Internship and thesis proposals
Qudit hyper-clock with SU(2) dynamic symmetry

Quantum optics/Atomic physics/Laser

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
The applicant will have opportunities to explore hyper-Ramsey interferometry within a basic qudit system with equally spaced levels in energy. Very important steps and key techniques in atomic or molecular spectroscopy of qubit transitions based on composite pulses eliminating probe induced frequency-shifts have already been studied (Report on Progress in Physics 81, 094401 (2018)). The main theoretical objective will be now to transfer some of these qubit results to a qudit architecture connecting SU(2) dynamical symmetry with the Majorana-Rabi decomposition formula, a direct analytical solution of the population dynamics of any spin J = {1,3/2,2,5/2…} that can be decomposed into an arbitrary combination of spin ½. An efficient quantum algorithm using the Majorana formula re-derived by Schwinger will be proposed to reduce time computation of arbitrary interrogation pulse protocols of the N-level system interacting with N-1 identical coherent electromagnetic fields.
Thomas Zanon-Willette
01 44 27 69 71

Laboratory : MONARIS - UMR 8233
Team : CIRCS
Team Website
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