Internship and thesis proposals
AlGaAs sources of quantum states of light : fundamental research and applications to quantum networks

Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
The generation of nonclassical states of light in miniature chips is a crucial step toward practical implementations of future quantum technologies. For the sake of practicality and scalability, these quantum sources should be easily produced, operate at room temperature, and be electrically excited and controlled. The work of the QITe team is focused on AlGaAs-based quantum photonic devices: indeed, this platform presents a strong case for the miniaturization of different quantum components in the same chip: strong second-order nonlinearity and electro-optic effect, direct bandgap, generation of entangled photons in the telecom band. After the demonstration of the first electrically driven device working at room temperature and the exploitation of the broadband character of the generated polarization entangled state for the implementation of flexible quantum networks, in this project, the QITe team will push ahead on several fronts: - devices development - fundamental studies on frequency-time entanglement for quantum metrology and quantum computing - participation in the deployment of the national infrastructure of quantum networks The internship will be experimental to ensure the transfer of know-how with the doctoral student in progress, but the thesis will have a dual experimental/theoretical dimension thanks to the close collaboration with the theoreticians in our group.
Laboratory : MPQ - UMR7162
Team : QITe
Team Website
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