Internship and thesis proposals
Quantitative study of the clonal development of the mouse cortex

Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
How does a fully developed brain in all its complexity emerge from a limited number of neural stem cells is one of the main questions of developmental neurobiology. Through a long-term collaboration between the Laboratory for optics and biosciences (LOB , at Ecole polytechnique) and the Institut de la vision (IDV, Paris), we have recently developed the means to obtain comprehensive clonal color labeling using the ‘brainbow’ technique and to map these labels over the entire mouse cerebral cortex with subcellular resolution with a new 3D microscopy methodology. By applying machine learning based image analysis approaches to these data, we are now starting to obtain millions of detected cells positions across different developmental stages. Within that context, this internship will help with quantitative analysis and modeling of that data toward an understanding of the clonal development of the mouse cortex. Keywords: computational developemental neurobiology, biological data science, complex system analysis and modelling
Anatole Chessel
Laboratory : LOB - UMR7645
Team : Microscopies avancées et physiologie des tissus
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :