Internship and thesis proposals
Local THz photons for coherent light-matter interaction

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Nouveaux états électroniques de la matière corrélée
Quantum information theory and quantum technologies
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
Expérimental et théorique
This internship is focused on the realization of a frequency converter utilizing the inherent non-linearities of thin film superconductors. In the long term, this on-chip frequency converter will allow the development of a platform for THz spectroscopy at the mesoscopic scale. The goal of the thesis will be to study collective excitations such as magnons in graphene or vibrational modes in proteins.
Alexis Jouan
Laboratory : LPEM - UMR 8213
Team : Optical Conductivity Group
Team Website
/ Thesis :    Funding :