Internship and thesis proposals
Tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature in scalable epitaxial van der Waals magnet heterostructures

Condensed matter
Low dimension physics
Topological materials, Quantum Transport, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter

Type of internship
The emergence of two-dimensional (2D) materials and their van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures offer unprecedented electronic properties for next-generation technologies. 2D magnets have the potential to revolutionise magnetic sensors and spintronic technologies, particularly tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) devices. These devices offer ultra-high sensitivity in magnetic field detection at room temperature, making them invaluable for applications such as magnetic sensors, data storage, memory, and computing. However, reliable and tunable TMR devices pose challenges with conventional materials. Recent advancements have achieved large TMR values using 2D magnets, however most of the reports are limited to cryogenic temperatures and studies are limited to exfoliated flakes. Scalable growth of 2D magnets and the fabrication of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with multiple layers separated by a tunnel barrier remain challenging and coherent spin- polarised electron tunneling across vdW tunnel barriers on TMR effects is also unexplored. We propose to address these challenges by controlling spin-polarised tunneling in 2D MTJs through twist angle achieving large and tunable TMR at room temperature. In this experimental internship, we propose to use a new technique to control the angular alignment between layers in a vdW heterostructure combined with low temperature measurements of electron transport to reveal the phase diagram of the TMR.
Rebeca Ribeiro

Laboratory : C2N - umr90001
Team : Phynano - Topo2D
Team Website
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