Internship and thesis proposals
Anyon statistics in fractional quantum Hall conductors

Condensed matter
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Two-dimensional systems allow for the existence of quasiparticles with intermediate statistics between fermions and bosons, leading to intermediate degrees of bunching and exclusion. As their exchange phase can take any value, these quasiparticles have been called anyons. Interestingly these quasiparticles keep a memory of the number of exchanges between them, which is protected from local perturbations of the anyons trajectories: one speaks of topological protection. This protection is at the heart of the current interest for anyons, as specific types of anyons, called non-abelian, are the building blocks of topological quantum computing that would be protected from decoherence. The fractional statistics of anyons has been recently evidenced in 2020 in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) conductors. Using noise measurements in the geometry of an anyon collider, our team at LPENS in collaboration with our partners from C2N demonstrated the fractional statistics of anyons at the filling factor 1/3 of the fractional quantum Hall effect. The 1/3 case corresponds to the simplest FQH state, where the properties of anyons are described by a single number. The purpose of this internship and PhD is to use the geometry of the anyon collider to extensively study the properties of anyons for more complex phases of the FQH effect and in particular in the non-abelian case (filling factor 5/2). The internship is intended to be followed by a PhD funded by the ERC project ‘ASTEC’.
Gwendal FEVE
Laboratory : LPENS - 8023
Team : LPENS - Physique mésoscopique
Team Website
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