Internship and thesis proposals
Wetting dynamics of polymer liquids from the macro to the nanoscale

Soft matter
Physics of liquids
Hydrodynamics/Turbulence/Fluid mechanics

Type of internship
The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms of energy dissipation during spontaneous spreading of a drop on a nanotextured substrate. As part of this internship, the student will prepare and characterize (atomic force microscopy and X-ray reflectivity) nanotextured surfaces. They will then study the wetting of these surfaces with silicone oils of different viscosities. Conventional optical microscopy techniques will be used to probe macroscopic scales. Nanometric scales will be probed using X-ray reflectivity.
Marion Grzelka
Laboratory : LLB - 12
Team : Matière Molle et Biophysique
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :