Internship and thesis proposals
Quantum imaging with non-degenerated entangled photons

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Condensed matter
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Non-linear optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Quantum imaging (QI) is a rapidly developing field of research with stunning progresses and emerging societal applications. Quantum-enhanced imaging schemes harness the beneficial properties of entangled photon pairs allowing transferring amplitude and phase information from one photon state to the other. The technique is however still in its infancy and we propose to go beyond the state of the art. The main goal is to develop advanced QI protocols that exploits photon pairs at extreme wavelengths from near infrared to the visible down to the deep UV using a non-classical source based on high harmonic generation (HHG). The main objective of the internship will consist in using a pair of non-degenerated entangled photons at 2 harmonics from the HHG frequency comb to perform a quantum imaging experiment in the far field regime. We will study the possibility of transferring the sensing and resolution benefit from one spectral range to another one. Indeed, an intriguing question is about the spatial resolution achievable in the QI scheme, especially in the case of non-degenerate photon pairs. The quantum correlations between the two photons from the same harmonic generation process will be used to transfer amplitude and phase information between the two photons. In the diffractive regime, and in a "ghost diffractive imaging" configuration based on the coincident detection of the two entangled photons.
Hamed Merdji

Laboratory : LOA - UMR 7639
Team : Ultrafast sources of Particles and X rays (UPX)
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :