictions. Moreover, this is useful for the GBAR project, an experiment aiming to measure the gravitational behavior of antimatter that involves the Hbar+ ion, i.e. the antimatter counterpart if H-. The internship will be devoted to improving the theoretical value of the H- electron affinity. In this case, sufficient precision can be achieved by considering the leading orders of the QED expansion. The aim of the PhD is to advance further the theoretical accuracy in the hydrogen molecular ions (in particular their hyperfine structure) through the evaluation of higher-order QED diagrams. This involves both analytical and numerical work: one first needs to express the energy correction in a suitable form, then the numerical calculation is performed using very precise wavefunctions obtained by numerical resolution of the Schrödinger equation.
Jean-Philippe Karr
01 44 27 60 79

Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Trapped Ions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Microwave quantum optics in quantum Hall edge states
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ines Safi, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris - Saclay. Co-director: Pascal Degiovanni (ENS Lyon). The proposal lies within the ANR project « QuSig4QuSense » associating he experimental group of Gwendal Fève at ENS Paris. Electronic quantum optics is a novel research field which has emerged in the last years by studying quantum electronic transport in its ultimate form, through manipulating single coherent electronic excitations in chiral edge states of the quantum Hall effect (QHE), which are electronic analogues to optic fibers in photonics. Quantum point contacts (QPCs) formed by bringing closer two opposite chiral edges are the analogous of beam splitters under control. Quite often, “light”, thus electromagnetic fields, is used to probe properties of “matter”. Inversely, our project consists in using electrons to probe the quantum states of electromagnetic fields and developing novel quantum sensors for the latter. This is the idea of an “electron radar “, at the heart of the QuSig4QuSense project. An important part of the project consists into manipulating and characterizing microwave quantum fields within edge states of the QHE, thus to propose controlled on-chip sources of quantum radiation. In the HE, this radiation is associated with charge oscillation modes called « plasmons » whose propagation determines electrical current at finite frequency. The internship and thesis aim to use these plasmonic modes to perform microwave quantum optics.
Inès Safi

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electrical control of hair-cell mechanosensitivity in the inner ear.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
We propose here to study how bioelectricity may control mechanosensitivity of the inner ear's "hair cells".
Pascal Martin
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Active mechanosensitivity of inner ear hair cells
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Entropy production and fluctuation-response relations underlying active mechanosensitivity by the inner ear’s hair cells
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
We propose to study the energy requirements associated with active mechanosensitivity to sound inputs by hair cells from the inner ear, as well as the fundamental limits imposed by noise on mechanosensitivity.
Pascal Martin
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Active mechanosensitivity of inner ear hair cells
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spectral broadening of single colloidal nano-emitter under high excitation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystal are excellent bright nano-emitters, awarded by the Nobel Price 2023. At room temperature, they behave as high quantum efficiency single photon source thanks to the electronic confinement and efficient Auger processes. Single photon emission can be described by the recombination of a single exciton within a simple two-level system. Under low excitation power at room temperature, the emission linewidth is approximately Δ𝜆 ≈ 20 nm. However, by increasing the excitation power, emission spectrum broadens dramatically up to Δ𝜆 ≈ 150 nm. Moreover, the emission intensity grows non-linearly with increasing excitation power. The two- levels system paradigm fails for interpreting those features. We have recently developed a model based on the radiative recombination of multiple excitonic levels within a single nanocrystal , relying on statistical description of electron and hole populations in a quasi-equilibrium and on their recombination. During the internship the student will consider different types of nano-emitter, quantum dots or quantum wells, and will study their emission under high excitation. He/She will then analyse the experimental datas using among others Bayesian methods, and extent our theoretical model. During the PhD, in the framework of the ANR CoLIMe, starting in 2024, and in continuity of the internship, we will study strong coupling between multiexcitonic emission of those nanoemitters and plasmonic antennas.
Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fluorescent rotors for probing shear-stress in micro-scale flows
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The aim of the internship is to demonstrate the feasibility of a method employing fluorescent rotors to measure local shear-stress and/or viscosity in micro-scale flows. Once validated, the method will be used for shear-stress measurement in an acoustofluidic device (with potential application in cell manipulation). The project will involve the following tasks Literature review on previous studies on fluorescent rotors and dyes employed Fabrication of fluid samples, micro-channels Benchmark experiments on a straight micro-channel flow Experiments on a straight micro-channel flow with complex fluids Experiments in an acoustofluidic device with simple fluids Data processing and presentation
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Oscillations of a micro hydraulic jump
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The primary goal of this internship is to delve into the various cavity modes achievable within this system. By altering the plate's shape, adjusting the number of jets, and exploring the interactions between the liquid and the substrate, we can investigate the conditions that trigger the oscillations in the hydraulic jump, unlock the various cavity modes it offers and build a liquid equivalent to Chladni figures. This internship also offers the opportunity for continuation into a Ph.D. thesis, which will further address the questions previously mentioned, as well as explore other aspects of microjets impacts.
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Les analogues quantiques acoustiques : de la théorie aux expériences
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Dans ce projet, notre objectif est d'étudier théoriquement, numériquement et expérimentalement la possibilité de réaliser des analogues quantiques acoustiques qui permettraient d'explorer les possibilités et limites de la théorie des ondes pilotes. Ce travail est lié à notre récente découverte théorique selon laquelle des sources acoustiques peuvent être transportées par leur propre onde acoustique, grâce à la force de radiation acoustique résultant d'une asymétrie créée par l'effet Doppler lorsque la particule commence à se déplacer [4,5]. En particulier, nos principaux objectifs seraient de démontrer la possibilité d’un analogue classique du spin avec une dualité onde-particule et d'étudier l'intrication pour les systèmes classiques.
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamics of an active particle in a potential well Figure
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this master project, we will investigate experimentally and theoretically how a single artificial active particle behaves when confined in a potential harmonic well. In this experiment, the active particle consists in a self-propelled millimetric Marangoni boat fueled with camphor or alcohol. It is placed on the interface of a soap film hanging on a horizontal frame. In this configuration, the film acts as a harmonic potential well attracting interfacial bodies towards its center. The student will investigate some original aspects of the dynamics of a self-propelled milli-swimmer on a soap film, and characterize the system’s mechanical/physical properties for different shapes and number of swimmers, as well as soap film interface composition.
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
La microfluidique sur un fil…
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L’objectif de ce stage est d’étudier théoriquement et expérimentalement le déplacement d'une goutte sur une fibre puis son comportement à un noeud en situation de mouillage partiel. Ce cas de figure est jusqu’ici resté dans l’ombre (les expériences de microfluidique sur fibres emblématiques étant réalisées en situation de mouillage total) mais présente pourtant un fort intérêt tant du point de vue fondamental qu'appliqué. Le stage pourra déboucher sur une thèse approfondissant la question précédemment établie et répondant à la question du déplacement réversible de gouttes par l’utilisation de vibrations.
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamiques extraordinaires d’interfaces liquides couvertes de microparticules
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
L’ajout de microparticules sur une interface liquide-air peut drastiquement modifier les propriété mécaniques et physique de cette interface et conduire à des comportement surprenants, comme des bulles non-sphérique stables (par exemple cylindriques), des « bulles d’air éternelles» résistant au drainage et à l’évaporation et pouvant ainsi conserver leur intégrité pendant plus d’un an ou encore l’inversion de l’instabilité de Saffman-Taylor. A l’heure actuelle, le comportement dynamique de ces interfaces reste encore largement inexploré. Au cours de ce projet de master, nous étudierons expérimentalement et théoriquement des aspects originaux de la réponse dynamique de ces interfaces et en particulier leur propriétés mécaniques/physiques pour différents objets et différentes compositions d’interface.
Alexis Duchesne
Laboratory : IEMN - UMR 8520
Team : FILMS
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum simulation based on Floquet engineering
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Low dimension physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Le sujet propose d'étudier, puis d'implémenter expérimentalement des Hamiltonien d'intérêt pour la simulation quantique grâce à des modulations rapides de paramètres. Il s'agit d'un exemple d'application de la théorie de Floquet. Le stage se focalisera sur des exemples précis modèle SSH, observations d'états topologiques, mise en évidence de la localisation d'Anderson. La thèse élargira le champ d'application grâce à la prise en compte du degré de liberté interne (spin) et de dimensions supplémentaires. L'expérience se fera sur un condensateur de Bose Einstein dans un réseau optique.
David Guéry-Odelin
Laboratory : LCAR - UMR5589
Team : Quantum Engineering
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Gravitational waves signatures of first order phase transitions with SU(2)_f
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The aim of this internship is to explore the presence, strength, and finally possible GW signatures of first order transitions in new physics models with supplementary gauge groups motivated by the Standard Model flavour problems – so-called horizontal gauge groups. Possible directions include (but are not limited to) computing higher-order corrections (e.g. due to fermionic contributions) to the finite temperature effective potential of the flavour model, building and implementing new model files for fully parallelized simulations of the real-time evolution of scale-gauge theories in an expanding universe, as well as modelling GW behaviour in the wake of a first-order phase transition. For interested candidates with experience in C++, programming-intensive directions could also include developing a Monte-Carlo generator for thermal configurations or a generic numerical model for the dynamics of a phase transition and subsequent emission of GWs. Interactions with the experimental GWs group at IP2I is expected. This internship may be continued by a PhD project pending to obtaining a PhD funding from the Doctoral School.
Aldo Deandrea

Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team : Theorie IP2I Lyon
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
High-throughput single-molecule FISH for quantitative measurements of transcriptional kinetics in developing C. elegans larvae
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Gene expression is known to be highly dynamic, often stochastically fluctuating between periods of quiescence and periods of pronounced transcriptionally activity (Tunnacliffe et al. 2020). To fully understand how patterns of gene expression are established and maintained during development, for instance, studies of in-vivo transcription kinetics are required. The goal of this internship is to combine of live-imaging and high-throughput single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH; smFISH) in developing C. elegans larvae to perform quantitative measurements of transcriptional dynamics of miRNAs. We will achieve this using a microfluidic device that allows trapping and imaging up to 100 larvae simultaneously (Figure 1A). Once the device has been tested and optimized, the student will characterize gene expression using smFISH across several developmental timepoints and fit mathematical models of transcription to the data.
Wolfgang Keil

Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Biologie Quantitative du Développement
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Neutrino masses and Leptogenesis in minimal aGUTs
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Traditional Grand Unification (GUT) occurs when all gauge couplings become identical at a finite energy scale. In the aGUT framework, the gauge couplings tend to the same value asymptotically at high energies. Minimal models are based on a SU(6) gauge symmetry in 5 dimensions. For this internship, we plan to study how neutrino masses can be generated in SU(6) aGUTs and their implication for high scale leptogenesis, i.e. the spontaneous generation of a lepton asymmetry in the early Universe. This class of models do not require supersymmetry, guarantee the stability of the proton and contain extra compact dimensions. The ultraviolet fixed point appears as asymptotically free in the effective theory at 4 space- time dimensions, but is non-trivial in the full theory with de-compactified dimensions at high energy. We have in particular already built a minimal model based on the SU(5) gauge group, with a very rich phenomenology which can be explored at future colliders. The typical mass of the first tier of resonances is in the few TeV range if the stable and neutral particle of the model is the dark matter candidate. The SU(6) case is even more promising. The aim of this internship is to study the neutrino sector and leptogenesis for this class of models. The candidate will have to familiarise with the basics of Unification and asymptotic unification, and study their implications. The internship will be followed by a thesis proposal.
Aldo Deandrea

Laboratory : IP2I - UMR5822
Team : Theorie IP2I Lyon
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Tying knots of darkness with incoherent light
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The past few years have witnessed impressive developments in optical sources capable of emitting light with non-trivial phase and/or polarization patterns, such as optical vortices. These structured beams are of interest in many scientific fields ranging from sub-diffraction imaging techniques to optical tweezers. Because structured beams are carved by carefully tailored interferences, their construction requires light possessing a high degree of coherence—typically light produced by a laser. One research direction pursued by our team is to achieve the same feat with sources of non-lasing light. Non-lasing light (e.g. light from the sun, from LEDs, from candles…) lacks of the coherence properties of lasers, meaning that it is not in principle possible to shape all the emitted photons into a single beam. Our strategy to overcome this fundamental limit is to hybridize a luminescent medium with a structured pattern (a “metasurface”). Rather than emitting random photons in free space, the luminescent medium will emit light with properties dictated by the metasurface. We have already validated these ideas for optical vortices and beams with azimutal polarization. The goal of this internship is to generalize these results to vortex knots and vortex links, which are beams with dark phase singularities that form non-trivial topologies such as interlaced or knotted loops. The work will include calculations, cleanroom fabrication and optical characterization.
Aloyse Degiron
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team : DON
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Nanophotonics, Correlated electrons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Recently, there has been a blooming interest in modifying electronic structures through the influence of cavity vacuum fluctuations. While Fabry-Perot cavities have demonstrated moderate impact on matter due to their relatively weak coupling strength, a promising avenue lies in the use of deep-subwavelength cavities, which confine the electromagnetic field within a small volume below the diffraction limit. One largely unexplored example are hyperbolic phonon-polaritons cavity, constructed from layered hexagonal boron-nitride. These materials combine tightly confined electromagnetic fields, a good quality factor, and also display exotic "hyperbolic" characteristics. The primary objective of this project is to delve into the quantum fluctuations within these hyperbolic cavities and explore their interactions with various quantum phases. During this theoretical internship, the Master's student will acquire, develop, and apply state-of-the-art techniques in quantum many-body physics and cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). This will enable the student to investigate the emergent phases of matter within cavity-embedded systems.
Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Simultaneous 3D localization and 2D orientation determination for single-molecules super resolution microscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Super-resolution (SR) microscopy have revolutionized our understanding of the biological processes at the molecular level. Imaging single molecules and localizing their center with high precision allows the reconstruction of pointillist image of the sample with a resolution beyond the diffraction limit [1,2,3]. In order to capture the 3D nanoscale morphology of the whole cell, multifocus microscopy (MFM) has been proposed to instantaneously acquire the 3D localization of single molecules (SM) in cells within a volume of a few micrometers [4,5]. Still additional information such as molecular orientation can provide supplementary information relating the local molecular organization and arrangement to the biological function. One strategy to recover the orientation of single molecules is by polarimetric measurement [6]. A polarization-splitting scheme combined with SMLM allows to determine both the 2D localization and orientation of SM. The aim of this internship is to retrieve the orientation measurement simultaneously with 3D positional information of single molecules in biological samples. The method will rely on combining MFM with polarization measurements at the different focal plane.
Bassam HAJJ
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : LOCCO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Probing the diffusion landscape in the nucleus of living cells
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) offers a means to visualize (super-resolution) and follow (single-particle tracking) the dynamics of biological entities at the molecular scale. Within the nucleus, SMLM imaging revealed that biomolecules self-assemble and organize into condensates and compartments to perform specific tasks (e.g. transcription) or play a specific role (e.g. maintaining of genetic information), thus linking organization with function [1]. It is known that DNA organization and compaction play a role in orchestrating the different nuclear functions and gene expression by restricting the accessibility of nuclear players to specific genes. In cancerous cells, it was shown that DNA compaction and chromosome territories are massively altered. However, a single cell characterization of the physical property of the cell nuclear environment is still missing. The purpose of this internship is to map such environment at molecular scale by following the dynamics of inert particles of different sizes injected inside the nucleus. Efficient 3D tracking of single particles in the nucleus will be performed using Multifocus microscopy (MFM) [2]. MFM allows simultaneous acquisition of 9 different focal planes on the same camera, thus covering the whole volume of a nucleus in a single acquisition.
Bassam HAJJ
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : LOCCO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mutlicolor & Multifocus microscopy for single molecule imaging
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
The ability to control the wavefront at the output of an imaging system allows to correct the imaging system optical aberration but also to impose a controlled deformation to encode specific information in the recorded images. Diffractive optical elements (DOE) provide an efficient mean to manipulate light. In multifocus microscopy (MFM) for instance [2,3], a DOE is placed in the back focal plane. It plays two roles: first, it splits the emission into a specific array of equal-intensity diffraction orders, and second it applies a specific deformation of the wavefront in each diffraction order. The grating splits the emission into several paths while imposing a specific defocusing or focusing power to each. In MFM multiple imaging planes are thus formed side by side on the same camera allowing a fast and sensitive volumetric imaging of biological samples. Still the wavelength-dependent diffraction properties of DOE can limit the use of MFM for multicolor applications [3]. The purpose of this internship is to explore new methods for the realization of achromatic DOE [5]. In addition, the use of DOE as a mean to detect and identify different fluorescent species with distinct spectral properties will be explored. Such developments will be further tested for single molecule imaging in real biological systems. We aim to study the molecular organization and interplay of several nuclear factors that are involved in nuclear organization.
Bassam HAJJ
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : LOCCO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Gamète fusion mechanism revealed by expansion microscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Human sterility appears as an increasing problem in modern society with ~20% of couples consulting for fertility disorders. The causes are often not identified because the detailed process of mammalian fertilization remains poorly understood. In particular, little is known on the molecular and membrane mechanisms by which a sperm and an oocyte fuse to produce a new being. When the fertilizing sperm reaches the oocyte plasma membrane, the gametes enter in an interaction phase that leads to the fusion of their membranes. For fusion to occur, the proteo-lipidic membranes have to locally reach favorable configurations, the mechanism of which remains unknown. Our interdisciplinary team, working at the interface between physics and biology on fertilization is developing innovative biophysical approaches to get new insights on this fundamental biological mechanism. The objective of the internship, will be to elucidate the membrane remodeling and protein redistribution in the contact zone between the sperm and the egg leading to gamete fusion. The strategy is to use the recently developped expansion microscopy technique to obtain high resolution images of the contact zone [2]. This is a difficult challenge due to the submicrometric sizes of the membrane structures involved. Expansion microscopy allows to increase the size of the sample by a factor 20 while maintaining its structure. The aim of the internship will be to apply this technique to oocytes with spermatozoa in interaction.
Christine Gourier
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Membrane Molecular Mechanisms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Beyond Bell theorem: Quantum Networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In 1964, Bell proved that quantum physics is incompatible with the intuition that our world is local: two experimentalists measuring the properties of two photons created by a same quantum source can produce correlations which cannot be explained by any classical theory. This was verified by the famous Aspect experiment, recently rewarded by a Nobel price. Those correlations, called nonlocal, are the fingerprint of quantum phenomena and at the origin of tremendous applications of quantum physics. A decade ago, physicists understood that Bell’s theorem is the first elementary manifestation of a broader phenomenon called network nonlocality. The project is to understand network nonlocal correlations, and to exploit them to either understand the foundations of physics or find practical applications to quantum theory. Depending on the profile of the candidate, several approaches can be considered: - Conceptual, analytical, mathematical - Optimization, numerical In case of continuation with a PhD, it may include collaborations with: - Quantum Info Theory: Nicolas Gisin (Geneva), Antonio Acin (Barcelona),David Gross (Cologne), Omar Fawzi (INRIA Lyon) - Quantum Distributed Computing: Jukka Suomela (Aalto, Finland), Pierre Fraigniaud, Frédéric Magniez (Paris) - Polynomial Optimization, C*/Operator Algebra: Victor Magron (Toulouse), Igor Klep (Ljubljana)
Marc-olivier Renou
Laboratory : INRIA Saclay -
Team : INRIA Quantum Info Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Novel electronic states and exotic phase transitions in correlated electron systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
According to the Bloch theory, considered the “Standard Model” for the quantum description of solids, metal or insulator are mutually exclusive states of matter. The very existence of a metal-to-insulator transition observed in some materials shakes the foundations of such a well-tested model! Such a transition is one of the most fundamental puzzles of modern Physics. During this internship you will use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), a technique that directly images the electronic energies of a solid, to explore the changes in electronic structure and induced broken symmetries across the metal-to-insulator transition in V2O3. The experiments will be performed at several synchrotrons around Europe (France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, among others), and possibly Japan and China. You will also participate to the assembly and operation of a laboratory-based high-resolution ARPES system, aimed at exploring the MIT and other exotic states in correlated materials.
Andrés Felipe Santander-Syro
01 69 15 75 11

Laboratory : ISMO - UMR8214
Team : SIM2D
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
TeraHertz cavity electrodynamics of superconducting collective modes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Strong light-matter interactions between quantum materials and the vacuum field of cavities at TeraHertz (THz) frequencies is emerging as a new frontier for the control of material properties. Among quantum materials, superconductors (SC) hold a special place and a timely question has arisen regarding the possibility to tune their spectacular properties by dressing their collective modes with THz cavity photons. In this internship, we propose to study the collective modes of NbSe2, an exotic SC exhibiting simultaneously SC and a charge density-wave (CDW) state. Of particular interest will be to investigate the dynamics of its Higgs-mode, an analogue of the Higgs-boson in SCs, and its interaction with the CDW mode. This will be achieved with a combination of equilibrium THz time-domain spectroscopy and pump-probe THz spectroscopy. The first steps towards integration of this SC inside THz cavities and the dressing of its collective modes will carried out. The consortium of this collaborative project also includes experts in Raman spectroscopy and the theory of condensed-matter and SCs.
Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Nouveaux États Électroniques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergent long-range interactions and phase transitions in dissipative atom-cavity systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ultracold atoms coupled to an optical cavity can form exotic quantum states, like supersolids, where the superfluid order is accompanied by a self-induced density modulation, typical of solid crystal. The scope of the internship is to explore the behavior of atom-cavity systems via numerical simulations based on phase-space methods, where local quantum field operators are replaced by classical variables, obeying stochastic differential (Ito) equations. The student will develop a basic python code to solve such equations and study the underlying rich physics.
Giuliano Orso

Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Simulation of Twisted Bilayer Systems using Ultracold Quantum Gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Twisted bilayer lattice materials are fascinating systems, with exotic quantum properties. They can be emulated in ultracold-atom quantum simulators. The aim of this project is to investigate their physics using a combination of analytical work and advanced numerical approaches, of which our group is expert.
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Quantum matter theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Continuous superradiant laser with a laser cooled atomic beam
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Atomic clocks are vital components in modern technologies as well as in fundamental physics experiments. Recently, a new type of clock has been proposed: the “superradiant laser”. Instead of shining a stable laser onto cold atoms to probe their resonance frequency, the clock would operate by letting the atoms themselves emit light. The atoms would be placed in an optical cavity, but unlike a traditional laser, the emission process will rely on a collective synchronization of the atomic dipoles (superradiance), and the light frequency and coherence will mostly depend on the atoms. Thus, in addition to its significance as a new clock architecture, this system is interesting from a fundamental point of view: it is an example of an open-dissipative system in which correlations of quantum nature may naturally arise. We have built a prototype for a cold-atom-based superradiant laser. It relies on a beam of strontium atoms inside a vacuum chamber, guided by laser cooling up to an optical cavity, there to emit light in a superradiant fashion. The intern will be in charge of laser cooling and guiding atoms into the cavity, observing the first signs of collective interaction between the atoms and the light field in the cavity, and ultimately detecting superradiant emission. This work can then be continued into a PhD project, to understand how the emitters synchronize their oscillations, and contribute to assessing the interest of superradiant lasers as clocks.
Martin Robert de Saint Vincent
Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Gaz Quantiques Magnétiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Compressed all-optical photoacoustic imaging of neuronal activity in mice
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The study of large scale neuronal circuits throughout the brain is currently one of the biggest challenge in neurobiology. Non-invasive imaging of neuronal activity with single cell resolution is however currently limited to shallow depths, due to prominent light scattering beyond one millimeter. Photoacoustic imaging, a fascinating technique relying on ultrasound generation upon the absorption of a light pulse, has been developed to overcome this issue and probe optical absorption contrast at large depths in biological tissue. To achieve cellular resolution, the detected ultrasound bandwidth must be as large as 100 MHz, which is beyond the reach of conventional piezo-electric based sensors. The project aims at developing an all-optical photoacoustic imaging setup to non-invasively access neuronal activity at large depths (≳ 2 mm) in the mouse brain. The candidate will design and fabricate Fabry-Perot cavities for the optical interferometric detection of ultrasound. To provide high temporal resolution as required for neuronal activity imaging, the candidate will investigate wide-field interrogation strategies of these cavities. In particular, he/she will implement data acquisition and image reconstruction approaches based on compressive sensing. These techniques will be applied to perform calcium imaging in mice.
Thomas Chaigne
Laboratory : Institut Fresnel - UMR7249
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dissipative preparation of quantum-correlated states of ultracold fermions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
We offer an experimental internship in the field of ultracold atoms and quantum simulation. We study degenerate atomic gases, produced by laser cooling techniques and arranged on a periodic structure created by interfering laser beams. This setting leads to the production of strongly correlated fermions, prone to collective quantum phenomena such as magnetism and entanglement. In the search for quantum effects, typically, environments are considered detrimental, sources of decoherence. However, in specific cases, couplings to an environment can actually produce and stabilize non-trivial states. This exciting new idea means that quantum phenomena may be harvested for quantum simulation or sensing (clocks, atom interferometers) in a more robust manner than formerly thought. Our system is suited to explore both sides of the problem: Hamiltonian evolution towards entangled states, driven by anti-ferromagnetic interactions and coherent spin manipulations, and dissipative control. The intern will join during experiments in the Hamiltonian regime. In parallel, he/she will build a new laser system targeting the ultranarrow clock line of strontium, enabling a whole new set of schemes to measure quantum correlations. The internship is meant to act as introduction for a PhD on dissipative control. By introducing photo-association losses, we aim at demonstrating the robust production of a new set of quantum-correlated states, and at investigating their advantages for quantum sensors.
Martin Robert de Saint Vincent
Laboratory : LPL - UMR 7538
Team : Gaz Quantiques Magnétiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effects of self-consistency on the quasiparticle spectrum within GW and beyond
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The quasiparticle spectrum provides key information about new materials and can be theoretically analysed through the one-particle Green’s function. The latter needs, however, to be approximated, including effects of the electron-electron interaction. In solids, any approximation should, e.g., incorporate screening, i.e., the collective electronic motion that weakens the long-range Coulomb interaction. Replacing the bare Coulomb interaction, v, in Hartree-Fock theory with the screened Coulomb interaction, W, leads to the GW approximation, known to provide a reasonable description on a wide range of systems. Although a unique GW solution exists in most cases, the high computational cost in practical calculations necessitates some additional approximation scheme (perturbative G0W0 with various starting points, GW with partial self-consistency or the so-called self-consistent quasiparticle GW). Unfortunately, the results often strongly depend on the chosen scheme. In this project we will study an alternative to these GW methods by combining it with the density functional formalism and the random phase approximation. In this way, a unique and self-consistent result is obtained. We will carefully assess the quality of the results on a number of solids and then formulate a beyond-GW method that, in addition to effects of screening, also captures excitonic effects.
Maria Hellgren
Laboratory : IMPMC - 7590
Team : TQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Universal deterministic single ion "implantor" setup with nanometric accuracy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum circuits, made from specific doped materials, are foundational for quantum communication and computing. But, current ion implantation techniques face limitations due to non-deterministic ion sources and accuracy constraints. We propose here to develop a high-precision, universal ion "implantor" setup for applications in semiconductors and quantum technology. For this we will take advantage of the correlation between each electron/ion pair, resulting from the ionization of an atomic beam, to actively control the ion passing trajectory based on the extra information given by the electron, as already developed on Cs atoms [Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 064049 ]. This development of a controlled source of ions at the sub-nanometric scale will open unique perspectives for implantation, etching, deposition and imaging experiments and will allow the development of a revolutionary analytical instrument in the semiconductors field. For this we will adapt the cesium atomic beam system by using femtosecond pulsed multiphoton ionization to ionize atomic samples, creating a "cold" ion source for better accuracy. The use of other ions will allow us to realize precise ion trajectory control and deterministic single-ion creation. The internship will consist of testing the approach with Cs on the existing setup. The next steps, possibly in PhD, will consist of developing a deterministic Bi or N source, to integrate with a new FIB column to finally achieve nanometer scale implantation.
Daniel Comparat
+33 679768619

Laboratory : LAC - UMR 9025
Team : LAC: Matière Froide Corrélée
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Internal gravity waves in periodic stratification
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Internal gravity waves are mechanical waves that propagate in the bulk of stratified fluids, such as the ocean or the atmosphere. When the density stratification is not uniform, internal waves can exhibit resonances, tunneling, and frequency-dependent transmissions. In the Arctic Ocean, global warming has been driving rapid ice cover loss, and led to an increase of seasonal internal gravity wave activity. In this region, intriguing structures known as thermohaline staircases form spatially periodic density profiles. Recently, laboratory experiments in periodic stratifications have shown the appearance of internal wave band gaps and surface states. The occurrence of such banded wave transmission through periodic thermohaline structures could profoundly affect energy transfer processes in the ocean, yet their modeling poses a fundamental challenge that requires the development of pluri-disciplinary approaches. During this internship, we will identify the characteristics of periodic stratification profiles that produce band gap opening. By drawing analogies from a variety of systems describing wave-matter interactions, such as multi-layered photonic materials and topological insulators, we will investigate the physical mechanisms that govern internal wave surface states formation. The internship can lead to an ANR funded PhD thesis focusing on energy transport in nonlinear regimes and internal wave localization-like phenomena with applications in geophysical fluids.
Severine Atis
Laboratory : Pprime - UPR 3346
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantitative study of the clonal development of the mouse cortex
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
How does a fully developed brain in all its complexity emerge from a limited number of neural stem cells is one of the main questions of developmental neurobiology. Through a long-term collaboration between the Laboratory for optics and biosciences (LOB , at Ecole polytechnique) and the Institut de la vision (IDV, Paris), we have recently developed the means to obtain comprehensive clonal color labeling using the ‘brainbow’ technique and to map these labels over the entire mouse cerebral cortex with subcellular resolution with a new 3D microscopy methodology. By applying machine learning based image analysis approaches to these data, we are now starting to obtain millions of detected cells positions across different developmental stages. Within that context, this internship will help with quantitative analysis and modeling of that data toward an understanding of the clonal development of the mouse cortex. Keywords: computational developemental neurobiology, biological data science, complex system analysis and modelling
Anatole Chessel
Laboratory : LOB - UMR7645
Team : Microscopies avancées et physiologie des tissus
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electron Electric Dipole Moment using Cs in cryogenic matrix
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of electrons, neutrons or nuclei are sensitive probes for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. In the present project (EDMMA: Electric Dipole Moment with atoms and molecules in Matrix), we propose to measure the electron EDM using embedded particles in a cryogenic solid matrix of rare gas or hydrogen. Matrices offer unprecedented sample sizes while maintaining many characteristics of an atomic physics experiment, such as manipulation by lasers. An EDM experiment on atoms and molecules in inert gas matrices has the potential to reach a statistical sensitivity in the order of; a value several orders of magnitude beyond that of any other proposed technique. In a strong collaboration between experimental (LAC, ISMO,LPL) and theoretical (CIMAP) groups, we seek to perform a detailed investigation of all limiting effects (trapping site dependence of optical pumping and coherence times mainly) using metal atoms (Cs typically) in argon and parahydrogen matrices in view of a first proof of principle EDM measurement. This will pave the way toward unprecedented sensitivity. During this internship (that can continue in a PhD) we propose to setup the cryostat with argon and make the first test of RF spin dynamics and hyperfine structure study of cesium embedded in an argon matrix.
Daniel Comparat
+33 679768619

Laboratory : LAC - UMR 9025
Team : LAC: Matière Froide Corrélée
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Trous noirs artificiels dans les fluides quantiques de lumi`ere
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Les photons sont d'excellents porteurs d'information, mais ils n'interagissent généralement pas entre eux. Les atomes interagissent, mais ils sont difficiles à manipuler et ne bénéficient pas de l'arsenal de l'optique quantique pour détecter les fluctuations quantiques et l'intrication. Notre approche pour marier ces deux systèmes pour la simulation quantique consiste à utiliser des exciton-polaritons dans des microcavités semi-conductrices. Notre équipe utilise cette plateforme pour simuler des effets astrophysiques à proximité de trous noirs artificiels, avec de la lumière.
Quentin Glorieux
Laboratory : LKB - 8552
Team : Quantum Fluids of Light
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory of finite-component phase transitions in quantum optics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The experimental control of the coherent interaction between light and matter is one of the corner stones of the recent developments in the field of quantum technologies. In this context, cavity quantum electrodynamics has reached an important milestone in the last decade with the achievement of the ultrastrong coupling (USC) regime, where the coupling strength becomes comparable or even larger than the cavity frequency. Furthermore, recently developed quantum simulation techniques made it possible to observe the physics of the ultrastrong-coupling regime even in systems that do not naturally achieve the required interaction strength. These effective implementations of USC can reach extreme regimes of parameters, where phase transitions emerge, even in systems with a finite number of components. These finite-component phase transitions are easier to control than their many-body counterparts and offer an interesting framework for the study of critical phenomena, with possible applications to quantum metrology. The goal of the project is to explore the rich phenomenology of finite-component phase-transitions using state-of-the-art numerical methods designed to simulate open quantum systems, complemented by analytical calculations. In particular, implementation of field-theoretical tools recently developed for open quantum systems will be considered.
Alexandre Le Boité
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Artificial black holes in exciton-polariton fluids of light.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Photons are great carriers of information but they usually don’t interact with one another. Atoms interact but are hard to manipulate and do not benefit from the toolbox of quantum optics for detecting quantum fluctuations and entanglement. Our approach to marry these two systems for quantum simulation is to use exciton-polaritons in semi-conductor microcavity. Our team is using this platform to simulate astrophyics effects near artificial black holes with light.
Quentin Glorieux
Laboratory : LKB - 8552
Team : Quantum Fluids of Light
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Manipulation de cristaux d’ondes
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
La surface d'un bain vibré verticalement devient instable au-delà d’un seuil d’accélération (instabilité de Faraday) . Le motif ondulatoire obténu dépend de la forme du bain et résulte de la réflexion des ondes générées sur les parois. Lorsque l’on augmente la viscosité du liquide, un nouveau régime fascinant apparait. Les motifs à la surface du bain peuvent alors être interprétés comme un ensemble de sources localisées en interactions les unes avec les autres via les ondes quelles produisent. Ces « oscillons » interagissent uniquement avec leurs plus proches voisins et tentent de maintenir une distance entre elles d’une demi-longueur d’onde. Ces ondes agissent ainsi comme un ensemble de masses variables couplées. Le caractère particulaire de cet objet purement ondulatoire lui confère des propriétés fascinantes qui permettent de revisiter les domaines de la matière active, des milieux variables en temps, des systèmes dynamiques hors-équilibre ou de l’auto-organisation. Contrairement aux systèmes mécaniques, les oscillons peuvent notamment apparaitre ou disparaitre, et leurs interactions sont à l’origine même de leur existence. La richesse de ce système ouvre de nombreuses perspectives d’expériences. Pour ce stage, nous mettrons ce motif d’oscillons sous contrainte en faisant varier la surface du bain par déplacement d’une des parois. Nous étudierons les transitions de phase, les réorganisations et auto-organisations induites ainsi que la dynamique de ce cristal d’ondes.
Emmanuel Fort
Laboratory : IL - UMR 7587
Team : Ondes en milieux complexes
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deciphering Decision Making and Path Finding in Helical Pathogens
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Helical morphologies are found everywhere in nature. They are observed at different scales, from molecular to macroscopic structures, giving them great biological and ecological relevance. We have recently observed in the dimorphic yeast Candida albicans - a benign member of the human microbiota which can turn into one of the most deadly opportunistic fungal pathogen - helical, coiled or wavy filamentous growth modalities as specific adaptative responses to environmental cues. C. albicans thus provides a relevant model system for the study of the oscillatory geometries of life from a fundamental standpoint with possible relevance for fungal pathologies. We are looking for an M2 student, with the possibility of continuing the work into a PhD thesis as part of the ANR-funded HELPATH (HELical PATHogen, 2024-2027) project, to uncover the mechanisms leading to oscillations. An exciting first step will be to explore the intriguing and still mysterious phenomenon of the directional memory of hyphae, which consists of remembering an initial growth direction over long distances in micro-mazes. The internship project is interdisciplinary by nature and will be co-supervized by two biophysicists, Catherine Villard, (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain, Paris) and Igor Kulic (Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg).
Catherine Villard
Laboratory : LIED - UMR8236
Team : MIcrosystèmes CellulAires
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory of atom-photon and spin-photon interfaces: from cavity-QED to waveguide-QED
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The rise of cavity-QED has made it possible to fully exploit the light-matter interaction, at the most fundamental level: single atoms and single photons. Our team in C2N has developed quantum-dot-based interfaces which can be used as efficient emitters of single photons, leading to the creation of the company Quandela. A strong challenge remains: developing quantum nodes that implement logic operations on incoming photons, using the interaction with a single stationary qubit. During the last decade, we have also built a practical theoretical toolbox, allowing to simulate the cavity-QED effects in light-matter interfaces. By doing so, we made a theoretical breakthrough: it becomes possible to exactly describe many complex cavity-QED phenomena, with the much simpler and practical framework of waveguide-QED. This will allow implementing numerical and analytical strategies which were previously out of reach. During this internship, we want to explore the potential of this breakthrough, by demonstrating its full validity and extending it to future applications. In addition to fundamental research, a long-term goal will also be to develop a plug & play simulation platform that any experimentalist could use, to predict the results of complex experiments, with any kind of light-matter interface.
Loïc Lanco
Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : Quantum Optics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
La bionique des structures filamenteuses
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
ENG: Our research includes, on the one hand, the biomechanics of organisms and filiform supramolecular structures having a strong sensitivity to environmental stimuli and, on the other hand, the studies of bio-inspired artificial systems as well as devices combined between the living and the artificial. This emerging project within the MSC laboratory is based on a new phenomenon recently published by our group. This is a “soft motor”, based on the inversion of a helix. We offer a mainly experimental internship. From the perspective of a thesis, the theoretical part is considered.
Drazen Zanchi

Laboratory : MSC -
Team : Dynammique et organisation de la matière molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum microwave detection using a super-inductance circuit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
With the advent of circuit quantum electro-dynamics, the most advanced platform to realize fully controllable and scalable quantum processors using superconducting quantum bits, the vector of information has become microwave photons in the [4-8]~GHz band. Developing an efficient and fast microwave photo-electron converter thus holds immense promise in advancing quantum computing, communication and sensing. In this context we have very recently realized a microwave photon to electron converter in which a superconducting tunnel junction acts as a voltage tuneable quantum absorber through the photon-assisted tunneling of quasiparticles. The achieved quantum efficiency, estimated from the measured photo-assisted current, approaches unity. This finding paves the way for the proposed project which aims at detecting single microwave photons using charge detection techniques using superinductances currently under development in the lab. The student will join the project lead by 2 permanent researchers, 1 graduating phd student and 1 post-doc. The goal will be to develop charge detection using superconducting circuits made out of granular aluminum, a disordered superconductor, realized in a nanofabrication clean room by electron beam lithography and metal evaporation. Measurements will then be carried in a brand new dilution refrigerator with base temperature of 20mK and high precision electronics.
Julien Basset

Laboratory : LPS - 8502
Team : NS2
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Widely tunable ultra-stable and SI-traceable quantum cascade lasers for frequency metrology and mid- infrared precise spectroscopy: application to space, atmospheric and fundamental physics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Ultra-high resolution molecular spectroscopy is an interdisciplinary field with fascinating applications ranging from fundamental physics to astrophysics, earth sciences, remote sensing, metrology and quantum technologies. Among recent instrumental advances, the stabilization of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) on optical frequency combs with traceability to primary frequency standards, a method recently implemented in our team, is a breakthrough technology. It offers an unprecedented level of precision in the mid-infrared, an essential region known as the molecular fingerprint region, which hosts a considerable number of intense vibrational signatures of molecules of various interests. This opens up prospects for carrying out fundamental physics tests and exploring the limits of the Standard Model, and for providing precise spectroscopic data on species of astrophysical or atmospheric interest, which is a crucial information for environmental and human health issues. We have for instance recently measured rovibrational frequencies in methanol with 11-digits accuracy by carrying out saturated absorption spectroscopy in a multi-pass cell and in a Fabry-Perot cavity enhanced spectroscopy, a more than 4 orders of magnitude improvement compared to previous measurements reported in the literature.
Mathieu Manceau

Laboratory : LPL - UMR7538
Team : Métrologie, Molécules et Tests Fondamentaux (MMTF)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The hidden mechanics of soft gels
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gels constitute a large portion of the materials around us: body tissues, food products, but also industrial glues and seals. At first glance, they are mechanically similar to other elastic materials. If you take a piece of gelatin, for instance, you can deform it by a small amount and it will return to its original shape. If you look closer, however, gels have a complex molecular structure. They are made of a crosslinked polymeric network swollen by a liquid solvent. As a consequence, their mechanical behavior is dictated by the coupling between the elastic deformations of the polymeric network and the flow of the solvent. For simplicity, they are often modeled as incompressible solids, and these models are then used to estimate, for instance, adhesion forces of cells living on soft tissues. Whether they truly behave as incompressible solids, however, is both difficult to asses and crucial for an accurate modeling. In this project, we will take a deep dive into gel mechanics. You will exploit recently collected experimental data, which tracks the 3D displacement of the polymeric network inside a silicone gel, to understand in which circumstances a gel can be modeled as an incompressible solid. This will involve numerically analyzing of the displacement of tens of thousands of tracers, and rationalizing the results within the framework of continuum mechanics. The results will be directly compared with existing numerical predictions.
Nicolas Bain
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Precision Measurements and tests of fundamental physics with cold molecules
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
The master student will participate in the development of a new-generation molecular clock specifically designed for precision vibrational spectroscopy of cold molecules in the gas phase. The proposed technology is at the forefront of cold molecule research and frequency metrology, and opens possibilities for using polyatomic molecules to perform tests of fundamental physics and explore the limits of the standard model. The apparatus will be used in the first place for measuring the electroweak-interactions-induced tiny energy difference between enantiomers of a chiral molecule, a signature of parity (left-right symmetry) violation, and a sensitive probe of dark matter. The master student will take an active role in various aspects of the developments of the experiment. She/he will: - set up the mid-IR quantum cascade laser system at 6.4 μm to probe molecular vibrations in this spectral region; - perform first Doppler and sub-Doppler absorption spectroscopy on cold molecules produced at ~1 K in a novel cold molecule apparatus, with a particular focus on well-chosen promising chiral and achiral organo- metallic species and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Mathieu Manceau

Laboratory : LPL - UMR7538
Team : Métrologie, Molécules et Tests Fondamentaux (MMTF)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Distributed surface code lattice surgery
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The creation of a network of medium scale quantum computing cells connected to each other by means of entanglement is establishing as one the most promising approach towards large scale quantum computing. The project aims to extend the most common error correction protocol -- the surface code with a lattice surgery construction – to the distributed setting. The basic idea is to perform stabilizer measurements across physically separated cells by means of shared noisy entangled Bell pairs. In this framework, the intern will have to finely understand the specificities of error correction codes and use known or develop its own simulator of noisy quantum circuits to efficiently evaluate the threshold and overhead of a distributed surface code. In parallel, the intern will investigate a large scale quantum algorithm -- like Shor’s algorithm -- to estimate precisely the resource and runtime needed to run such an algorithm on a physical platform using cat qubits and driven by a distributed surface code lattice surgery. The intern will be supervised by N. Sangouard (CEA-Saclay), E. Gouzien and J. Guillaud (Alice&Bob). Depending on the student motivations, the internship might be followed by a PhD thesis (already funded) between CEA-Saclay and Alice&Bob. For a recent publication relevant for the project, see E. Gouzien, D. Ruiz, F.-M. Le Régent, J. Guillaud & N. Sangouard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 040602 (2023) ; arXiv:2302.06639
Nicolas Sangouard
Laboratory : IPhT -
Team : Quantum Information Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Parametric generation of optical angular momentum in nonlinear metasurfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
About 30 years ago, it was recognized that photons can carry OAM, orbital angular momentum (𝐿=±ℓℏ), which corresponds to a beam with an integer number ℓ of intertwined helical phase-fronts. OAM beams, also known as vortex beams, exhibit unique topological properties and have recently found several applications. The physics of vortex beams is particularly fascinating in the nonlinear regime, where OAM can be transferred from the pump to the harmonic frequency and optical spin-orbit coupling can occur in exotic fashions, even in the generation of two-photon quantum states via SPDC. In this context, chi(2) optical metasurfaces are particularly interesting for their inherent capability to generate optical harmonics with on-demand spectral, spatial, polarization and phase properties, and we already showed that they are versatile SPDC-based sources of two-photon quantum states. This internship aims at demonstrating a nonlinear metasurface for the synthesis of OAM in SPDC, which has never been attempted to date. To achieve this breakthrough, we will design, fabricate and characterize an AlGaAs-on-insulator source for two-photon quantum states with controlled OAM. To this end, we can rely on solid grounds in both the technological platform and the theoretical domain (quasi-normal-mode modelling), while possessing state-of-the-art nonlinear and quantum optics experimental facilities, and an international leadership in this research field.
Giuseppe Leo
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team : DON
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topological surface states for the implementation of a Landau-level laser
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
A particular feature of topological materials is the emergence of remarkable surface states. In addition to the chiral metallic state, there may be other gapped states that are described in terms of a relativistic quantum-mechanical wave equation (Dirac equation) if the surface or interface is sufficiently smooth. In the presence of a strong magnetic field, these surface states are quantised into Landau levels that have recently been observed in transport and spectroscopic measurements. Landau levels have since long been proposed for the implementation of a novel type of tunable laser in the THz regime, which is a particularly difficult regime for coherent light emission. However, these proposals have encountered severe obstacles due to rapid non-radiative relaxation processes that prevent a sufficiently long-lived population inversion. These obstacles may to some extent be circumvented in topological surface states, within multi-level lasing systems. In order to corroborated these studies, a detailed study of the different life times of electrons in the associated Landau levels is required. This study, which combines analytical and numerical calculations is at the heart of the internship project. It is meant to be carried out in collaboration with Prof Ermin Malic, Marburg University, Germany, for the numerical studies as well as with several experimental groups, such as the THz-spectroscopy group at LPENS, Paris.
Mark Oliver Goerbig
06 32 96 10 52

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum imaging with non-degenerated entangled photons
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum imaging (QI) is a rapidly developing field of research with stunning progresses and emerging societal applications. Quantum-enhanced imaging schemes harness the beneficial properties of entangled photon pairs allowing transferring amplitude and phase information from one photon state to the other. The technique is however still in its infancy and we propose to go beyond the state of the art. The main goal is to develop advanced QI protocols that exploits photon pairs at extreme wavelengths from near infrared to the visible down to the deep UV using a non-classical source based on high harmonic generation (HHG). The main objective of the internship will consist in using a pair of non-degenerated entangled photons at 2 harmonics from the HHG frequency comb to perform a quantum imaging experiment in the far field regime. We will study the possibility of transferring the sensing and resolution benefit from one spectral range to another one. Indeed, an intriguing question is about the spatial resolution achievable in the QI scheme, especially in the case of non-degenerate photon pairs. The quantum correlations between the two photons from the same harmonic generation process will be used to transfer amplitude and phase information between the two photons. In the diffractive regime, and in a "ghost diffractive imaging" configuration based on the coincident detection of the two entangled photons.
Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR 7639
Team : Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Evidence of multipartite entanglement in semiconductor high harmonic generation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum information science and imaging technologies reach some bottleneck due to limited scalability of non-classical sources. Future breakthroughs will rely on high production rate of various quantum states in scalable platforms. Generally, multipartite entanglement with N>2 suitable for quantum applications is difficult to achieve because of the low efficiency of the traditional schemes. Intrinsically, the HHG emission comes as a frequency comb and should exhibit N-partite entangled photons. Practically, the internship project will consist in extensively study the non-classical properties of the HHG process in a semiconductor for N>2. In the process, each emitted photon is a superposition of all frequencies in the spectrum, i.e., each photon is a comb so that each frequency component can be bunched and squeezed. The candidate will first develop and test entanglement and quantum correlations using the violation of Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. We will verify genuine multipartite entanglement of the photons in the time/frequency domain, by correspondingly measuring the longitudinal position as well as the frequency bandwidth. The approach will be further extended to verify multi-partite entanglement between even more optical modes. The Bell-like inequalities will therefore be generalized to witness entanglement between more than three mixed quantum states.
Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR 7639
Team : Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Attosecond control of quantum states of light
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
High-harmonic generation is a light up-conversion process occurring in a strong laser field, leading to coherent attosecond bursts of extreme broadband radiation. As a new paradigm, attosecond electronic or photonic processes such as high-harmonic generation (HHG) can potentially generate non-classical states of light well before the decoherence of the system occurs. This could address fundamental challenges in quantum technology such as scalability, decoherence or the generation of massively entangled states with ultrafast processing. The internship will consist in realizing a platform that will allow controlling the carrier to envelope phase (CEP) of the laser that drives the semiconductor HHG emission. The CEP of the laser will allow controlling the non-classical state, in connection with our recent finding in various semiconductors (Theidel et al, submitted to Nature, in review). Single and multi-beam intensity cross-correlation, two-mode squeezing in the generated harmonic radiation, which depends on the laser intensity will be investigated. We will test the violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that realizes a direct test of multipartite entanglement in high-harmonic generation. The attosecond control of light states open the vision of quantum processing on unprecedented timescales, an evident perspective for future quantum optical computers. Only candidates motivated to follow with a PhD in this topic will be considered.
Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR 7639
Team : Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Development of single-shot balanced detection for femtosecond circular dichroism
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Circular dichroism (CD) is the property of chiral molecules to absorb differently left- and right-circularly polarized light. CD spectroscopy is a very popular technique for analyzing the secondary structure of biomolecules at equilibrium in solution. However, despite the conceptual simplicity of static measurements, their transposition to the time domain (TRCD), especially on the sub-picosecond time scale, remains challenging due to their weak signals prone to pump-induced polarization artifacts. Recently we have developed a simple and robust method allowing simultaneous measurement of the intensity variation of the two circular polarization components of linearly polarized probe pulses. This balanced detection geometry allows femtosecond TRCD signals to be recovered from a single laser shot, which significantly increases S/N ratio and reduces the acquisition times. The objective of this internship will aim at implementing this detection over an extended spectral region spanning the visible down to the deep-UV and then to test its potentiality for the measurements of relevant chiral model systems. In this respect, a commercial 1kHz amplified Ti:sa laser source delivering 800-nm pulses of 100-fs duration will be used. Pump and probe will be generated from the combination of optical parametric amplification, sum frequency generation and second harmonic generation, allowing a tunability over 220 nm up to 700 nm.
Pascale Changenet

Laboratory : LOB - UMR 7645
Team : Internal dynamics of biomolecules
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Many-body quantum dynamics in ion-ion collisions
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems

Type of internship
Manipulating ion beams allows the study of many-body quantum dynamics in atomic collisions. For several years, the ASUR team at INSP has been developing a crossed beam experiment to carry out ion-ion collisions. The goal is to measure the probabilities of electronic processes by controlling the number of electrons on each collision partner.

Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : ASUR
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Dynamique de radeaux granulaires dans un champs de vagues
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
La dynamique d'un objet flottant en présence d'ondes de surface est un problème d'interaction fluide-structure de grande importance pratique, par exemple pour la stabilité des bateaux ou la dérive de la banquise. A plus petite échelle, ce problème intervient également dans la dérive et la dispersion de polluants (micro-plastiques) dans l'océan. Le stage proposé fait partie d'un projet de recherche visant à comprendre la dynamique d'objets flottants complexes (flexibles, composites) dans un champ de vagues. Plus spécifiquement, il s'agira de développer et d'analyser des expériences permettant de suivre la position et la forme de radeaux granulaires dans des ondes de surface gravitaires, et de proposer une modélisation physique pour décrire leur comportement.
Frederic Moisy
Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Instabilités, Ondes et Turbulence
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction entre particules flottantes sur un liquide en oscillation
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Lorsque plusieurs particules flottent à la surface d'un liquide, elles ont tendance à s'agglomérer. Ce phénomène bien connu résulte de l'attraction capillaire, parfois appelée "effet Cheerios" : chaque particule se déplace sur une surface courbée par la présence des autres particules, cette courbure étant induite par le ménisque se formant sur la ligne de mouillage de chaque particule. Dans le cadre de ce stage, nous souhaitons étudier ce qu'il advient de cette attraction capillaire en présence de vibration. La motivation est ici de comprendre le comportement d'un agglomérat de particules flottantes soumises à un champ de vagues, question importante dans le contexte de la dispersion de polluants.
Frederic Moisy
Laboratory : FAST - UMR 7608
Team : Instabilités, Ondes et Turbulence
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Anyon statistics in fractional quantum Hall conductors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Two-dimensional systems allow for the existence of quasiparticles with intermediate statistics between fermions and bosons, leading to intermediate degrees of bunching and exclusion. As their exchange phase can take any value, these quasiparticles have been called anyons. Interestingly these quasiparticles keep a memory of the number of exchanges between them, which is protected from local perturbations of the anyons trajectories: one speaks of topological protection. This protection is at the heart of the current interest for anyons, as specific types of anyons, called non-abelian, are the building blocks of topological quantum computing that would be protected from decoherence. The fractional statistics of anyons has been recently evidenced in 2020 in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) conductors. Using noise measurements in the geometry of an anyon collider, our team at LPENS in collaboration with our partners from C2N demonstrated the fractional statistics of anyons at the filling factor 1/3 of the fractional quantum Hall effect. The 1/3 case corresponds to the simplest FQH state, where the properties of anyons are described by a single number. The purpose of this internship and PhD is to use the geometry of the anyon collider to extensively study the properties of anyons for more complex phases of the FQH effect and in particular in the non-abelian case (filling factor 5/2). The internship is intended to be followed by a PhD funded by the ERC project ‘ASTEC’.
Gwendal FEVE
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : LPENS - Physique mésoscopique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Properties of chiral molecule / metallic interfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Chiral molecules are present in the form of two non-superimposable enantiomers due to the absence of inversion center. They then offer the unique possibility of being able to create spin selectivity at the interface with a metal. This effect, known as the CISS (chiral induced spin-selectivity) effect, was demonstrated in the early 2000s. But, the origin of this effect is still widely debated. Experimentally, the CISS effect brings together all the phenomena for which the chirality of molecular species influences the spin selectivity of various electronic processes. In particular, studies have been able to demonstrate enantio-selectivity during the adsorption of chiral molecules on magnetic substrates: depending on the orientation of the magnetization, a given enantiomer is preferentially adsorbed. In this context, the internship will focus on the interfaces between chiral molecules and metallic or ferromagnetic substrates in order to understand their properties. For this, measurements by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) will be carried out. For the structural properties, it will be important to understand how chiral molecules adsorb on different metallic substrates. Furthermore, tunneling spectroscopy will provide access to the electronic properties of molecules and it will then be interesting to understand how the CISS effect translates into transport through molecular orbitals, before testing the spin selectivity.
Amandine Bellec
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team : Auto-organisation de nanostructures et STM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Créer de la matière artifielle à base de photons dans un Fluide Quantique de Lumière
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Les photons sont d’excellents porteurs d’information, mais ils n’interagissent généralement pas les uns avec les autres. Les atomes interagissent, mais ils sont difficiles à manipuler et ne bénéficient pas de l’arsenal de l’optique quantique pour d´etecter les fluctuations quantiques et l’intrication. De nombreuses approches ont été proposées pour marier ces deux systèmes en vue de simuler de la matière condensée avec des photons fortement interagissant, mais à ce jour, la réalisation de matériaux synthétiques composés de photons fait encore d´efaut. Notre équipe vise cet objectif ambitieux, à savoir la création de Matiere Photonique Synthétique. Nous proposons une opportunité de stage (suivie d'une thèse financée par l'ERC) pour étendre les capacités de notre plateforme à un nouveau niveau en augmentant de plusieurs ordres de grandeur les interactions effectives photon-photon et en entrant dans le régime des interactions fortes.
Quentin Glorieux
Laboratory : LKB - 8552
Team : Quantum Fluids of Light
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
violation of Bell's inequality of momentum-entangled atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Description stagiaire participera a des expériences visant à démontrer une violation d'inégalité de Bell sur des atomes intriqués en vitesse. Il réalisera et caractérisera un asservissement de la différence de phase entre deux faisceaux lasers puis l'implémentera sur le dispositif expérimental. Le stage comprend une partie d'analyse des données.
Denis Boiron
Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Using statistical physics to unravel how gene selection leads to robust developmental traits
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The complexity of biological systems is partly due to the intricate structure of interactions between thousands of genes. The topology of gene networks has been under scrutiny since the emergence of systems biology, but little progress has been made to connect theoretically large-scale statistical features of networks (typically, scale-freeness) to concrete functional and evolutionary properties. Using statistical physics, we are combining analytical and computational models to unravel how natural selection shapes gene interactions and give rise to robust developmental traits. We built a statistical description for a population of individuals each described by their genes’ level of expression. In our model, the developmental dynamics of each individual were constrained by gene interactions encoded in an individual- specific matrix and included a noise source which accounted for the stochasticity inherent to developmental processes. We aimed at describing the long term population dynamics governed by the probability of each individual to survive, reproduce and mutate according to their developmental trajectories. Under reasonable assumptions, we deem it possible to derive an analytical model to obtain a reduced set of algebraic-Riccati-like equations for the developmental dynamics. This model could represent a substantial improvement in theoretical systems biology, provided that the mathematical assumptions are biologically realistic.
Antoine Fruleux

Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Inducing Exotic electronic phases of quantum matter by tuning crystal symmetries
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The present subject aims at studying strain-induced exotic electronic phases in correlated electron systems presenting such states as charge density waves (CDW), spin density waves (SDW) and/or superconductivity (SC). Thanks to a unique cryogenic biaxial tensile strain device, compatible with optical, tansport and x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, we can study lamellar systems that exhibit various electronic orders under strain. We recently showed that application of mechanical strain can induce exotic phase transitions in lamellar systems, like CDW orientational transition only governed by in-plane lattice parameter symmetry, and with a linear evolution of transition temperatures with strain, reaching 40K at maximum deformation. This evolution of Tc is apparently not at all proportional with the gap, and new studies have to be performed in those systems under strain to understand the very nature of these CDW. In this project, we plan to develop and use new types of measurements under strain: the direct band gap measurement by photoemission spectroscopy under strain, the evolution of electron-phonon coupling by time-resolved optical and XRD techniques, and the study of local strain-induced CDW structure by x-ray microdiffraction. Finally, we plan to extend these techniques to other systems presenting competing exotic electronic phases: CDW/CDW and CDW/SC in transition metal dichalcogenides and CDW/SDW in chromium thin metallic films.
Vincent Jacques
Laboratory : LPS -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Light-control of topological materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Controlling properties of the materials with light is a novel research direction in condensed matter physics that is sparked by the recent experimental advances in controlling chemical reactions, enhancing transport in semiconductors or even inducing superconductivity. Topological materials play a particularly important role in this direction due to their robustness and their possible application in quantum technologies. The goal of this internship is to study how to use light to probe and control topological properties of quantum materials. This project relies on state-of-the-art analytical and/or numerical techniques of quantum many-body physics to address the hybrid light-matter system. After successful completion of the internship there is a possibility to go on with a PhD and work on the ERC Project “Q-Light-Topo”.
Olesia Dmytruk
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Condensed Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Synthetic Photonic Matter in a Quantum Fluid of Light.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Photons are great carriers of information but they usually don’t interact with one another. Atoms interact but are hard to manipulate and do not benefit from the toolbox of quantum optics for detecting quantum fluctuations and entanglement. Many approaches have been proposed to marry these two systems for quantum simulation of condensed matter with strongly interacting photons, but to date, the realization of large-scale synthetic materials made of optical photons is still missing. Our team targets this exciting goal, namely the creation of Synthetic Photonic Matter. We are offering an internship opportunity (followed by an ERC-funded PhD) to expand the capabilities of this platform to a new level by increasing by many orders of magnitude the effective photon-photon interactions and enter the strong interaction regime.
Quentin Glorieux
Laboratory : LKB - 8552
Team : Quantum Fluids of Light
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Test of quantum electrodynamics in strong Coulomb field
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Fields theory/String theory

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship will be centred in the preparation of a new experiment on high-accuracy x-ray spectroscopy of few electrons heavy ions for testing quantum electrodynamics (QED) in strong Coulomb field (the field of the highly charged ion). On the one hand, to setup the acquisition system of the new detector and to make first tests with fluorescence targets and (possibly) with highly charged ions in our SIMPA installation in the Pierre et Marie Curie campus. On the other hand, the candidate will estimate the sensitivity to the nuclear size and deformation effects for the planned measurement to select the most interesting uranium isotopes to be studied. Some calculations will require the use of the MCDFGME code.
Martino Trassinelli
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : ASUR
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation on the interaction between highly charged ions and magnetic surfaces
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Low dimension physics

Type of internship
The purpose of this internship or thesis is the characterization of the surface magnetization of samples by collision with highly charged ions. The x-ray emission that accompaign the collision depends on the alignment of the spins of the captured electrons by the ion providing information on the magnetic phase of the sample surface. A proof of principal experiment has been recently performed that demonstrates the sensitivity of x-ray emission to the ferro-/paramagnetic phase phases of a nickel sample surface. The proposed internship/Ph.D. consists of continuing this stimulating new research topic. The following steps are: 1) to extend such a study to other materials like LaSrMnO (ferro-/paramagnetic transition) and FeRh (antiferro-/ferromagnetic transition), 2) to implement coincidence detection between the x rays and the ion charge state after the collision and 3) to implement high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy
Martino Trassinelli
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : ASUR
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergence of homochirality in complex media
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we propose to build models for the emergence of homochirality in systems which include spatial inhomogeneities and repulsive interactions between molecules. Our model will develop new methods to take into account the chemical complexity of prebiotic systems, which comes from having a large number of species involved together in autocatalytic cycles, with unknown kinetics and topology.
01 40 79 51 40

Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultrafast trapping of cold Yb atoms in a transportable optical lattice clock
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Optical lattice clocks have reached such a resolution that they can now be controlled at the 18 digits level. This makes them able to detect a change of height of 1 cm, via a general relativity effect called gravitational time dilation. At SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, we are building a transportable Ytterbium lattice clock, targeting ultrahigh stability, in order to participate to the cartography of the geopotential in the future. The M2 student will work on the construction of the so-called 'magic' optical lattice, and on the loading techniques to catch atoms efficiently in this trap.
Rodolphe Le Targat

Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR 8630
Team : Métrologie des fréquences optiques (FOP)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Amorphous superconducting topological matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
One of the main characteristics of topological phases of matter is their robustness to local perturbations and the existence of topologically edge states. Most of our understanding of topological materials developed by studying crystalline materials, therefore assuming a reciprocal space. Because topological classifications do not depend on translational invariance, there is no reason why they could not extend from crystalline to amorphous materials which are locally similar to their crystalline counterpart but do not sustain any long-range order, Themain purpose of this internship is to analyze whether topological superconductivity can be induced in a simple toy model for amorphous matter.

Laboratory : LPS -
Team : THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Singular wave-based electronspectroscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Condensed matter systems often exhibit symmetries that make their response to electromagnetic stimuli dependent on those stimuli polarization. Dichroic responses, whether linear or circular, are therefore invaluable for studying various physical properties such as structural, morphological, electronic or magnetic. Historically, dichroism has been studied using polarized photons, mainly in the visible to X-ray range. However, these techniques often lack spatial resolution. Electron spectroscopy, in particular with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), enables atomic resolution, surpassing optical methods. Challenges remain, however, particularly with regard to the creation of electron waves mimicking optical polarization. Recently, we have developed a new theoretical framework showing that the local density of polarized electromagnetic states, can be measured with tools (“phase plate”) that can manipulate the incident beam electronic wave function. This project aims to use this tool to produce electronic wavefunctions that mimic polarization states, and to test these methods on nanometric optical or magnetic structures. It will cover instrumental, experimental and theoretical aspects, appealing to a curious and motivated candidate.
01 69 15 53 69

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : STEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Detecting new particles in quantum materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Quantum spin liquids are an exciting family of quantum materials with topological properties that offer novel solutions to quantum computing. In such materials, emergent particles and exotic phenomena arise from the interactions between huge numbers of electrons. This project will address how to detect novel particles in these new states of matter using a challenging experimental technique known as the "thermal Hall effect" measured in extreme conditions of magnetic field and temperatures. This effect represents the deflection of heat in a magnetic field and is thought to be a direct manifestation of these novel states of quantum matter. The project will also focus on developing a unique new approach for performing thermal experiments using nanofabrication processes that will be carried out in a clean room facility. This major milestone will open the door to many future perspectives in the field of quantum materials.
Gaël Grissonnanche

Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Nouveaux États Électroniques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Uncovering a new law of physics in quantum materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
One favored way to study unconventional superconductivity today is to investigate the preceding phase. Indeed, before they pair to form a superconducting state, electrons interact so strongly that they defy the standard theory of metals in a phase we call “strange metal”. Recent experiments have shown that strange metals host a scattering time between electron collisions that reaches a universal value known as the “Planckian limit”. To determine the origin of the Planckian limit, the aim of the project will be to measure and model the transport properties of unconventional high-temperature superconductors such as cuprates or more recently discovered nickelates under extreme temperature and magnetic field conditions.
Gaël Grissonnanche

Laboratory : LSI - 7642
Team : Nouveaux États Électroniques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optical Mapping of Surface Acoustic Waves
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Mathieu Jeannin

Laboratory : C2N - Palaiseau - UMR9001
Team : ODIN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Critical behaviour in the creep dynamic
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We focus on the creep dynamics of a magnetic domain wall. Indeed, at tiny magnetic fields, the wall creeps only via thermal activation over pinning centers. A localized instability triggers a cascade, akin to aftershocks following a large earthquake in a compact active region. How large are these reorganisations? The goal of this project is to show that their size diverges, decreasing the temperature revealing the existence of a disordered, out-of-equilibrium critical point. In this internship we introduce a model for the domain wall and adapt the Dijkstra algorithm to study the creep dynamics. The internship can then lead to a PhD project in collaboration with D. Vandembroucq (PMMH, ESPCI)
Alberto Rosso
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Non-perturbative approaches to strongly-correlated phases of matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Fields theory/String theory
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Strongly-coupled phases of matter such as are found in the strange metallic phase of high Tc superconductors deviate strongly from the Landau theory of Fermi liquids, which captures the low-energy physics of conventional metals. This suggests that the low-energy degrees of freedom are no weakly-coupled quasiparticles. Non-perturbative approaches which do not take quasiparticles as a starting point are gauge/gravity duality (aka holography or ads/cft) and hydrodynamic effective theories. The purpose of this internship is to explore how such methods may be applied to strongly-coupled phases of matter.
Blaise Goutéraux
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR 7644
Team : String Theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum hydrogen dynamics in ice cages Gas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Gas hydrates, particularly hydrogen hydrates, are emerging as significant in sustainable energy storage. The behavior of hydrogen within certain ice structures remains an enigma. Research indicates hydrogen undergoes both classical and quantum rotations in these structures, and specific conditions prompt nematic ordering. This internship aims to delve deeper into these quantum rotations, connect the quantum reasons behind nematic ordering with experimental findings, and employ machine learning to enhance hydrate system simulations. Understanding this is crucial for optimizing gas hydrate applications in energy storage.
Marco Saitta

Laboratory : IMPMC - UMR 7590
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Visualiser l’auto-assemblage d’un virus en temps réel
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Les virus sont des agents biologiques étonnants constitués de centaines de briques élémentaires assemblées avec une précision atomique. Le projet de stage a pour objectif d’élucider la dynamique à l’équilibre de l’empaquetage du génome dans une capside virale icosaédrique à l’échelle de la molécule unique. Nous disposons d’un montage optique quasi unique combinant la microscopie de fluorescence à réflexion totale interne (TIRFM) et la microscopie interférométrique à diffusion (iSCAT) permettant de visualiser en temps réel des molécules par fluorescence et des molécules non nécessairement marquées par diffusion de la lumière. Des échantillons biologiques seront préparés puis des mesures par TIRFM/iSCAT seront réalisées à différentes concentrations en protéines virales. Les images seront analysées via d’éventuelles améliorations sur les codes existants pour déduire ensuite les grandeurs thermodynamiques. Idéalement, nous recherchons à estimer l’énergie libre d’interaction en fonction de l’état d’assemblage de la particule virale. Enfin, des expériences d’auto-assemblage en présence d’un agent d’encombrement seront initiées afin de s’approcher des conditions physicochimiques du milieu intracellulaire.
Guillaume TRESSET

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : SOBIO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The quest for quantum supreme matter in strange metals
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The strange metal phase in strongly correlated quantum matter is an exotic state challenging conventional theories. Recently, new insights emerged through a theoretical approach rooted in string theory, known as the holographic duality theory. Building on this, and utilizing out-of-equilibrium techniques along with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we aim to unravel the mysteries surrounding strange metals and deepen our understanding of their physics.
Siham Benhabib
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Wetting dynamics of polymer liquids from the macro to the nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms of energy dissipation during spontaneous spreading of a drop on a nanotextured substrate. As part of this internship, the student will prepare and characterize (atomic force microscopy and X-ray reflectivity) nanotextured surfaces. They will then study the wetting of these surfaces with silicone oils of different viscosities. Conventional optical microscopy techniques will be used to probe macroscopic scales. Nanometric scales will be probed using X-ray reflectivity.
Marion Grzelka
Laboratory : LLB - 12
Team : Matière Molle et Biophysique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental realization of quantum-squeezed states of light using optically-levitated nano-objects.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
During this internship, the student will experimentally setup an optomechanical platform consisting of a nanoparticle optically levitated in vacuum. Through a spatial modulation of the input light field, a mechanically-induced correlation between phase and amplitude fluctuations of the optical field will be enforced. Such a correlation will be maximized to achieve a quantum squeezing of the scattered light field. A funding is available to continue and expand this internship through a PhD.
Nicolas Bachelard
Laboratory : Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d'Aquitaine - UMR 5798
Team : Nanophotonics Group
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum chaos & non-Euclidean photonics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Quantum chaos is a research field dedicated to the relationship between a quantum system and its classical counterpart. The predictions are investigated in any wave system, namely quantum, acoustic, microwaves, optics,… Recently, we demonstrated the fabrication of surface-like microlasers by Direct Laser Writing (DLW). The laser modes were located along periodic geodesics (a geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a surface, like the straight line in Euclidean space). It opens the way to a new domain, called Non-Euclidean Photonics. During the internship, the student will investigate microlasers based on a pseudosphere, a surface with constant negative curvature , where geodesics are unstable and the classical dynamics is chaotic.
Mélanie Lebental
Laboratory : C2N -
Team : QD
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Brillouin gain spectroscopy of superfluid helium-4 using a single pulsed laser.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Low temperature helium 4 is a model system for the study of condensed matter. The Quantum Liquid and Solid Group of Laboratoire Kastler Brossel has developed experimental tools to produce and characterize metastable negative pressure states of superfluid helium-4 at about 1 K. The aim of the internship is to develop a Brillouin spectrometer (sound velocity-meter) based on a single pulsed laser capable of measuring not only the speed of sound but also the attenuation of sound in superfluid helium-4.
Jules Grucker
Laboratory : LKB - Lhomond - UMR8552
Team : LKB: Polarised helium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Wearable Gas sensors based on functionalized transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets for the detection of NOx and CO
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In the framework of the internship we will develop new wearable gas sensors based on functionalized 2D materials and their heterostructures that will be able to detect sub-ppm-level NO2, CO, and CO2 pollutants, in a highly selective manner, in urban environments. The sensing layers will be produced by a solution-processable method for cost effective reason and its compatibility at large-scale manufacturing. To improve the sensitivity, selectivity, stability and time response/recovery of the sensor, its surface will be chemically functionalized and engineered by specific molecules that selectively bind to the target gas analyte.

Laboratory : -
Team : LPICM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Orbital Imaging in Correlated Fermions Materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A recent spectroscopic technique reported in March 2019 enables the direct imaging of orbitals. The measurement is based on Non-resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (NIXS) by observing some low-energy absorption resonance in the energy loss spectrum (incident minus final energy). The method has been successfully applied in NiO with a 3d8 electronic configuration, revealing the dz2 and dx2-y2 orbitals of the 3d holes of Ni atoms (see figure from Nature Physics 15, 559 (2019)). This new kind of imaging opens up a wide and completely new field of investigations, in particular for strongly correlated electrons materials where small changes of electronic structure generate remarkable properties (heavy fermions, superconductors, Mott insulators etc…)
Victor Balédent

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
AlGaAs sources of quantum states of light : fundamental research and applications to quantum networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
The generation of nonclassical states of light in miniature chips is a crucial step toward practical implementations of future quantum technologies. For the sake of practicality and scalability, these quantum sources should be easily produced, operate at room temperature, and be electrically excited and controlled. The work of the QITe team is focused on AlGaAs-based quantum photonic devices: indeed, this platform presents a strong case for the miniaturization of different quantum components in the same chip: strong second-order nonlinearity and electro-optic effect, direct bandgap, generation of entangled photons in the telecom band. After the demonstration of the first electrically driven device working at room temperature and the exploitation of the broadband character of the generated polarization entangled state for the implementation of flexible quantum networks, in this project, the QITe team will push ahead on several fronts: - devices development - fundamental studies on frequency-time entanglement for quantum metrology and quantum computing - participation in the deployment of the national infrastructure of quantum networks The internship will be experimental to ensure the transfer of know-how with the doctoral student in progress, but the thesis will have a dual experimental/theoretical dimension thanks to the close collaboration with the theoreticians in our group.
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Prediction of charge density wave states under biaxial strain
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Charge density waves (CDWs) are exotic quantum states of matter which are fundamentally relevant in many important systems, including high-temperature superconductors. In this internship, using analytical and computational methods, you will model this phase of matter and directly compare its properties to experimental results, in collaboration will experimentalists.
Corentin Morice
Laboratory : LPS -
Team : THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Femtosecond two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy in carbon dioxide and hemoglobin
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectroscopy is a nonlinear optical method consisting in measuring a pump-probe spectrum which is frequency resolved in both pump and probe dimensions. It is sensitive to the coupling between vibrational modes of molecular systems and also to protein structure fluctuations. In collaboration with Laboratoire Charles Fabry (IOGS) and the Amplitude company, LOB has recently developed a new 2DIR spectrometer of unprecedented spectral resolution, thanks to a nonlinear optical method coined Chirped Pulse Upconversion allowing direct detection of MIR radiation with a visible CMOS camera. The proposed internship will consist in applying this new experiment to recording 2DIR spectra in carboxyhemoglobin and in carbon dioxide. In the latter case, the 2DIR spectrum will exhibit a large number of narrow lines associated to different rotational modes, thus evidencing the remarkable spectral resolution that can be achieved in both pump and probe dimensions. The experimental results will be compared with a numerical calculation based on a quantized rigid rotator model for calculating the 2D rovibrational spectrum.
Manuel Joffre

Laboratory : LOB - UMR 7645
Team : Internal dynamics of biomolecules
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Propelling objects using swimming microorganisms
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Active particles such as the swimming microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are inherently out-of-equilibrium systems, able to uptake energy from their environment and convert it to motion. When passive particles are immersed in an active bath of micro-swimmers, they may be displaced due to the activity of the suspension. This enhanced motion can lead to rich phenomena, such as aggregation or phase separation. The aim of this internship is to make use of the swimming microalga C. reinhardtii, a microorganism of size ~10 microns, to propel objects that are larger than itself. These objects can be hard beads or liquid droplets. The internship is primarily experimental, with a lot of quantitative image and data analysis
Gabriel Amselem
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Physics-based statistical models of protein sequences
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Understanding the connection between a protein's amino acid sequence and its function remains a significant challenge. Traditional biophysics approach address the 'sequence→3D structure' problem but not the 'sequence→function' problem. Recent data-driven approaches analyze protein evolution to build statistical models of this relationship. These models, rooted in statistical physics and machine learning, enable the design of new functional protein sequences. A current challenge is imbuing physical interpretability into these models, to understand how sequences correspond to different physical properties of proteins, and to design proteins with specific properties. The goal of the internship is to advance these models in this direction.
Olivier Rivoire
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Experimental Molecular Dynamics - Can we watch how individual liquid/polymeric molecules move close to a solid surface?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
When confined to nanometric scales, liquids can show a range of peculiar behaviors, such as molecular ordering, reduced friction leading to fast flow, change of their relaxation dynamics, etc.. All of these effects are intimately related to short-range interactions arising in the presence of the solid surfaces. However, our understanding of liquid matter at interfaces remains poorly understood, due to the lack of tools able to directly image the dynamics of liquid molecules at surfaces and in confinement. The idea of this internship is to develop novel experimental approaches to directly image in real space how single liquid molecules move close to solid surfaces, so far the exclusivity of molecular dynamics simulations!
Jean Comtet
01 40 79 47 59

Laboratory : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - UMR7615
Team : SIMM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Polarization-resolved Second Harmonic structural imaging of collagen remodeling.
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy enables imaging of collagen fibrils (10-300 nm diameter) without any labelling and with unequalled sensitivity in intact tissues. This is directly related to the property of SHG to be nonzero only in dense and non-centrosymmetrical materials. Nevertheless, the build-up of this coherent nonlinear signals in heterogeneous collagen-rich tissues (skin, artery, lung, bone…) is a complex issue and proper analysis of SHG images requires complementary information. We have therefore combined SHG with polarimetry, which enables measurements of collagen orientation in each pixel and thus provides in situ quantitative mapping of collagen 3D organization. This is highly relevant as the size and 3D distribution of collagen fibrils governs the biophysical and biomechanical properties of each tissue, and therefore their biological function: opacity and compliance for skin, transparency and rigidity for cornea, stiffness for artery or cervix, etc… pSHG therefore appears as a unique technique to characterize the structure of complex tissues, understand their pathological dysfunctions and develop new diagnostic tools.
Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein

Laboratory : LOB - UMR7645
Team : Microscopies avancées et physiologie des tissus
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Numerical simulations of pSHG microscopy in cornea.
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Multiphoton microscopy has revolutionized 3D imaging of biological tissues over the past 10 years. Notably, second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy enables imaging of collagen without any labelling and with unequalled sensitivity in intact tissues. This is directly related to the property of SHG to be nonzero only in dense and non-centrosymmetrical materials. Nevertheless, the build-up of SHG is a complex issue because of its coherent nonlinear nature and of the heterogeneity of collagen distribution in tissues. Collagen is indeed organized as fibrils, which size and 3D organization is specific to each tissue (skin, artery, lung, bone…). Extracting as much information as possible about the structure of a tissue from SHG images is therefore an active research field. An effective method consists in varying the excitation polarization, which yields the collagen orientation in every pixel. Nevertheless, numerical simulations are needed to model this polarimetric SHG signal for realistic tissue geometries and reconstruct in a reliable way the collagen distribution at sub-micrometer scale.
Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein

Laboratory : LOB - UMR7645
Team : Microscopies avancées et physiologie des tissus
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Shock wave physics: from collisional to weakly collisional
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Inertial Confinement Fusion is now a growing domain following the NIF recent results. Demonstration of a gain greater than one has been recently performed inducing new insight int the physics processes that intervene in capsules implosions. Among these processes, one can find shock physics, equation of state, radiation, hydrodynamic instabilities, …. In this internship, the student will study the influence of a porous material on a shock wave propagation, analyzing experimental data obtained on the Gekko laser in Japan. Comparisons will be made with different models that have been developed in this field. The student will also participate to an experimental campaign on LULI2000 (the most powerful academic laser facility available in Europe) in April 2024. He/she should also be interested to develop numerical skills in using a 2D/3D MHD radiative code (FLASH developed by Chicago University) to design and interpret experimental results.
Serena Bastiani
Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magnetized radiative shocks: their role in the structuration of the interstellar medium (ISM)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Over the past two decades, high-power laser facilities have advanced our understanding of physical processes occurring in the Universe through a relatively new field: laboratory astrophysics. Conventional techniques such as numerical simulations or observations are unable to tackle some of the main astrophysical issues. Simulations cannot, for example include all the complexity and/or interplay of the physical mechanisms involved; observations are often limited by low spatial and temporal resolutions even if huge progress have been made recently. Therefore, scaled experiments in the laboratory are useful to investigate the microphysics involved in long-range astrophysical systems. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate interested in laboratory astrophysics experiments using high power lasers and radiative magneto/hydro dynamics physics with the perspective to follow this internship with a PhD thesis.
Serena Bastiani
Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation of laser-produced magnetized collisionless shocks and associated particle acceleration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Collisionless shocks are ubiquitous in the Universe. Charged particles can be accelerated to high energies by collisionless shock waves in astrophysical environments, such as supernova remnants. The internship is part of an ongoing effort of investigating laser-produced collisionless shocks in a magnetic field of tens of Tesla, both experimentally with high-power lasers worldwide, e.g., LULI2000 (FR), VULCAN (UK), and TITAN (US); and numerically with fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations performed with the code SMILEI [4]. During the internship, the student will contribute to: - Experimental data analysis (e.g., energy spectrum of the energetic ions from Thomson parabola, the electromagnetic field structures from proton radiographs, and the plasma condition characterization from Thomson scattering). - Numerical simulations of the collision of two magnetized shocks, particularly tracking the charged particles and digging into their energization mechanism.
Serena Bastiani
Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation of laser cross-talk in a magnetized plasma
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

Non-linear optics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The internship is part of an ongoing effort of investigating laser propagation and LPI in a magnetic field of tens of Tesla [4], both experimentally with high-power lasers worldwide, e.g., LULI2000 (FR) and TITAN (US); and numerically with fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations performed with the code SMILEI [5] and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations with the code FLASH [7]. During the internship, the student will contribute to: - Experimental data analysis (e.g., laser propagation from HISAC diagnostics, the plasma condition characterization from Thomson scattering, et al.). - Numerical simulations for the laser propagation using FLASH and for the kinetic effects using SMILEI.
Serena Bastiani
Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanoscale Solid Friction in Confined Aqueous Systems: an Application to Cement-like Rheology
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The objective of this internship is to gain new experimental insights on the mechanical interactions (friction, adhesion...) in nanoconfined solid contacts in aqueous electrolytic solutions. The general context is to understand what sets these interactions in macroscopic construction materials (e.g. cement paste), where extreme physicochemical conditions (high molarity, high pH, ion-specific effects...) leads to poorly understood physics. To do so, we will rely on advanced Atomic Force Microscopy techniques to probe friction between micrometric silica colloids in various aqueous solutions. We will explore in particular the role of the local frictional history on the contact strength, related to poorly-understood "aging" effects, and their relation to ion-specific effects (e.g. why do Ca2+ ions seem to act as a glue in these ultra-confined contacts?!). This M2 internship can be followed by a Cifre PhD thesis (funding acquired).
Jean Comtet
01 40 79 47 59

Laboratory : Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - UMR7615
Team : SIMM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Planetology in laboratory using high power lasers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter

Type of internship
Thanks to the development of powerful pulsed devices, such as high energy lasers, today it is possible to bring matter to extremely high temperature (~10^4K) and pressure (~10^6 bar) conditions, similar to those found in planets’ interiors. Knowing the behaviour of matter at these extreme states is of primary importance to unveil the internal structure of planets. This is not only of interest in its own, but it is also critical to understand the solar system's history, formation, and evolution.
Serena Bastiani
Laboratory : LULI -
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quasi-1D Fermi gases
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The internship will address some aspects of the physics of ultracold atoms confined in quantum waveguides, in a regime where their dynamics is quasi-one-dimensional and does not obey the usual paradigms of many-body physics in 3D.
Frédéric Chevy
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Systèmes Classiques ou Quantiques en Interaction
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nanoscale Patterns and Dynamics of Evaporation/Condensation of Salty Water
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Salty water is everywhere (oceans, underground, and even in the atmosphere). The way it reacts to humidity changes is important in many natural, societal and technological contexts (water harvesting, cultural heritage preservation, geophysics, civil engineering, aerosol and cloud formation, energy conversion, etc.). We follow parallel research investigations (with experiments, theory and/or numerical simulations) to elucidate how surfaces, nanoscale confinement and disorder, which can be found in many of these contexts, dictate the dynamics and patterns that emerge from transport and/or phase change of salt solutions.
Olivier Vincent
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Trees drying from the inside: physics of bubble propagation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Numerical simulations and/or experimental investigations of patterns and dynamics related to bubble nucleation, growth and propagation in complex vascular networks inspired by trees. The general context is understanding how trees (plants in general) respond to humidity changes, and in particular drought events that are becoming more frequent. This remains a topic in physics, with external collaboration with plant physiologists.
Olivier Vincent
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
M2 research Intership : Temperature and deformation distribution in a transparent solid in the course of multipulse femtosecond laser irradiation
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Femtosecond laser is now largely employed in a wide range of applications including photonics. In our team, we use it to modify the optical properties for optical applications at the micro level and in 3D. In many microscopic processes induced by ultrafast direct laser writing, the temperature induced by the absorption of the laser light energy plays a special role in the induced transformations. Some of the processes can be thermally activated or temperature driven, but the temperature evolves in a complex fashion as a function of time, space, and laser parameters. Analytical expressions, taking specific cases including geometry or constant materials parameters, enable the prediction of temperature distribution over time and distance from the center of the heat affected zone induced by ultrashort laser pulses (< ps). They greatly facilitate the analysis and interpretation of experimental work on light matter-interactions. They can also allow predictions according to laser parameters. The objective of this internship is to make available simple expressions and preparing a rigorous simulation with a professional software (e.g. COMSOL). Multiple levels of approximations are possible on both the source geometry or the temperature dependence of the physico-chemical parameters. The inclusion of the mechanical deformation. Determination of the stress induced.
Bertrand Poumellec

Laboratory : ICMMO - UMR8182
Team : SP2M/MAP
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Computational fluorescence microscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar
Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : LKB - Complex Media Optics Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Super-resolution coherent Raman microspectroscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar
Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : LKB - Complex Media Optics Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Time-domain in compressive Raman microspectroscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar
Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : LKB - Complex Media Optics Lab
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modeling the action of seasons on frozen grounds
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The aim of the internship is to study experimentally a model of permafrost: a frozen wet granular material subjected to freeze/thaw cycles to mimic the action of the seasons on the top layer of these soils. During the internship, different strategies for visualizing the micromechanical processes taking place in the system will be developed in order to measure local grain movements and relate them to larger-scale deformations.
Axelle Amon
Laboratory : IPR - UMR 6251
Team : Matière Molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Migration of particles in ice: Solute effects
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Entrapped air bubbles are used as proxy for the atmosphere composition at the time the bubbles were entrapped in ice. Knowing how and how fast they are likely to migrate is thus essential in this context. One of the main driving force for the migration of objects in ice is the pressure-induced premelting around the object. Recent results in our group revealed that solute can drastically impact the presence and thickness of premelted films around objects. The cryoconfocal microscopy tools developed in our group should provide an unprecedented understanding of the migration of such objects, and in particular how they relate to the solidification conditions and microstructure.
Bruno Issenmann
Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of pulsating active matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Fields theory/String theory
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Active matter is the class of nonequilibrium systems where every constituent extracts energy from its environment to produce an autonomous sustained dynamics. Recently, some active models have focused on the collective dynamics of repulsive particles with oscillating shape. It has been shown that shape oscillation promotes deformation waves, in line with experiments for dense biological tissues, yielding a rich family of dynamical patterns which are reminiscent of instabilities observed in reaction-diffusion systems. The internship will study the thermodynamics of pulsating active matter. The project will use some recent methods of stochastic thermodynamics and control theory to evaluate how the dissipated energy correlates with pattern formation, and how to efficiently control pattern formation with external protocols. Overall, this study will largely build on the crosstalk between numerical and analytical methods of modern nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. In particular, the project will combine particle-based models and hydrodynamic theories.
Etienne Fodor
Laboratory : Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg -
Team : Physics of Active Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantitative aesthetics, color & complexity
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of this internship is to address the question of colour appreciation from a statistical physics perspective. By generalising the procedure used in [1] with generic colour images we aim at establishing universal preferences, if any, on colour spatial distributions and see if they match that of natural images. [1] Lakhal, Darmon, Bouchaud, and Benzaquen, Phys. Rev. Research 2 (2020) 022058(R)
Michael Benzaquen
Laboratory : LadHyX - 7646
Team : EconophysiX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Entropy in Engineered Quantum Systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
"Exotic" electronic correlated-states, such as Majorana fermions, form the basis of a promising approach to quantum computation due to their inherent topological robustness. The broad aim of this experimental internship/PhD is to measure the fractional entropy of new correlated states engineered in quantum circuits. The entropy is predicted to take remarkable fractional values, between 0 and kB ln(2), whose observation would unambiguously demonstrate the fundamental peculiarity of the underlying new states of matter.
Anne Anthore
Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : C2N : PHYNANO : QPC
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Heterogeneous cavitation : origin of the cavitation nuclei
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
We are looking for a motivated intern to join our research team and perform experiments in fluid mechanics. This internship aims at understanding the origin of bubbles in liquid !! Indeed, the apparition of macroscopic bubbles inside a liquid either by boiling when temperature increases, from cavitation when pressure decreases or in supersaturated solution (large quantity of dissolved gas) originates from nano/microscopic bubbles, named nuclei. These nuclei are trapped in surface defects or stabilized by floating impurities. The nucleation, in this case, is called heterogeneous in opposition to the homogeneous nucleation occurring without pre-existing nuclei which required tremendous excitation, e.g. -140 MPa for the cavitation. Although the nuclei are usually assumed to be formed during liquid immersion, a recent study show that they can also spontaneously appear. The aim of the overall project is to unravel the mechanism responsible for this nucleation of nuclei !
Adrien Bussonnière
Laboratory : MSC -
Team : Dynammique et organisation de la matière molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coherent manipulation of free electron spins in 2D materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Currently, one of the main research topics in condensed matter physics deals with the electronic properties of atomically thin semiconductors. Electrons in these 2D materials have promising properties due to a unique spin-texture of the conduction and valence bands, with very long spin-lifetimes which can reach 10 µs. Very recently, we have demonstrated that these electrons become highly spin-polarized under a steady-state, circularly-polarized optical excitation. This spin polarization can be detected optically since it produces a large change of the photoluminescence intensity when switching between circular and linear laser excitation. This finding brings the opportunity to optically-detect the spin resonance of valley electrons in TMD monolayers, given for the first time a direct access to their collective coherent oscillations. In this project, the intern will fabricate its own devices based on WS2 and WSe2 monolayers in which the resident electron density can be tuned thanks to the application of a gate voltage. The experiments will involve magneto-photoluminescence at variable temperature, in which the electron spin resonance will be driven by a radiofrequency magnetic field. This project is principally an experimental one, and would suit a student interested in fundamental semiconductor physics and 2D materials. This could lead to further work, including the possibility for a successful intern to pursue a Ph.D. financed by the ERC grant 101075855 (OneSPIN).
Fabian Cadiz

Laboratory : PMC - UMR 7643
Team : Electrons, photons, surfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigating the labeling of actin networks by various actin probes
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids

Type of internship
The project will aim at better understanding the molecular events that govern the architecture and dynamics of actin networks. In particular, using in vitro approaches (microfluidics, micropatterning and fluorescence microscopy), specific actin networks with specific mechanical constraints will be built and their labeling by different fluorescent probes will be assessed. Those results will be correlated to in vivo observations in a developmental context. This internship will be carried out in close collaboration between the two labs. The experiments will allow us to discover how actin probes can specifically label specific actin networks in cells and propose new views on the internal dynamics and their protein content. This internship will be an excellent opportunity to be placed at the interface of two fields of biology by discovering in vitro experiments with purified proteins and the benefit of great control of experimental conditions and characterizing intracellular dynamics in a developing whole organism (in vivo).
Cécile Leduc

Laboratory : IJM - UMR7592
Team : Regulation of actin assembly dynamics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of the stability of branched junctions of actin filaments
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
In cells, actin filaments form networks with different architectures and dynamics to perform important tasks. A key question is to understand how these networks are regulated. In particular, the Arp2/3 protein complex allows the creation of a filament, in branch form, from an initial filament. The formation of branching filaments is a prominent mechanism in many actin networks, for example lamellipodia or those allowing invagination of the plasma membrane by endocytosis. However, if the formation of branches by Arp2/3 is relatively well understood, their disassembly by biochemical or mechanical processes remains poorly studied despite its important role in the dynamics of actin networks. The objective of this internship is to study, using original microfluidic approaches, coupled with fluorescence microscopy, how a branch junction can be targeted by other proteins to accelerate their disassembly. On the other hand, we will characterize how mechanical constraints applied to actin filaments can influence the lifetime of an Arp2/3 junction.
Cécile Leduc

Laboratory : IJM - UMR7592
Team : Regulation of actin assembly dynamics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Micro-algae swimming under confinment
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Eukaryotic micro-swimmers, such as micro-algae, often propel themselves using flagella that allow them to move in a breaststroke-like motion. In natural environments, e.g. in the soil or in an aquatic foam, their motion is however confined between boundaries, which consist in liquid-solid or liquid-air interfaces. In this internship, we will explore the change in the swimming behaviour of the biflagellate microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii from a 3D swimming to a motion in a confined controlled environment. The 3D swimming is usually described as an alternance of ballistic trajectories and random reorientations leading to a diffusive exploration of the space at long times. Using a Lagrangian 3D trajectory tracking technique that has been developed in the PMMH laboratory to track fluorescent objects such as colloids or bacteria over very long timescales, we will investigate in detail the trajectory of microswimmers in confined environments, i.e. in a cuvette with a controllable thickness. By measuring observables such as the swimmer instantaneous velocity and long-time diffusion coefficient, we aim to evidence the characteristic length under which the swimmer is confined. We will also be able to analyze the swimming behaviour close to the surface and away from the surface. The original setup will allow to test different boundary conditions. This internship will involve setting up protocols for observing and analysing the micro-organism’s 3D trajectory.
Florence Elias

Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Frustrated self-assembly with multiple particle types
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Self-organization is key to the function of living cells – but sometimes goes wrong! In Alzheimer’s and many other diseases, normally soluble proteins thus clump up into pathological fiber-like aggregates. While biologists typically explain this on the grounds of detailed molecular interactions, we have started proving that such fibers are actually expected from very general physical principles. We thus show that geometrical frustration builds up when mismatched objects self-assemble, and leads to non-trivial aggregate morphologies, including fibers. Going beyond systems containing only one type of particles, here we aim to explore the phase behavior of systems containing multiple particle types using both simulations and analytical theory. Beyond protein aggregation, this project opens investigations into a new class of "disordered" systems where the disorder is carried by each identical particle, as opposed to sprinkled throughout the system. This will help define the much-debated notion of frustration in dilute systems.
Martin Lenz
Laboratory : LPTMS - UMR 8626
Team : Disordered systems, soft matter, interface physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The physics of an acoustic microscope using bubbles
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The main objective of the internship is to understand the physics of “acoustic sensing” with a bubble, i.e. using a bubble to detect the presence of nearby materials and measure their elasticity. In a first step we propose to design a 3D cage to hold bubbles that are suited for a local measurement of the surroundings, by monitoring the vibration properties of bubbles. In a second step we will develop the theoretical and experimental tools to detect the presence of solid boundaries, and also to probe the elasticity of the solid. In a last step, we will elaborate on the interaction of multiple bubbles, and how the environment modifies the collective properties.
Philippe Marmottant
Laboratory : LIPHy - UMR5588
Team : LIPhy Grenoble, équipe MOVE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Etude de la dégradation microbienne de plastique
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
La pollution plastique constitue l’un des enjeux sociétaux majeurs impactant l'environnement et la santé. Depuis une vingtaine d’années, de nombreuses recherches pluridisciplinaires visent à lutter contre ce fléau ainsi qu’à développer de nouveaux matériaux facilement dégradables ou réutilisables. Nous souhaitons nous intéresser à la biodégradation, c’est à dire à la dégradation induite par les bactéries.
Eric Raspaud
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : TICE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spreading of bacterial colonies on gels
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The wider aim of the internship and the PhD is to elucidate the forces at play during bacterial spreading on surfaces. This spreading is a collective phenomenon, and bridging the scales from the cell level interactions to the macroscopic dynamics is a challenging problem for out-of-equilibrium statistical physics. We will couple experimental observations, active matter models and simulations to caracterise a particular spreading mode, namely mass swarming.
Adrian Daerr

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Revealing topological helical edge states in the second order topological insulator BiBr
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Topological Insulators (TIs) hold great promise for making novel electronic devices, thanks to the existence at their boundaries of topologically protected conduction channels. Unfortunately, the expected topological protection has turned out to be less robust than anticipated, notably due to the existence of conduction in the bulk. This complicates the fundamental study of the edge states, and motivates the search for different TIs with a reduced contribution of the non-topological bulk states. Among newly discovered TIs, Bi4Br4 appears to be a very promising material, with a large bulk gap, and experimental indications of a Second Order Topological Insulator (SOTI) character. SOTIs are topological insulators with (d-2)-dimensional topological states, d being the dimension of the bulk. In the case of Bi4Br4, current should be carried without dissipation at the hinges of the crystal by helical states, which are counter-propagating ballistic states with a spin orientation locked to that of the propagation direction. We propose during this internship to explore these hinge states usingquantum transport at low temperature. The superconducting proximity effect and quantum interferences induced by a magnetic field will be used to evidence these hinge states, determine the spatial distribution of conduction paths, their spatial transverse extension and test their ballisticity.
Richard Deblock
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : MESO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deep Learning of causality
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Sergio Chibbaro
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Machine learning modelling of turbulent bubble breakup
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Sergio Chibbaro
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deep Learning extreme events in complex systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Sergio Chibbaro
Laboratory : LISN -
Team : Decipher/TAU
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Growth and adaptation to an uncertain environment
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of this internship is to understand the process of adaptation of a biological system to an uncertain environment using methods from statistical physics. We will explore the conditions when adaptive strategies become more favorable than non-adaptive ones and the fundamental limits of adaptation. During the internship, the goal is also to model an experiment carried out to investigate these questions.
01 40 79 51 40

Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : Gulliver : StatBio
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Characterization of vimentin mechanical properties and mechanosensing by microfluidics and single molecule microscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Cell mechanics is mostly governed by the cytoskeleton which is composed of three types of interconnected filaments : actin, microtubules and intermediate filaments. Among those, actin forms dynamic networks that can quickly assemble and disassemble in response to its environment but are not mechanically resistant to deformation. On the contrary, intermediate filament vimentin forms long-lived networks with slow assembly/disassembly, but with remarkable mechanical properties as vimentin filaments are highly stretchable and resist breakage. While actin and microtubule properties have been extensively characterized, intermediate filaments are much less understood, despite their important role in many diseases. The objective of this internship is to study the mechanical properties of vimentin filaments using original microfluidic approaches developed by the team, coupled with fluorescence microscopy. The impact of filament tension on the recruitment of vimentin/actin crosslinkers will be investigated in more detail in order to uncover novel molecular mechanisms of mechanosensing. The team 'Regulation of Actin Assembly Dynamics', at the Institut Jacques Monod, is a very dynamic, multidisciplinary team, working at the interface between biochemistry, biology, and physics. It is composed of 16 persons of 5 different nationalities. Candidates should be motivated, curious, and eager to discover original experimental approaches.
Cécile Leduc

Laboratory : IJM - UMR7592
Team : Regulation of actin assembly dynamics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multiscale Dynamics in bacterial populations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Bacteria are one the most fundamental and abundant forms of life on Earth. For human health, they represent both a threat, with the emergence of massive multi-resistance to antibiotics, and an opportunity, as the microbiota can positively influence human physiology. The bacterial strains currently studied in research laboratories are very easy to grow and maintain, making them a highly convenient experimental system for studies at both single-cell and population levels. Our lab seeks to understand how the different scales are coupled: from protein dynamics to colony organization. To do this, we use live microscopy and image analysis to capture and model the observed spatial and temporal dynamics.
Nicolas Desprat
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR8023
Team : Multiscale physics of biological systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Developing a Hybrid Superconductor-Spin Quantum Processor
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Utilizing superconducting circuits as a resource for quantum information processing, circuit Quantum ElectroDynamics (cQED) has made incredible advances in recent years, but still faces enormous challenges in scaling and most devices are limited to sub-millisecond coherence times. Using the spin of a defect in a crystalline substrate as a qubit promises access to thousands of qubits with coherence times of seconds or more, but such systems lack the fast addressability and level of control available with cQED. A hybrid architecture, using superconducting circuits to control and read out an impurity spin in a crystal lattice, leverages the advantage of both. With recent advances in superconducting single microwave photon detectors (SMPDs), the detection of spins via their fluorescence into a superconducting resonator has enabled single-spin detection and coherent manipulation. We aim to use a single electron spin of an Er ion to control and read out a register of neighbouring nuclear spins naturally present in the CaWO4 host lattice with coherence times exceeding seconds. This will involve demonstrating high fidelity two-qubit gates between nuclear spins and quantum non-demolition readout via the electron spin. Such a system offers the possibility to implement quantum algorithms such as error correction, or to explore waveguide QED via coherent emission of highly entangled photonic quantum states into the resonator.
James O'Sullivan

Laboratory : SPEC - UMR 3680
Team : Quantronics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Biomechanical responses of plant root growth to mechanical stresses
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Hard pans, soil compaction, soil aggregation and stones create physical barriers that can affect the development of a plant root system. Roots are known to exploit paths of least resistance to avoid such obstacles, but the mechanism through which this is achieved is not well understood. Through model experimental systems (hydrogel, microfluidic or 3D-printed substrates) and techniques (infra-red illumination, force sensor, PIV), we aimed at understanding the biomechanical cues that determine the growth response of a primary plant root subjected to a mechanical stress.
Evelyne KOLB
Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Photon thermalization in scattering disordered media for new source of light
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Quantum gases
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this project we propose to study photon thermalization towards Bose-Einstein condensation in a solution of fluorescent emitters embedded in a strongly scattering medium. Photon thermalization and condensation has been observed for fluorophores inside an optical cavity. Here diffusion replace the cavity and ensures that photons undergo an adequate number of absorption and emission cycles to thermalize with the fluorophores solution. The study will be performed theoretically, numerically and experimentally. We will explore different regimes in which the light emitted by the fluorophores/scattering medium ensemble shows either a fluorescent spectrum or a thermalized spectrum or Bose-Einstein condensation. This will be achieved by changing the density of emitters and the properties of the scattering medium. Different kind of fluorophores and scatterers will also be considered in order to efficiently reach the thermalization regime. This paves the way to new affordable light sources based on easy-to-fabricate scattering materials.
Valentina Krachmalnicoff

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR 7587
Team : Subwavelength Physics (SWAP)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Autonomous quantum error correction by inelastic Cooper-pair tunneling
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Cat codes offer a very promising path towards the full quantum error correction of quantum processors based on superconducting circuits. Our group, in collaboration with Alice&Bob, demonstrated autonomous correction protocols based on Josephson junctions. The intern will take part in our group’s ongoing effort to develop new cat-code paradigms, by studying a circuit that utilizes an original mechanism to stabilize a cat-qubit. This new mechanism makes use of the steady flow of Cooper pairs against a dc-voltage to power up an interaction between two superconducting resonators which effectively protect the cat-qubit against errors. It is predicted to yield a much larger error correction rate than current implementations, which directly translates into longer quantum processing time. The intern will work within the framework of the RobustSuperQ PEPR (part of the French Quantum Plan) which aims at accelerating French R&D on superconducting qubits protected against decoherence. The project takes place in collaboration with Alice and Bob as well as with the theory group of Ulm University.
Benjamin Huard

Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Improving coherence times and residual excitation of superconducting quantum circuits using thermodynamics at the mesoscopic scale
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
While commercial dilution refrigerators offer a base plate at less than 10 mK, thermalizing the microwave modes themselves turns out to be more challenging than just anchoring the superconducting circuit to the plate. Effectively, superconducting qubits are coupled to a heat bath that is often in the 50-100 mK range, which drastically downgrades their coherence time. A key element to getting lower effective temperatures is the microwave attenuator that is the closest to the quantum circuit. Recent progress has been made by a couple of companies using conductive casing (gold coated copper) instead of stainless steel. However, the dissipative elements are thin films that are not able to evacuate Joule power (up to about 100 nW) well enough into the dilution refrigerator. This is particularly detrimental for quantum error correction or amplification, which both require strong microwave drives. The project consists of removing this current bottleneck by designing, fabricating, and testing better attenuators for superconducting quantum circuits.
Benjamin Huard

Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Textiles, i.e. woven or non-woven assemblies of natural or synthetic fibers, are ubiquitous in various applications (clothing, paper making, construction, filtration, medicine) but also in many natural systems, such as collagen networks, bird feathers or wall plants. The interaction of fibrous materials with liquids (through adsorption, wetting, drying) is a very common yet complex phenomenon which remains poorly understood. During imbibition, drainage or drying, many liquid-interface appear; the capillary forces associated with these interfaces can locally deform adjacent fibres. These elasto-capillary effects play a role in the wetting dynamics. Moreover many liquids in industrial or natural systems are non-newtonian (saliva, glue, resin, blood, paint, soap etc.). During the internship, we will focus on the simpler case of a drop placed between two rigid or flexible fibres. In particular, we will investigate the effect of the rheological properties on the dynamics of spreading and retracting of drops, as well as the evaporation dynamics. Depending on the student’s interest, different fluids may be investigated: a suspension to see how the concentration in particles will affect the wicking dynamics, the adhesion of the fibers or the evaporation rate of the liquid, an emulsion (e.g. water/oil) where part of the liquid is volatile/non wetting and the other is non volatile/ wetting, or a model non-newtonian fluid, e.g. viscoelastic solutions of polymers.
Camille Duprat
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Fibrous media are ubiquitous in natural and engineered systems, due to their versatility, flexibility and functionality. Nonwovens (i.e. entangled fibrous networks), and especially natural fibre -based materials such as paper or flax mats, are heavily used for a variety of applications, and could be largely developed as a sustainable alternative for fossil-based plastics. The first limitation of their widespread use is their response to humidity, wetting or drying, which is unavoidable in many applications, and is a key step of their manufacturing processes. When a textile is placed in contact with a liquid, the liquid can spontaneously wick in between or inside the fibres; the liquid advances in the pores owing to a reduction of pressure at a curved front meniscus, or within the fibre through swelling. The goal of this internship/thesis is to characterize the imbibition dynamics using model systems, from pore-scale models of a few fibres to lab-produced model fibrous sheets, but also with large scale industrially produced nonwovens. We will also study the effect of swelling of individual fibres on the imbibition dynamics. Furthermore, the swelling can lead to large scale deformation that strongly depend on the orientation and arrangements of the fibers, which we can study with model systems.
Camille Duprat
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mechanics of entangled fibers for insulation
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter

Type of internship
Saint-Gobain, actively committed in the effort of energy consumption and CO2 reduction, contributes to energy savings through its thermal insulation solutions for housing. One of the products at the heart of this strategy is the insulation using glass wool, like the blowing wool (aggregates of glass fibers). These fibers are blown into attics or between walls. Ensuring a quality of final insulation requires controlling the evolution of this fibrous material during the pneumatic projection as well as during the filling stage. One key point is understanding the mechanics of this material: the fiber aggregates should not be compacted but should be loosened, and the product density should be homogeneous. The goal is to measure the mechanical response of homogeneous volumes or "flakes" (aggregates) of model fibers in different mechanical configurations. From a homogeneous material, how do density heterogeneities develop? Under what conditions do the fibers cluster or disassemble?
Pierre Jop

Laboratory : SVI - UMR125
Team : SVI : Surface Verre et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Creating a fusion pore under pressure
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Vesicles are membrane-bound spherical compartments that isolate the intravesicular from the extra-vesicular regions. Because of the stability of membranes, fusion of two vesicles requires the active intake of a large amount of energy, typically 30 kBT. In cells, fusion occurs to exchange materials between two compartments and is achieved by proteins that provide the energy. This is well-established and has been studied for decades. One case of fusion is out-of-the ordinary: neurotransmission. During neurotransmission, synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitters are pre-bound to the target neuronal membrane and fuse less than 1ms after the arrival of the incoming signal. This exquisite sensitivity is obtained by a precise molecular choreography that we are barely discovering. This discovery led us to hypothesize that the synaptic vesicles are actual under high pressure, a couple of atmospheres. We predict that the effect of such pressure would be dramatic on the kinetics of the fusion pore and release of neurotransmitters. We want to test these predictions by using a unique microfluidic chip that we recently developed. The internship will be performed in tight collaboration with the laboratory of Nobel Prize laureate Professor James Rothman at Yale University. The internship can be followed by a PhD. The PhD will also involve theoretical predictions of fluid movements at nanometric scales (neurotransmitter release). Funds for the PhD are already secured.
Frédéric PINCET
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Membrane Molecular Mechanisms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Delta Kick Squeezing for Atom Interferometry beyond the Standard Quantum Limit
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum gases

Type of internship
The aim of this intership is the implementation of the "Delta-Kick squeezing" (DKS) technique, recently proposed. This DKS rely on the engineering of atom atom interactions in a BEC in free fall. Such interactions induce strong correlations between the atoms, and lead to squeezing in the population difference between the two interferometer paths, and is thus a promising route we want to explore for reaching phase sensitivity below the standard quantum limit.
Franck Pereira dos Santos

Laboratory : SYRTE - UMR8630
Team : IACI
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is a powerful spectroscopy method which can identify spins and paramagnetic species and quantify their interactions with their environment. Because of the weak spin-microwave coupling, conventional EPR spectroscopy has a low sensitivity which limits its use to samples of macroscopic size. Recent experiments demonstrated that superconducting quantum circuits have the potential to drastically enhance the spin detection sensitivity down to the detection of single spins within a 1 um volume probe using properties unique to quantum mechanics. However, these demonstrations have so far been done using well-known model spin systems and in restrictive conditions: very narrow spin and detector linewidths, low microwave losses, and implanted spin species. The internship project will center on developing and building a scanning probe allowing to perform EPR spectroscopy and imaging on a nearby surface with a resolution of a few spins.
Audrey Bienfait
Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nuclear mechanics as a diagnostic and therapeutic target for glioblastoma
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Glioblastomas (GBMs) are the most lethal primary brain tumours. The absence of effective therapies is mainly due to tumour invasion and to the resistance of invading cells to treatments such as radio- and chemo-therapies. In GBMs, lamin proteins that control nuclear envelope stiffness, have recently emerged as potential markers of aggressiveness and tumourigenicity. Nuclear mechanics has appeared as a key determinant of cancer cell invasion leading us to hypothesize that genes controlling nuclear mechanics of GBM cells may be used as diagnostic tools and potential therapeutic targets to improve the prognostic of GBMs. The working hypotheses of this M2 internship project is that alterations in nuclear mechanics contribute to GBM aggressiveness and directly influence cell invasive behaviour. The intern will first use clinically annotated primary patient-derived GBM cells and rheological techniques (optical tweezers, microfluidics) to measure nuclear morphology and mechanics. Second, he/she will modulate the expression levels of lamins to modify both nuclear mechanics and GBM cell invasion and test whether lamins could be used as potential molecular targets to control GBM aggressiveness.
Jean-Baptiste Manneville
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Formation of membrane enclosed compartment with high surface/volume ratio
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Some cell compartments are highly deflated, meaning their surface/volume ratio is high. For instance, the shape of the Golgi apparatus is recognizable on electron microscopy images because it is made of stacked deflated compartments. Forming such deflated structures from membranes in vitro is a difficult challenge that was never achieved before because these shapes are unstable. The goal of the internship is to find conditions that stabilize deflated compartments or that allow the formation of such shapes. Vesicles, i.e. spherical compartments, will be the starting point. Two approaches will be tested. First, micrometric vesicles will be formed and individually observed by fluorescence microscopy. Their surface/volume ratio will then be increased by osmotic effects. Second, small nanometric vesicles will be formed and actively fused at constant surface and volume, each fusion increasing the surface/volume ratio. After thousands of fusions have occurred, the resulting compartment is expected to be very deflated. The internship will be performed in collaboration with the laboratories of Nobel Prize laureate Professor James Rothman at Yale University, Professor Vivek Malhotra in Barcelona and Professor Ivan Lopez-Montero at Complutense University in Madrid. The internship can be followed by a PhD in which the deflated stacks will be used to reproduce the Golgi stack assembly by adding the right molecular conditions. Funds for the PhD are already secured.
Frédéric PINCET
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Membrane Molecular Mechanisms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Measurement of CO2 capture by cyanobacteria
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In the context of climate change, to achieve carbon neutrality, we need not only to reduce our CO2 emissions, but also to capture atmospheric CO2. Cyanobacteria and microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms with great potential, accounting for half of all photosynthesis worldwide. Moreover, they absorb CO2 more efficiently than plants during growth. They are being extensively studied with a view, among other things, to the production of third-generation biofuels. However, their CO2 capture potential has been less well studied. In the scientific literature, there are in fact two methods for measuring CO2 uptake by microorganisms: a "biological" method consisting in weighing the biomass obtained, and a "physical" method in which the evolution of the CO2 level in the gas phase above the solution containing the microorganisms is measured. We propose to combine these two methods in order to quantify precisely the quantity of carbon stored in the biomass, something that has been done very little to date. The experiment we are planning involves tracking the evolution over time of the carbon stored in the biomass, solution and gas, enabling us to measure CO2 uptake precisely, while tracing the growth curve of the microorganisms. To this end, we have built a new custom photobioreactor. The intern's job will be to carry out experiments using this photobioreactor with the cyanobacterium Synechoscystis PCC6803, while building a model to interpret the results obtained.
Catherine Even
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : TICE
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mechanics and mechanosensitivity of mitochondria in living cells
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Cells can sense and respond to external forces and mechanotransduction events appear to be critical for most cellular functions. While mechanotransduction has been extensively studied at the plasma membrane and at the nucleus, the impact of forces on other organelles is still not clear. This M2 internship project will study mechanotransduction at mitochondria, the organelle which plays a key role in cell metabolism by producing energy in the form of ATP. During this M2 internship project, we will ask whether changes in metabolism impact on mitochondrial mechanics, and conversely, whether mechanical forces applied on mitochondria modify metabolic responses. The intern will measure mitochondria morphology and mechanics with image analysis and optical tweezers-based intracellular microrheology. Different cell treatments (oligomycin, FCCP, rotenone, H2O2) will be used to perturb cell metabolism and fluorescent probes (MitoSOX, CellROX, TMRE) will report the changes in metabolism due to forces exerted on mitochondria either internally by optical tweezers or externally by microfluidic techniques.
Jean-Baptiste Manneville
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-assembly and phase separation of proteins on membranes: interactions, dynamics and structure
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The goal of the internship is to study the self-assembly and phase separation of long rod-like proteins on membranes. In the past 10 years, condensation of proteins in cells has been identified in a key mechanism to locally concentrate matter and improve reaction efficiency. These condensates are primarily formed in 3D and require the presence of other molecules, such as protein chaperones, RNA or polymers. We identified a set of proteins, the golgins. That self-assemble in 2D on membranes without any chaperone, RNA or polymer. We want to study the physics of this intriguing behavior: what interactions are needed for such condensation? What is the phase diagram of these proteins (concentration, temperature)? Can different golgins co-condensate? The selected intern will form these condensates on giant unilamellar vesicles and characterize their size, shape, fluidity and interactions. The internship will be performed in collaboration with the laboratories of Nobel Prize laureate Professor James Rothman at Yale University, Professor Vivek Malhotra at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain and Professor Ivan Lopez-Montero at Complutense University in Madrid. The internship can be followed by a PhD. Funds for the PhD are already secured.
Frédéric PINCET
Laboratory : LPENS -
Team : Membrane Molecular Mechanisms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fractures in cohesive granular flows: From cohesion-tunable particles to environmental applications
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Among the different types of avalanches, the "slab avalanches", made of dense snow, initiate by a long crack perpendicular to the slope, and then quickly propagate downhill during the flow. Difficult to predict, they are therefore especially dangerous for skiers and others. Prediction of their behavior remains difficult and relies mainly on empirical observations. To improve our understanding of this phenomenon, we need to understand the physics at the grain scale, and the cohesive forces involved. The objective of this project is to study how fractures appear in a cohesive granular material, how they evolve, and how they influence the flow back. These questions surpass the particular case of slab avalanches and apply to other examples of fractured flows such as landslides of cohesive soil, or, in a more industrial context, self-leveling concrete flow. To address these questions, we will combine experiments and theory-based numerical simulations. We will build up an experiment using a cohesion-controlled granular material, which has been recently synthesized to focus on the formation of fractures in a thin layer of this material and then investigate the dynamics of such system using a rotating drum. A numerical study can be done according to your taste.

Laboratory : Institut d'Alembert -
Team : Fluides Complexes et Instabilités Hydrodynamiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Pattern formation during Hydra regeneration
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Hydra is a freshwater polyp famous for its regenerative capacities, as virtually any tissue piece amputated from an adult Hydra or even re-aggregated cells can regenerate into a viable organism and do so through a de novo axis definition. Remarkably, spherically-shaped regenerating Hydra pieces undergo several osmotically-driven oscillations before a Turing-like instability determines the position of the future head of the organism as the local maximum of a morphogen's concentration. Based on known observational and biochemical data, the intern will formulate and analyse a reaction-diffusion model on an oscillating sphere, able to recapitulate the first symmetry-breaking of Hydra during the process of its regeneration.
Philippe Marcq
Laboratory : PMMH - UMR7636
Team : PMMH
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multi-scale temporal nonlinear optical response of a biased crystal
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Non-linear optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Merging nonlinear optics and quantum hydrodynamics, quantum fluids of light have gained great interest in the past few years. Indeed, in properly engineered experimental optical devices, photons can acquire an effective mass and be in a fully controlled effective interaction. They behave collectively as a quantum fluid, and share remarkable common features with other systems such as superfluidity and quantum turbulence. Quantum fluids of light have been investigated mainly in one and two dimensions in various photonic platforms. At INPHYNI, in the Waves in Complex Systems group, we have implemented an experimental platform which basically consists in propagating a continuous laser beam in a nonlinear biased photorefractive crystal (Strontium Barium Niobate, SBN). In such a configuration, the evolution of the transverse optical field along the propagation axis is analogous to a 2D quantum fluid evolving in time. A major challenge in the field of quantum fluids of light is to increase its dimensions. An interesting strategy is to consider ultrashort pulses rather than continuous propagation and combine both the instantaneous electronic Kerr effect with the slow photorefractive nonlinear effect. In this context, the goal of this internship is two-fold. The first part will be to characterize the slow photorefractive response of the biased SBN crystal, the second part will be to accurately measure its instantaneous nonlinear optical response.
Claire Michel
Laboratory : INPHYNI - UMR7010
Team : Waves in Complex Systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active nematics in monolayers of motile bacteria: experiments and simulations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Soft matter
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Swimming bacteria are a good experimental model system to study the emergence of collective motility. In the case of rod-shaped bacteria, cell-cell interactions naturally lead to cellular alignment, and as the density increases, long-range ordering emerges (Figure 1). We have been studying the behaviour of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa across all scales. At the macroscopic scale, a branched colony forms in 24 hours. At the microscopic scale, we have observed diverse behaviours: nematic alignment, active turbulence, and glass transition. An individual cell swims at 50 μm/s, alternately forward and backward (run-reverse pattern). A dense population of cells exhibit complex and rapid motion, which we capture at 100 frames per second. Thanks to a recently developed deep-learning method, we are capable of segmenting and tracking all cells swimming in a 2D setting with virtually no error. By using genetic modification, we can alter some biological parameters and experimentally test how cellular properties translate into large-scale dynamics. However, other parameters cannot be controlled in experiments. This internship aims to use into numerical simulations to understand the role of these parameters, and to confirm the results using experiments. We will perform Brownian dynamics simulations, using the package LAMMPS (Figure 2), to explore the role of parameters at play in this system, such as cell size distribution, cell swimming pattern, cell density.
Maxime Deforet

Laboratory : LJP - UMR 8237
Team : LJP: Micro-organisms biophysics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Interaction control in coupled two-component condensates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Low dimension physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Recently, we work with an innovative method to control interparticle interaction. More precisely the method is based on a condensate in a dressed state composed of two spin states that are coherently coupled through a radio-frequency. It not only permits the control of the two-body interaction but also introduces three-body interactions (PRL 128, 083401 (2022)). Three-body interactions can be made to play a dominant role in the condensate dynamics. We have for example observed the collapse of the Bose-Einstein condensate induced by these interactions. In the context of a M2 internship, we propose to develop another tool in our setup: a Raman laser system (at 532 nm). It will permit coupling of the two spin states through a two-photon optical transition. This has the advantage to allow to work at large magnetic field where the two spin states of interest are not coupled by a radio-frequency and where the transition is less magnetic field sensitive. Second, lasers can be spatially patterned and the coupling can be made position dependent, allowing a position dependent interaction. Finally, this opens the possibility of momentum dependent coupling if the two Raman beams are not copropagating. This leads to velocity dependent interaction and to possible formation of a supersolid phase. The internship could continue with a PhD on interaction control using Raman coupled two-component condensates.
Thomas Bourdel
06 51 32 91 73

Laboratory : LCF - UMR 8501
Team : Gaz quantiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Engineering programmable atomic structures for quantum simulations
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Guillaume Salomon
Laboratory : Institute for Quantum Physics -
Team : Atomic Quantum Many Body Systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum simulation with circular Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum gases

Type of internship
The long lifetimes and strong dipole-dipole interactions of circular Rydberg atoms make them particularly appealing for the realization of quantum simulations. Our research activities aim at aim at the operation over unprecedented times of quantum simulation of interacting spin systems with circular Rydberg atoms laser-trapped in an array of optical tweezers. The intern will participate in the transformation of the existing room-temperature setup into a cryogenic setup where we will fully benefit from the long lifetimes of circular states. We will use the new setup to demonstrate quantum simulations in a subsequent doctoral work.
Clément Sayrin

Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Rydberg atoms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Inhibition of spontaneous emission of trapped Rydberg atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
The current ultimate goal of the group is the realization of a novel quantum simulator platform based on a chain of circular Rydberg atoms and its benchmarking by the exploration of the phase diagram of a 1D spin chain, proposed in Phys.Rev.X 8, 011032 (2018). Despite long intrinsic lifetime of these atoms (several tens of milliseconds), the lifetime of a chain of N atoms scales as 1/N, significantly limiting the possible use of these arrays for long and sophisticated quantum simulations. We aim to protect atoms from spontaneous emission, limiting their lifetimes, by placing them inside a specially designed electrode structure where the spontaneous emission is strongly inhibited by properly shaping vacuum modes. The current experimental setup is under construction. The goal of the internship is to realize and characterize the trapping and protection of single atoms inside this structure. The internship may be continued into a PhD in Toulouse, where the experimental setup will be moved in July 2023.
Igor Dotsenko
Laboratory : LKB - UMR 8552
Team : Rydberg atoms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Multiscale control of active multicellular tissues
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Motivated by in vivo observations, we propose to expose active cell populations to well-defined multiscale environments. To achieve these conditions, we will design and fabricate microstructures encompassing several length-scales ranging from subcellular guidance cues to supracellular confinement. Interestingly, these microscale and mesoscale features can act antagonistically or synergistically on the tissue. These experiments will allow quantitative measurements of key physical parameters, such as activity or rheological parameters that can then be related to biological functions.
Pascal Silberzan

Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : Biology-inspired Physics at MesoScales
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Data Analysis in the Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Experiment
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Since their discovery in 1998 (Nobel Prize) we have learnt a lot about the parameters that govern neutrino oscillations, but there are still many questions remaining. Perhaps the most exciting of these is to determine whether neutrino oscillations violate charge-parity symmetry (CPV), and so could potentially explain why we live in a matter-dominated universe. This project involves the analysis of a unique set of photographs captured by a drone underwater in Super-K. Machine learning image segmentation techniques will be explored to accurately identify photosensors in each photo. Then using the photogrammetry technique, the geometry of Super-K can be measured for the first time after being filled with water. The result will be used by physics analysis through the detector Monte Carlo simulation.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Elastic turbulence in von Karman swirling flow
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Sandra Lerouge
Laboratory : MSC -
Team : Dynammique et organisation de la matière molle
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cosmological Constraints from Lyman Alpha Forest using Hybrid Effective Field Theory
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Using small scale information found in Lyman Alpha Forest data for cosmological analysis is difficult due to uncertainties in the underlying hydrodynamical physics. One possible way to include this uncertainty accurately is using perturbation theory, in particular hybrid effective field theory approaches. In this project, students will test the ability for hybrid effective field theory to capture variations in small scale physics and apply the framework to simulated and/or real data.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Search for non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix in the neutrino sector with T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande experiments.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
For the very first time, we now have the possibility of measuring the possible violation of CP symmetry in the lepton sector through the oscillation of neutrinos, and through this, of proposing the very first brick explaining the asymmetry between matter and antimatter that we observe in our current universe. In this perspective, the current T2K experiment, and the future Hyper-Kamiokande, are the experiments best placed to realize this fundamental discovery. However, the parameterization (known as PMNS) currently used in neutrino experiments limits the universality of this discovery, as well as possible physics tests beyond the standard model. This subject proposes to rewrite the neutrino oscillation algorithm used in T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande considering a non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix, then to apply the result to the data collected by T2K since 2011 for the first time. This result will constitute a first physics search beyond the standard model by this method in T2K, as well as obtaining universal results on the violation of CP symmetry.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Development of jet reconstruction ML algorithm for Higgs Bosons factories
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
iggs factories, including ILC in Japan, are next-generation electron-positron collider projects to explore fundamental questions of the universe. One of the key characteristics of detectors for Higgs factories is highly-granular calorimetry for precise jet measurement. The "particle flow" algorithm to analysis big data from highly-granular sensors is critical for the jet reconstruction, and we are working on improvement of the algorithm using modern deep-learning techniques. The main part of this internship program is a simulation study of the algorithm, including implementing and improving track-cluster matching algorithm, investigation of effect of precise timing measurement, and investigate detector configuration giving maximal performance. Based on intention of the applicant, related hardware studies on silicon sensors and readout electronics of the highly-granular silicon calorimeter can be included
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Physical properties of distant galaxies via Data from ALMA and James Webb Space Telescopes.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this topic, we will investigate the physical properties of dust-enshrouded high-redshift galaxies uncovered by recent ALMA and/or JWST observations. We will focus on spatially-resolved properties of galaxies using high-spatial resolution data and energy-balance codes to model the observed spectral energy distributions and understand the roles of cosmic dust in the early universe.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (neutron stars, black holes)
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
The proposed project is a deep follow-up study on the gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303 at GeV energies. It is one of the best studied binary systems at high energies showing a very particular behavior: On top of the orbital period of about one month, it shows a super-orbital modulation of about 4 years in several wavelengths. Since the discovery of this phenomenon at GeV energies, the dataset taken by the satellite Fermi has doubled. We propose to analyze the latest Fermi-LAT dataset on the source, prove or falsify the findings done 10 years ago and perform a deep study on the orbital behavior of the source. These findings will be of great interest for the community.
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Looking for radio signals from ultra-high energy cosmic particles
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
The GRAND (Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection) project aims at detecting ultra-high energy messengers (atomic nuclei, neutrinos, gamma-rays) coming from the most powerful sources in the Universe, with a 200'000 radio antenna array. Two prototypes have been deployed in 2023 in desert areas in China and Argentina, and the first dataset is currently being analyzed. In this internship, the candidate(s) will take part in this exciting phase of pioneering data analysis. Two possible axes of research will be proposed, based on the collected data at both sites or based on simulations, for a prospective study on the China prototype. a) the identification of specific signatures in the radio signals from cosmic particles. This will be used to discriminate efficiently against the background radio noise. b) simulations to assess the performances of a hybrid detector (radio antennas + scintillators) at the China site, to detect cosmic particles
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Can modified gravity explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe ?
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The study of new probes for analyzing modified gravity simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe. Modified gravity (MG) theories of the type of f(R) gravity can explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe without invoking the cosmological constant. Such models require introducing a new scalar field that naturally predicts rich gravitational effects in a different way from general relativity (GR). These modifications lead to changes in the environment of large-scale structures that could be used to distinguish this model from GR. The goal of this project is to provide critical tools to study modified gravity, and help to answer the key scientific question: Does modified gravity successfully explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe?
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mimicking photosynthesis for room-temperature quantum optics and optimized energy conversion
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
In order to maximize the absorption and harvesting of photons towards photochemical reaction centres capable of splitting water into chemical fuels, Nature has performed an impressive quantum engineering of photosynthetic pigments, also called light harvesting complexes (LHCs). In these complex 3D arrangements of chlorophyll and carotenoid molecules, templated by proteins, quantum transition dipoles are coherently coupled in a strong coupling regime leading to optimized absorption cross-sections and allowing spectral tuning covering the red to near-infrared range. The aim of this project is to develop a new family of biomimetic photosynthetic pigments by substituting the protein template of LHCs with an artificial DNA nanostructure (also called DNA origami) and the chlorophyll molecules by synthetic cyanine dyes. The biomimetic molecular aggregates willbe used as new building blocks for artificial photosynthetic systems in which energy harvesting is optimized over the entire visible range but also optimized quantum emitters for coherent light-matter interactions at room temperature when coupled to an optical resonator.
Sébastien Bidault

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR 7587
Team : Subwavelength Physics (SWAP)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Solidification and flow in porous media
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Permafrost consists of a first layer a few meters below the surface, known as the active layer, which freezes in winter and thaws in summer, situated above a thicker layer of soil constantly below the freezing point. The presence and displacement of a solidification front in the soil can cause underground water flows and change the soil structure, leading to the emergence of surprising shapes on the surface. With global warming and thawing permafrost, this type of event will become increasingly frequent, altering landscapes, their ecosystems, and infrastructures. We will start by studying solidification dynamics experimentally in a stack of water-soaked grains. It could be placed between two plates or in a tube. The propagation dynamics of the freezing front will be studied, paying particular attention to the coupling between the displacement of the front, the induced liquid flows, and the movement of the grains. Grain size, initial compaction, thermal parameters will be varied. We will use model grains (ceramic and glass beads) and grains from real soils (clay, silt, sand). The structure of the granular medium when frozen, and after several freeze-thaw cycles, will be studied and interpreted. This work will enable us to improve our understanding of the mechanisms associated with soil freezing and thawing, and thus be able to predict the consequences, ranging from pavement destruction to the overall behavior of permafrost over the coming decades.
Axel Huerre
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Optical probe of Moiré engineered 2D superconducting materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have recently attracted significant interest because they allow the exploration of novel quantum phenomena down to the 2D limit. Of particular interest for the present project are metallic TMD like NbSe2 which displays various quantum phases like Superconductivity (SC) and charge density wave (CDW) states. In addition, the possibility of creating Van der Waals heterostructures (VdW) by vertically stacking 2D materials provide a fertile playground to engineer novel properties and devicese . Indeed, quantum interference effects between sheets of the 2D TMD with a twist angle allows an unprecedented control of the effective electron kinetic energy scale, driving the system to an interaction dominated regime and drastically enhancing anisotropies, thus providing a pathway to engineer SC properties at the 2D scale. During the internship, the student will initiate the fabrication of TMD-based VdW heterostructures displaying SC properties using exfoliation techniques. Samples of NbSe2 will be fabricated and characterized as a function of thickness and twist angle. The obtained samples will be first measured by transport measurements to assess their presence of SC and its critical temperature. Low temperature spectroscopic techniques with micron-size spatial resolution like Raman scattering will then be used to probe the SC state .
Yann Gallais

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cavity Higgs polaritons in 2D superconducting materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Thanks to strong light-matter interactions in cavity-coupled systems, new important vacuum phenomena are emerging in condensed matter physics. In analogy with exciton- and phonon-polaritons that are now routinely observed in semiconductors an exciting perspective is to tune or even enhance the properties of a superconductor (SC) at equilibrium by dressing it with vacuum photons. Beyond static properties such as enhancing the SC transition temperature, of particular interest is the possibility to directly couple the SC Higgs mode, a superconducting analogue of the Higgs boson well-known from high-energy physics, to a THz cavity mode. In this setting a new hybrid light-matter excitation coined the Higgs polariton is formed. 2D SC transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) like NbSe2, and NbS2 are extremely attractive platforms to demonstrate these effects. Their 2D nature make them particularly suitable for integrating into deep sub-wavelength THz cavities based on split-ring resonators which have been used successfully to produce strong light-matter polariton state in semiconductor heterostructures. During this internship, the fabrication of TMD-based van der Waals heterostructure will be carried out and integrated into THz split resonant cavities. We will then spectroscopic fingerprints of the Higgs polariton via Raman and THz spectroscopic techniques. The work will be performed in close collaboration with THz cavity experts at the LSI lab of Ecole Polytechnique.
Yann Gallais

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spin mechanics with trapped diamonds
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Quantum Machines
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Experiments on trapping particles containing atoms with a spin degree of freedom have shown remarkable progress in recent years. In our team, we have developed a micro-electrostatic trap for diamond particles containing defects whose spin can be coherently polarized and manipulated with microwaves. These defects are molecular systems consisting in the association of a nitrogen atom and a vacancy (NV center). Thanks to a coupling mechanism of the spin of the NV centers in the diamond with the oscillation of the diamond in the trap, we have been able to demonstrate an efficient cooling mechanism of the angular motion of the latter. It is in fact theoretically possible to control this motion until it is cooled to the ground state of the harmonic oscillator. The objective of the internship (and later of the thesis) will be to levitate ultra-pure diamond particles and employ instead the coupling of the motion to nuclear spins to move towards this regime.
Gabriel Hétet
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Nano-optique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Digital holography in non-linear regime for the investigation of nanostructures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
We propose to pursue the development of a harmonic holographic microscope for single-shot mapping of the second harmonic 3D radiation pattern near samples with nonzero second harmonic susceptibilities. The knowledge of the scattered field (amplitude and phase) in a given plane (that of a camera) allows its reconstruction in any other plane using e.g. the angular spectrum representation of optical fields, and assuming propagation in homogeneous media. The training will be performed under supervision of Yannick De Wilde (CNRS Research Director at Institut Langevin scientist) and co-supervision of his PhD student Serena Goldmann and our collaborator Gilles Tessier (Professor at Sorbonne University). We plan to continue it with a thesis.
Yannick DE WILDE
01 80 96 30 84

Laboratory : Institut Langevin - UMR 7587
Team : Subwavelength Physics (SWAP)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective spontaneous emission in arrays of single Dy atoms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum optics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
This project takes place on a new experimental platform producing arrays of single dysprosium atoms. The goal of the project is to study and control collective spontaneous emission and subradiance in an ensemble of two-level atoms, benefiting from the specificities of the atomic structure of Dy. Here, the interaction will be the resonant dipole interaction that exists between atoms driven by resonant light, which exhibits both a real and imaginary part. The exchange of excitation that results from the interaction naturally implements an interacting spin system where the two atomic states are mapped onto the two states of a spin-1⁄2. The imaginary part modifies spontaneous emission and can lead to a strong increase of the lifetime of the ensemble: subradiance. To reach strong interaction effects, the interparticle distance must be shorter than the wavelength of the transition between the two levels. We currently run a new experimental setup for cooling and trapping Dy. It will allow to obtain sub-λ/2 spacing and enable probing and addressing at the single atom level. The experiment produces configurable arrays of Dy atoms in optical tweezers (see figure). In the internship we propose, we will implement the next step which is to transfer the atoms in an optical lattice with variable spacing to reach the sub-λ/2 regime. This Master 2 internship will be followed by a funded PhD pursuing the first studies of collective spontaneous emission in such arrays.
Igor Ferrier-Barbut
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Quantum optics - atoms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Large Continuous Variable quantum networks for quantum information technologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Photonics quantum networks are essential resources for quantum communication and information protocols, they represent an essential part of the future quantum internet where quantum states of light will allow for the efficient distribution and manipulation of information. We explore continuous-variable (CV) entangled states, where entanglement correlations appear between quadratures of the electromagnetic field. Such states can be deterministically generated by mixing several squeezed optical modes via linear-optics operations or, more generally, via mode-basis changes. We recently demonstrated the generation of spectrally multimode squeeze states of light at telecommunication wavelengths involving more that 21 frequency modes [1]. The generated resource can then be used for frequency multiplexed cryptographic protocols [2]. Moreover, by exploiting temporal multiplexing, large three-dimensional structures, necessary for fault tolerant quantum computing [4] can then be explored along with non-Gaussian operations [5] for quantum information protocols. The internship may concern the temporal multiplexing via pulse-resolved homodyne detector, and/or the design of non-Gaussian operations (like single-photon subtraction) via photon counting with nanowire detectors. The project fits with the purposes of ERC project COCQOoN, the national acceleration strategy PEPR OQULUS ( ‘ordinateur quantique à base de lumière en variables discrètes et continues’) and the EU projet veriqub.
Valentina Parigi
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Multimode quantum optics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Friction and elasticity during the deposition of polymer films on glass substrates
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
La réalisation du verre feuilleté met en jeu une étape au cours de laquelle un film de polymère est déposé sur un le substrat de verre. Au cours de cette étape, il est crucial que le film ne forme pas de plis nuisant aux propriétés optiques du produit final. L'objectif du stage est de développer une compréhension des mécanismes conduisant à la formation de plis lors de la dépose d'un film de polymère rugueux sur un substrat de verre en considérant en particulier le rôle de l'élasticité du film et du frottement à l'interface verre/polymère. L'étude s'appuiera sur des expérimentations sur un dispositif dédié permettant de mesurer la courbure du film et de visualiser l'interface multi-contact entre le substrat de verre et le film polymère. Ce stage s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec Saint-Gobain Recherche Paris.
Antoine Chateauminois
Laboratory : SIMM - UMR 7615
Team : Matière Molle Hors Equilibre (MMHE)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Hidden variable models for simulating optical quantum computing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Sampling problems are of crucial importance for demonstrating the quantum devices can efficiently perform tasks that no classical computer can efficiently simulate. Various groups have claimed the realisations of such so-called quantum advantages, but many of these experiments have ultimately been simulated on classical computers by exploiting experimental imperfections. This clearly shows the difficulty of translating highly idealised theoretical protocols to real experiments. In this internship, we will actively develop techniques to simulate optical sampling problems based on phase space representations of the quantum states, quantum operations, and quantum measurements. These phase space techniques are useful to explicitly construct hidden variable models for sampling problems. We will investigate which physical properties hinder us from using such hidden variables to efficiently simulate a sampling problem on a classical computer. In the past this approach was used to identify Wigner negativity as a required physical property [1]. However, other methods have recently emphasised the role of other physical properties [2]. The goal of this internship is to either identify new necessary properties or acquire a better understanding of how the different known properties combine to make the sampling problem hard to simulate. [1] Mari and Eisert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 230503 (2012). [2] Chabaud and Walschaers Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 090602 (2023).
Mattia Walschaers
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : Multimode quantum optics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coarsening of foam made from particle loaded fluids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Condensed matter
Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The objective of the Internship is to study experimentally the ageing process due to coarsening of liquid foams made of particle suspensions with yield stress behavior. The experiments will combine multiscale investigations to identify the control parameters of the ageing of these complex foams. The results will help to understand and modelize how coarsening can be arrested depending on the mechanical properties of the foamed suspension.
Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : Multiscale Mechanics of Soft Solids
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Compositionality in the presence of symmetry in quantum physics, and quantum reference frames
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Fields theory/String theory
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Imposing symmetries (say, translation invariance) on quantum systems usually messes up the ability to compose them together meaningfully; for example, imposing translation invariance on systems A and B is usually not the same thing as imposing it on system AB as a whole. The goal of the internship is to build a framework that would resolve this compositionality issue, by building upon the recently introduced framework of routed quantum circuits, which is apt for the description of systems that feature particular symmetries. A promising area of application of these methods is the field of quantum reference frames, which asks the question of what it would mean to describe the world from the perspective of a (potentially superposed) quantum system. In quantum reference frames, one is faced with a "paradox of the third particle", showing that adding new objects to the description leads to paradoxical effects. This is an avatar of the tension between compositionality and the symmetries imposed to model quantum reference frames. The other goal of the internship is therefore to apply the general framework developed to a resolution of this paradox.
Augustin Vanrietvelde
Laboratory : LTCI -
Team : Quriosity
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Study of skin formation during the drying of polymer solutions using Raman spectroscopy
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
One of the methods for applying a thin layer to glass is to dry a liquid layer previously spread on the surface. During the drying process, vertical gradients in solute concentration can appear, which can lead to the formation of a skin. The presence of a skin can be detrimental to the optical quality of the products: it can alter the morphology of the film and also increase the effects of defects already present on it. However, predicting skin appearance is difficult and skin thickness can be thin, complicating its experimental detection. Our goal is to use Raman spectroscopy to demonstrate skin formation during drying of polymer solutions.
Gabrielle Di Mauro
Laboratory : SVI - UMR125
Team : SVI : Surface Verre et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fundamental tests through precision spectroscopy of exotic atoms with quantum sensors
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
High energy physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
High-precision investigations of atomic systems are invaluable for exploring fundamental physics questions. One innovative avenue involves using quantum sensing x-ray detectors to study exotic atoms, formed when heavier, negatively-charged particles like muons or antiprotons replace electrons in atomic orbitals. The QUARTET program, launching in 2023 at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), pioneers the use of magnetic x-ray microcalorimeter detectors to explore the quantum structure of muonic atoms, particularly light muonic atoms like lithium, boron, and beryllium. QUARTET aims to enhance our knowledge of nuclear charge radii and demonstrates the compatibility of these new detectors with exotic particle beams for quantum electrodynamics (QED) tests and searches beyond the standard model. A unique opportunity for students is presented to participate in data analysis, focusing on muonic boron x-ray spectra. Additionally, an ERC-funded project for spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms at CERN offers a promising future avenue for continuing this topic into a PhD research project in the field of exotic atoms and quantum physics.
Nancy Paul
Laboratory : Laboratoire Kastler Brossel - UMR8552
Team : LKB : Exotic Ions
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Pneumatic cilia carpets
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
From hairs on our skin to the microscopic cilia inside our respiratory tract, large aggregates of thin deformable structures in contact with fluids are ubiquitous. These structures can be active and beat synchronously to generate large scale flows, allowing organisms to move, feed themselves or transport key biological objects like the mucus or oocytes. In this project, we aim at building biomimetic inflatable cilia using a low-cost fabrication method that we recently developed: bubble casting. We will explore the miniaturization limits of the method and study how these pneumatic cilia move when inflated in a viscous liquid both in open and channel configurations with a potential counterflow.
Etienne Jambon-Puillet
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Clogging in hairy channels
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
From hairs on our skin to the microscopic cilia inside our respiratory tract, large aggregates of thin deformable structures in contact with fluids are ubiquitous. In this project, using model experiments we aim at understanding how a channel filled with deformable hairs affect fluid flow and can trap small particles carried by the flow. These hairy channels constitute a very peculiar porous media where the pore size can vary as the hairs are bent by the fluid flow which should impact the clogging process.
Etienne Jambon-Puillet
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Objets compacts dans les amas globulaires : signatures et recherches multi-longueur d’onde
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique


Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Ce projet relève d’une collaboration entre IPAG (Grenoble) et LAPTh (Annecy) et s’inscrit dans un effort plus large visant à révéler une population d’objets compacts responsable de l’excès de Fermi, et pourra être poursuivi en thèse, avec notamment la recherche observationnelle de ces sources. L’objectif final de ce projet de stage est de comprendre la contribution des amas globulaires à l’excès de rayons gamma détecté aux énergies du GeV dans la direction du bulbe Galactique par le télescope Fermi-LAT. La nature de cet excès demeure à ce jour inconnue et plusieurs scénarios ont été proposés : il pourrait s’agir d’une population d’objets compacts présente au centre de la Voie Lactée que nous n’aurions pas encore réussi à mettre en évidence. Le sujet de stage s’intéressera aux objets compacts pouvant être présents dans les amas globulaires afin de quantifier leur contribution à l’excès de Fermi en termes de flux et de morphologie. Plus de détails dans la fiche détaillée en PDF.
Francesca Calore
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum simulation of XY spin models using Rydberg atom arrays
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Over the past few years, our group has developed a versatile experimental platform for the quantum simulation of spin models, based on arrays of single atoms trapped in optical tweezers and interacting strongly with each other when excited to Rydberg levels. We generate defect-free arrays of up to 200 atoms (see figure below), with almost complete control of the geometry in one, two and three dimensions. Interactions between Rydberg atoms allow us to implement spin Hamiltonians such as the Ising, XY, and more recently XXZ models. We use this platform to explore experimentally, in close collaboration with theoretical colleagues, fundamental problems in many-body quantum physics, such as the ground-state properties and dynamics of quantum magnets, or the realization of topological phases of matter such as Dirac spin liquids or long-range XY magnets. The internship (and the subsequent PhD work) will involve (1) upgrading the experimental set-up to improve its performance in terms of number of atoms, fidelity of quantum operations and diagnostic tools to characterize entanglement, and (2) using it for the studies mentioned above, in particular the study of exotic phases of matter (spin liquids, topological matter, etc.).
Thierry Lahaye
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Quantum optics - atoms
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cosmic-ray transport : turbulence and non-linearities
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Please find attached the PDF of the full proposition
Yoann Genolini
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Modeling future strong-field QED experiments
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
State-of-the-art multi-PW lasers, such as APOLLON (France), and km-scale accelerators such as FACET-II at Stanford (USA), allow to create on Earth the extreme conditions for fundamental interactions between particles and fields. Such interactions follow the laws of strong-field quantum electrodynamics (QED) that has emerged as a promising discovery science area with exciting opportunities. Strong-field QED effects appear when the electric field experienced by the electron in its rest frame approaches the Schwinger field, and their most spectacular manifestations include the production of electron-positron pairs through the inverse-Compton scattering and the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler processes. At multi-PW laser facilities such as APOLLON, strong-field QED experiments can be performed by colliding high-energy electrons produced by a novel type of particle accelerator, namely a laser-driven plasma accelerator, with a high-intensity counterpropagating laser pulse or another source of strong fields. The internship and the PhD will aim to model theoretically and numerically concepts that can enable the study of strong-field QED in the laboratory, and to provide the best strategies to implement them experimentally on APOLLON and FACET-II. The work will involve a rich variety of physics: the interaction between laser pulses and plasmas, between particle beams and plasma, as well as the strong-field QED physics that we aim to unveil experimentally.
Sébastien Corde

Laboratory : LOA - UMR 7639
Team : Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Nano-imaging of non-Fourier heat flow
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Efficient heat management is critical for the optimal performance and energy consumption of modern-day electronics. While Fourier’s macroscopic model for heat diffusion has been a valuable tool for homogeneous solids at room temperature, it falls short in describing heat propagation accurately under certain conditions. This PhD project aims to quantitatively investigate scenarios where the Fourier model breaks down and work towards developing a more physically satisfying model of heat propagation. In particular, this project will focus on the phonon viscous hydrodynamic transport regime that has recently attracted considerable interest in the scientific community. It is a regime that is neither ballistic nor diffusive and emerges when quasi-particles interact strongly with each other without loosing momentum. The goal of this PhD will be to build a very sensitive and local thermometer (based on SQUID technology) so as to map out the temperature distribution at a few tens of nm to look for signatures of this non-Fourier like behaviour. As a PhD researcher, you will participate in the design, construction and operation of the SQUID based microscope. Enthusiasm for instrumentation is necessary. The PhD can be funded for 3 years, starting in Fall 2024 (no later than 01/11/2024). Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
Arthur Marguerite
01 40 79 58 20

Laboratory : LPEM - UMR 8213
Team : Quantum Matter
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Single cell phototaxis in the model micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
We propose a M2 research internship at the physics department of ENS (LPENS, UMR 8023) aiming to better characterize the mechanism by which the unicellular micro-alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii performs phototaxis, which is the ability to navigate in light fields, a still poorly understood process. In particular we will aim to understand how the dynamic light signal arriving on the eyespot (the light detector of the cell) is interpreted by the cell to reorient in the correct direction thanks to the differential beating of its two flagella. This study will be based on microscopy techniques to visualize at the same time the eyespot of the cell and the body, and observe the trajectories of the cells in well-controlled light fields (static and dynamic). We will then correlate the body motion and reorientation to the inferred light signal on the eyespot and build a theoretical model to account for the experimental observations. An originality in this study will be the use of multiple light sources, as opposed to all physical studies on phototaxis so far that made use of a single light source. Mounting the full setup will be part of the internship. The intern will use optics, video-microscopy, image analysis, basic microalgal culturing techniques, microfluidic techniques and statistical analysis of the experimental data as well as apply theoretical concepts from Statistical Physics.
Raphaël Jeanneret
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR8023
Team : Multiscale physics of biological systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Using physical approaches to study liquid crystalline lipid droplets in cells
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In our lab, we are interested in elucidating the question of how lipid droplets form and grow by investigating different aspects of the lipid biogenesis pathway via biophysical and soft matter approaches. We utilize biochemical and physicochemical techniques in vitro and in vivo to get to the bottom of the mechanisms of lipid droplet biogenesis. Lipid droplets (LDs) are cellular organelles that have a neutral lipid core consisting of neutral lipids, e.g., triglycerides and are surrounded by a lipid monolayer. Apart from maintaining the cellular energy balance, they are also involved in protein quality control, gene expression, and development. IN essence, LDs represent intracellular oil-in-water droplets whose biology is regulated by the physics of fluids or emulsions. We aim to use top-down approaches wherein starting by understanding such physics allows us to understanding the subsequent biology of lipids.
Abdou Rachid THIAM
0033 144323363

Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Emulsions Biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
THz quantum devices based on graphene quantum dots coupled to a resonator
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Exploiting quantum technologies in the terahertz (THz) spectral range could have a number of benefits, but THz quantum systems are fairly unexplored due to the relative immaturity of THz technology compared to microwave and optical counterparts. The aim of the internship is to explore novel THz quantum devices based on graphene quantum dots coupled to a THz resonator under different coupling regimes, from weak to ultra-strong.
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Nano-THz
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum Information and Entanglement in Correlated Quantum Matter
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Quantum gases

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We are only a the beginning of understanding the close relationship between quantum information and correlated quantum matter, for instance on emerging phenomena such as phase transitions. Another equally fundamental question is to understand how information propagates in correlated quantum systems, with applications of prime importance not only for quantum communications, but also for the foundations of statistical physics and the ergodicity of isolated systems. The study of these questions is particularly suited to close collaboration between theory and experiments realized out on new quantum control devices. This project aims to explore two aspects of these questions: (i) The role of entanglement in quantum phase transitions; (ii) The propagation of information in correlated quantum systems.
Laboratory : CPHT - UMR7644
Team : Quantum matter theory
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Fiber characterization with microfluidics
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Mineral wools are widely used for thermal insulation of buildings. The performance of such fibrous materials depends on the microstructure, setting the need for reliable characterizaton methods. In this regard, Saint-Gobain, in partnership with Gulliver lab at ESPCI-PSL, wishes to explore microfluidic technologies. The goal of this experimental internship is to study the interaction between a single fiber and a laminar flow in a microchannel. To do so, the intern will work at Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, where he or she will have access to a large microfluidic toolbox (channel design and fabrication, imaging, flow measurment...).
Gabriel Guyard
Laboratory : Gulliver - UMR 7083
Team : IndySoft
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Investigation of Rabi oscillations by optically-detected NMR in hyperpolarised helium-3 gas
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Le projet proposé entre dans le cadre de recherches en RMN et IRM à bas champ dans l’hélium 3 hyperpolarisé pour des applications très variées, du médical au spatial, et potentiellement pertinentes en information quantique. Il repose sur une détection optique de la résonance magnétique nucléaire, extrêmement sensible à faible champ magnétique (<mT). Une exploration expérimentale de trajectoires complexes sur la Sphère de Bloch sera accompagnée d'études numériques et théoriques.
Pierre-Jean Nacher

Laboratory : LKB - Lhomond - UMR8552
Team : LKB: Polarised helium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Identifying head-direction neuronal circuits in a fictively swimming fish
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
In this internship, the student will carry out functional brain imaging on a small fish (Danionella cerebrum), whose small and transparent brain makes it amenable to whole-brain recording in vivo. The recording will take place as the partially tethered animal virtually explores its environment. Our primary objective is to identify, in this novel vertebrate model, populations of head-directions (HD) cells, i.e. neurons whose activity is controlled by the spatial orientation of the animal. These neurons have been found in many species and are central to spatial navigation as they act collectively as a neuronal compass. They are believed to function as a “ring attractor”, i.e. a dynamic system whose continuum of attractor configurations encodes the animal orientation. We will leverage the unique possibility offered by this animal to perform functional imaging throughout its development in order to explore how the HD cells circuit progressively acquires the specific properties of a ring attractor. We further aim to reveal how various sensory inputs, including visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive cues, converge to drive the dynamics of the HD circuit, ensuring the accurate representation of the animal's orientation. The internship will combine state-of-the art imaging techniques, close-loop virtual reality assays, as well as computational and analytical methods, inspired from statistical physics, to model neuronal circuits.
Georges Debrégeas
Laboratory : LJP - UMR8237
Team : Zebrafish behavior and functional imaging
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Atomic-scale quantum photonics of moiré superlattices
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
This M2/PhD project aims to undertsand and control quantum light-matter interactions in twisted 2D layers with nanometer-scale spatial resolution.
Stéphane Berciaud
Laboratory : IPCMS (Strasbourg) - UMR 75 04
Team : Nano Optics and Low Dimensional Materials
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Topological states of matter with atomic Dysprosium
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum gases

Type of internship
Our experimental team works on ultracold gases of Dysprosium atoms. We aim at realizing atomic instances of topological states of matter. The specificity of our setup is the ability to strongly couple the atomic spin to the motion of atoms, leading to effective magnetic fields. We have recently demonstrated quantum Hall physics based on these techniques, and we plan to investigate various types of topological states of matter in this structure
Sylvain Nascimbene
Laboratory : LKB -
Team : LKB - Bose-Einstein condensates
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective phototaxis of colonial swimming microorganisms
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In this project, we aim to establish a novel mechanistic framework that integrates experiments, theoretical analysis, and simulations to capture quantitatively the hydrodynamic interactions governing both individual and collective behaviors of microorganisms. Our proposed model captures active surface stresses of microorganisms that modulate spatiotemporally to mimic the forces exerted by their motile appendages. The stress distribution will be deduced via optimal control strategies and AI based on experimental data of fluid flows and surface movements around one or multiple cells subject to diverse stimuli and wall boundaries. We will integrate the deduced stress profiles into our computational tools to capture and obtain a full mechanistic understanding of the experimentally observed behaviors. These deduced stress profiles will subsequently be integrated into our computational tools, specifically adapted for large suspensions, to explore the captivating collective behaviors observed in our experiments.
Blaise Delmotte
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Effective rheology of reactive suspensions
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The main objective of this PhD (in collaboration between LadHyX and BCAM) will be to analyse the effective rheology and dynamic response of reactive suspensions to mechanical forcing (e.g. shear flow). To do so, the first step will consist in simple numerical developments of the existing solvers to account for an external forcing by a shear flow. In a second step, the project will exploit these numerical developments to study in detail the evolution of the suspension’s rheology with particle density, shape and surface properties, as well as its response to chemical signaling.
Blaise Delmotte
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Collective sedimentation of flexible fibers in structured media
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The aim of this project is to investigate the collective sedimentation of rigid and flexible fibers in structured media embedded with obstacles using numerical simulations. The intern will use the numerical tools developed by the supervisors’ groups. She/he will first study the collective sedimentation of flexible fibers in clear fluids to understand the effect of flexibility on the instability and the formation of clusters. She/he will then add obstacles to see how this instability is affected by their presence.
Blaise Delmotte
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Understanding and modelling the locomotion of diatom chains
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of liquids

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of this project is to reproduce and understand the mechanisms behind the locomotion of diatom chains. The student will use our numerical tools, and collaborate with experimentalists, to characterize the sliding mechanisms between cells and explore the various locomotion modes of the colonies. He/she will search for optimal locomotion modes in terms of mechanical efficiency and compare them with experimental observations. At longer term, he/she will use modern AI techniques, such as reinforcement learning, to find the optimal strategies to perform a specific task, such as reaching a target location.
Blaise Delmotte
Laboratory : LadHyX - UMR 7646
Team : LadHyX
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Decoherence of collective light scattering in cold atomic clouds
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The context of this M2 internship is the problem of collective scattering of light in cold atomic clouds. In those systems, we will theoretically describe how induced-dipole-dipole interactions in light scattering are impacted by temperature. Qualitatively, we expect their influence to decrease with temperature, as a result of a decoherence mechanism destroying the collective interference within atoms pairs. We will describe this mechanism with a microscopic theory of light scattering based on the impurity Green's function technique. The project will involve both theory and numerics, as well as a collaboration with Institut Langevin.
Nicolas Cherroret

Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : Théorie Quantique, Atomes et Champs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quench dynamics of inhomogeneous interacting Luttinger liquids
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Low dimension physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
During this M2 internship, we will study theoretically and numerically the quench dynamics of one-dimensional quantum gases described by the interacting Luttinger-liquid model. We will aim at characterizing the relaxation of an initial inhomogeneity of the quantum gas up to its final thermalization, a typical scenario considered in state-of-the-art experiments. This relaxation is governed by phonon-phonon interactions, which exhibit peculiar properties in that system.
Nicolas Cherroret

Laboratory : LKB - UMR8552
Team : Théorie Quantique, Atomes et Champs
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Coarsening and flow of gelling foam
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Foams, dispersions of gas bubbles in a fluid, are an example of complex out-of-equilibrium systems. The structure and properties of liquid foams are controlled by capillarity, so how foams flow or how they evolve in time depends mainly on the properties of their interfaces. In recent years there has been growing interest in “elastocapillary” foams, where bubbles are embedded in a soft solid. The properties of such foams are controlled by a competition between surface effects and bulk rheology (capillarity vs. elasticity), which can lead to a novel class of structural evolution and bubble topology, as shown in the photographs of quasi-2D foams below. Our objective is to rationalize the relation between the rheological properties of the continuous phase and the dynamics of the system.
Anniina Salonen
01 69 15 53 88

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Matière Molle aux Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Atom chip technology for quantum gravity sensing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Leonid Sidorenkov

Laboratory : SYRTE - 8630
Team : Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Quantum sensing of the gravity field
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Leonid Sidorenkov

Laboratory : SYRTE - 8630
Team : Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
The birth of ferroelectric topological insulators
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The objective of the project is to develop ferroelectric topological insulators as a new class of quantum materials and to employ them for the control and manipulation of chiral Weyl fermions. The goals of the internship will be to demonstrate the interplay between the ferroelectric distortions and fundamental electronic properties to induce and tailor Weyl Fermions.
Louis-Anne De Vaulchier
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : Nano-THz
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mixed dimensions van der Waals hetero-structures as a plateform for quantum photonics
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Encapsulating carbon nano-structures in 2D layered materials can help control their coherence properties (dephasing, spectral diffusion...) using the unique atomically clean environment achieved with table-top setups in van der Waals hetero-structures. The electronic states and quantum photo-physical properties of the emitters will be investigate using photoluminescence spectroscopy at the single molecule level,. Gating approaches will be developped to reach the lifetime limited dephasing regime where quantum coherence can be fully exploited.
Christophe Voisin
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Nano-optique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Deep sub-wavelength dielectric cavities coupled to nano-emitters in the cavity quantum electrodynamics regime.
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics

Type of internship
Designing dielectric nano-antenna to reach deep subwavelength light confinment to enhance light-matter coupling with a signle nano-emitter for quantum technologies applications.
Christophe Voisin
Laboratory : LPENS - UMR 8023
Team : Nano-optique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Active mechanics of fluid transport
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Active mechanics describes materials that consume energy to exert mechanical forces. It applies both to living matter and active materials, for which we have recently demonstrated exciting potential for applications. So far, active materials are much less advanced than living matter. An ERC Starting Grant project has recently been started in the lab to bridge this gap between living and artificial matter. This project will create an artificial version of one of the simplest forms of life: the slime mold. The life of this organism is entirely based on a vascular network that actively contracts to transport fluids. Self-Flow aims at understanding how such self-contracting vascular network operates and, from there, create an artificial material that shows autonomous functionalities similar to living matter. In this context, this internship will focus on explaining how active contractions generate fluid flows in an artificial channel. The student will work together with PhD students and postdocs and use experimental facilities to measure flow profiles in a channel that actively contracts. He/She will characterize these flow profiles as a function of the nature of the active contraction and the geometry of the channel. He/She will develop models inspired by our previous studies on active solids . These results will open the way to a better modeling of living systems and the development of engineering applications via new functionalities in active artificial materials.
Martin Brandenbourger

Laboratory : IRPHE - UMR7342
Team : milieu vivant systemes biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Balescu--Lenard equation and marginal stability crossing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique

Kinetic theory ; Diffusion ; Long-range interacting systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Long-range interacting N-body systems (e.g., plasmas or stellar clusters) relax through finite-N effects, as described by the Balescu--Lenard kinetic equation. Yet, this equation diverges when the system approaches an instability. The focus of this internship is to generalise this kinetic equation to appropriately cure this divergence at marginal stability.
Jean-Baptiste Fouvry
Laboratory : IAP - UMR7095
Team : Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Evaporation of a liquid foam
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Made of liquid and gas, liquid foams are complex fluids whose structural, rheophysical and physicochemical properties derive from the diversity of length scales involved, from surfactant molecules to bubble assemblies. They are present in our daily lives, particularly in detergents and cosmetics. Stability control is crucial in these applications, but the mechanisms driving stability are not yet fully understood. Among the factors influencing lifetime, evaporation is an essential phenomenon. Firstly, it induces thinning of the films, increasing their fragility. Secondly, the enthalpy of vaporization cools the film by several degrees Celsius. This temperature drop probably has implications for stability that have yet to be determined. Furthermore, the physical-chemistry influences stability under the evaporation regime, whereas it has no effect in the absence of evaporation, demonstrating the existence of complex mechanisms associated with evaporation. We propose to explore these questions by first determining the relationship between the destruction of soap films on the surface of a foam and the rate of evaporation. To this end, we will work on a controlled experiment in which a stationary state is obtained by continuously generating foam that reaches an equilibrium height. The approach will involve a combination of image analysis, electrical conductivity measurements of the foam's liquid fraction, and temperature measurements.
François Boulogne

Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique des Solides -
Team : MMOI : Matière molle aux interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Unveil thermoelectric properties of 2D In2Se3
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Recently bidimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) III−VI semiconductors have drawn intense attention due to their unique electronic properties. Among these materials, In2Se3 in its most studied alpha and beta phases, shows a great potential for a wide variety of applications in electronics, photonics and even thermoelectricity, due to its good mobility, excellent photoresponsivity, exotic ferroelectricity, and unique band structure. In2Se3 possess an in- and out-of-plane ferroelectricity, which remains robust down to the monolayer limit. Very recently, 2H alpha-In2Se3 single crystals have also shown the occurrence of a 2D electron gas (2DEG) at their surface. In this context, the main goal of the internship is to go a step forward in the investigation of the thermoelectric properties of alpha-In2Se3 and the influence of the 2DEG formed at its surface on the electric and thermoelectric response.
Maria Luisa Della Rocca
01 57 27 70 13

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : TELEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Graphene nanostructuring for energy conversion at nanoscale
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Research on new thermoelectric (TE) devices and materials for thermal management at nanoscale is highly demanded in nanoelectronics. In particular, energy conversion of TE nanogenerators aims to recover waste heat in nanoelectronics, improving device performances. In this context, the discovery of 2D materials has open new routes of investigation, high efficiencies have been predicted in graphene nanostructures and transition metal dicalcogenides (TMD). The main goal of the internship is to experimentally investigate the electric, thermoelectric and thermal properties of devices based on nanostructured graphene. Nanostructuring will be engineered by a network of holes, aiming to reduce the phonon mean free path without affecting significantly the electron mean free path.
Maria Luisa Della Rocca
01 57 27 70 13

Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : TELEM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Molecular Simulations of Chiral Self-Assembly in Binary CNC-Polymer Mixtures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Cellulose is the most abundant polymeric raw material on the planet and is found almost exclusively in the cell-walls of plants. It is environmentally friendly and sustainable to produce, on industrial scales and can be processed into nano-structured materials. This makes it one of the most prominent ‘green’ materials of modern times to be used in bio-based functional materials [1]. One of the aims of the project is to provide molecular level insights into the large-scale LC behaviour of CNCs and to understand the effect of depletion on the transfer of chirality across length-scales. We will also explore the morphology of mesoscale droplets formed by CNCs and non-adsorbing polymers. The presence of the polymers imparts strong depletion attractions between the CNCs which may potentially lead to droplets with reconfigurable shape such as membranes and twisted ribbons. Applicants should have a sound understanding of classical statistical mechanics and thermodynamics and an appetite for theoretical/numerical computations. Some experience with Linux, Python, C/C++ and LAMMPS is desirable but non-essential. Candidates can expect to learn the basics of MD simulations and the fundamental importance of chirality in nature.
Rik Wensink

Laboratory : Laboratoire de Physique des Solids - UMR 8502
Team : Rik Wensink
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Producing a degenerate Fermi gas of metastable Helium-3
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Laboratory : LCF - UMR8501
Team : Helium - Lattice
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Impact of antibiotics on mutations in bacteria
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Lydia Robert

Laboratory : institut Micalis - UMR1319
Team : Muse
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Epitaxy of germanene on silver: a kinetic Monte-Carlo study
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We study the growth modes of 2D materials using kinetic Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We want to analyze the deposition of two-dimensional Germanium on a metallic substrate, and model in detail the experimental results obtained in the host team.
Jean-Noël Aqua
Laboratory : INSP - 7588
Team : INSP - Croissance
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Information flow and polymer physics of gene activity
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Our project tackles the fundamental challenge of bridging the diverse temporal and spatial scales of biological development. From the nanoscale molecular interactions that occur in seconds to the formation of millimeter-to-meter-scale tissues over days, nature's complexity is staggering. This project seeks to unveil how information flows from molecular transcription factors to orchestrate tissue formation. This project employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining experimental techniques (quantitative microscopy) with theoretical modeling (polymer and statistical physics). It aims to decode the mechanisms governing the interplay between cellular regulation and tissue development. This research has broad implications for biophysics, developmental biology, and regenerative medicine.
Thomas Gregor

Laboratory : Pasteur - UMR 3738
Team : Physics of Biological Function
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Solidification of liquid plaster foams
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Solid foams are porous materials, used in building industry for their insulating power and their lightness. They are obtained from liquid foams that solidify. Our objective is to study the intermediate solidifying foams which have intriguing properties ruled by both surface tension and bulk elasticity. The master-PhD student will thus study aging and solidification in a model system: foams made from a reactive plaster suspension. We will combine rheology, imaging and Raman spectroscopy to follow the solidification reaction.
Marie Le Merrer
04 72 44 85 70

Laboratory : ILM - UMR5306
Team : Liquides et Interfaces
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Innovate with light: Quantum imaging, microscopy and beyond
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics

Type of internship
Join our team as we strive to develop tomorrow’s quantum microscope! Leveraging the non-classical properties of light, such as entanglement – a topic recently honoured with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022, we aim to push the boundaries of classical imaging by developing innovative quantum experimental protocols. In addition, we use these tools to study and understand the mysterious properties of quantum light. We are currently seeking a highly motivated M2 intern student to join our team with the goal of pursuing a PhD after. A passion for physics, a problem-solving mindset, and a strong team spirit are essential attributes for the successful candidate. We have several internship projects available for prospective candidates: (i) Building a practical quantum phase microscope based on entangled photons (Applied optics) (ii) Developing a non-local imaging protocol for imaging through scattering using entanglement (Applied to Fundamental) (iii) Deciphering high-dimensional entanglement with cameras (Fundamental) Each project is based on ongoing experiments within the team. While a solid theoretical understanding is beneficial, the primary emphasis is on the experimental component. The specific project will be determined during interviews, considering the team's needs and the candidate's preferences. It's worth noting that the internship project's subject may or may not align with the subsequent thesis topic
Hugo Defienne

Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Time-frequency quantum information processing
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The frequency degree of freedom of a single photon represents a continuous variable that serves as a powerful tool for encoding quantum information. It provides a high-dimensional encoding scheme, which in turn helps to reduce overall optical costs. Leveraging frequency as a continuous variable and subsequently discretizing it allows for the creation of qubits, which are essential for achieving fault-tolerance. These qubits demonstrate robustness against temporal or spectral broadening for the superposition of two frequency and time, and even small broadening in both the temporal and frequency domains, as for the time-frequency Gottesman–Kitaev–Preskill (GKP) states (Phys. Rev. A 102, 012607). Errors can arise during the manipulation of single photons in logical operations and as they propagate through optical fibers. What we will explore in this internship i the propagation of single photons with diverse spectral distributions through optical fibers. We will investigate the use of time-frequency GKP states and two-color (time-of-arrival) encoding schemes. We will then model and analyze noise that may affect these quantum states during their propagation, and will simulate light-matter interactions and implement computational methods/ Finally, the use of these time-frequency encodings for different quantum communication protocols will be investigated.
Nicolas Fabre
Laboratory : LTCI -
Team : GTO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
How to maintain the two essential functions of insects in a changing climate? Microrheology and chemistry of cuticular hydrocarbons in ants
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
In this project, we will study the relationship between the rheology and chemical composition of cuticular hydrocarbons in ants, under acclimatisation conditions. This exciting project, which spans physics, chemistry and biology, takes place at Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC), located in Paris 13e. It will be carried out in international and interdisciplinary collaboration with the Institute of Organic and Molecular Evolution. A short-term internship at the University of Mainz (Germany), for chemical and behavioural analyses, is possible.
Berengere ABOU
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magnetic interactions and textures in 2D ferromgnetic systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Low dimension physics

Type of internship
Alexandra MOUGIN
Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : LPS : IDMAG
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring the physics of correlated metallic kagome networks
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée

Type of internship
Strong electronic correlations give rise to exotic forms of electronic orderings, such as high temperature superconductivity or colossal magnetoresistance. In recent years, the question arose of how they could also influence topological properties, where exotic fermions, such as Dirac or Weyl fermions have been discovered. Up to now, correlated and topological properties have been actively studied, but mostly separately, as they rarely coexist in the same materials. Most topological materials known today are weakly correlated semiconductors, which are rather well described by band theory, unlike correlated systems. Finding similar properties in correlated systems could add new dimensions to the problem. Magnetism is for example common in correlated transition metal, giving rise to new topological properties. We propose the study of systems containing kagome planes of transition metals (Fe, Co, Rh…), which intrinsically bring together strong correlations and topologically non-trivial band structures. We propose to synthesize and characterize in the laboratory compounds from different kagome families and apply to them various perturbations (doping, strain…) to modify their properties. We will then perform angle resolved photoemission experiments at the SOLEIL synchrotron near our laboratory to study its electronic band structure and check for the presence of topological and/or correlated properties.
Véronique Brouet

Laboratory : LPS - UMR8502
Team : SQM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theoretical Investigation of Topological Insulators for Thermoelectric Applications
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Technologies harnessing solar and thermal energies are promising avenues that could help achieving sustainable and alternative energy sources. However, it is essential to find suitable materials and then evaluate their performance by simulating them from the material to the device level, offering a fast and inexpensive way to check device designs and processes. Topological insulators (TIs), possess novel, symmetry-protected electronic and optical properties (e.g. long-lifetime quasi-particles with decoherence-free internal states) that make them promising candidates as future highly efficient quantum materials for energy conversion. By exploiting first-principles simulation techniques from theoretical physics and chemistry, this master project aims at understanding the correlation between the topology of electrons/phonons, low dimensionality of materials and their applications in the field of thermoelectricity (i.e. direct conversion of thermal flow into electric current) and to propose new interesting materials. As a matter of fact, TIs exhibit intrinsic properties that are “topologically protected”, allowing electrons not to suffer from backscattering due to impurities and defects (unlike phonons). This allows for efficient decoupling of the two types of transport and thus an independent way for a simultaneous optimization of the electronic and thermal conductivity, which can also be improved by reducing the dimensionality of the system.
Davide Romanin
Laboratory : C2N - 9001
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theoretical Investigation of Topologically Insulating Polymers for Energy Applications
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Generally speaking, π-conjugated organic semiconductors form a highly versatile class of materials with tremendous promise for the development of cheap, flexible and non-toxic optoelectronic devices such as photovoltaics, sensors and solid state lighting. One of the ultimate frontiers in energy conversion and storage from light-matter interactions is to create long-lived excitonic quasiparticles (bound electron-hole states in semiconductors). Topological insulators represent an ideal platform for this, as they show correlations between spatial separation and topological surface states. Experimental evidence for a topological (Z2) phase transition has recently been presented in a series of 1D polyacene polymers, representing a physical realisation of the well known Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. The student will rationalise an analytical effective model by calculating the topological invariants of different bridged configurations through an-initio computational techniques. After that we will select the suitable candidates (at least 2, one trivial and one non trivial topological phase for the master student) for the computation of the optical properties, i.e. with quasi-particle band gaps and excitons via many-body theoretical techniques.
Davide Romanin
Laboratory : C2N - 9001
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Emergent quantum computation from the dynamics of complex systems
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Investigating innovative approaches to analog computing through harnessing the emerging dynamics of quantum systems represents an exciting and contemporary frontier. This endeavor carries the potential to transform domains like optimization, machine learning, and simulations by adeptly addressing challenging problems that classical computers struggle with. It introduces a fresh computational paradigm applicable to fields such as optimization, artificial intelligence, and scientific simulations, thereby holding the promise of enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of solving intricate real-world problems. During this theoretical internship, the Master student will learn, generalize and employ methods developed in recent and promising works to delve into innovative and advanced strategies for harnessing the intricacies of quantum systems. Our goal is to develop emergent computational capabilities, particularly geared towards solving optimization problems and addressing interdisciplinary challenges. The internship's theoretical research will encompass both analytical and numerical methods, with a specific focus on quantum many-body physics of state-of-the-art quantum platforms based on superconducting quantum circuits and other quantum systems.
Cristiano Ciuti
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Ultra-Low power semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors in the mid-IR
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The goal of this internship is to demonstrate ultra-low power nonlinear mirrors in the mid-IR, supported by the recent results obtained by the host team [1,2]. The experiments will be performed by optical pumping with a tunable, commercial QCL and - time permitting - with an ultra-fast mid-IR OPO. [1] M. Jeannin, JM Manceau, R. Colombelli, Phys. Rev. Lett 127, 187401 (2021) [2] M. Jeannin, E. Cosentino, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 241107 (2023).
Raffaele Colombelli
Laboratory : C2N - Palaiseau - UMR9001
Team : ODIN
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Exploring topological quantum conductors made of cavity quantum materials
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Recently, we demonstrated the profound impact that the interaction between cavity quantum electromagnetic fields and topological quantum materials, such as quantum Hall systems and 2D moiré materials, can have on their quantum transport and topological properties. In this theoretical internship, the Master's student will learn, develop and employ cutting-edge theoretical techniques of quantum many-body physics and cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) in order to investigate the quantum transport of novel emerging topological cavity quantum materials.
Cristiano Ciuti
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Theory and simulation of secure delegated quantum computation protocol in a network perspective
Master 2 ICFP
Physique quantique
Physique théorique

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Within the development of quantum technologies, secure delegated quantum computing stands out as a promising application. This internship aims at theoretically investigating the experimental implementation of the robust, verifiable and blind delegated quantum computation protocol within the Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) European project and analyse possible setup and protocol modifications.
Maxime Garnier
Laboratory : DIENS -
Team : QAT
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Cooperative light emission from self-assembled semiconductor nano-objects
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Laurent Coolen
Laboratory : INSP - UMR 7588
Team : INSP : NanOpt
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Vers un piégeage 2D de colloïdes chargés dans une solution aqueuse soumise à une irradiation à ultra haut débit de dose
Master 2 ICFP
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
A travers un collaboration interdisciplinaire de trois laboratoires de l'université de Bordeaux, nous venons très récemment de montrer qu'un champ électrique est produit dans la radiolyse de l'eau induite par rayonnement ionisant. Ce champ est suffisamment fort pour mettre en mouvement des colloïdes en solution. Le stage consistera à déterminer les champs électriques en jeu à travers un modèle s’appuyant sur des développements classiques de la diffusiophorèse pour un électrolyte 1 :1. Le, la stagiaire sera amené à confronter les résultats de ce modèle avec des données expérimentales de migration de billes en présence de plusieurs faisceaux, données qu’il, elle aura à analyser. Nous essayerons de programmer une semaine de faisceau sur ce sujet lors du stage pour que le, la stagiaire participe également à une campagne expérimentale.
Franck Gobet
Laboratory : LP2IB - UMR5797
Team : IIBIO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Growth and spintronics of low symmetry magnetic layers
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
The goal of this internship is to realize ultrathin films of metallic and magnetic layers on insulating substrates of very low symmetry. The samples will be made in the clean room of the Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques lab in Paris and characterized by x-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometry or magneto-optical effects for their magnetic properties. The second part of the internship will be to achieve lithography and electronic transport measurements on those samples for magnetic memory applications. This part will be done in part in Singapore, in collaboration with Pr. Yang's group, at the Computer and Electrical Engineering departement of the National University of Singapore.
Vincent Repain
Laboratory : MPQ - 7162
Team : Auto-organisation de nanostructures et STM
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Magnetism and superconductivity of chromium trihalide/niobium diselenide based heterostructures
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée

Condensed matter

Type of internship
We aim at investigating 2D Van der waals magnetic systems deposited on a NbSe2 superconducting substrates. Such heterostructure is a promising candidate to induce topological superconductivity. We will perform some spin polarized scanning tunneling microscopy to investigate the magnetic ground state of the magnetic layer, and how this magnetic ground state influence the topological phase transition.
Marie Hervé

Laboratory : INSP - UMR7588
Team : SNEQ
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Spectroscopie THz pour la conversion spin charge dans des dispositifs à spin
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique quantique

Condensed matter

Type of internship
La spinorbitronique montre aujourd'hui un fort potentiel pour le développement de dispositifs THz basés sur le spin et le couplage spin orbite. Ce stage expérimental vise à élucider les processus fondamentaux d'interconversion spin charge (SCC) dans les structures spintroniques actives ( aussi matériaux ferromagnétiques standard, ainsi que les isolants topologiques et les matériaux oxydes ferroélectrique (BFO ) en utilisant la spectroscopie THz dans le domaine temporel.
Laboratory : UMPHY CNRS-THALES - UMR137
Team : spintronique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Intracellular Nanorheology with molecular rotors; Application to red blood cell pathologies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics


Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Join our research project at the interface of physics, biology and clinical practice, studying pathologies that affect the deformability of red blood cells.
Berengere ABOU
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Mechanobiology of nematic-like tissues
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
The proposed internship focuses on mechanobiology, studying how mechanical forces generated by cells affect the formation and functioning of biological tissues. It specifically delves into nematic-like tissues, like muscles, and their response to physical constraints. The research employs magnetic nanoparticles to render cells magnetic, enabling controlled multicellular aggregate formation and deformation to study mechanical properties and cell fate. The internship aims to investigate self-generated forces in artificial muscle-like tissues created by aligning and fusing muscle precursor cells using micro-magnets. The intern will design experimental setups to measure macroscopic and microscopic forces exerted by these micro-tissues. The project aims to elucidate the interplay between mechanical force generation and muscle cell differentiation in these artificial micro-tissues, potentially extending into a doctoral thesis exploring optogenetically induced electrical stresses on them.
Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : Physique du vivant - Physics of living systems
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Electrohydraulic properties of tissues
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
In addition to generating forces and reacting to mechanical cues, cells and tissues are capable of actively transporting fluids and of creating electric currents. The goal of this internship will be to explore these properties. Depending on the student skills and tastes, several directions could be considered: (i) a more numerical approach, to construct cell-based numerical models that include explicitly fluid transport, (ii) a more analytic approach, to develop coarse-grained, continuum models of tissues that include electrohydraulic properties.
Charlie Duclut
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Approches physiques de problématiques biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Self-organization of chemotactic cell assemblies
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics
Soft matter
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The goal of this internship is to study the self-organization of cell assemblies due to the interplay between chemotaxis (the ability of an individual cell to follow a gradient of chemicals) and proliferation. To characterize the nonlinear pattern formation stemming from this interplay, several approaches could be considered: (i) a numerical approach, based on simulations of the microscopic equations of motions or on solving the coarse-grained partial differential equations, (ii) a field-theoretical approach, that will allow characterizing the critical points and scaling properties of such colonies.
Charlie Duclut
Laboratory : PCC - UMR 168
Team : Approches physiques de problématiques biologiques
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Statistical physics of learning algorithms
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique
Soft matter and biological physics

Statistical physics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The purpose of this internship is to study via statistical physics methods the performances and properties of learning algorithms. An example is stochastic gradient descent which is the workhorse of optimization in high dimension and that is fundamental for the deep learning technology.
Pierfrancesco Urbani
Laboratory : IPhT -
Team : Statistical and condensed matter physics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
A new approach to measuring B -> K vv
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Diego Guadagnoli
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Novel Strategies for Light New Particle Searches at Colliders
Master 2 ICFP
Physique théorique

High energy physics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Diego Guadagnoli
Laboratory : LAPTH - UMR5108
Team : équipe hautes énergies
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :   
Erosion by dissolution: pattern formation and morphogenesis
Master 2 ICFP
Physique de la matière condensée
Soft matter and biological physics

Soft matter
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Erosion by dissolution plays a significant role in area covered by a soluble mineral like in Karst regions and is the cause of the formation of remarkable patterns (limestone pavements, scallops, dissolution channels, dissolution pinnacles, limestone forests…) with characteristic length scales. We propose in this internship, by the mean of controlled laboratory experiments, to study the morphogenesis of dissolution patterns. The soluble media and the hydrodynamic flows will be tuned to downscale the characteristic size and time of the involved processes from geological values to “laboratory” values. Thanks to quantitative measurements of the flow and of the topography of eroded surfaces, we will identify the driving elementary physical mechanisms and thus develop mathematical models and numerical simulations, with the aim to explain complex geological systems and to predict the long term evolution of landscapes. In this internship, the student will develop in the group, one or several model experiments, reproducing dissolution erosion phenomena. To decrease the timescales, fast dissolving materials like salt and plaster will be used. Hydrodynamic properties of the flows will be characterized and the 3D shape evolution of eroded surfaces will be recorded.
Michael Berhanu
01 57 27 62 58

Laboratory : MSC - UMR 7057
Team : MSC: Dynamique des Systèmes Hors Equilibres.
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :