Internship and thesis proposals
Autonomous quantum error correction by inelastic Cooper-pair tunneling

Quantum Machines
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
Cat codes offer a very promising path towards the full quantum error correction of quantum processors based on superconducting circuits. Our group, in collaboration with Alice&Bob, demonstrated autonomous correction protocols based on Josephson junctions. The intern will take part in our group’s ongoing effort to develop new cat-code paradigms, by studying a circuit that utilizes an original mechanism to stabilize a cat-qubit. This new mechanism makes use of the steady flow of Cooper pairs against a dc-voltage to power up an interaction between two superconducting resonators which effectively protect the cat-qubit against errors. It is predicted to yield a much larger error correction rate than current implementations, which directly translates into longer quantum processing time. The intern will work within the framework of the RobustSuperQ PEPR (part of the French Quantum Plan) which aims at accelerating French R&D on superconducting qubits protected against decoherence. The project takes place in collaboration with Alice and Bob as well as with the theory group of Ulm University.
Benjamin Huard

Laboratory : laboratoire de physique, ENS de Lyon - umr 5672
Team : ENS de Lyon, Physique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :