Condensed matter
Quantum optics
Nanophysics, nanophotonics, 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures,, surface physicss, new electronic states of matter
Type of internship
Expérimental Description
The NS2 group developed an activity linking quantum transport and plasmonics. We have investigated the emission mechanism of photons from a tunnel junction and established a quantitative relationship between the emitted light power and current fluctuations at optical frequencies. Measuring this light emission therefore means studying current-current correlations on a time scale of the order of femtoseconds. Understanding the correlations between the current and the photons emitted by inelastic electron tunneling is crucial for the electrical control of photon emission. The objectives are to address several questions of fundamental interest including correlations between current and radiative decaying plasmons, analogous to the third moment of current fluctuations at optical frequencies, a possible back action in the presence of high-Q optical modes onto the junctions or even cross-correlations between several junctions coupled to the same optical bath.
Julien Gabelli