Internship and thesis proposals
Exceptional van Hoove singularities in cuprates

Condensed matter
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
We propose a theoretical study on the effect of a novel kind of doping-driven topological change of the Fermi surface in cuprates, related to what we called an "exceptional Van Hove Singularity" (EVHS). This singularity can enhance the response of observables (like the specific heat and the Raman response) and trigger unconventional quantum phases (like the pseudogap in cuprates). This internship should complete our previous work ( and establish the effect of this phenomenon in different cuprate compounds, in comparison to recent key experiments. This work could develop into a thesis, where novel correlation-driven EVHS can be searched for in other quantum material systems, like heavy fermions, iron-based superconductors, organics, multi-layered graphene, to mention few. The thesis will take place within a MPQ (Paris Cité)-LPS (Paris-Saclay) collaboration.
Marcello Civelli

Laboratory : LPS - UMR 8502
Team : Groupe THEO
Team Website
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