Internship and thesis proposals
Probing the diffusion landscape in the nucleus of living cells

Soft matter
Physics of living systems

Type of internship
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) offers a means to visualize (super-resolution) and follow (single-particle tracking) the dynamics of biological entities at the molecular scale. Within the nucleus, SMLM imaging revealed that biomolecules self-assemble and organize into condensates and compartments to perform specific tasks (e.g. transcription) or play a specific role (e.g. maintaining of genetic information), thus linking organization with function [1]. It is known that DNA organization and compaction play a role in orchestrating the different nuclear functions and gene expression by restricting the accessibility of nuclear players to specific genes. In cancerous cells, it was shown that DNA compaction and chromosome territories are massively altered. However, a single cell characterization of the physical property of the cell nuclear environment is still missing. The purpose of this internship is to map such environment at molecular scale by following the dynamics of inert particles of different sizes injected inside the nucleus. Efficient 3D tracking of single particles in the nucleus will be performed using Multifocus microscopy (MFM) [2]. MFM allows simultaneous acquisition of 9 different focal planes on the same camera, thus covering the whole volume of a nucleus in a single acquisition.
Bassam HAJJ
Laboratory : PCC - UMR168
Team : LOCCO
Team Website
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