Internship and thesis proposals
Theory of atom-photon and spin-photon interfaces: from cavity-QED to waveguide-QED

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser
Non-relativistic quantum field theory, quantum optics, complex quantum systems
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Non-linear optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The rise of cavity-QED has made it possible to fully exploit the light-matter interaction, at the most fundamental level: single atoms and single photons. Our team in C2N has developed quantum-dot-based interfaces which can be used as efficient emitters of single photons, leading to the creation of the company Quandela. A strong challenge remains: developing quantum nodes that implement logic operations on incoming photons, using the interaction with a single stationary qubit. During the last decade, we have also built a practical theoretical toolbox, allowing to simulate the cavity-QED effects in light-matter interfaces. By doing so, we made a theoretical breakthrough: it becomes possible to exactly describe many complex cavity-QED phenomena, with the much simpler and practical framework of waveguide-QED. This will allow implementing numerical and analytical strategies which were previously out of reach. During this internship, we want to explore the potential of this breakthrough, by demonstrating its full validity and extending it to future applications. In addition to fundamental research, a long-term goal will also be to develop a plug & play simulation platform that any experimentalist could use, to predict the results of complex experiments, with any kind of light-matter interface.
Loïc Lanco
Laboratory : C2N - UMR 9001
Team : Quantum Optics
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :