Internship and thesis proposals
Development of jet reconstruction ML algorithm for Higgs Bosons factories

High energy physics

Type of internship
iggs factories, including ILC in Japan, are next-generation electron-positron collider projects to explore fundamental questions of the universe. One of the key characteristics of detectors for Higgs factories is highly-granular calorimetry for precise jet measurement. The "particle flow" algorithm to analysis big data from highly-granular sensors is critical for the jet reconstruction, and we are working on improvement of the algorithm using modern deep-learning techniques. The main part of this internship program is a simulation study of the algorithm, including implementing and improving track-cluster matching algorithm, investigation of effect of precise timing measurement, and investigate detector configuration giving maximal performance. Based on intention of the applicant, related hardware studies on silicon sensors and readout electronics of the highly-granular silicon calorimeter can be included
Michel Gonin
Laboratory : ILANCE - TOKYO - ITL 2014
Team Website
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