Internship and thesis proposals
Amorphous superconducting topological matter

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
One of the main characteristics of topological phases of matter is their robustness to local perturbations and the existence of topologically edge states. Most of our understanding of topological materials developed by studying crystalline materials, therefore assuming a reciprocal space. Because topological classifications do not depend on translational invariance, there is no reason why they could not extend from crystalline to amorphous materials which are locally similar to their crystalline counterpart but do not sustain any long-range order, Themain purpose of this internship is to analyze whether topological superconductivity can be induced in a simple toy model for amorphous matter.

Laboratory : LPS -
Team : THEO
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :