Internship and thesis proposals
Mapping the tower of nuclear effective field theory

Nuclear physics and Nuclear astrophysics

Type of internship
Théorique, numérique
Nuclear data repositories already contain a wealth of scattering observables that probe various degrees of freedom across a wide range of momentum scales of the incoming hadron beam. These datasets have been meticulously analyzed by evaluators for decades, and accurate interpretations using the R-matrix formalism (or plentiful of others) for non-overlapping resonant scattering have flourished. However, very little is known about the systematic application of EFT postulates to scattering systems across the full range of available data. The advantage of this approach is that it allows for the clear identification of the relevant fields of the problem and the construction of a systematically improvable Lagrangian. If the theory reaches the limits of its validity, it will collapse in a controlled manner, signaling the emergence of a new degree of freedom. The goal of this internship is to address the current gap in the systematic interpretation of low-energy nuclear data using EFT in its simplest form, which involves a cluster-neutron (or other impinging hadron) interaction. Practically, this means solving the scattering problem with an effective two-body Hamiltonian and extracting, through a fit to global data, the systematic evolution of the theory’s low-energy constants across the nuclear chart.

Guillaume Hupin
Laboratory : IJCLab - UMR9012
Team : IJCLab : Pôle théorie
Team Website
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