Internship and thesis proposals
Non-Unitary Quantum Many-Body Dynamics and Measurement-Induced Transitions

Condensed matter
Statistical physics
Nonequilibrium statistical physics
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Quantum optics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Unitarity is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics which underlies the dynamics of closed quantum many-body systems, the concept of thermalisation and the emergence of statistical mechanics. A different paradigm for quantum dynamics arises in presence of an external environment, which can represent for example dissipation due to a bath or an external monitoring apparatus. Other sources of non-unitarity can arise for example in presence of non-Hermiticity due to post-selection of measurement outcomes or to non-reciprocal, “one-way” interactions, the latter providing a novel paradigm for phase transitions in active matter and finding several applications in quantum information processing. The goal of this project is to explore the consequences of non-unitarity on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems, in particular for what concerns the dynamics of quantum information. Examples include: the study of entanglement dynamics in presence of non-reciprocal couplings, the role of interactions in simple models of monitored quantum systems or the robustness of measurement induced transitions to different types of measurement protocols and observables.
Marco Schiro
Laboratory : JEIP -
Team : JEIP - Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :